Questions For Websleuthers Part 4

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This is the first time I had seen the letter that Casey wrote to the sheriff. It seems she started to say caylees father then scratched out caylees name and put "my father' (george anthony).
Weird, but maybe George is the baby's daddy?
Don't know a better place to ask this question. . . . .

Where would a suggestion about posting new threads go?

I think it would be really helpful if the first post of a new thread actually had a clear description of the thread. For example (only an example, don't recall how this thread started), if we're going to discuss PI video, perhaps if the first thread had the initial news announcement and clarified what is known it would help.

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Here's the "facts" as we know them so far. PI JHoover that worked for the A's claims he took video of crime scene in middle of November that "proves" body wasn't there. Other PI, DCasey worked for the defense until Oct 1, then went to work for A's. Defense is concerned about privileged information from discussions of "possible locations of remains" held during DCasey's time under contract with defense being disclosed. The PI that took the video was never contracted by the defense.

Hope I got those "facts" straight, I'm only using this as an example. I just think some kind of brief details on the very first post would help eliminate a lot of confusion and "catching up" which creates very lengthy threads. If someone comes in around post 500 and doesn't know about the topic, they can easily be referred to post #1, and be able to return to the discussion without having to read all of the previous posts but still know most of the facts. I've noticed quite a few people are asking questions or making comments that are completely inaccurate (not talking about opinions) and then new people read that and get confused and pretty soon nobody can remember the "facts".

Hope I made sense. Does anyone else think this might help?
Don't know a better place to ask this question. . . . .

Where would a suggestion about posting new threads go?

I think it would be really helpful if the first post of a new thread actually had a clear description of the thread. For example (only an example, don't recall how this thread started), if we're going to discuss PI video, perhaps if the first thread had the initial news announcement and clarified what is known it would help.

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Here's the "facts" as we know them so far. PI JHoover that worked for the A's claims he took video of crime scene in middle of November that "proves" body wasn't there. Other PI, DCasey worked for the defense until Oct 1, then went to work for A's. Defense is concerned about privileged information from discussions of "possible locations of remains" held during DCasey's time under contract with defense being disclosed. The PI that took the video was never contracted by the defense.

Hope I got those "facts" straight, I'm only using this as an example. I just think some kind of brief details on the very first post would help eliminate a lot of confusion and "catching up" which creates very lengthy threads. If someone comes in around post 500 and doesn't know about the topic, they can easily be referred to post #1, and be able to return to the discussion without having to read all of the previous posts but still know most of the facts. I've noticed quite a few people are asking questions or making comments that are completely inaccurate (not talking about opinions) and then new people read that and get confused and pretty soon nobody can remember the "facts".

Hope I made sense. Does anyone else think this might help?
Typically the first post does clarify the topic. Often, the title is confusing and in those cases we ask the poster to clarify the topic in the title.
But it is a very busy forum and so everyone does not always get it right.
Also, facts usually all come out as the posters create a thread of discussion. the author may not know all the information when the thread si started, which is why we discuss and contribute information. Often time one's understanding of the facts is not always the same understanding that another poster has LOL.
Thank you Crafti.
I have heard many times about the "Sunshine Law" in Florida. I thought that pretty much everything had to be made public.

Can anybody give me an accurate description of what to expect, please?

I was assuming/hoping that a lot would be made public when it was released as "Discovery" to the defence.
Is that true?
I've seen references to the conversation between KC and LA and the subsequent "high 5" but I'm not sure of the context or even of the entire conversation.

Can someone tell me where to look to find this?

This is the first time I had seen the letter that Casey wrote to the sheriff. It seems she started to say caylees father then scratched out caylees name and put "my father' (george anthony).
Weird, but maybe George is the baby's daddy?
Ive blown it up and yes I believe it says Caylees but I think she was going to write grandfather and changed it to my father
Is anyone having a harder time ?
I am :(
Today i have been sobbing and sobbing - doing it now as I type.
I feel like I need counselling !
How ridiculous is that :(
But I cant help it , I keep looking at her face (because its everywhere - I guess I could NOT go online and then I wont see it here in Oz) But I keep looking at her dear sweet little face and I can not believe she is Dead.
It seems surreal. And even though i am talking about it and at times clinically even, discussing remains and so on
there are days when I just look at her sweet little face, and tribute sights and it rips myheart
Maybe its because I have a little girl whose birthday is only a couple of days apart from Caylees..although my daughter is a little older..
Why does this little girl hurt my heart (and so many others who do not know her) so much (not as in Caylee hurting us but her dying hurts us - sigh does that makes sense )

Dear Dear ((( Jane ))),

I have a grandgirly, same age, name is Caylie.
I know exactly what you are feeling, what you are going through.
And I've told myself countless times "I didn't even know her!" and yet, the tears still come.

