Random Thoughts and Discussion Ideas#5 About the Case

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Forgive me if this has been asked and answered. I am like the previous poster...I read alot but don't post often..but here goes...

Does anyone find it odd that LP said on NG 2 days before the body was discovered "don't be surprised if LE already knows where the body is"??

Thank you for having this board. I enjoy reading it and all of your thoughts and opinions so much. You should all be detectives and psychologists!!
I was just watching detective files on a case of a murdered child Jessica in which the trash bag she was found covered in was found in her neighbor's home leading to his arrest.

It's been months since Caylee was murdered. Most likely the trash bag she was placed in will not match ones found in the Anthony home, since the rest in the box have already been used.

But what about the protestor who took the Anthony's trash weeks following the crime? Does this protestor still have the bag and could it possibly help investigators match the one found on Caylee.

Just a thought
HI Nedthan. Yes, "the Garbage lady" did keep the bag and she preserved it. there is discussion about this somewhere. LE has been contacted.Please do a search. thanks:) I will move this to the random thoughts thread.

here is the other thread about Maddie:

hi-been lurking for a few years, leave it to this case to 'absolutely' compel me to finally chime in. so here goes...."what if they never find her?. Guess who gets to spend an eternity in jail?" She staged it to look like a kidnapping, this is why all the focus on 'close to home', funny thing is she must have honestly thought everyone would buy her story and i believe once LE got involved she wanted the body to be found...i.e. move onto plan b. i don't want to think about what she may have done to her baby, she is pure evil and truely believes she's smarter than everyone. :furious:

Well, they found her. Guess who gets to spend and eternity in jail? :D
You know its a good theory that she set this up to look like a kidnapping. Just that sentence alone "If they never find her guess who spends eternity in jail" seems like it could mean she wanted the body found and shown that the "kidnappers" did this and she probably thought she'd be off and free and people would feel sorry for her!
I did find it odd that if she DID NOT want the body ever found she would have put her in a landfill, buried her far, or fed her to the gators. But where she was discovered was an easier find.
This just keeps getting stranger! Whats next LA is the father. The A's had the body the whole time and had it moved there while they were out of town thinking that it would look like a kidnapping and KC would get off???
Not sure if this is the right place for it, but I didn't want to make a new thread. I just had a theory pop into my head yesterday.

I was thinking about how the searches for "missing children," "chloroform," and "neck breaking" were made in March. Isn't March when KC was supposedly setting up flights for her friends to go to Puerto Rico/when they were starting to plan to go?

So here's my theory on what she might've thought she could do: Buy a plane ticket to Puerto Rico, kill the baby and make it look like a kidnapping, go to Puerto Rico with her friends and just disappear, or even take a flight from there to go somewhere else.

I know she was trying to get that fellow in the army/navy/whatever to get her a flight to California a week or so before CA and GA found the car. So she was obviously trying to leave (and who the hell would be trying to leave the state if they were looking for their 'missing' baby, anyways?!).

Anywho, that's just something I had thought up. Maybe when she didn't have enough money to get to Puerto Rico, she just decided to do it anyways, and that maybe she could try to hide it by blaming the "nanny".
While I have never bought into Casey's story, as I watched Greta's show from last night, I started thinking. Casey told Cindy to go ahead and call 911. We even have Lee asking her why she did that instead of just talking and allowing them to hash it out amongst themselves.

If Casey's story were true (and I know it is not), wouldn't she have told her mother, don't call police. If you do, Caylee's life as well as all of our lives will be put into danger. We can't call. We have to try and work this out by ourselves.

Yet, she never stated anything along these lines. If Caylee's life were in danger and Casey was only trying to protect her, why didn't she do all she could to protect her? Just further proof that she knew Caylee was already gone, IMO.

