Questions For Websleuthers Part 4

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To gain access to area behind the walls where evidence could be placed by removing the light switch wallplate and fixture and droping it in to the hole in the wall.

Wow, I'd never have thought of that. Let me guess, a CSI episode? If so, I'm sure KC knew that little trick.
I *think* as to the first came from Jesse's interview with LE. He relayed that LA told him about the fight between CA & KC.

We first heard it, I believe, when Mark Furhman was in Orlando with Greta. It was also referenced in Rick's emails to his sister in the latest set of documents.

George's account of the "trunk incident" comes from his video interview with LE.

If you need help, I can help you chase down the actual docs.


I've been wracking my brain. I really think that Caylee may have been in the car when GA confronted KC about the gas cans and that KC may have panicked and just dumped the body in the woods near her home or somewhere else and then later moved it.

I know that murders usually dump bodies near their home or places they are familiar with but the I still think the manner in which she left the body is weird for someone who obviously had plans to try to cover up what really happened.....
I was talking to my father yesterday and he said "why would she just leave the body in a plastic bag in the woods? Wouldn't she at least try to bury it or hide it?"

Did KC think this was a good scenario to try to blame it on a kidnapping murder or did she just not get a chance to move the body or was someone else involved who put it there?

I don't see how the body could have been there the whole time. The general area was searched with dogs right? How would they not detect the remains, being so close to the street....even if the area was flooded?

I have to admit I never really read much from the official documents. I've relied mostly on whats on TV and what I've read here at WS.
It still blows my mind.....this family is completely nuts......
The parents say they want to help find Caylee and make these statements and then its like they realize what the implications of their statements are and they're like......"oh no wait thats not what happened....."

I have one final question. The article linked above talks about the fact that Cindy went to a therapist to help her deal with Casey. Can't the police get a order to have the therapist release her file to the court and see what CA said about KC when she wasn't speaking to the police? I would think LE would be very interested.
I am reading here in a few spots that Casey's reaction to the discovery of the remains is "this can't be happening". Can anyone tell me where this came from?
Sorry if this has been asked already...but could someone enlighten me as to why thay would have pulled the bushes that were above the bag in the woods out and bring them in for testing?

elle1919 tried to quote but it wouldnt allow me too. I'm wondering if they took the bushes because they would help somehow in determining how long the body had been there. (not sure how working on that part)

If anyone can help I tyia, in the new docs, part 7, pg 15 there is a copy of iassen's drivers license, below that is a change of address that was done on his name. does anyone think it is possible that iassen has the ability to access the dmv website like an employee would ? This would certainly help explain some things. It almost looks like Iassen made the changes on his license through his home computer ?
Sorry if this has been asked already...but could someone enlighten me as to why thay would have pulled the bushes that were above the bag in the woods out and bring them in for testing?


I remember seeing a show one time about forensics where a body had been burned with a particular excellerant and they were able to determine this by the growth rings of the tree. Perhaps this bush could show traces or signs of chemical usage on or in the body, such as pesticides?
I am getting totally confused- Can someone tell me where you post something that doesnt have a link- like when you hear something on Fox news- what thread do you post it it? I noticed before I went into a thread and the thread said one thing and then everyone was off on another subject inside that thread and here I am answering or remarking and that wasnt even what the thread is about and thankfully I stopped myself from writing but it gets confusing as its so easy to go off the thread topic as theres so many things involved with this case and to be discussed. thanks
I'm driving myself crazy, trying to keep track of what case is going to be heard when. From, these are the three cases scheduled against Casey:

08-CF-0015606-O against Casey Marie Anthony (murder charges)
From the case calendar (obviously not updated):
01/05/09 - Trial
01/15/09 - Hearing

08-CF-0013331-O - Check charges against Casey M. Anthony
From the case calendar:
01/05/09 - Trial
01/15/09 - Hearing

08-CA-0024573-O - Civil case against Casey Anthony brought by Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez
From the case actions:
12/01/08 - Notice of taking deposition of Cindy Anthony and George Anthony on 12/22/08
From the financials:
11/24/08 - Assessment against ZFG for 'additional defendants.'


I'm confused! It appears that the check charges case is still set for trial on January 5. IIRC, that was the original date of the trial on the indictments. I did not listen to the entire motions hearing the other day, and have no knowledge as to whether this case was included in the continuance request.

On the murder charges, the clerk's website obviously hasn't been changed to reflect the continuance.

On the civil case, I have personally believed for a long time that Cindy and George should be added as parties defendant. However, to my knowledge, that hasn't been done yet. I'm befuddled by the financial charge against the plaintiff for "additional defendants," without a reference that additional defendants have been added, and who they might be.


Everytime I think about hearing dates, I get confused. I sometimes think this important piece of the case is lost within other threads. If the mods will allow this to stand alone, I think it would be helpful to post additions/changes, etc., as they occur. Any help you guys can give me would be great! TIA.
Pretty bad when I have to bump my own thread, but here it goes! Besides, my feelings are a little hurt; no one has even read this!

