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On the last video radar posted, my heart skipped a beat when the camera focused on that door. One of the first things to look for in a house if domestic violence is suspected is the condition of the doors. Signs of slamming, punching, kicking, jabbing, etc. That specific door had clearly been damaged at some point.

I got an ominous feeling when the video showed that shower. Not sure why but that basement clearly has many secrets.

Telling LE she wrapped presents in the wine cellar gives her a convenient reason why her fibers are going to be found in key areas on Jonbenet and any of hers found in the wine cellar itself. She knew that was going to need an explanation and rightfully so..

It's ironic you bring that up Singularity, because I remember watching the basement video on youtube (I can't remember which part right now and I don't have time to watch them right now, but it may have been in this one: [video=youtube;t9GtZcVVWCc][/video]), and I literally got the shivers when I saw one of the closets in the basement; it actually scared me that I had such a powerful and long response like that. I didn't get it for any other point -- the front-room, the wine cellar -- just when they showed this one closeted area. I will try to watch again and find it if I have time, but it's doubtful.

I agree with everything in this post. The basement has secrets. I almost feel like JBR was being punished for something, and she was perhaps kept down in one of those closets that night or something -- almost like an extreme version of "go sit in the corner" -- "go sit in this locked closet in the basement for a while."

From the schematics, it says that the basement had a crawl space. I always wondered if perhaps the body was originally placed here, before being moved to the wine cellar. Just brainstorming.

EDIT -- it may have been the closet shown at the 1:40/2:00 minute mark where I got that strange feeling. I just noticed that the closet has a lock on it (door starting at the 1:40 to 1: 50 mark on the left). Pretty sure that's the coat room shown in the Radar Online video, also at the 1:40 mark -- eerie). In the youtube video, the cameraman makes a point to show the door open and that it has a lock on it -- he films just the door, open, for a good 20 seconds at the 2:50 mark in the youtube vid. I'm just utterly confused now because the lock isn't in the radar online video.
I just noticed in those photos above that the binding is off of her left wrist. It's still tied, but it's completely off of her wrist.

And in yet another of what seems like a million sick twists of irony, look at the fruit on the blanket that was used to cover her.
Another question I'd like answered is why the discrepancies all those years on exactly how her body was positioned?

More pics surfacing....

<< pics snipped to save space >>

I'm gonna have to buy that book. I'm hoping they offer it in hardback and not just Kindle.

Thanks so much for this, singularity. I haven't read any of their books, but after reading what they wrote at your second link, I'm very intrigued. They're cutting through the bs. Like in these two paragraphs:

In terms of 80 paperbacks of evidence, what exactly is a smoking gun? Is it a True Bill stating that the Ramseys are accused of being accessories not only to a first degree murder, but a murderer also considered guilty of child abuse? Not sexual abuse, child abuse.

I said to the producer [who has an affiliation with CNN’s Jean Casarez / John Ramsey interview that aired this week] why not directly address what John Ramsey said on that show – that he didn’t know he was indicted as an accessory to murder, and that he doesn’t even know what “accessory” means. Wouldn’t the public appreciate that – a real response to obvious misdirection? Can you guess what the producer said? It was something along the lines of – “I heard about that, but didn’t really watch the show.” Then reiterated they’re looking for some type of solid, physical evidence. But this is a circumstantial evidence case! Ugh.

Here's some questions I'm looking for answers on. These are important to a deep look I'm taking into what I think is the probably the most important piece of evidence in this case.

1) Is there any record of the R's referring to either of the kids bedrooms as a "Suite" or "En Suite"? Or anywhere else in the house they refer to as that?
2) Is there any record of the R's referring to any part of the house as a "Study"?
3) What are the names of all the visitors they had come over on murder morning?
4) Do you know of any nicknames they used to refer to those visitors?
5) What are any nicknames the R's used within their own family for each other?

Another question I'd like answered is why the discrepancies all those years on exactly how her body was positioned?

More pics surfacing....




I'm gonna have to buy that book. I'm hoping they offer it in hardback and not just Kindle.

Hi there, we just released them in paperback as well. The full The Craven Silence trilogy is up and avail. The first book to The Day After Christmas trilogy is up as well - see all links below. The last 2 books will be live in the next day or two - they're just going through the publishing process now.

We hope you read them and would love to hear your thoughts.
Hi there, we just released them in paperback as well. The full The Craven Silence trilogy is up and avail. The first book to The Day After Christmas trilogy is up as well - see all links below. The last 2 books will be live in the next next day or two - they're just going through the publishing process now.

We hope you read them and would love to hear your thoughts.

