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if they were catholic i'd say he's holding a rosary, as he seems to be holding something. My other thought is that it also presents much like autistic "stimming."
I've heard it said that attorney Mike Bynum was out of town, possibly on vacation, on the night of the murder. My questions:

1. What is the name of the town/area he was vacationing in
2. What was the name of the hotel/resort/lodge he was staying at (if he was staying at one)
3. What was the name of the law firm he worked at, at the time of the murder

All I know he was snowshoeing.

Chrisman, Bynum and Johnson was the firm, I believe.

What I'd like to know is whether he was tipped off that the family would need representation or did JR call him and tell him?
The playroom door was off of it's hinges. Does anyone have a backstory on this? Patsy just said it was something that needed to be fixed.
The playroom door was off of it's hinges. Does anyone have a backstory on this? Patsy just said it was something that needed to be fixed.

Hi BB, The only other item I found about the playroom was from the 4/97 PR interview re LHP to fix shelves and closet door of playroom. Playroom photo #36 (from a screenshot that shows the trophies) is at acandyrose under crime scene photos.
PR: Uh huh.
TT: Okay.
PR: Uh, fix some shelves in the playroom and some uh, closet doors that had come off their track and some stuff like that.
TT: Um hum.
Help me out with this please:

1. How old was Doug Stine at the time of the murder. Need specific age here, e.g years + months
2. Who were Burke's other friends, and their ages at the time of the murder
3. Did Burke have any known friends who were older than him?

1.Was Patsy ever questioned about the fibers found on the duct tape (I heard they were similar to the jacket she was wearing on Christmas Day)?
2. Was the Ramseys' trash cans ever searched before/after JB was found?
Hi BB, The only other item I found about the playroom was from the 4/97 PR interview re LHP to fix shelves and closet door of playroom. Playroom photo #36 (from a screenshot that shows the trophies) is at acandyrose under crime scene photos.
PR: Uh huh.
TT: Okay.
PR: Uh, fix some shelves in the playroom and some uh, closet doors that had come off their track and some stuff like that.
TT: Um hum.

Thanks for the response. This was Patsy stating what types of things she'd have the handyman do. There are no closet doors in the floor plans for the play room. There are no photos of a closet in the playroom.

The playroom door was 'off its hinges'. Yet another thing the police failed to follow-up on in their interviews. Kids playing can take a door of its hinges. Normal use of a door and improper insulation can take a door off its hinges. Water intrusion can do it (since it was near a seam joining the newer part of the house to the older.) And my personal favorite for how a door can be taken off its hinges: a rage driven fight.

I guess normal use with pins creeping up the hinges can do that too. Sigh.

This isn't something the police asked about. 'Is that door of its hinges?' 'Yup.' 'Okay move on.' It's not like you could press John and Patsy in separate interviews for the details. Of course, they'll give their favorite response, 'Senator, I don't recall.'
Thanks for the response. This was Patsy stating what types of things she'd have the handyman do. There are no closet doors in the floor plans for the play room. There are no photos of a closet in the playroom.

The playroom door was 'off its hinges'. Yet another thing the police failed to follow-up on in their interviews. Kids playing can take a door of its hinges. Normal use of a door and improper insulation can take a door off its hinges. Water intrusion can do it (since it was near a seam joining the newer part of the house to the older.) And my personal favorite for how a door can be taken off its hinges: a rage driven fight.

I guess normal use with pins creeping up the hinges can do that too. Sigh.

This isn't something the police asked about. 'Is that door of its hinges?' 'Yup.' 'Okay move on.' It's not like you could press John and Patsy in separate interviews for the details. Of course, they'll give their favorite response, 'Senator, I don't recall.'

Hi BoldBear,
The water intrusion(problem) possibly affecting the playroom door pinged on my radar because it fits one aspect of my own theory of the crime, in that I believe that in addition to all the family dysfunctions, there might have also been some added physical problems in the household due to mold/mildew/allergy meds. OF COURSE I do not think anyone could blame allergies for the acts of homicide and extensive coverups and obstruction of justice... but hear me for a moment.

On acandyrose in the section about former housekeeper Wilcox (I think) you will read detals about the severe water leak which happened just a few days before the home tour in 94. There was extensive damage to more than one floor of the house and it was too quickly IMO "covered up (if you wlll) to make sure the SHOW MUST GO ON"

We all know that poor little JBR had terrible allergy-type illnesses, but also JR and PR at least. JR talks about his problems in one of his depos. Just one look at the presumably last photo of JBR with PR on Christmas morning, PR's nose is lit-up like um a decoration. IF PR had combined any cold medicine incl. Benadryl with the other meds she spoke of in her interrogations (IIRC Ativan, Prozac) plus even a small amount of alcohol on Christmas day - that in itself could account for some unexpected UN-inhibited behavior or at the very least AMNESIA. Important: I do not believe for one second that "meds" caused PR or anyone in the family to go homicidal - but could have contributed to reckless behavior. JMO

And furthermore, IMO the reckless and evil behavior had to have already been in the heart of whoever did this killing, regardless of any drug or physical problem they were experiencing.

I believe
1.Was Patsy ever questioned about the fibers found on the duct tape (I heard they were similar to the jacket she was wearing on Christmas Day)?

She certainly was. The 2000 interviews in Atlanta come to mind. Lin Wood wouldn't let her SPEAK, though. It took her two full years to come up with a story.

2. Was the Ramseys' trash cans ever searched before/after JB was found?

I don't remember. I know they were searched, at least the one in the kitchen. But when escapes me.
It never sit me well why JR would choose to include his early morning bath session in his version of events which would throw him under a cloud of suspicion. No doubt LE would be sceptical about that. If he had wanted , he had enough time to hide it
but he didn't and I strongly believe there was a reason for that.
Any thoughts ?
1. Does anyone know if BR is right or left handed?
2. Does anyone know how tall PR was and how tall BR was at 12/26/1996?
Thank you.
It never sit me well why JR would choose to include his early morning bath session in his version of events which would throw him under a cloud of suspicion. No doubt LE would be sceptical about that. If he had wanted , he had enough time to hide it
but he didn't and I strongly believe there was a reason for that.
Any thoughts ?

Was it not a shower and only one was working? Still that could be JR's way of partitioning himself from anything Patsy does, so if it comes to a trial, he was in the shower when Patsy asphyxiated JonBenet?

Also if Kolar is correct and the case is BDI All, then patently the parents did NOT arrive immediately after JonBenet was assaulted.

This might explain stuff the parents missed, i.e were ignorant about, and with less time were more rushed?

OJ's parole hearing was Live on prime time news here in the UK yesterday evening.

I choked on my coffee when OJ told the parole board how fine a Christian he was, and was seeking to improve.

Obviously he said all the right things ...

Where the toy train tacks ever taken into evidence, and possibly considered as the cause for the "stun gun" marks?
Bit random, but is there a thread on the forum that contains all the crime scene photos/evidence??
Out of modesty, quest didn't mention this, so I will...

Many of the evidence files at FFJ have been updated by questfortrue with some of the more recent information even from over the past few months.
Where the toy train tacks ever taken into evidence, and possibly considered as the cause for the "stun gun" marks?

James Kolar theorized that they may have been responsible for the abrasions but I don't believe they were ever taken into evidence as too much time had elapsed.
I know this is a dumb question but why isn't Burke wearing shoes during the police interview?
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