Questions For Websleuthers Part 4

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I think that is the same as Caylee’s set.
A few days ago I saw a close up of the evidence being put in the car
and there was a bag that had something that had the same
tiny print on it.
I have searched for the evidence picture but have not been able
to find it.
It was so close up that you could tell it was something from
Caylee’s bed set.

Im sorry I dont have the link....but Greta did a special a few months ago...and CA took her into Caylee could try that to see if it matches....:)
Im sorry I dont have the link....but Greta did a special a few months ago...and CA took her into Caylee could try that to see if it matches....:)

I have seen the picture of Caylees room it's the picture of
the evidence in the back of the car I can't find.
But YES IMO it did match exactley to Caylees bedding.
She could have rebought whatever bedding at JC Pennys!

My Q is what day did TL meet KC on Surburban drive when she supposedly ran out of gas?

Dont you all find the 5 guys statements about surburban drive and the discovery of the body there all a little odd?
AND.....................What day did Chris s return Caylees swimsuit to CA??? I never understood that, what did Chris S and Caylees swimsuit have anything to do with each other? And isnt it odd that KC spent so much time with Chris S after 6/16????
Last Q, I am really sluething tonight!

Can we now look at her cell pings and see when she was at Surburban and Chickasaw????

I haven't looked at the jailhouse visitation tapes in awhile, so I want to ask you all's opinions.
Did George ask Casey any, or many pointed questions about where Caylee might be?
I'm going to watch and listen again, but please let me know what you think or remember.
I'm seeing quite a few posters who believe that the body was in the trunk on the 24th when George wanted to get into the trunk. Have I missed something or any information? I thought the body farm said the body in the trunk had been dead for 2.5 days. If the body had been in the trunk all that time or even briefly around the 24th wouldn't the body farm have had a different result?

There were numerous discussions about this very topic several months ago. I'll look for the thread/s.
I'm seeing quite a few posters who believe that the body was in the trunk on the 24th when George wanted to get into the trunk. Have I missed something or any information? I thought the body farm said the body in the trunk had been dead for 2.5 days. If the body had been in the trunk all that time or even briefly around the 24th wouldn't the body farm have had a different result?

Heh there again-
Here's a link.

That looks strange- in case that doesn't work, search for the thread called Forensic Reports In. You can search the thread, but if you go to page 11, the discussion about decomp odor really begins. Basically, it's about Caylee's little body not being in a sealed container, being in the car until or at the point of 2.5 days after death, give or take a bit. She would have been removed or placed in a sealed container at that point, according to some of us. This, in my sleepy state, is what I recall.

Hope this helps!
Their new lawyer did say something about neighbors selling stories that were untrue and that the A's would take legal action against anyone doing this.

This sounds about par for the course from hell.
Good luck with that, Anthonys.:crazy:
Isn't that what LE is now about to do to the, uhm, freakin' Anthonys?

Where are those insect people when you really need them?

"Lying is not a crime."
Cindy Anthony:liar:
Anyone know why Lees house/yard was never searched being hes been so reluctant on giving LE any DNA or fingerprints?
And how does LP get all his inside info all the time? any opinions?
While watching the emergency hearing 12/16/08, I started wondering about something that was said regarding remains:

Once the identification is made, the parents are notified and then the remains are released to the family.

IF the body is Caylee's, they'll let her mother know... but what about her father? Don't they, at some point, have to determine who the father REALLY is? He would need to be notified (or his family) even if they didn't want to have anything to do with Caylee and/or Casey... right? It's not like Casey is a bastion of the truth, so I would think law enforcement would be hesitant to take her word on something this important.

Legally, since the father was never identified on Caylee's birth certificate and by all accounts was never told that he had a daughter, even if it turns out they can identify him through DNA, he is not obligated to know his daughter is dead. It sounds cold, but that's the way it is.
That's awful...

With Casey's history of "mis-truths" and "half-truths" I would think the police would want to make sure Caylee's real father had a chance to know about her and what happened, in case Casey had omitted telling him because it wasn't in her best interest.
I think that in order to ID the father they would have to have a person to be able to compare the DNA to. Unless this unknown person was for some reason is in a law enforcement DNA database and by a samll miracle popped up through a search.

I know so much has been uttered about LA and GA I don't think I am there with that therory yet. I am more along the lines that KC has no idea in heck who the father is she wasn't exactly a one man women after all. She herself has said that it was a one night stand, unfortunately I kinda think that she was the type to have several one night stands in a single night (i'm sorry that was a tad snarky their :crazy:). I kinda think that if a father was out there that knew Callee was his child and opted out of having anything to do with her, I have to believe he would have come forward maybe not publicly but at least to LE for DNA purposes.
Wow - this is so confusing that my head is spinning off. I thought this morning I was reading a thread that had a lot of back and forth posts about the blond woman who has come forth with pictures of the wooded crime scene being dry - (I know there is a lot of back and forth about this between many parties) - but on this thread, which now I cannot find, WSers were posting pictures of this woman and trying to determine if she was the same woman seen at JBP and also a few other places (entering the Anthony home, for one).
Anyway - there were a few posts saying that Rob Dick was LP's nephew - I wanted to respond at the time, but, damn, I didn't, and since it's been bothering me all day I have to respond now. RD is NOT LP's nephew, is he? LP's nephew is Tony, I believe, who put up the original bond money for Casey.
Please someone tell me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe LP and RD are related.
I don't think LE is really interested in finding out who the father is in my opinion. And since it was not stated on the birth certificate, I don't think they are going to try to find out tell him he had a daughter and now shes deceased. I do think that the Anthony's do know who the father is and there is a good reason-to cover themselves-why they didn't put the fathers name on the birth certificate. A lot of people think perhaps Lee Anthony could be, I think he plays a role in the coverup and think theres a reason he wouldn't give DNA. I don't know..Poor Caylee didn't deserve this horrible family, Cindy, George, and Lee and most of all her mother, Casey. I don't know how they can live with themselves.:behindbar
I don't think LE is really interested in finding out who the father is in my opinion. And since it was not stated on the birth certificate, I don't think they are going to try to find out tell him he had a daughter and now shes deceased. I do think that the Anthony's do know who the father is and there is a good reason-to cover themselves-why they didn't put the fathers name on the birth certificate. A lot of people think perhaps Lee Anthony could be, I think he plays a role in the coverup and think theres a reason he wouldn't give DNA. I don't know..Poor Caylee didn't deserve this horrible family, Cindy, George, and Lee and most of all her mother, Casey. I don't know how they can live with themselves.:behindbar

George and Cindy are not responsible for Casey failing to list a father on the birth certificate. :banghead:
oh really? whos to say that cindy and george didn't want a father listed on there? seems like cindy controls everything.
oh really? whos to say that cindy and george didn't want a father listed on there? seems like cindy controls everything.

Casey was an adult at the time of Caylee's birth, it was her decision whether to list a father or not. Obviously Cindy does NOT control everything. Caylee's death is proof of that. Cindy had little, if any, control over Casey. Actually, it appears from listening to their recorded conversations, that Casey plays Cindy like a fine-tuned guitar.
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