I'm thinking that at the time Cindy said she would call, Casey did not believe she would go through with it. I wonder how many other times this threat may have been made and then she did not follow through. I also do not think Casey had much of a plan yet to explain things, she was not expecting her mother to have found her as quick as she did. Casey beleved she was so smart and could lie her way through anything, after all she had been getting away with everything for years.

I'm thinking that at the time Cindy said she would call, Casey did not believe she would go through with it. I wonder how many other times this threat may have been made and then she did not follow through. I also do not think Casey had much of a plan yet to explain things, she was not expecting her mother to have found her as quick as she did. Casey beleved she was so smart and could lie her way through anything, after all she had been getting away with everything for years.


"Absolutely!" Cindy called Casey's bluff (remember when she left Tony's...she left her things because she said she was coming back?)

Casey thought Cindy would be too mortified to have the police involved.

PS--That's craziness right there. IF Cindy had let her, Casey would have waltzed back into Tony's and said what? "My mom's crazy because my dad and she are getting divorced?" How many lies can one person tell?
Not sure if this is the right place for it, but I didn't want to make a new thread. I just had a theory pop into my head yesterday.

I was thinking about how the searches for "missing children," "chloroform," and "neck breaking" were made in March. Isn't March when KC was supposedly setting up flights for her friends to go to Puerto Rico/when they were starting to plan to go?

So here's my theory on what she might've thought she could do: Buy a plane ticket to Puerto Rico, kill the baby and make it look like a kidnapping, go to Puerto Rico with her friends and just disappear, or even take a flight from there to go somewhere else.

I know she was trying to get that fellow in the army/navy/whatever to get her a flight to California a week or so before CA and GA found the car. So she was obviously trying to leave (and who the hell would be trying to leave the state if they were looking for their 'missing' baby, anyways?!).

Anywho, that's just something I had thought up. Maybe when she didn't have enough money to get to Puerto Rico, she just decided to do it anyways, and that maybe she could try to hide it by blaming the "nanny".

Plausible. Also premeditated. Interesting.
Just had a thought pop in my foggy brain. How long did it take for LE to get back the results of the hair in the trunk? Since it's been stated there was hair on the remains, surely testing of the hair will be one of the first things LE does. When the new tests match the previous tests, and show the same death band, I don't think there will be much of a way to dispute it was, in fact, Caylee's body -- not some mysterious, unidentified person -- in the trunk of the Pontiac.
I'm thinking that at the time Cindy said she would call, Casey did not believe she would go through with it. I wonder how many other times this threat may have been made and then she did not follow through. I also do not think Casey had much of a plan yet to explain things, she was not expecting her mother to have found her as quick as she did. Casey beleved she was so smart and could lie her way through anything, after all she had been getting away with everything for years.


I agree with you completely, but I was looking at it from the defense's point of view. If they're going to claim that Caylee was abducted and she feared for not only Caylee's life, but everyone else's life as well, why did she not beg, plead, and do anything and everything she could to keep her mother from contacting authorities?

I think if anyone were truly in such a position, they would do ANYTHING to keep from involving the police.

You made some great observations about what one would do if ever put into this situation as well. It's absurd if the defense thinks they can overcome all of this BS. Thankfully jurors aren't complete morons.
hi-been lurking for a few years, leave it to this case to 'absolutely' compel me to finally chime in. so here goes...."what if they never find her?. Guess who gets to spend an eternity in jail?" She staged it to look like a kidnapping, this is why all the focus on 'close to home', funny thing is she must have honestly thought everyone would buy her story and i believe once LE got involved she wanted the body to be found...i.e. move onto plan b. i don't want to think about what she may have done to her baby, she is pure evil and truely believes she's smarter than everyone. :furious:

The way I was understanding this, she was talking about them finding a live Caylee, that if they were not able to find her then she would be blamed. it was part of her stringing everybody along, just like when she was telling her mother she felt Caylee would be back for her birthday, she said whatever she needed to at that moment to satisfy questions or to get people to quiet down.

