Random Thoughts and Discussion Ideas#5 About the Case

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Good Gravy....did anyone catch 20/20 on ABC tonight? It was about this guy named Bart in Sugarland, Texas who masterminded the killings of his entire family.

Some eerriiee similarities with KC, I believe. Particularly the narcissist/sociopath part.

Interesting watch if you can go on their website and replay it.
JWG, thank you for your post above.

I too feel as you do. I think some people have expectations that are too high regarding the doc dumps. I see much anger or disappointment at the FBI/LE/SAO's because curiosity as well as personal theories are not validated in these doc dumps.

I too feel that anger sometimes and when I do I close my browser and walk away. But I would rather have any LE/SAO who read this forum along with everyone else in cyberspace, read the positive support posts. Read the synopsis WS's have created using doc dumps to follow KC's daily activities. I certainly don't want to encourage the defense by posting negative comments about LE/SAO.

I have firmly believed from the day this story broke on the news, that all the A's are involved in the murder/disposal and coverup of Caylee. I firmly believe that LE/SAO will do their duty to bring justice to Caylee and a guilty verdict to KC and charge the A's and anyone else involved in hindering the investigation and trial.

Of course, these are my personal thoughts.
I see a very skilled, even artful, management of evidence on the part of the State. I'm of the firm belief that they are building a very tight prosecution. I, too, believe there is more than meets the eye as far as the A's are concerned. Their recent "Alibi Tour", for me at least, was a knee jerk reaction to what they fear most...the truth. They should be very nervous.
Thanks JWG,

I feel like you do, there is more coming and with what we already have, there is more than enough to get a conviction.

She was the last person to see Caylee alive.
Did not report for 31 days.
No nanny has ever been seen or spoke to. No phone number, address, record of paying this person, nothing.

Hair with death band in trunk.

Air samples in Trunk.

Lies to LE, FBI, and family and friends.

Actions after the day and hours after Caylee was supposed to be kidnapped.

Items from the home at the crime scene.

I am not worried about mud on shoes that wouldn't be there after 31 days and months of KC being home on bond and family clean ups.

There is lots of things that may never show up including the roll of duct tape, the scissors she cut it with, all of Caylee's things, and who knows what else. Remember she had 31 days to clean up.
There is the 24 yo in California, who lived with her parents, mom worked nights so she watch the baby during the day. Mom did work. Mom does not have party pictures all over the net.
Mom smothers her baby, fakes a kidnapping, dumps her like trash in the woods.

Sounds just like Casey except:
Casey didn't report it to the police.
Casey had decomp in her car
Cadaver dogs hit on spots in the back yard.
Casey holds on to the lie of a kidnapper

The 24 yo in California evidently was not allowed by her parents to get away with years of lying.

Where is the outrage for Baby Emma?
ITA. KC made her feelings about her parents very clear when she made JB read a statement from her denouncing her parents for ignoring her wishes by cremating Caylee's remains and staging a public memorial -- which she refused to watch.

I am still trying to figure out why the A's had Caylee's remains cremated, yet CA continues to say, "We haven't even had a chance to grieve with our daughter". It seems if they were in a room together, KC would need to get through the anger stage first -- anger at them (then grieving for herself).

The prosecution appears to me to have a method to their madness as the poster who gave the boxing analogy of JB weaving in and out trying to address all facts in those documents. Prosecution is floating like a butterfly and stinging like a an annoying bee with the tidbits they have released. JB's stomach problems I feel will increase with every document released. I feel defense with all their bravado only have a couple of angles to work off of and they are going to be too much of a stretch for anyone to believe in, once the drama facts are proven not to be applicable in the murder of Caylee. I can't believe JB's personality and behavior to the media is good acting of being a simpleton. He just is! Once again the quiet confidence of LE and Prosecution may be speaking volunms without uttering a word. That quiet confidence seems to make JB alittle nervous and causes him to stutter when he is trying to explain his view point to the media. I'm finding the playout of information intriguing. If I'm right isn't the ball in JB's court after this doc dump? If you look at JB's body type and where he holds his fat he is a prime canidate for a heart attack according to Dr. Oz. As it stands JB is farley predictable and I would hate to see his health fail at this jucture.
ITA. KC made her feelings about her parents very clear when she made JB read a statement from her denouncing her parents for ignoring her wishes by cremating Caylee's remains and staging a public memorial -- which she refused to watch.

That little speech was another shocker for me. Casey threw her away like trash, duct tape and all, then had the nerve to whine about how her remains were handled. She could have had a proper burial for her from day 1. She was the reason for the burial! If JB had to give a speech, he should have been truthful...'my client prefers for her daughter's remains to be left in garbage bags'.

On a side note...this case may not go to trial for at least a year. I believe any delay will be at the request/delay of the defense. The longer this goes on, the more certain faces stay in the media and the more potential for monetary gain. I don't believe that all of the current members of this "dream team" will stay on until the end. Unless these people are getting paid hefty sums (which would amount to a large sum of money on a continuing basis) for all these people to focus on one case without getting paid doesn't seem plausible. Many of them are already media *advertiser censored* and have written books, are consultant, etc...all of which gets them lots of money. The promise of one more "book deal" just doesn't have the appeal. Unless you are talking about JB. The no name, unknown, three year wonder...looking to make a name for himself. Well, that name has been made and it not a good one. JMHO
I've been giving this recent doc dump a little more thought as I mowed the lawn this morning. Wouldn't it stand to reason that after these lab results were back the SA made the decision to take the DP off the table...but when other results came in (one's we have not seen yet) SA put the DP back on the table.
Now my ? to my sleuthy friends is...what labs and other evidence would SA have been waiting on prior to putting the DP back on the table? I don't think the DP was a ploy by the SA to get Casey to plea, I think they had/have a legitimate reason for seeking the DP...wat in te world could this smokin' gun be?
I've been giving this recent doc dump a little more thought as I mowed the lawn this morning. Wouldn't it stand to reason that after these lab results were back the SA made the decision to take the DP off the table...but when other results came in (one's we have not seen yet) SA put the DP back on the table.
Now my ? to my sleuthy friends is...what labs and other evidence would SA have been waiting on prior to putting the DP back on the table? I don't think the DP was a ploy by the SA to get Casey to plea, I think they had/have a legitimate reason for seeking the DP...wat in te world could this smokin' gun be?

