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I am saying it is not an eating of a bad tasting egg.

It is near impossible for a professional to not be able to recognize the change in psyche after sth like that in a small child.

Most BDIs are just putting everything into the bucket and mix, mix and mix with a hope it starts to stink.

It is more or less close to impossible to do anything correctly when you join a hundred of such specialists.
left leg forward = bad, right is the same, jumping with both terrible, staying on a place is even worse.

sorry, but I know people like you too well.

they kill someone with their talking and have a proof he was a bad guy because he could not be dead as a good.

sorry. do not take it alone. I am thinking about a group which is talking alone but in a group.
and yes, someone close to me was destroyed with such messing around without any trace of human reflection on them.

I don't think you realize that most BDIs are coming to their conclusions based on James Kolar's book combined with many years of studying evidence.

The TV special on CBS maybe what brought a small percentage of people around, but the majority of people here have been here for a long time. They have actually studied the evidence, statements made by many, and have finally reached conclusions after the last pieces of evidence got brought into the light.

The interview on Dr Phil is barely a blip on the radar for most of us who have followed this case for over 20 years.
I don't think you realize that most BDIs are coming to their conclusions based on James Kolar's book combined with many years of studying evidence.

The TV special on CBS maybe what brought a small percentage of people around, but the majority of people here have been here for a long time. They have actually studied the evidence, statements made by many, and have finally reached conclusions after the last pieces of evidence got brought into the light.

The interview on Dr Phil is barely a blip on the radar for most of us who have followed this case for over 20 years.

I am speaking about professionals.
not about cops.

It is like talking about art giving a book about carpentering as an example.

Most people are just moving after these knowing enough to put a proper wage to their ideas and theories.

Key investigators were thinking they can put a pressure giving some ideas without the ability to stop the pressure later.

Keep in mind there is no single BDI theory.
There are many BDI theories which exclude one another.

I estimate over 80% of BDIs is made from "dark matter", people want to get an impossible result for a lasting case.
That is how a human brain works.

long, long walk = big, big prize at the end expected.

I am not blaming people knowing a lot about the case to use BDI as the main theory in their idea of the case. They will seldom repeat all over a factor of his strange smile and his overall acting but they will use reports made by professional knowing much better how a child could react.

The problem with Burke is that psychologist can only guess reasons for his behaving. It is certain he was not just sleeping a whole night and getting few words about heaven and his sister in it from his parents.

I really doubt he was so good to not give direct proof with his earlier interviews with psychologists that he was directly engaged in a death of his sister.

If you have not taken a big flask of water before going to a desert... do not blame a kid he drunk a small one when no one was looking.

for me, you are just blaming him for many badly taken decision in early part of this investigation.

I am against this as it is your problem and not his.
(personal reasons at the back of this, the only difference I know what happened in my situation and do not need to guess. It is not my problem what people around want. No one will remove a whole population of "good" people ;-) just because they are too lazy to do their homework properly, won't it?)
can you separate "facts" in BDI theories using this sorting filter:

* there was an earlier proven molestation (no, it was unproven = there could be no direct molestation at all by anyone)
* Burke interviews are not consistent with him sleeping all night
* lots of ASSM stories with children his age doing all sort of strange things, with just a simple trick you can reduce a child to such creature. (you should walk in an armor just in case a meteor will hit you on the street)
* movies
* people are tired of this case, will grab anything to force someone to testify for this murder
* case is strange, no direct evidence connecting Burke with a body = he was a killer, no evidence is a proof ;-)
* different BDI theories were mixed to form a one BDI theory of them all with things like John not sleeping for a few minutes jumping into Patsy not sleeping for a few more... or him doing miracles on his own

Most staging ideas are just prayings.

and one last thing.

investigators are keeping things to themselves so they could be the most important investigators, people are going all over in a circle mostly guessing what lays inside of it.
The audacity.

Someone or you?



he is dead.

I was checking mob reaction on my own and it seems BDI is mostly typical mob reaction keeping in mind they had to talk (need to be important just because) and have no idea what it is about.

[edit] yes, I messed my life a lot checking how the mob is reacting for unknown.
you can keep both options if you do like. I am using someone because I see how happy the mob is not blaming itself at all.
Not knowing exact reasons for him, I checked mob reaction knowing all reasons on myself. I was into sociology and light religious studies (all around the globe keeping ufo aspect in mind) from my early life.

btw. do you know Nazca pictures are probably a proof of long distance migration of native South America citizens through North America?
Actually you'd be wrong. IDI is the knee jerk mob reaction with torches for some fictional intruder.

MzOpinion is correct. RDI/BDI have been studying this case for years. You can go back to the earliest posts on here or at FFJ.

Bottom line is though, you're using your own personal experiences to say for a fact BR is innocent and that's a travesty of justice for JB. :moo:
Actually you'd be wrong. IDI is the knee jerk mob reaction with torches for some fictional intruder.

MzOpinion is correct. RDI/BDI have been studying this case for years. You can go back to the earliest posts on here or at FFJ.

Bottom line is though, you're using your own personal experiences to say for a fact BR is innocent and that's a travesty of justice for JB. :moo:

IDI with pervert, sadist = mob reaction

current BDI = mob reaction

starting BDI = possibility from facts not seen by the public.

That is why I am using in my theory something which would not be a mob reaction.

That is why I am speaking my theory is not IDI.

It is the complete theory without putting mob into it at a basic level.

With 25th Dec on a mind, with strange reactions of many on a mind, with religious aspect on mind...

