Ramifications of a Not Guilty Verdict in Casey Anthony Case

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I couldn’t agree with this post more. She will definitely be convicted.
Casey and her parents will get to be ‘celebrities’ for another year or so
and then will fall into the same hole that swallowed up Diane Downs
and Susan Smith.

It already feels as if she is fading away. Starting to seem like old news. (Except that we lost a little baby girl here)
I've never even considered the possibility of a "not guilty" verdict, as I believe the prosecution is holding back solid evidence linking Casey to the crime. Some evidence that motivated the SA to put the DP back on the table. I can't see the SA doing this unless he has firm ground to stand on.

But, I'll give it a shot. If Casey were to be found "not guilty", she'd only be trading state prison for the prison of her own home or more likely, her parent's home. She has no friends, except for a few sad people who send money to her commissary account. She'd never be able to get a job, as her name and face are too readily identified in connection with the death of her daughter. No potential employer would risk hiring her. Casey has been exposed as a liar and a thief and I highly doubt anyone would be seriously interested in a book written by Casey telling how she didn't do the crime. The same goes for interviews. Casey would have no hope for a relationship with a man, for the same reasons - she's a liar and a thief, and in addition has established a pattern of promiscuity......not qualities a man looks for in a serious relationship.

Casey would be prosecuted for the theft charges, and whether or not she does any time for that crime, she would likely be placed on probation for a period of time, and have to comply with the terms of her probation. Since Casey has never been held responsible for her actions, I don't think she would do well under the thumb of a probation officer.

Life on the outside might prove to be more difficult than life in state prison for Casey.

I agree 100%, the SA would not have put the DP on the table unless they are sitting on something else substantial. IMO there is more to come in this case and JB knows it otherwise he wouldn't be out "campaigning" for his client through the media and the parents. On the off chance she is found NG, be careful what you wish for KC. She will be the most despised woman on earth, her life will be spent with no friends, unable to go out in public, her own granmother and other relatives will not support her, and don't think for one minute the CA & GA will welcome her back with open arms. I see a very lonely existance for KC. Who will she be able to text????:boohoo:
This thread is for speculation of the possible ramifications if Casey is found Not Guilty.
What could be the reasons if she is found not guilty?
What would this say about our legal/justice system?
What would ithis imply about 24/7 news, legal TV shows (i.e. JVM, NG and the like)
What does the internet have to do with it?
What might Casey's life, the A's look like?
What might this say about Orlando's LE?
What could this imply about having a high priced legal team (though we still can't figure out who is paying for it)
What does this say about a high profile case?
Will there be justice for baby Caylee?

Your thoughts? Do you think this could be a possibility?
My own belief is that their is a God and God will hold KC accountable where it counts the most.
I really think it might be possible to get a hung jury and a retrial,but no way do I think 12 people will conclude KC is not guilty.
(bold above by me)

Karla Homolka. Proud mommy in the Antilles.

that one turned my stomach when I learnt of it.

When I first read about the CSI effect on wikipedia ages ago, I was a little surprised thinking that more people than not surely should realise how fake tv is. I dont think it hit me on the head til the last few days how wrong I was. I think so many WSers are completely brilliant but the despair I am seeing since the last doc dump actually stuns me - have you all forgotten what all we know already??

I should point out that I am not a supporter of the death penalty and I do not think KC will receive it, which I am okay with, I am glad she will have a death qualified jury (who are more likely to convict) which I am wondering if that was State's reason for putting DP back on the table...

on the other hand -

State said, and I think I am quoting, that they have "overwhelming evidence" that Caylee was killed by KC. That's a brave freaking statement. So I suspect they have exactly that. Which means even more than we know now, which, I have to say, I would convict her now on what I know of murder first, were I on the jury.

I am trying to get on topic here but since I dont see any possible way she will walk unless her entire jury are zombies, literally...

Like previous posters, I dont think KC would be safe for very long if she did walk. she isnt the only one who likes to take her bad feelings out on others.
that one turned my stomach when I learnt of it.