Seems to me the trials, with the convictions that are sure to come, are an important focus.
well, I for one think this should be made into a sticky and updated as dates change and information is more forthcoming. She is bound to have many days in court and it WOULD help to keep better track of them. Not to mention there are a lot of lurkers who come to WS to find answers in this case more often than regular news stations. I find it is more up to the minute. So, it would really be an informational thread for that purpose. you can see I don't have any answers to your questions....sorry
I remember seeing a show one time about forensics where a body had been burned with a particular excellerant and they were able to determine this by the growth rings of the tree. Perhaps this bush could show traces or signs of chemical usage on or in the body, such as pesticides?

Nick Stokes, from CSI-Las Vegas did the work on that one :)
I'm driving myself crazy, trying to keep track of what case is going to be heard when. From, these are the three cases scheduled against Casey:

08-CF-0015606-O against Casey Marie Anthony
From the case calendar (obviously not updated):
01/05/09 - Trial
01/15/09 - Hearing

08-CF-0013331-O - Check charges against Casey M. Anthony
From the case calendar:
01/05/09 - Trial
01/15/09 - Hearing
Both of these have been continued until Jan 15 when the judge will hear where each side is with regard to the murder case. The checks were carried forward just as a matter of paperwork. The trial has been tentatively set back to March.

08-CA-0024573-O - Civil case against Casey Anthony brought by Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez
From the case actions:
12/01/08 - Notice of taking deposition of Cindy Anthony and George Anthony on 12/22/08
From the financials:
11/24/08 - Assessment against ZFG for 'additional defendants.'
Haven't heard anything about these things.

I'm confused! It appears that the check charges case is still set for trial on January 5. IIRC, that was the original date of the trial on the indictments. I did not listen to the entire motions hearing the other day, and have no knowledge as to whether this case was included in the continuance request.

On the murder charges, the clerk's website obviously hasn't been changed to reflect the continuance.

On the civil case, I have personally believed for a long time that Cindy and George should be added as parties defendant. However, to my knowledge, that hasn't been done yet. I'm befuddled by the financial charge against the plaintiff for "additional defendants," without a reference that additional defendants have been added, and who they might be.


Everytime I think about hearing dates, I get confused. I sometimes think this important piece of the case is lost within other threads. If the mods will allow this to stand alone, I think it would be helpful to post additions/changes, etc., as they occur. Any help you guys can give me would be great! TIA.[/quote]
Sure if there are bones intertwined around plant roots or stems they might look at rate of growth. Remember, Science is about KNOWLEDGE and finding facts.
Sorry if this has been asked already...but could someone enlighten me as to why thay would have pulled the bushes that were above the bag in the woods out and bring them in for testing?


One possibility is that a leaf, bark fragment, sap, etc. could have been found in the trunk of KC's car, on her clothing, or vacuumed up in the house. They will attempt to match those forensically.
I was watching CNN Headline news and they had an overhead shot of the seach area. Did anyone else catch it? It looked like there was a round cement circle, about three feet around and a foot wide, it looked like a fire pit, maybe some sort of drainage system? most likely nothing, just wondering... Thanks


I think I found my answer, just trying to update since I made the mistake of posting it in three locations. sorry about that again mods still new.

I taped CNN and watched it again, Really looks like a fire pit to me. two feet wide in the middle looks burned, behind crime scene tape with an orange bucket sitting next to it.(JUMPED out because of KC and her gas issues, most likely not related.) On the other side of the tape about four feet away LE has about six people sitting and standing sifting the debris. I hope this makes sense, had to type it three times... lesson learned...
seach a little more for my own answers. thanks
I'm having a hard time keeping up with what's going on, but are there any locals that can go to the courthouse and read what's in the defense motions and State responses?

I've seen where posters have posted the filings, and are questioning what they mean. If you read what's in these filings, you're going to find out a lot of information.

I did this in the Edwin Hall case. I sat next to a reporter at one of the hearings and mentioned something, and she asked me where I heard that information. I told her I read it in one of the motions. Maybe in a case this big, the reporters will actually take the time to read what's in these filings, but they didn't here (or at least they didn't read them all like I did).

Anyway, there's a treasure trove of information in these filings and if a local has the time to go and read these motions, that would be wonderful.
Thank you to those of you who were kind enough to answer my question about the bushes being removed!
elle1919 tried to quote but it wouldnt allow me too. I'm wondering if they took the bushes because they would help somehow in determining how long the body had been there. (not sure how working on that part)

If anyone can help I tyia, in the new docs, part 7, pg 15 there is a copy of iassen's drivers license, below that is a change of address that was done on his name. does anyone think it is possible that iassen has the ability to access the dmv website like an employee would ? This would certainly help explain some things. It almost looks like Iassen made the changes on his license through his home computer ?

answer: kc had a fake driver license with ca's name on it, refer to new docs part 5, pg 44 amscot check cashing card, notice address, date of birth and place of employment .

ca's name
2151 rivertree cr apt 105
orlando fl 32839
dob 9/22/80
employment Ihop
dl number A535 113 80 842 O (not kc's real dl number)

three checks from Ihop cashed through account. (didnt mallory work at Ihop?)
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