Questions you'd like Susan's friends and family members to answer

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>Did Josh tell you or anyone you know where he went to college and did he present himself as having a degree in Business?
Yes, in fact he told the family that he had graduated and just didn't want to walk. Additionally, he managed to build up a HUGE amount of debt in school loans. I don't know the actual amount, but it is in the range of $60K.

>Did you ever see a diploma hanging up at his house?

Very interesting. Mark Hacking also told his family he had "graduated" but conveniently got "sick" the day he was supposed to walk.

Kirk, do you now believe Josh was lying about his degree? Which college did he say he "graduated" from?

Very interesting. Mark Hacking also told his family he had "graduated" but conveniently got "sick" the day he was supposed to walk.

Kirk, do you now believe Josh was lying about his degree? Which college did he say he "graduated" from?


Based on the information I see here, and it looks like the efforts of the folks here have been thorough, I would have to conclude that he lied.

As for the school he was supposed to have attended, I believe it was UW. However, he never told me directly.

When Josh filed for bankruptcy in April 2007, was Susan aware of it? She was not listed as a debtor, only Josh, so we wondered if she even knew he did file.

Also, wasn't Susan working in April 2007? Do you have any idea why Josh would list her as a homemaker with no income when he filed?

Did Josh tell anybody about his bankruptcy? It seems with all his debt discharged, and both him and Susan working, the money would not have been so tight. Why were they still having money problems to the point he wouldn't let Susan buy proper food and Christmas presents for the boys?
>When Josh filed for bankruptcy in April 2007, was Susan aware of it?
Yes she was, but since the debt that was causing the bankruptcy didn't include her name, there wasn't any point in messing up her credit rating as well.

>Also, wasn't Susan working in April 2007? Do you have any idea why Josh would list her as a homemaker with no income when he filed?
I don't remember the exact timeline, but I know that Susan was not working for a while (wanted to be a full-time mom). She went back to work because Josh could not produce any steady income.

>Did Josh tell anybody about his bankruptcy?
We certainly knew.

>Why were they still having money problems to the point he wouldn't let Susan buy proper food and Christmas presents for the boys?
Because JSP is cheap and controlling and he spent too much on stuff they didn't need (big boy toys).
Kirk: I hope you realize how much we appreciate you!

Couple more questions:

Did Josh ever cook or was the pancake dinner extremely unusual?

Did Josh ever participate in Boy Scouts as a youth? If so, did he get his Eagle?

We know that Susan's parents loaned them (at least) $3,000 as listed on the bankruptcy papers. Did Josh's dad or mom ever loan them money? Did the fact that Josh put that loan from the Coxes on his bankruptcy cause problems with Susan and her parents?
Would you say Steven Powell held a lot of influence over Josh? Did Josh respect him and would he do whatever the old man wanted him to do?

Do you know why Susan disliked Steven Powell so much? Did something happen between them before the move to Utah?

Why do you think Josh wouldn't let Susan use the computer at home? Do you think he could have been hiding something on the computer?

Is it possible Josh had a girlfriend on the side? (Or....even a boyfriend?)

Someone mentioned that Josh didn't like to have sex because of "germs." Did you ever hear anything like that?

Thank you.
Did Josh ever tell you or Jennifer why he quit going to church? Was it simply a difficulty with his faith or was it a conflict with someone at church?

Do you know if Josh is looking for a job now, and if so, what kind of work is he looking for?

Is Steven Powell really supporting four grown unemployed children and two grandchildren at that house? Does he make a lot of money to do that or is it draining his resources? Are all the other kids still at home screwed up too?

Was Josh every diagnosed, formally or informally, with a learning disability like ADD or dyslexia? Is it possible he was hit on the head with a heavy rock as a kid???? (OK, just kidding, sort of...) What I mean is, was he always "different" and "difficult" and why in the world was a class act like Susan attracted to him?
LE broke a window to gain entrance to the home. So it is safe to assume that no windows or doors were left open.

according to the blue prints of the home when it was built, and when those blue prints are compared with the house today, are there any changes in the physical appearance of the house or yard before her disappearance, and perhaps not completed until after her disappearance?
Any add -on inside or out, anything built in the back before the disappearance? any small crawl spaces etc, inside the home that may now be hidden behind a new wall etc.....
>Would you say Steven Powell held a lot of influence over Josh?

>Did Josh respect him and would he do whatever the old man wanted him to do?
I suspect yes.

>Why do you think Josh wouldn't let Susan use the computer at home?
control issues.

>Did Josh ever tell you or Jennifer why he quit going to church?
He gave reasons, but they all sounded like paroting of SP's anti-mormon retoric.

>Is Steven Powell really supporting four grown unemployed children and two grandchildren at that house?

>Does he make a lot of money to do that or is it draining his resources?
He make a decent income, but nothing extraordinary.

>Is it possible he was hit on the head with a heavy rock as a kid???? (OK, just kidding, sort of...)
Perhaps it would have helped :) (also just kidding, sort of...)
Kgraves to make it easier on you answering the questions you can just push the quote button in a post and then you do not have to copy the questions.. You might already know this if not just trying to help. I appreciate you taking the time to answer them .Thank You.
>Is it possible he was hit on the head with a heavy rock as a kid???? (OK, just kidding, sort of...)
Perhaps it would have helped :) (also just kidding, sort of...)

Thank you for answering questions. We all really appreciate it! We waited quite awhile since this thread was started for someone to participate and I am thrilled, just as I am sure others are.