When I first read about the CSI effect on wikipedia ages ago, I was a little surprised thinking that more people than not surely should realise how fake tv is. I dont think it hit me on the head til the last few days how wrong I was. I think so many WSers are completely brilliant but the despair I am seeing since the last doc dump actually stuns me - have you all forgotten what all we know already??

I should point out that I am not a supporter of the death penalty and I do not think KC will receive it, which I am okay with, I am glad she will have a death qualified jury (who are more likely to convict) which I am wondering if that was State's reason for putting DP back on the table...

on the other hand -

State said, and I think I am quoting, that they have "overwhelming evidence" that Caylee was killed by KC.
That's a brave freaking statement. So I suspect they have exactly that. Which means even more than we know now, which, I have to say, I would convict her now on what I know of murder first, were I on the jury.

I am trying to get on topic here but since I dont see any possible way she will walk unless her entire jury are zombies, literally...

Like previous posters, I dont think KC would be safe for very long if she did walk. she isnt the only one who likes to take her bad feelings out on others.

As I've stated previously in this thread, I think the SA has "the smoking gun" evidence to convict Casey........irrefutable evidence. I believe the SA received confirmation of a crucial piece of evidence that prompted them to put the DP back on the table.

I know many are disappointed with the latest document dump - so am I, but I don't think the lack of evidence made public, signifies that the SA doesn't have the evidence they need for a conviction. I've watched a number of criminal cases, and in almost every one, I was amazed by the amount of evidence presented that was not known prior to the trial.
As I've stated previously in this thread, I think the SA has "the smoking gun" evidence to convict Casey........irrefutable evidence. I believe the SA received confirmation of a crucial piece of evidence that prompted them to put the DP back on the table.

I know many are disappointed with the latest document dump - so am I, but I don't think the lack of evidence made public, signifies that the SA doesn't have the evidence they need for a conviction. I've watched a number of criminal cases, and in almost every one, I was amazed by the amount of evidence presented that was not known prior to the trial.

ITA, there is something we haven't seen yet...and I don't think she will walk...MOO
I think if Casey is found not guilty by a jury that most people will accept that. We must. I put my faith in LE and the SA to prosecute accordingly. If there is not enough evidence against Casey to make the DP a possibility they should have considered that. There is no doubt in my mind that they did.

If she was found NG there is also no doubt in my mind that she could write (or help write) a book that would be a best seller. I imagine she could change her name (something "irish") and pick up where she left off.

I honestly don't think Casey would ever kill again. I just don't see the theory that GA and CA were her original targets. If her jury thinks she is innocent of murdering Caylee I will accept it and move on. I think I may be in the minority in this. The word vigilante tastes criminal and cold in my mouth.

I may hate her for what I perceive that she did to Caylee but I do not hate her enough to ignore a verdict brought down by a group of people that will know infinitely more than I do or ever will.

PS- I personally think she's going up river. And not in a party boat, shakin' her shamrocks.
Like I said it is not time to vote yet. when it is time to do so I will. right now the Jury is out.
I refuse to go with she did not report for 31 days and there was a dead body smell in the car....
So it must be Casey only and no other option. I call that dropping the ball.
I am open to hear and consider whatever will come forward.
NOTHING has tied Casey directly to a murder YET!.


i think there's been some confusion songline. i didn't post anything at all about 31 days, the jury, dropping the ball, anything being the end, or your vote.
i posted:
eddeva said:
songline, i've seen you post about dark and shady people being involved a few times. who are you talking about?
I can't envision a scenario in which she would get off, but if it were to happen, I don't think there would be much change in the Anthony dynamics, unless George and Cindy are getting some serious, serious help now and plan to vanish from sight--including Casey's sight--upon her release.

Casey is a sociopath. She will continue doing what she wants to do, when she wants to do it, cost (human or other) be damned.

Her life will go on as it always has--with no concern except her own gratification.

My head will explode, though.
This case 'll do that to ya.

I hope the thing is televised, so we can see ALL the evidence.

But, don't forget.. they have that death band hair, and Caylee's decomposed DNA. That and the lack of reporting for 31 days ought to be enough, right there.