IMHO, her fingerprints are on the duct tape. She could not have worn gloves because they would have made the tape impossible to handle. Duct tape and fingerprints go hand-in-hand, pardon the pun! :)
I'm not sure that putting the DP back on the table has anything at all to do with evidence. They had enough evidence/circumstances even before they found Caylee. Perhaps without her body, they were expecting to be able to negotiate a plea. Possibly, finding her (Caylee) solidified their stance and that is the reason they brought it back.

I just can't subscribe to the "smoking gun" theory bringing it back on the table! There is so much circumstantial evidence in this case that I was surprised that they ever took it off!

I am still waiting to hear the results of the tests on the chewing gum found at the scene. I believe there was more than one piece found. I am so hoping it was KC's gum.

I don't think the gum belonged to Casey's ..
Just random garbage, like the gatorade bottle and syringe ..
I keep thinking about what KC did in those "31" days. Would the smell of decomp transfer onto clothes or KC herself while she was riding around in car? What about showering or washing hair? How did she get her clothes clean? Had she moved all her clothes out of home or was she going home during the day to shower and swap out clothes?

Did CA wash any clothes or towels during the 31 days? What about her friends? Did they notice any smelly clothes or towels that KC had used while at their places?

Did anyone notice KC parking her car way away from other cars so not to attract attention? Did any of them ride in the car during that time?

How will they ever know what all CA/GA really removed from the car?
I don't see a gas can thread so I will just put this here. In the doc dump was a report of LE picking up and logging the red gas can from the A home. In the log report it said that the screw cap still had it's seal ring but could be removed? and that the gas can did not smell of gas???? Did anyone else read this and what do you make of it? :cow:
I am still waiting to hear the results of the tests on the chewing gum found at the scene. I believe there was more than one piece found. I am so hoping it was KC's gum.

LMAO! OMG! In that family, you know it has to be! :blowkiss:
I don't see a gas can thread so I will just put this here. In the doc dump was a report of LE picking up and logging the red gas can from the A home. In the log report it said that the screw cap still had it's seal ring but could be removed? and that the gas can did not smell of gas???? Did anyone else read this and what do you make of it? :cow:

Good catch! I am going back to find it.
The transcript of Cindy being interviewed by LE is interesting. It was made on the 4th of August. This is just 3 weeks after the 911 calls... All the way through, she seems to be constantly insinuating that Jesse Grund is behind the disappearance of Caylee. Then she also insinuates that Amy and Ricardo know some strange people who can make people disappear.. Page 45, she is so blatant about it, she is trying to brainwash those in the room.

My opinion is without a doubt Cindy is making up stories because she is trying to hide the fact she knows Casey is guilty. This is when Caylee is supposed to be missing.
I think that Cindy had worked out that Caylee was dead, or she would not be trying to implicate Jesse, Amy and Ricardo. I think all that fury over people who said Caylee was dead, was all bluff to steer them away from the truth.

She almost seems obsessed with keeping the conversation in a direction away from Casey and directed at Jesse, there seems to be no concern for any nanny or kidnapping.

http://www.cfnews13.com/uploadedFiles/cynthia anthony.pdf
I am still waiting to hear the results of the tests on the chewing gum found at the scene. I believe there was more than one piece found. I am so hoping it was KC's gum.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
I know that is not ( N O T ) funny....
wouldn't that just take the :cake:
if the :highfive:
family of gum chewers got the
conviction on the things they do in the court room
and on TV ! ? :eek:
Guess that is a :gold_star: Moment ! ?

I'm not laughing.... I think it is How God Works things
to help get ~ JUSTICE~ for an innocent little TODDLER ~CAYLEE! ! !

God BLess !
ITA. The SA asked for the DP for a reason. They, unlike JB, do not want to tip their hand and show all their cards so they release discovery in dribs and drabs. They don't want to release their smoking gun now so JB and his minions will have months, possibly years to refute it. They'll release it at the end - right before they go to trial. It's no accident that the only fingerprint evidence they released from the duct tape is that CA, GA and LA's were not on it. Have no fear, my friends. Justice will be served. I have confidence in the SA. They never would have asked for the DP if they didn't have powerful evidence - heinous, atrocious and cruel - to back it up.

Bolded by me. I agree, Lets hope that we are right.
There is the 24 yo in California, who lived with her parents, mom worked nights so she watch the baby during the day. Mom did work. Mom does not have party pictures all over the net.
Mom smothers her baby, fakes a kidnapping, dumps her like trash in the woods.
Sounds just like Casey except:
Casey didn't report it to the police.
Casey had decomp in her car
Cadaver dogs hit on spots in the back yard.
Casey holds on to the lie of a kidnapper

The 24 yo in California evidently was not allowed by her parents to get away with years of lying.

Where is the outrage for Baby Emma?

Quoting myself.. I have thought all along this is exactly what Casey did... she was just too dumb to tell the truth.

Why is it sooo easy see how this girl did this to her baby.. but not so easy to see this is what Casey could have done?
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