You made me bust out laughing with your above response!
About the day Josh rented the car​

I have read that Jennifer Graves, Josh Powell's sister, babysat Braden and Charlie the day Josh rented the car and disappeared for 24 hours.

Did Josh tell Jennifer where he was going or why he needed her to babysit the boys?

Did Jennifer or Kirk notice Josh's severely burnt hands when he returned? If yes, were they burnt evenly on both hands? Were they burnt on the palms and the tops?

Does Josh have sensitive hands?

Does Josh wear gloves during the winter?

How did Josh get to the rental car agency?

How did Josh get to wherever he went after returning the car?
Kgraves to make it easier on you answering the questions you can just push the quote button in a post and then you do not have to copy the questions.. You might already know this if not just trying to help. I appreciate you taking the time to answer them .Thank You.

Thanks for the tip.

Actually, since I was answering the questions in-line, I just thought it would be easier to read if I did it the other way.
Questions for Kirk Graves

1. Do you have a Josh Powell Realtor magnet on your refrigerator?

2. Have you ever suspected Josh Powell is a bi-polar/manic depressant?

3. Did you ever hear Josh Powell yell at Susan or the boys?

4. Did Josh Powell ever ask to borrow money from you?

5. Did Jennifer and you believe Josh had a business administration degree?

6. Is Josh Powell a habitual liar?

7. During your recent visit to the home of Jennifer's father, Steve Powell, where Josh Powell is living with sons, who was the first person to order Jennifer and you to leave?

8. Does Steve Powell have a bad temper?

9. Does Josh Powell have a bad temper?

10. While living in West Valley City, Utah, did Josh establish any close, meaningful friendships with any males?

11. To your knowledge, has anyone ever suspected Josh is bi-sexual or a closet homosexual?

12. Was Steve Powell physically abusive to his children?

13. Was Steve Powell physically abusive to Josh and Jennifer's mother?

14. Is Jennifer embarrassed about her father's web site?

15. Was Josh involved in online gaming?

16. Has Josh ever been involved in playing Dungeons and Dragons, Magic The Drawing or any "Satanic" games, either physically or online?
A couple of disclaimers.

1. ‎While Josh is my brother-in-law, I didn't spend much time with him on a personal level, so he and I were never close. At the best of times he is socially inconsiderate, at the worst of time, I find him down right annoying.

2. I won't answer every question. Some I am not comfortable answering. Some I just don't know (see above reason).

>I have read that Jennifer Graves, Josh Powell's sister, babysat sons the day Josh rented the car and disappeared for 24 hours.

>Did Josh tell Jennifer where he was going or why he needed her to babysit the boys?

>How did Josh get to the rental car agency?
Got a ride

>How did Josh get to wherever he went after returning the car?
Got a ride

1. Do you have a Josh Powell Realtor magnet on your refrigerator?

4. Did Josh Powell ever ask to borrow money from you?
yes, I chose not to lend it.

5. Did Jennifer and you believe Josh had a business administration degree?
We had been led to believe he had a college degree. I am not sure what major.

7. During your recent visit to the home of Jennifer's father, Steve Powell, where Josh Powell is living with Braden and Charlie, who was the first person to order Jennifer and you to leave?

8. Does Steve Powell have a bad temper?
based solely on his reaction to our visit in Jan, yes.

12. Was Steve Powell physically abusive to his children?
SP is controlling and self-centered.
TYVM for the information.
I just have questions regarding the locks on the back and front doors? Were they both deadbolt---single or double? Or just the kind you turn the little button? TIA

ETA: Do you know if all the windows were locked when LE and Jennifer entered the house? I guess LE would have checked that before they broke the window, but you never know if one was just stuck really well. And no.....I'm not a burglar. :)

I have always had the inkling that Josh passed a key to SOMEONE.
Thanks so much for answering some of these questions, its so much better than guesses or speculation. I appreciate your candor and understand about not answering them all.

Regarding one big boy toy: it was reported that some of the equipment that was moved out of Powell household included some tanks, such as those containing welding gases (like MAPP, acetylene, or oxygen). Did you see those? Do you know when he might have purchased those?
Kgraves thank you so much for answering the questions you can! :)
This has to be such a terrible and difficult time for your family.

Could you give us any insight into SP, can he actually be happy to have so many adult children under his roof, is he really so controlling he would not want them to branch out to make lives for themselves which would take some independence?

Did the family see any signs that something like this could ever happen or was much of the control etc kept quiet from the family?

Do you know what plans Susan had made if she was going to leave Josh? Was she wanting to move back to be near her family or did she want to stay in Utah and keep her job etc?

Regarding Josh Powell's alleged trip to West Valley City, Utah on May 6, 2010​

1. Did Josh visit his sister, Jennifer Graves?

2. Did Josh visit his mother?

3. Did Josh fly to West Valley City?

4. Did Josh drive the van?

5. Did Josh rent a vehicle?

6. How long was Josh in West Valley City?

7. Why was Josh in West Valley City?

8. If Josh flew, who picked him up at the airport?

9. Did Josh Powell speak with anyone representing the West Valley City Police Department?

10. Did anyone know in advance he was coming to West Valley City?

11. Did Josh bring sons with him?

12. Where did Josh stay while in West Valley City?

13. Did Josh visit Kirsii and John Hellewell?

14. Did Josh rent and drive a U-Haul truck?

15. Did Josh go to his home to pick up more items to bring back to Washington?

16. Does anyone have any details about Josh's visit to West Valley City they can provide that is not covered by the questions posed above?

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