I have no advice. I just wanted you to know you are not alone in your feelings and thoughts.

Ok, so scientifiky isn't a word but I didn't know what else to call all of you with brilliant minds that can probably give me a very simple explanation to something I've been pondering since the discovery of Precious Caylee's body.

We've heard over and over about the duct tape....either around the complete head or duct tape over the mouth.
Whether it's true or not, there is something about the duct tape that has me scratching my head....and don't think I haven't tried doing some experiments with water balloons, duct tape, a stainless steel mixing bowl and duct tape and countless other found objects around the house and I still can't visualize what happened.

Maybe you all can help and hopefully I can explain it halfway decent in type form.

The duct tape, whether it's around the whole head or just at the mouth area, in the weather conditions, wouldn't that duct tape shrivel at the edges?
AND... *warning; graphic to follow*

If the skin/tissue had decomposed, the skin/tissue taking up some thickness, the duct tape no longer has anything to adhere to.
I've left a few boxes outside in the elements and what I found was curled edges of tape, discolored tape, crackling on the surface of the tape, but most noticable was the box disintegrated
and the tape just hung there, still adhered by the sides of the box but not adhered to the carboard that disintegrated.
In fact, there was no cardboard on the back of the tape.

So... If the bag/body/tape had been there in the dampness that many months, the skin/tissue rots away completely, the same skin/tissue that took up space, the duct tape is holding on to ...what?
If around the complete head then I can assume the duct tape is still holding onto the hair at the back of the head?
But the duct tape if only across the mouth....what's there to keep the duct tape in place for the news to be able to tell us the duct tape was across her mouth?

Oh gawwwwd....I know I'm not explaining this correctly and I'm so hoping one of you brillliant minds will be able to figure out what I'm trying to explain.

If there was duct tape that was seen rather quickly when LE got to the scene, how can they tell is wasn't actually taping the bag shut, or on another part of the body all together?

If the tape reacted the way it did on my boxes of LPs and cassettes, then I can only visualize the duct tape on Precious Caylee probably reacted the same.

What was holding the duct tape on her little mouth if there were not longer lips/skin/tissue to keep it in place? Skin/tissue being gone, there is a void there before the bone...whatever the thickness the average 3 yr. old skin is.
With the void could that tape have slid (water rising, bag moving in the water) up to her little head from someplace else?

I know, I know...a really strange question but it's been really on my mind and I figure what the heck...and this topic looked about as close as any to ask it.
thanks Bern, i'll give that a try.
i can see how cloths and toys could have been buried without drawing attention to the area, just not a whole body - even such a small one.

Eddeva, if you're able to find those pix, will you also check to see if there's a gate in the back fence that would allow KC to walk out of the back yard, thus giving her access to an out-of-sight location to temporarily hide Caylee.

Thanks much. My eyes aren't the best.
Dear Dear ((( Jane ))),

I have a grandgirly, same age, name is Caylie.
I know exactly what you are feeling, what you are going through.
And I've told myself countless times "I didn't even know her!" and yet, the tears still come.

I have no advice. I just wanted you to know you are not alone in your feelings and thoughts.


Thank you THANKYOU I so much prefer a cuddle than being told to take a break ! :rolleyes:
It was yesterday i was having a really hard day of it.
Today Ive been fine, no tears...

But then Ive been delving into the case side of it - oooooo one more letter y and its Casey side of it ! which is exactly what I have been doing !

So I havent been looking at sweet Caylee..

Boy oh boy when I think of her like right now as I type my eyes swell with the tears.
Ok, so scientifiky isn't a word but I didn't know

What was holding the duct tape on her little mouth if there were not longer lips/skin/tissue to keep it in place? Skin/tissue being gone, there is a void there before the bone...whatever the thickness the average 3 yr. old skin is.
With the void could that tape have slid (water rising, bag moving in the water) up to her little head from someplace else?

I know, I know...a really strange question but it's been really on my mind and I figure what the heck...and this topic looked about as close as any to ask it.

From the descriptions that are floating around it sounds like it was wrapped all the way around and her hair was still embedded in it. So it wasn't necessarily on the skull (notice the MM didn't say anything about that in the call) at the time of discovery, but would have been found in a round shape with her hair attached. The inside of the tape would have tons of forensics from being against the skin, maybe fingerprints from Casey placing it, and unfortunately prints from Caylee trying to get it off.