Have you been contacted or threatened by the R team yet? Just wondering.
Hi there, we just released them in paperback as well. The full The Craven Silence trilogy is up and avail. The first book to The Day After Christmas trilogy is up as well - see all links below. The last 2 books will be live in the next day or two - they're just going through the publishing process now.

We hope you read them and would love to hear your thoughts.

Thank you, Lisa!

That does it. I'm getting myself a subscription to kindle unlimited for Christmas. Can't wait to start reading your books.

Great blog, btw. That Loen Kelley is pretty wormy, imo. Didn't really watch the CNN Jean Casarez / JR interview? Right. Ok. I shouted "Liar!" at my TV when John said he didn't know about the accessory indictment.
Another question I'd like answered is why the discrepancies all those years on exactly how her body was positioned?


Hi singularity,
One of the reasons those photos look different than what we have seen is because they were taken by the police shortly after she was brought up from the basement. At that point she was in full rigor. Rigor begins in the small muscles and then reverses.

By the time the coroner and his assistant arrived later in the evening, rigor in the shoulder muscles would have been resolving/resolved and her hands not above her head, but lowered and more in keeping with the photos we’ve seen. When the coroner arrived accompanied by his assistant Dunn, she (Dunn) took additional photos of the body. It is those, along with the gruesome autopsy photos we’ve seen, which I believe were stolen and released.

The Reelz production was from Schiller who dug into his archives for material for the production of that show. Speculating here, but these photos you're wondering about, could have arrived via Smit, the Rs’ attorneys or even from DA AH who was providing information to Schiller for his book.
That's how I had it figured. Anyone trying to navigate it in the dark would have broken their neck.

Moreover, the videos reveal that no struggle of any kind took place at any point.

One of the comments from Kolar and mentioned by UKGuy from time to time is that it’s believed she was struck somewhere else, either on the first floor (Kolar) or even second floor (UKGuy and past poster Koldkase). As one can note from BR’s answers to the psychologist who talked to him in January, BR says that he was just going to move on with his life. This was a flag to me that an adult had coached him before his interview, even though PR claimed otherwise. So-o-o, even though I initially, and still, have some reasons to believe she may have been bludgeoned in the basement, I was also struck by the fact that all of them, PR, BR, JR, say that the Intruder took her to the basement. One plausible reason for them to agree on this is that it gives an indication why they did not hear anything.

When I saw the condition of the basement, my thoughts went wild. Not only did the Intruder steal Patsy’s note paper and pen, use the R’s flashlight, which he left on the counter, but also had to utilize JR’s night vision goggles to navigate that basement when he left through the broken window. :)&#61514;
It probably does not mattter but are the long johns on back to front?

I don't think so. Ligature and urine stains would indicate both the longjohns and Bloomies were on correctly.



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note paper and pen, use the R’s flashlight, which he left on the counter, but also had to utilize JR’s night vision goggles to navigate that basement when he left through the broken window. :)&#61514;

Re: the basement video: @ 1:12 it looks like stacks of the April 1996 Woman magazine with PR on the cover, apparently banished to the basement. The issue and article is at ACandyRose site under Magazine Archives, for a good read. Thank you ACandyRose.
Where on earth did they get those photos of JB's body? Does anyone know if they explain the source?

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No offense DFF but I hope they don't explain how they got them and I hope no one goes after them looking for a paper trail. THis case has always needed people with the courage to reveal more photos/evidence in this case. I've said it before, if enough evidence comes out and it gets attention, it might pressure Boulder to actually take forward steps in seriously attempting to resolve this case.

More autopsy photos aren't needed but I'm hoping pics from the Whites party, pics of other key areas of the house(those odd pics in JAR's room, the pics on Ramsey camera that don't match up with police photos, etc.), and other info not known to the public surfaces soon.

BPD/DA had 20 years to solve this thing. They've twiddled their thumbs for the majority of that time. If they're unwilling to hand it to the feds knowing there's a risk of them uncovering all the corruption, those with courage and a desire for justice should release their files and let the amateur sleuths take a crack at it.

I agree with everything in this post. The basement has secrets. I almost feel like JBR was being punished for something, and she was perhaps kept down in one of those closets that night or something -- almost like an extreme version of "go sit in the corner" -- "go sit in this locked closet in the basement for a while."

From the schematics, it says that the basement had a crawl space. I always wondered if perhaps the body was originally placed here, before being moved to the wine cellar. Just brainstorming.
YEah I'd like to see pics of that crawl space too.

