Random Thoughts and Discussion Ideas#5 About the Case

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No, CA said that when she told KC she was going to call the police, KC said "go ahead mom,call them."
Ok, Random thought and Idea that has been bugging me and I figure I would put it here.

I am sooooo very grateful to the meter reader for finding Caylee's remains when he did.
I was on pins and needles knowing that the Anthony's were in my "backyard" so to speak looking for Caylee (I live in the other OC in Calif) Here is why I was so concerned. If they wanted to extend their searches for a Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez, they would have had a treasure trove of possibilities with the very large hispanic communities here in So Cal. I was hoping that they weren't going to spin that Zanny the Nanny is now in California with Caylee and have the LE check out all the Zenaidas here. It would have been a fresh, new game here to muddy the game started in Florida.

I am just glad Caylee coming home was the end to their trip out here. Newport Beach is a nice community. Probably thought they could take a quick vacay in the guise of a search. Sorry, I am so tired of them and their denials and spin to set up their future defense of their momster daughter.
Okay, random thought ...........

Have the A's always attended the church they have gone to several times since Caylee's disappearance? Or did this "regular" attendance begin to evolve since the vigils were held there?

If not this one, were they members of any church in the community? Was KC also a member?

Merry Xmas everyone.

Now that Caylee's body has been found, what are your plans for 2009? I am in Sweden for the holidays. I am having NG withdrawals as they do not broadcast her show here. I had a dream about Caylee last night and it just dawned on me that it will be another year before Casey will be convicted of her murder.

Our Christmas gift in 2009 will be justice for Caylee (Casey's conviction).

In the meantime, what are your plans?

Also, any word about her funeral? There is no Caylee news here and I only get my news on WS.
(Mods feel free to move this. could not find it discussed before and I was not sure where to put this.)

Just reading some of the documents here and the answer to Zanny was plain as day:


Richard G reports that in april 2006 he had been watching Caylee and that he asked KC how much longer before a sitter and she says she found one name Zanny recommended by Jeff

She quits her job at Kodak in april 2006 as well. My guess so that she could become Zanny the nanny.

She also, as reported by GA, puts that she IS a nanny in her resume.
KC = Zanny. Zanny took Caylee and killed her. Simple math then: KC killed Caylee

Lightbulb moment reading through that site! :)
Casey has always looked upon herself as a mere nanny and not a parent. I noticed that quite early on once I found out about the application whereby she lists her past jobs and one of them was "nanny". She left Caylee with the nanny alright, and that nanny was her.
I'm pretty sure that, if Casey Anthony--using her own name or anyone else's---had served as nanny for anyone in the United States, those people would have stepped forward to identify her (even though it would be horrifying to realize they'd left their children in the care of a monster).

Zanny does not exist. Casey vomited the name out of her brainpan when questioned by detectives. She'd heard it in the recent past, and it was a convenient name to spew. She didn't have an elaborate story prepared to tell them; she had not thought that far in advance. (She had never been adequately questioned about anything in her past.)

So she went with what came to mind. She has stuck with it because, well---we're all still questioning its veracity, so it has at least somewhat filled her needs.

She is grandiose. Listing "nanny" on her resume likely means that she babysat for neighbors a few times when she was 13.
I'm pretty sure that, if Casey Anthony--using her own name or anyone else's---had served as nanny for anyone in the United States, those people would have stepped forward to identify her (even though it would be horrifying to realize they'd left their children in the care of a monster).

Zanny does not exist. Casey vomited the name out of her brainpan when questioned by detectives. She'd heard it in the recent past, and it was a convenient name to spew. She didn't have an elaborate story prepared to tell them; she had not thought that far in advance. (She had never been adequately questioned about anything in her past.)

So she went with what came to mind. She has stuck with it because, well---we're all still questioning its veracity, so it has at least somewhat filled her needs.

She is grandiose. Listing "nanny" on her resume likely means that she babysat for neighbors a few times when she was 13.

I agree she did not work for anyone as a Nanny...only herself. But according to Richard G (Jesse's dad), KC told him about Zanny (and Jeff) back in april 2006. follow the link I provided:

It has appeared to me from the beginning of the case that KC was more like a big sister to Caylee. KC could play the role of a good mother when Caylee was a newborn. Kind of like when we are little and get a new baby doll. After awhile the newness wheres off, Grandama keeps telling KC to pick up her toys one to many imes and now that toy is a burden always getting her into trouble by not being responsible for her toys. KC tried the mother hat on and it just didn't fit. She wanted to try out new ways to play, she had outgrown her doll (Caylee) no one else had to babysit or find babysitters. They just got to play all day with freedom. Yes KC was the Nanny! & I'm sure the FBI figured that out early on. Her dialect gives out so much information to these trained agents. I would be curios to know what FBI teams specifically are working on the information Caylee has left behind. Computor forensics, anthropolgy, forensic psychologist, Behavioral Science unit, Bug specialist, ect. ect. ect..... I think her goose is cooked!!!
BetsyB;3124650Zanny does not exist. Casey vomited the name out of her brainpan when questioned by detectives. She'd heard it in the recent past said:
anything[/I] in her past.)