Glad you came out of Lurkdome :)
I agree with you completely, but I was looking at it from the defense's point of view. If they're going to claim that Caylee was abducted and she feared for not only Caylee's life, but everyone else's life as well, why did she not beg, plead, and do anything and everything she could to keep her mother from contacting authorities?

I think if anyone were truly in such a position, they would do ANYTHING to keep from involving the police.

You made some great observations about what one would do if ever put into this situation as well. It's absurd if the defense thinks they can overcome all of this BS. Thankfully jurors aren't complete morons.

Ohh I so want to hear the defense explain 1 single thing Casey did in those 31 days to look for her baby, one thing!!!!!

Duct tape=Death penalty.

:clap: Do ya think that the next time the defense experts want to do a group walkabout...we can get someone to ask them to do a duct tape experiment on air? Now thats what I would call must see TV :rolleyes:
Just had a thought pop in my foggy brain. How long did it take for LE to get back the results of the hair in the trunk? Since it's been stated there was hair on the remains, surely testing of the hair will be one of the first things LE does. When the new tests match the previous tests, and show the same death band, I don't think there will be much of a way to dispute it was, in fact, Caylee's body -- not some mysterious, unidentified person -- in the trunk of the Pontiac.

Well, they'll wait for the nuclear DNA results to come back before making a definitive determination on whose remains these are. You can bet your bottom dollar they already know it's Caylee. There are no, ifs, ands, or buts, about that. They just don't want to release the preliminary results yet. It buys them more time and the defense simply can't prove the fact that they're stalling (though everyone knows they are, LOL).

The hair in the trunk only yielded mtDNA, so that's the excuse. Now they can run nuclear DNA testing. I don't think it takes 2 weeks, either, but again, prove it came back sooner, Jose'.

Didn't you know though, ZFG saw where the car was, put some of the decomp in the car to get Casey to abandon it due to the smell, then when she did, she went directly to the tow yard and put the body in there for a brief time to incriminate Casey. She then moved the remains to their current location before anyone was the wiser. Keep up!!! :woohoo:
"Absolutely!" Cindy called Casey's bluff (remember when she left Tony's...she left her things because she said she was coming back?)

Casey thought Cindy would be too mortified to have the police involved.

PS--That's craziness right there. IF Cindy had let her, Casey would have waltzed back into Tony's and said what? "My mom's crazy because my dad and she are getting divorced?" How many lies can one person tell?

Yes! and she would have told Tony to not talk to her mother because of all the trouble she brings or all the drama. Then she would have made up another story and slipped away knowing she could no longer stay at Tony's. She adapts to the moment without thought of things eventually catching up with her.

Heres a random thought for ya...I just got through reading that poor guys interview with the detective..(chris? I forgot, not Tony, though, some xboyfriend I cant keep up with all of them) and he said something about KC working at sports authority, and universal, and how everytime they went out, KC footed the bill. "She wouldnt let me pay for anything" I am going to stick to what I have felt all along. KC was a hooker. A low rent, hooker. She probably worked out of a cheap apartment complex with a few other girls, and they took turns babysitting, or one of the girls watched Caylee while she was on her back. It doesnt have to be some highly organized escort agency, just word of mouth. It travels fast. There is money to be made in a very short amount of time---30 minutes probably, and she could make 100.00, and pay a sitter 20.00 to watch Caylee, or trade out babysitting services when the other girls needed it. I so agree with the bulk of the theories in the threads that have been posted about timeline, etc, but I have the strangest feeling I am going to be proven right..There is much more to this complex web, and after hearing the ex say she always had $$ and was going to buy a $250,000 house, I am just sure of it. How random was that?
Ohh I so want to hear the defense explain 1 single thing Casey did in those 31 days to look for her baby, one thing!!!!!


I can do that for you. She bought beer and groceries because she wanted Tony to enjoy them.

EDIT: Oh sorry, I read your post again and forgot a few keywords, "to look for her baby."
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