With lots of things which I do not want to show yet to not give a harder time to people working on this case.

current BDI with Burke writing *advertiser censored* stories anonymously, engaged in strange sex practices hideously and so on, and so on ... = mob ideas

Most published theories shown to the public are made in a way which gives bigger audience. Not in a way which keeps more facts in its place.

[edit] from my own experience, there is a point when the belief of a mob is above any facts or strength of any wall. Jesus is still alive and happy as hell with her cross ready for a new owner.

[edit2] I am not saying BDI is impossible at all. I am saying most BDI enthusiasm is based on the same thing as enthusiasm for teen murderer from Islam beheading people. uncommon thing = interest like a woman with a beard or person of both sexes. you have sth unique, we will think some use for it.
Just because more than one person agrees on a theory or idea does not automatically a mob mentality make.

When one allows personal, but unrelated, experience to influence their outlook on a situation, perhaps a revisit on objecticity is in order.
I hope all BDIs are aware that having someone walking on their back does not mean their theory is strongly proven by the hidden hand of the law.

Sorry for any personal words. It is much harder for me to speak my mind in out personated way.

Ramseys were rich, they were new to Boulder.

For me, it is enough to be very reserved in all theories with them on the 1st plan. Adding things I am not going into further...

I think both Patsy and John could point who did it directly on 26th morning. If they knew he was a professional in his job and alone.
Wow. Some posts are so nonsensical I can't even figure out how to respond... Walking on backs, weird sex stuff, rich and new in town, like, I understand individual words but how they are strung together just... Don't make sense?
Wow. Some posts are so nonsensical I can't even figure out how to respond... Walking on backs, weird sex stuff, rich and new in town, like, I understand individual words but how they are strung together just... Don't make sense?

Known for me BDI theories look exactly that way.

I understand words but they tend to not be happy to form a sentence.

I would believe in a planned staging. Staging on drugs.

Because I see a logic in a "staging"... I can only expect planned staging or (un)planned murder without staging at all.

walking on back = walking behind you or walking in the back.

Forest Gump. You think you are running alone or not alone but only you know your goal. Just do not be surprised.
That was not remotely helpful, but thank you for your attempt at clarification. :)
Never. The dead don't surf the web.

If they are female deceased then their children can surf the net. BR with his patently prepared narrative for Dr Phil, e.g. I've never read the Ransom Note, will have surfed a few JonBenet sites just to see if anyone is getting close to the truth. He has to know, and be ready in case the media descend. He knows he will have to do Anniversary interviews and be nice to the media, else he will be hung out to dry.

If they are female deceased then their children can surf the net. BR with his patently prepared narrative for Dr Phil, e.g. I've never read the Ransom Note, will have surfed a few JonBenet sites just to see if anyone is getting close to the truth. He has to know, and be ready in case the media descend. He knows he will have to do Anniversary interviews and be nice to the media, else he will be hung out to dry.


That's logical.
OTG, I remember hearing somewhere that her lips left an impression of being closed on the underside of the duct tape (which would indicate that her mouth was closed when it was applied). I think what was deduced was, that since there were no signs of her mouth being at all opened while the duct tape was being applied, it was indicative of her having already been murdered (as she would have struggled while it was being applied, trying to open her mouth).

I guess it's a tough question to answer definitively, since there are photos of her with her mouth closed and photos of her with it open. There's one of a side view of her face, and it's completely closed.
IIRC, the point about the lip impression was only that it was a "perfect" imprint -- indicating that she had not struggled after it was placed on her mouth and therefore that it was placed there after she was dead or unconscious. But of course I could be wrong (there's a first time for everything :giggle:)

I haven't seen the photo you mention showing her mouth closed, so I don't know. By the time Dr. Meyer began the autopsy, rigor mortis should have subsided even though the process would have been slowed by refrigeration. But they didn't even get her body to the morgue until late that night. Even at that, I'm not sure either how much rigor would be present in the lip/mouth muscles. All in all, I suppose there is a lot more to consider than I'm capable of. :)
^ Wouldn't a "perfect" imprint mean her lips were closed, though? That's how I always interpreted it, anyway.
IIRC, the point about the lip impression was only that it was a "perfect" imprint -- indicating that she had not struggled after it was placed on her mouth and therefore that it was placed there after she was dead or unconscious. But of course I could be wrong (there's a first time for everything :giggle:)

I haven't seen the photo you mention showing her mouth closed, so I don't know. By the time Dr. Meyer began the autopsy, rigor mortis should have subsided even though the process would have been slowed by refrigeration. But they didn't even get her body to the morgue until late that night. Even at that, I'm not sure either how much rigor would be present in the lip/mouth muscles. All in all, I suppose there is a lot more to consider than I'm capable of. :)

Also this from James Kolar's Foreign Faction:

As noted previously, John Ramsey had removed the piece of tape covering his daughter’s mouth upon discovering her body. Investigators would closely examine the markings on JonBenét’s face to determine the location of its placement. Mucous emitting from her nose suggested to them that the tape had been placed over her mouth after some period of time and not necessarily at the outset of her abduction.
Few questions (Sorry if they sound silly or have been answered!)

1. What direction was JB facing in the wine cellar? Where her feet pointing towards the door or towards the wall?
2. Was it ever determined whose pillow was on the kitchen counter on the morning of the supposed kidnapping?
3. Where any fibers found on the blanket that was wrapped around JB?
4. What evidence has been tested for DNA (that we know off)? And what items (If they haven't already been tested) do YOU think should be tested for DNA?
5. Was there an imprint of JB's body on the mold on the floor in wine cellar?
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