I feel like quoting myself here. I don't think there is any bombshell evidence left to be released and I don't think we need any. IMO, she's going down:

"You know what? I think we are so involved that it gets hard to see the forest for the trees. The bombshells in the case are numerous to me:
1. The mother not reporting her child missing, ever.
2. The mother lying about the whereabouts of her child for 30 days.
3. The mother making up a person who does not exist and stating that this person kidnapped her child, after lying about her whereabouts for 31 days.
4. The mother lying about EVERYTHING to investigators who were desperately trying to find her missing child.
5. Evidence of internet searches on the computer casey used for chloroform, neck breaking, shovels and missing kids 3 months before her child went missing.
6. Significant traces of chloroform in the trunk of casey's car, which she abandoned a couple weeks after the child disappeared, and which reeked to high heaven of death.
7. Cadaver dog hits on the suspect's back yard and the trunk of her car.
8. The mother of a "missing" child galavanting around town, partying, sleeping with her boyfriend, stealing and getting tattoos that commemorate her wonderful life, in the days before the child was reported missing.
9. The discovery of the skeletized remains of sweet Caylee Anthony, found mere houses from casey's home, which forensics show had been there since mid-June - the last time anyone saw Caylee alive.

All additional evidence is great. It paints a picture. It adds to what we know. But, seriously? I truly feel we have more than enough for a First Degree murder conviction, God willing!"

Due to the above, I'm not going to think about the potential of a not guilty verdict. I think she'll be in jail for a long, long, long time.
Yeah-- but maybe she really is crazy...

that's what they're trying to sell us.
I for one, am not buying.
Her attnys. (IMO) are not talented enough to pull that off. It's just too public. WE're all kinds of different people and most of us are reasonable people. IMO:

Casey Anthony will piss off mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, FATHERS, neighbors, friends, irish people, hispanic people, people named casey, people named zaneida, people that lived at sawgrass apartments, people that lived in FL and were sick of the attention, people that once shopped at the sawgrass outlet mall, people that liked to go to Universal -which IMO, is no kinda park for a kid her age- people that go to UF, people that live on hopespring, people that can't sell anything unlucky enough to be near her.

The people that will convict Casey will most likely be logical. And logically it does not add up.
I think the State has a very good understanding of this case. With the Florida sunshine laws we may have seen a lot of documents. I do not think they have told us their case,and they don't have to. I feel very confident that the SA has enough that Casey will be convicted by a jury of her peers for MURDER1. She will receive" Life without the possibility of parole." OR the Death Penalty. Certainly both for her & the State the DP would be more appropriate. Rotting in prison for 50 t0 70 years will teach her nothing & will be costly for taxpayers. Put the money to the best use helping needy & endangered children.
I agree with you but I wonder why she would get protective custody? I mean, Susan Smith and women like her are not in pc are they? Oh well, I'm sure she heard of Jeffery Dahmer and will wonder every day if that is her fate. I'm okay with that. If she walks, I can't say for certain what I will do. :eek:

Hi GB... I searched for a bit to find factual info on Susan Smith, but the articles I found only suggested that she was in protective custody.

This one article I did find had, IMO, an outstanding, last paragraph, opinion on Casey's trial. Hopefully, it will eviate the fears some have about a "walk way" from justice.


"Casey Anthony will undoubtedly go thru her murder trial without saying a word or sharing even the smallest detail about what actually happen to her daughter. If found guilty and the death sentence is imposed (permissible under Florida law) she will go to her grave most likely feeling that she has put one over on law enforcement, her family and the public. Holding those secrets to herself allows her to feel that she is better than anyone else and that she has had ultimate control over everyone".
i think there's been some confusion songline. i didn't post anything at all about 31 days, the jury, dropping the ball, anything being the end, or your vote.
i posted:
eddeva - I posted a reply to your question in several places.
there is lots of information in the threads I offered that will give you something to think about, or not.
You can select to ignore it, or not.
I select to hear it out, I select not to just point at one disturbed girl yet....
I may point at her later. and I know fully that many things DO point at her being the culprit.