Good observation on the possibility of her being sent down there as punishment. I could also imagine a "game" Burke might play where he takes her down there, puts her in that shower or a closet, he quickly runs back upstairs and turns the light off on his way out and she starts crying or screaming. Can also imagine Patsy locking her down there as punishment for god knows what.

BTW, I'm not referring to Christmas night. THis may have been a regular thing in that house of horrors.

That basement is insidious.

While I do believe a majority of what happened that night happened on the second floor, if it happened in stages and she was being chased by someone, it infuriates me to imagine she might have had no choice but to run down to the area of the house that scared her the most in an attempt to reach safety...that basement. :maddening:

Here's some questions I'm looking for answers on. These are important to a deep look I'm taking into what I think is the probably the most important piece of evidence in this case.

1) Is there any record of the R's referring to either of the kids bedrooms as a "Suite" or "En Suite"? Or anywhere else in the house they refer to as that?
2) Is there any record of the R's referring to any part of the house as a "Study"?
3) What are the names of all the visitors they had come over on murder morning?
4) Do you know of any nicknames they used to refer to those visitors?
5) What are any nicknames the R's used within their own family for each other?


1. Good question. Since Jonbenet practically had her own wing in the house it wouldn't surprise me.

2. I'm pretty sure JOhn had a study but don't know if he/they referred to it as such.

3. Great question. WE know the Ramsey clique excluding the Stines were there but I'd definitely like to see an official list of every single person who set foot in that house at any point that day, even if only for a few minutes.

4. Another good question.

5. GREAT question. I'd like an answer to that one too. It would give us another glimpse into this family's dynamic.

Hi there, we just released them in paperback as well. The full The Craven Silence trilogy is up and avail. The first book to The Day After Christmas trilogy is up as well - see all links below. The last 2 books will be live in the next day or two - they're just going through the publishing process now.

We hope you read them and would love to hear your thoughts.
When I checked last night to order the new book on Amazon, I only saw the Kindle version. I don't like reading on KIndle and prefer actual books.

I'll start off with the new one and then buy the others as well as a show of support. Anyone who has the courage to reveal info in this case deserves it and it certainly appears like you genuinely want the truth to come out and you back it up with sharing things others want buried. Many others just want to make money by dancing on her grave. Your heart is in the right place.

BTW, I didn't know the owner of that site posted here. Had I known that, I would've waited for you to post those pictures instead.

I would hope all members here(and the lurkers) support her and that site by buying this new book they released(and maybe the others too). LIke I said, it takes a lot of courage to do what they did and it certainly didn't come without risk. We all want justice, redemption, and closure for this innocent girl murdered in her own home and a mountain of corruption has been climbed on the journey there. The more info that comes out that TPTB want buried, the closer to the summit we get.


Hi singularity,
One of the reasons those photos look different than what we have seen is because they were taken by the police shortly after she was brought up from the basement. At that point she was in full rigor. Rigor begins in the small muscles and then reverses. ......
Good points. The discrepancies go back to the early days of the case. I always hated that drawing that made it appear she is peacefully asleep. It was deceptive although probably not intentional. Obviously the reality was much harsher.

As one can note from BR’s answers to the psychologist who talked to him in January, BR says that he was just going to move on with his life. This was a flag to me that an adult had coached him before his interview, even though PR claimed otherwise.
Yeah its definitely a coached answer. Such a term isn't really the normal vocabulary for a 9 year old boy. Sounds like Patsy for sure but after hearing/reading John's interviews, you can imagine him saying it too.

Closest person to me who died is my dad in 1995. I was 19, he was 39. I cant imagine saying so soon that its time to move on with my life. I was shell shocked by his death and it almost destroyed me. I quickly dove into the bottom of a pill bottle(and other assorted drugs).

They said this about the murder of a six year old child. These people are twisted.


It probably does not mattter but are the long johns on back to front?
Oh it matters but I think kanzz gave the answer to that. The stains do technically match where they should. I'd like to see the full picture of her in that position so we can see the full length of the long johns to confirm it but not gonna complain. Its a miracle these pics surfaced.
One more:

Has there been any mention of, or reference to, Thorazine anywhere in this investigation?
You very well could be right. The issue of the doll could have ruined PR's day. Another boundary issue. All about her, and JB being and extension of her. I'd forgotten about the things both she and JR said about that doll. Here's something from FFJ:

JonBenet rejects the My Twinn doll made to look like her- a possible rejection of "You and I will wear the same outfit and your dolly can look like us too."

JonBenet rejects the red turtleneck so as not to be her mother's clone.

JonBenet gets a new bike. "Oh, look, JonBenet. I have a new bike too. We can dress alike and ride our bikes together."
One more:

Has there been any mention of, or reference to, Thorazine anywhere in this investigation?