Won't know for sure until the forensics come out, but IF the tape around the mouth is true that is the only explanation that makes sense to me at this point.
Ok, so scientifiky isn't a word but I didn't know what else to call all of you with brilliant minds that can probably give me a very simple explanation to something I've been pondering since the discovery of Precious Caylee's body.

We've heard over and over about the duct tape....either around the complete head or duct tape over the mouth.
Whether it's true or not, there is something about the duct tape that has me scratching my head....and don't think I haven't tried doing some experiments with water balloons, duct tape, a stainless steel mixing bowl and duct tape and countless other found objects around the house and I still can't visualize what happened.

Maybe you all can help and hopefully I can explain it halfway decent in type form.

The duct tape, whether it's around the whole head or just at the mouth area, in the weather conditions, wouldn't that duct tape shrivel at the edges?
AND... *warning; graphic to follow*

If the skin/tissue had decomposed, the skin/tissue taking up some thickness, the duct tape no longer has anything to adhere to.
I've left a few boxes outside in the elements and what I found was curled edges of tape, discolored tape, crackling on the surface of the tape, but most noticable was the box disintegrated
and the tape just hung there, still adhered by the sides of the box but not adhered to the carboard that disintegrated.
In fact, there was no cardboard on the back of the tape.

So... If the bag/body/tape had been there in the dampness that many months, the skin/tissue rots away completely, the same skin/tissue that took up space, the duct tape is holding on to ...what?
If around the complete head then I can assume the duct tape is still holding onto the hair at the back of the head?
But the duct tape if only across the mouth....what's there to keep the duct tape in place for the news to be able to tell us the duct tape was across her mouth?

Oh gawwwwd....I know I'm not explaining this correctly and I'm so hoping one of you brillliant minds will be able to figure out what I'm trying to explain.

If there was duct tape that was seen rather quickly when LE got to the scene, how can they tell is wasn't actually taping the bag shut, or on another part of the body all together?

If the tape reacted the way it did on my boxes of LPs and cassettes, then I can only visualize the duct tape on Precious Caylee probably reacted the same.

What was holding the duct tape on her little mouth if there were not longer lips/skin/tissue to keep it in place? Skin/tissue being gone, there is a void there before the bone...whatever the thickness the average 3 yr. old skin is.
With the void could that tape have slid (water rising, bag moving in the water) up to her little head from someplace else?

I know, I know...a really strange question but it's been really on my mind and I figure what the heck...and this topic looked about as close as any to ask it.
Not claiming any particular scientific creds, but I understand what you are questioning.

Frankly we are all guessing at the moment. Hope we do eventually get more info.

Just a guess: if tape was completely around head and hair, it could be a loose ring of tape joined where it sticks to itself - tape and hair hanging more or less in place?

Total speculation, but suppose a bag over the head and tape around that.
Ok, so scientifiky isn't a word but I didn't know what else to call all of you with brilliant minds that can probably give me a very simple explanation to something I've been pondering since the discovery of Precious Caylee's body.

We've heard over and over about the duct tape....either around the complete head or duct tape over the mouth.
Whether it's true or not, there is something about the duct tape that has me scratching my head....and don't think I haven't tried doing some experiments with water balloons, duct tape, a stainless steel mixing bowl and duct tape and countless other found objects around the house and I still can't visualize what happened.

Maybe you all can help and hopefully I can explain it halfway decent in type form.

The duct tape, whether it's around the whole head or just at the mouth area, in the weather conditions, wouldn't that duct tape shrivel at the edges?
AND... *warning; graphic to follow*

If the skin/tissue had decomposed, the skin/tissue taking up some thickness, the duct tape no longer has anything to adhere to.
I've left a few boxes outside in the elements and what I found was curled edges of tape, discolored tape, crackling on the surface of the tape, but most noticable was the box disintegrated
and the tape just hung there, still adhered by the sides of the box but not adhered to the carboard that disintegrated.
In fact, there was no cardboard on the back of the tape.

So... If the bag/body/tape had been there in the dampness that many months, the skin/tissue rots away completely, the same skin/tissue that took up space, the duct tape is holding on to ...what?
If around the complete head then I can assume the duct tape is still holding onto the hair at the back of the head?
But the duct tape if only across the mouth....what's there to keep the duct tape in place for the news to be able to tell us the duct tape was across her mouth?