Well, that's not necessarily true. She first mentioned Zani when dating RM (he said she mentioned a nanny named "Zenita"). I'll dig that up and link to it if you want me to. Then don't forget... she got the name Zenaida FG from the Sawgrass apartments... from the sign-in sheet... on the 16th or 17th.

Well, that's not necessarily true. She first mentioned Zani when dating RM (he said she mentioned a nanny named "Zenita"). I'll dig that up and link to it if you want me to. Then don't forget... she got the name Zenaida FG from the Sawgrass apartments... from the sign-in sheet... on the 16th or 17th.

He met her at the door one day to discuss with her the need to find a more permenant caregiver for Caylee. I don't have a link, but I remember him saying this on camera...so it was someone's show.

paraphrasing...He met her when she came in to get Caylee and told her she needed to find other daycare for Caylee. She immediate said to him that she had found "the Nanny". L.P. says there is a book, (I've not been able to locate) that is about Zanny the Nanny.

I'm not doubting there is such a book, but I can't find it. Casey immediately jumped onto this solution. I think if he had never broched the subject she never would have come up with this.

I don't think for a moment she had been trying to find alternate daycare for the baby.
He met her at the door one day to discuss with her the need to find a more permenant caregiver for Caylee. I don't have a link, but I remember him saying this on camera...so it was someone's show.

paraphrasing...He met her when she came in to get Caylee and told her she needed to find other daycare for Caylee. She immediate said to him that she had found "the Nanny". L.P. says there is a book, (I've not been able to locate) that is about Zanny the Nanny.

I'm not doubting there is such a book, but I can't find it. Casey immediately jumped onto this solution. I think if he had never broched the subject she never would have come up with this.

I don't think for a moment she had been trying to find alternate daycare for the baby.

Richard G---says she did mention Zanny in april 2006 when he asked her about the babysitting situation since he had been taking care of Caylee while KC worked.
here is the link:
(Mods feel free to move this. could not find it discussed before and I was not sure where to put this.)

Just reading some of the documents here and the answer to Zanny was plain as day:


Richard G reports that in april 2006 he had been watching Caylee and that he asked KC how much longer before a sitter and she says she found one name Zanny recommended by Jeff

She quits her job at Kodak in april 2006 as well. My guess so that she could become Zanny the nanny.

She also, as reported by GA, puts that she IS a nanny in her resume.
KC = Zanny. Zanny took Caylee and killed her. Simple math then: KC killed Caylee

Lightbulb moment reading through that site! :)

I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Casey actually stopped working while she was pregnant with Caylee in 2005. She never went back. It was in April 2006 that Kodak officially terminated her employment.
Chilly you are right!
Thank you. :) I was hoping I wouldn't be sent to search through the docs.

I was thinking you were right also, but I didn't want to have to search to back up my opinion. I chickened out and didn't post my agreement.
I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Casey actually stopped working while she was pregnant with Caylee in 2005. She never went back. It was in April 2006 that Kodak officially terminated her employment.

but the point is that this is when she knew for sure she would not have a job and she would was also confronted by RG about a babysitter...I find this more than a coincidence and I believe this was the "birth" of Zanny.
He met her at the door one day to discuss with her the need to find a more permenant caregiver for Caylee. I don't have a link, but I remember him saying this on camera...so it was someone's show.

paraphrasing...He met her when she came in to get Caylee and told her she needed to find other daycare for Caylee. She immediate said to him that she had found "the Nanny". L.P. says there is a book, (I've not been able to locate) that is about Zanny the Nanny.

I'm not doubting there is such a book, but I can't find it. Casey immediately jumped onto this solution. I think if he had never broched the subject she never would have come up with this.

I don't think for a moment she had been trying to find alternate daycare for the baby.

You're talking about RG right? I'm referring to Ricardo M, the boyfriend. I'll try to dig it up in between comforting my one year old and disciplining my six year old!
(Mods feel free to move this. could not find it discussed before and I was not sure where to put this.)

Just reading some of the documents here and the answer to Zanny was plain as day:


Richard G reports that in april 2006 he had been watching Caylee and that he asked KC how much longer before a sitter and she says she found one name Zanny recommended by Jeff

She quits her job at Kodak in april 2006 as well. My guess so that she could become Zanny the nanny.

She also, as reported by GA, puts that she IS a nanny in her resume.
KC = Zanny. Zanny took Caylee and killed her. Simple math then: KC killed Caylee

Lightbulb moment reading through that site! :)

Manatee, I spent so long on that website today, especially the Timeline for July.....painstakenly read over & over.

I am transferring my post from another thread, because I think we are seeing alot of answers here?


My post 818.....
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