You post lots of good questions. :thinking::websleuther:

While we are all interested in this case as a whole, people have different areas of the case that interests them more than others. John and Patsy's use of prescription drugs is one of my main interests in the case as I believe it was one of the things that helped fuel the approaching nightmare and IMO drugs were also used as a coping mechanism in the aftermath of the tragedy. So IMO drugs were a major factor in their lives before and after her murder.

BPD/DA never even came close to scratching the surface on this issue and it shows they were in way over their heads.

As far as Thorazine goes, I don't think it has ever been mentioned before. Its certainly possible Patsy was taking it but no chance in hell Mr. CEO Man was taking a drug of that nature. He never would've risen to the level he did with that company and Lockheed would've run faster than a speeding bullet away from Access Graphics. His housewife could take it under the radar but I have my doubts.

Since you mention THorazine, are you one of those PDI who believes in one of those unconventional theories like the Miss Jean Brodie theory or a religious sacrifice? I am PDI but IMO those theories are a bit too outlandish although I'll admit some of those coincidences in the former theory are interesting.

When it comes to Patsy and prescription drugs, other than antidepressants(John took these too), she's taking a cocktail of benzos(xanax, valium, klonopin, etc.) and while its not admitted in the interviews, as a former pill addict myself and having known many in my life, she is definitely using oxycontin, hydrocodone, maybe even Dilaudid. She definitely would've been taking these during the time she had cancer and they are highly addictive and from how she acts, no chance she stopped once going into remission.

To anyone here who has never abused prescription drugs and/or doesn't know much about them, please read about the drugs I listed and more specifically, read about what happens when a person addicted to these meds goes into withdrawals.
Here's some questions I'm looking for answers on. These are important to a deep look I'm taking into what I think is the probably the most important piece of evidence in this case.

1) Is there any record of the R's referring to either of the kids bedrooms as a "Suite" or "En Suite"? Or anywhere else in the house they refer to as that?
2) Is there any record of the R's referring to any part of the house as a "Study"?
3) What are the names of all the visitors they had come over on murder morning?
4) Do you know of any nicknames they used to refer to those visitors?
5) What are any nicknames the R's used within their own family for each other?

1) Never heard of that.
2) Yes, on floor plans and in book references - also referred to as the den.
3) Rev. Rol Hoverstock, Fleet and Patricia White, John and Barb Fernie, plus the Victim's Advocates.
4) I don't know.
5) The only nick I know is what PR called JB - "Johnny B".

I'm intrigued. Where are you headed?

This link opens for me but I cannot get it to play. The slide bar advances but the shot never changes from the ironing board. Any ideas?

I believe something happened Christmas morning. The pix of JonBenét sitting on the floor by the presents looks like she has a forced smile like whoever has the camera is making her smile. Also we never have seen a pic of the My Twin Doll that JonBenet didn't care for and didn't think looked like her. Hmmmm what is up with that doll?

Idk if someone replied already, but make sure you turn off any extensions like and be sure your plugins are all up to date.

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One more:

Has there been any mention of, or reference to, Thorazine anywhere in this investigation?

No, not to my memory. I can't imagine Thorazine being used by any of the major players in this case except maybe JR. Certainly not PR or BR. All of the people I've ever known who were on Thorazine were flat as a pancake. It's a chemical lobotomy. PR is a drama queen and far too animated. BR is a grinning jitterbug. JR is the only one who appears flat, imo. Then there's that lizard tongue thing he does, and Thorazine is known for causing dry mouth.

Is this why you are asking?
Here's some questions I'm looking for answers on. These are important to a deep look I'm taking into what I think is the probably the most important piece of evidence in this case.

1) Is there any record of the R's referring to either of the kids bedrooms as a "Suite" or "En Suite"? Or anywhere else in the house they refer to as that?
2) Is there any record of the R's referring to any part of the house as a "Study"?
3) What are the names of all the visitors they had come over on murder morning?
4) Do you know of any nicknames they used to refer to those visitors?
5) What are any nicknames the R's used within their own family for each other?


1. Don't know.
2. That's a good question. I want to say yes but don't have any examples off hand.
3. Fleet and Priscilla White arrived first. John Fernie came separately from his wife and arrived first. Then Barb Fernie came. She decided to call the pastor, Rol Hoverstock. At that time there were also two victim's advocates there named Grace Morlock and Mary Lou Jedamus. To my knowledge those are the only non-LE/CSI people in the house that morning.
No idea about nicknames for anyone though. Never read about any of the friends having nicknames.

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