Oh gawwwwd....I know I'm not explaining this correctly and I'm so hoping one of you brillliant minds will be able to figure out what I'm trying to explain.

If there was duct tape that was seen rather quickly when LE got to the scene, how can they tell is wasn't actually taping the bag shut, or on another part of the body all together?

If the tape reacted the way it did on my boxes of LPs and cassettes, then I can only visualize the duct tape on Precious Caylee probably reacted the same.

What was holding the duct tape on her little mouth if there were not longer lips/skin/tissue to keep it in place? Skin/tissue being gone, there is a void there before the bone...whatever the thickness the average 3 yr. old skin is.
With the void could that tape have slid (water rising, bag moving in the water) up to her little head from someplace else?

I know, I know...a really strange question but it's been really on my mind and I figure what the heck...and this topic looked about as close as any to ask it.

I am just guessing here, but if the skull is laying down, there would be pressure on the back of the duct tape to the skull, it would also secure the hair to the tape the position of the hair to the skull and tape. I know the body was in water, but the it was in a bag for some period of time and it wasn't always wet, or flooded. The area is full of plant, trees, thickets and I don't think in my mind, that the bag was really able to move much due to the water issues. I believe it was pretty much in the same place, on waves or movement in the water, it was standing water. So as the skin and muscle melted away the tape may have sat on the bone and kept in place because of the position of the skull resting inside the bag and against the ground. The thick and dense foliage and thickets may have kept the body in the same area. JMO
Dear Dear ((( Jane ))),

I have a grandgirly, same age, name is Caylie.
I know exactly what you are feeling, what you are going through.
And I've told myself countless times "I didn't even know her!" and yet, the tears still come.

I have no advice. I just wanted you to know you are not alone in your feelings and thoughts.


Same here. I have four children, including a little girl that bears an uncanny resemblence to Caylee. I have been obsessed with this case since it broke in July, and it seems to only have intensified since the remains were found. I've stopped talking to my husband and everyone else around here about the case for fear of being committed :behindbar
So nobody knows who Malena is? Anyone?

Not sure if this is who you mean. I edited the entry below so no last names. Link to source is below.

C, Melina – Childhood friend of Casey’s from 7th grade through 2004, when they went their separate ways but spoke randomly. Worked at Universal same time Casey did. Casey told her that Caylee’s father was Jesse G., then changed the story, saying Caylee’s dad was Josh, a one-night stand from Georgia, who died shortly before Caylee’s second birthday. Theirs was an on-again off-again friendship because of Casey’s lies. Casey had told her she was an event planner for an Orlando company, but couldn’t remember the name of the company. She was jealous because she was going to school to be an event planner, and Casey told her that it was through her job that she got the job at Fusion.
Not sure if this is who you mean. I edited the entry below so no last names. Link to source is below.

C, Melina – Childhood friend of Casey’s from 7th grade through 2004, when they went their separate ways but spoke randomly. Worked at Universal same time Casey did. Casey told her that Caylee’s father was Jesse G., then changed the story, saying Caylee’s dad was Josh, a one-night stand from Georgia, who died shortly before Caylee’s second birthday. Theirs was an on-again off-again friendship because of Casey’s lies. Casey had told her she was an event planner for an Orlando company, but couldn’t remember the name of the company. She was jealous because she was going to school to be an event planner, and Casey told her that it was through her job that she got the job at Fusion.

That is a great link........Can't get over how much Caylee resembles JP Chatt:waitasec:
I have a question! I have been listening to Lee talk with Casey in the jail and he is asking her who he can trust. He mentions Annie and a Malena (sp?), to which Casey responds "don't even bother". In other words...don't bother talking to them because she can't trust them to help or be on her side. I know who Annie is, but who is Malena?

Found some info on Melina. They were high school friends.

On October 9, 2008, investigators spoke with Melina C., described as a long-time friend of Casey. The two were best friends in high school, according to the police report. Melina and Casey both worked at Universal Studios in 2006. Melina told investigators that Casey first said Jesse Grund was Caylee&#8217;s father (even after the DNA test proved otherwise).
I have a vague memory of Cindy (?) saying that Melina and her BF at the time double-dated with Casey and Jesse, but I dug around and can't figure out where I read that. I'm not 100 percent sure it is Cindy who said it.

LOL Good thing I take notes sometimes when I read:

Melina C. (guess at name from 11/26 discovery) &#8211; Friend of Casey&#8217;s during time Casey was dating/engaged to Jesse Grund. Melina and her boy friend at the time (unknown ?) often double-dated. Name released in 11/26 discovery.
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