Random Thoughts and Discussion Ideas#5 About the Case

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(Mods feel free to move this. could not find it discussed before and I was not sure where to put this.)

Just reading some of the documents here and the answer to Zanny was plain as day:


Richard G reports that in april 2006 he had been watching Caylee and that he asked KC how much longer before a sitter and she says she found one name Zanny recommended by Jeff

She quits her job at Kodak in april 2006 as well. My guess so that she could become Zanny the nanny.

She also, as reported by GA, puts that she IS a nanny in her resume.
KC = Zanny. Zanny took Caylee and killed her. Simple math then: KC killed Caylee

Lightbulb moment reading through that site! :)

She also listed on a resume that she was a "nanny." I think by reading the timelines she watched Caylee or her mom did for the most part.
She also listed on a resume that she was a "nanny." I think by reading the timelines she watched Caylee or her mom did for the most part.

exactly! this is all I've been trying to say. KC created Zanny as herself. KC is zanny
but the point is that this is when she knew for sure she would not have a job and she would was also confronted by RG about a babysitter...I find this more than a coincidence and I believe this was the "birth" of Zanny.

and then didn't one of KC's friends babysit for free until she discovered KC was out with friends and not at work like she portrayed? KC had no trouble using people if it suited her, that's for sure.
Random thoughts/ideas? --

Given Casey's flair for creating elaborate lies, I've been wondering how long it will be before she throws out the "I'm being framed" card?

Along with the following "logical" explanations:
(pretending to be Casey speaking to LE or parents)... I've told you all everything I know; yet y'all still act like you think I killed Caylee instead of looking for the 'real' killer! You people are SO stupid! I'm mean, really...do you honestly think if I killed Caylee, I would be dumb enough to:
-- dump her body THAT close to our house?
-- stash her in my trunk so evidence can lead police right back to me?
-- fabricate "Zanny" when I knew the police would check out the story?
-- leave obvious clues (such as google searches/clothing/books,etc) behind, which would point to ME as the one who killed Caylee?
--borrow the neighbor's shovel (by request, and not stealing) to bury or move Caylee?

Why can't you all see the truth? I'm being framed/set-up!

Well...there 'ya go, Mish's random thought of the day!
How would clothes even be on the remains if the remains were nothing but bones that had been scattered by the flood waters? It has been stated that the bones scatter was laid out the same way the water flowed out of the area.

What would be left to "hold" the clothes on???
GA, an CA are holding off until Caylee is put to rest before they speak publicly. I am really hoping that some time after caylees funeral, they speak the whole truth.

I am of the belief that their 'lies' were to convince themselves that kc couldnt hurt caylee, rather than to protect and cover for their daughter.
Now that there is nothing left to fear, since the worst has already happened, I'd like to hear Cindy talk about the relationship between KC and Caylee...The way it really was, without the rose colored glasses.
Amy says KC told her that ca called her an unfit mother, before Caylee went missing and there was talk about CA trying to get custody of caylee.
We know they had arguments, but CA minimized it all when talking to le, fbi, and media, yet it was serious enough for her to start seing a counselor.

I think that CA will have the best insight into the interaction between kc and Caylee, and I really hope she finally shares that insight. For Caylee..... because she deserves the truth.
And the biggest lesson to learn in this whole thing is the importance of honesty, and how ugly a life can become when it is built on lies....and how damaging lies really are.

Maybe if we get to the real truth, it could prevent the same thing happening to another child. Its important for us to know warning signs, and know when we need to step in, and how to protect the children around us.

Just my random thought for the day.:)
Watching the reruns on NG again just now and I just have to ask.....what did this family talk about the whole dang time she was out on bond? what in the world...did they never ask her anything:furious::eek:
GA, an CA are holding off until Caylee is put to rest before they speak publicly. I am really hoping that some time after caylees funeral, they speak the whole truth.

I am of the belief that their 'lies' were to convince themselves that kc couldnt hurt caylee, rather than to protect and cover for their daughter.
Now that there is nothing left to fear, since the worst has already happened, I'd like to hear Cindy talk about the relationship between KC and Caylee...The way it really was, without the rose colored glasses.
Amy says KC told her that ca called her an unfit mother, before Caylee went missing and there was talk about CA trying to get custody of caylee.
We know they had arguments, but CA minimized it all when talking to le, fbi, and media, yet it was serious enough for her to start seing a counselor.

I think that CA will have the best insight into the interaction between kc and Caylee, and I really hope she finally shares that insight. For Caylee..... because she deserves the truth.
And the biggest lesson to learn in this whole thing is the importance of honesty, and how ugly a life can become when it is built on lies....and how damaging lies really are.

Maybe if we get to the real truth, it could prevent the same thing happening to another child. Its important for us to know warning signs, and know when we need to step in, and how to protect the children around us.

Just my random thought for the day.:)

Everytime I hear CA speak about KC, it makes my skin crawl. CA really didn't give a damn about KC. She loved Caylee and without KC in the picture she thought that she would lose Caylee. One comment that stuck out to me about their relationship was during the FBI interview CA said "I didn't care where KC was and I still don't care where she's at...." At that time KC was in jail.
Watching the reruns on NG again just now and I just have to ask.....what did this family talk about the whole dang time she was out on bond? what in the world...did they never ask her anything:furious::eek:

I watched it as well. Maddening! GA sounded as if he was practicing for his new spokesperson gig. :furious: I kept wondering if they realized how ridiculous all of it sounded.
How would clothes even be on the remains if the remains were nothing but bones that had been scattered by the flood waters? It has been stated that the bones scatter was laid out the same way the water flowed out of the area.

What would be left to "hold" the clothes on???