I feel like quoting myself here. I don't think there is any bombshell evidence left to be released and I don't think we need any. IMO, she's going down:

"You know what? I think we are so involved that it gets hard to see the forest for the trees. The bombshells in the case are numerous to me:
1. The mother not reporting her child missing, ever.
2. The mother lying about the whereabouts of her child for 30 days.
3. The mother making up a person who does not exist and stating that this person kidnapped her child, after lying about her whereabouts for 31 days.
4. The mother lying about EVERYTHING to investigators who were desperately trying to find her missing child.
5. Evidence of internet searches on the computer casey used for chloroform, neck breaking, shovels and missing kids 3 months before her child went missing.
6. Significant traces of chloroform in the trunk of casey's car, which she abandoned a couple weeks after the child disappeared, and which reeked to high heaven of death.
7. Cadaver dog hits on the suspect's back yard and the trunk of her car.
8. The mother of a "missing" child galavanting around town, partying, sleeping with her boyfriend, stealing and getting tattoos that commemorate her wonderful life, in the days before the child was reported missing.
9. The discovery of the skeletized remains of sweet Caylee Anthony, found mere houses from casey's home, which forensics show had been there since mid-June - the last time anyone saw Caylee alive.

All additional evidence is great. It paints a picture. It adds to what we know. But, seriously? I truly feel we have more than enough for a First Degree murder conviction, God willing!"

Due to the above, I'm not going to think about the potential of a not guilty verdict. I think she'll be in jail for a long, long, long time.

I think this pretty much sums it up!:blowkiss::clap::clap::clap:
Well, there's no evidence implicating anyone else. Just KC.
You are right that all fingers point at Casey.
I am not defending her.
I meerly suggest that it is worth looking at all possibilities.
And as I see it it is not time to vote yet.

Caylee Anthony – Document Dump Shows Little Of Substance.

And on this link there is more information I find interesting and worth considering too:
Mentioning the name Peter Benevides seems to be a real conversation killer. Several folks that I know quite well headed for the hills at the mention of the name. Benevides is so hot, people melt. Rumors are wonderful things, I’ll share what I have been told, his folks pack heat, and you basically do not want to mess with Mr Benevides.
I think but I am not sure that you must press charges to lock someone up on theft. :waitasec:
if someone will press charges on the checks that is the only way they may arrest her for that.
I assume her parent will not press charges.
And I assume that what she took from Amy is petty larceny, not grand larceny so I doubt that there is jail time on the check issue.
But I think there may be jail time on NEGLECT of the child.

Could there be more serious charges brought due to her stealing from her grandfathers checking? I'm thinking some kind of elder abuse maybe?
Also there are the lies she told LE at first, things like telling them she worked at Universal and then leading them down the hallway there before she finally changed that tune, can't that be giving false statements? She has told so many lies it's difficult to keep them all in mind.

I can't help but think if Casey is found guilty, she will regret not making up some sort of accident (drowning in the pool) scenario instead.

She is in her early 20's....wait until she wakes up one day, her looks have faded, and she is still in a cell. No male contact (other than letters), no shopping trips, nada. You see that has happened with the Manson clan. Those women are constantly trying to make everyone see they've changed, etc. They want out. When KC gets LIFE, she will be the same. I really think most don't really realize that "life" is "life", because they see people get out all of the time for good behaviour, etc.

I honestly think KC has convinced herself that she is a martyr right now, and that eventually she will get off, so this "jail stint" is just that, a minor disruption in her plans of getting on with her life without Caylee.

If/when she is given a LONG sentence (if it isn't on the murder, there are plenty of other things they can/will charge her with regarding her, well, financial situation) to put her away for a while. THAT is when it will sink in. Like SP, she probably feels even if she is found guilty, she will eventually be let out on appeal.

Like when SP runs out of appeal options, the gravity that he is going to be there forever will finally set it. I feel the same way about KC. Right now, it is still a "game" and she is the star. One day, that star will fade, she will be nothing but a prisoner number, and will be unimportant. When that happens, you will see the REAL KC come out. When a master manipulator/narcissist becomes insignificant, they tend to really start to lose it.

Not to mention, she will be in a REAL FEDERAL prison. Not the county perky lock-up. Totally different.

People say SP has "adapted" to prison and is doing well. Well, he isn't in general pop. I think SP would have a whole different "life" if he was.
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