I am thinking that the lightest, less strongly connected bones might be the ones scattered: wrist bones, fingers, etc. We don't know the condition of the bag--how far it was torn or ripped--so it's hard to say if there might also have been toes, ankle bones, etc. I know, eccch. If there are clothes /rags on the remains they may have been caught around heavier bones (pelvis, femur, lower two-thirds of spinal column). Clothing may also have been jammed at the bottom of the bag.
Random thoughts/ideas? --

Given Casey's flair for creating elaborate lies, I've been wondering how long it will be before she throws out the "I'm being framed" card?

Along with the following "logical" explanations:
(pretending to be Casey speaking to LE or parents)... I've told you all everything I know; yet y'all still act like you think I killed Caylee instead of looking for the 'real' killer! You people are SO stupid! I'm mean, really...do you honestly think if I killed Caylee, I would be dumb enough to:
-- dump her body THAT close to our house?
-- stash her in my trunk so evidence can lead police right back to me?
-- fabricate "Zanny" when I knew the police would check out the story?
-- leave obvious clues (such as google searches/clothing/books,etc) behind, which would point to ME as the one who killed Caylee?
--borrow the neighbor's shovel (by request, and not stealing) to bury or move Caylee?

Why can't you all see the truth? I'm being framed/set-up!

Well...there 'ya go, Mish's random thought of the day!

yeah, why not? they all try it. OJ, SP now KC
I watched it as well. Maddening! GA sounded as if he was practicing for his new spokesperson gig. :furious: I kept wondering if they realized how ridiculous all of it sounded.

It is very hard to understand them. George with his half-jocular tone and exaggerated eyebrow flexing (when lying, note KC does this too) in public, compared to the more serious, nearly philosophical tone he adopts in the jailhouse videos. Then there is CA and KC, also known as KC versus CA. Quite a tense relationship, almost love-hate, idealization-contempt. The latter relationship is so volatile, it is scary...anything could happen.

BTW any updates on "Black Jack"?

PS Also used "twaddle" in a post today, with due credit. :)
It is very hard to understand them. George with his half-jocular tone and exaggerated eyebrow flexing (when lying, note KC does this too) in public, compared to the more serious, nearly philosophical tone he adopts in the jailhouse videos. Then there is CA and KC, also known as KC versus CA. Quite a tense relationship, almost love-hate, idealization-contempt. The latter relationship is so volatile, it is scary...anything could happen.

BTW any updates on "Black Jack"?

PS Also used "twaddle" in a post today, with due credit. :)

Why, thank you! I'll have to go and search it out.
My mom would have termed GA as "feelylied." He's a walking anomaly, really. Heaving woe-is-me sighs to the FBI, while trying to cover his backside and tossing others under the bus. Bless his heart, he's about shameless.
My thought for the day is why did Cindy not mention the death smell until the last 911 call? If it was so bad and they both new what dead bodies smelt like why did GA go back to work & cindy wait half a day to report it.

If my daughter was missing even for a day & I found her car towed & smelling like death I would file a missing person report asap
and then didn't one of KC's friends babysit for free until she discovered KC was out with friends and not at work like she portrayed? KC had no trouble using people if it suited her, that's for sure.

What happened to Caylee this night? The night of June 10th - KC said in her interview KC & Caylee were not home that night - WHERE WAS CAYLEE?

RM: There was one time that I can remember while we were dating that she actually started the night they were both in, in my bed.
DR: Uh-hum (affirmative).
RM: Uhm, I woke up the next morning and it was just Casey. Caylee, uh, uhm, yeah (affirmative) Casey. And Casey told me that uhm, her mom had called during the night and wanted her to bring Caylee home
Everytime I hear CA speak about KC, it makes my skin crawl. CA really didn't give a damn about KC. She loved Caylee and without KC in the picture she thought that she would lose Caylee. One comment that stuck out to me about their relationship was during the FBI interview CA said "I didn't care where KC was and I still don't care where she's at...." At that time KC was in jail.

Oy, Cindy.

On one hand you gotta love her, because had she not called LE, we may never have known about Caylee, and Casey may well have gotten away with murder.:bang:

On the other hand, I want to wring her neck because from Lee's account, "Who took her?" was Cindy's first question after hearing that Casey had not seen Caylee in 31 days. If I didn't know any better, I would almost wonder if she was subconsciously throwing Casey an alibi - cleaning up after her once again...:furious:
Why, thank you! I'll have to go and search it out.
My mom would have termed GA as "feelylied." He's a walking anomaly, really. Heaving woe-is-me sighs to the FBI, while trying to cover his backside and tossing others under the bus. Bless his heart, he's about shameless.

I agree and couldn't help notice on the reruns of jail video how he started talking about how the whole family was going to get involved in missing kids. I could have sworn that he said "we've discussed this before". I can't help wonder if George already knew that Casey had looked up missing kids on the computer months back. He admitted to worrying that Caylee might be dead and knew the smell was in the trunk, but he was already planning getting involved with missing kids and including Casey in it, but there she was sitting in jail.
I agree and couldn't help notice on the reruns of jail video how he started talking about how the whole family was going to get involved in missing kids. I could have sworn that he said "we've discussed this before". I can't help wonder if George already knew that Casey had looked up missing kids on the computer months back. He admitted to worrying that Caylee might be dead and knew the smell was in the trunk, but he was already planning getting involved with missing kids and including Casey in it, but there she was sitting in jail.
Yup...at that point the parents were very much in coverup mode. They were all actors (not very good ones, at that), playing their parts, reciting from a script.
On Casey Computer there was a Word Document Found Diary of Days.

The Author is CMANTHONY of the GENTIVA Corporation

Isnt that a Healthcare Group. Why would she name it something healthcare ??

isnt CA a nurse.

I dont recall this being discussed.
i thought cindy worked for gentiva.
am i way off base here??
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