Random Thoughts and Ideas

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Hi everyone... this is my first post although I have followed this case from the beginning.
The one thing that has aways made me think Cindy... knows or knew... something about what happened to Caylee is in the first telephone calls between Cindy and Casey.

Why would Casey ask Cindy "Mom you don't know what my involment is?"

To me casey is saying .. mom why are you talking like you don't know what happened?
Then Cindy's tone of voice is like begging..well sweetheart you shouldn't have told all those lies.

This is something I have never seen anyone question...or maybe i just missed it being discussed.

Thanks to everyone who post here for all your intelligent and enlighting coments


To me this is KC trying to avoid getting into the whole thing that happened once again with her. I believe CA knew at this point. I think with CA she is basically telling her "hey, you should have told them it was an accident and you wouldn't be in jail"

Hi Everybody,

This is my 2nd post. Think you guys are wonderful!

I have a theory about the shovel I would like to share.

First of all, IMO I do not believe the shovel was borrowed to bury Caylee. This doesn't make sense to me as GA is an excop, there are dogs in the household, and although it has been done before, I find it hard to believe KC would do this. I also do not believe the the swimming cover up (accident) story from LP (although I do love him). It would be extremely hard to use a shovel to get a corpse from the bottom of the pool.

So here is my theory....

There is no doubt that Cindy is a "helicopter mom" and probably searched KC's room regularly (especially with the lies and theft issues). I'm sure KC was aware of this and probably never left anything incriminating in her room. So, I believe the shovel was borrowed to retreive something hidden underneath the sandbox. I have a 4 year old daughter who has a sandbox and once filled every Sping it is impossible to move. Also, if you have seen any pictures of Caylee playing in the sandbox you will notice the sandbox is on mulch. If KC were hiding something under the sanbox she could have easily wedged the borrowed shovel underneath, lifted up a side to retreive whatever she had hidden underneath, and then fixed the mulch to make it look like the area hadn't been touched.

She could have placed Caylee's cloths under it? She could have had the chloroform under it? Stolen credit cards?

I pray for you everyday Caylee! Bless your little beautiful heart!

Welcome to WS!
Marie?? ROFL I know that Catholics use the name Marie quite frequently in naming their children. Are they Catholic? Anyone know? I'm originally from Louisiana (and Catholic) so there were A LOT of Maries down there cher!

I'm not catholic. lol :crazy:
Hi everyone... this is my first post although I have followed this case from the beginning.
The one thing that has aways made me think Cindy... knows or knew... something about what happened to Caylee is in the first telephone calls between Cindy and Casey.

Why would Casey ask Cindy "Mom you don't know what my involment is?"

To me casey is saying .. mom why are you talking like you don't know what happened?
Then Cindy's tone of voice is like begging..well sweetheart you shouldn't have told all those lies.

This is something I have never seen anyone question...or maybe i just missed it being discussed.

Thanks to everyone who post here for all your intelligent and enlighting coments

Welcome to WS!
I'm not catholic. lol :crazy:

I was raised Catholic. Though I suspect if I so much as tried to enter a door to the Catholic church now- it'd send the whole place into lock down. LOL
Hi Everybody,

This is my 2nd post. Think you guys are wonderful!

I have a theory about the shovel I would like to share.

First of all, IMO I do not believe the shovel was borrowed to bury Caylee. This doesn't make sense to me as GA is an excop, there are dogs in the household, and although it has been done before, I find it hard to believe KC would do this. I also do not believe the the swimming cover up (accident) story from LP (although I do love him). It would be extremely hard to use a shovel to get a corpse from the bottom of the pool.

So here is my theory....

There is no doubt that Cindy is a "helicopter mom" and probably searched KC's room regularly (especially with the lies and theft issues). I'm sure KC was aware of this and probably never left anything incriminating in her room. So, I believe the shovel was borrowed to retreive something hidden underneath the sandbox. I have a 4 year old daughter who has a sandbox and once filled every Sping it is impossible to move. Also, if you have seen any pictures of Caylee playing in the sandbox you will notice the sandbox is on mulch. If KC were hiding something under the sanbox she could have easily wedged the borrowed shovel underneath, lifted up a side to retreive whatever she had hidden underneath, and then fixed the mulch to make it look like the area hadn't been touched.

She could have placed Caylee's cloths under it? She could have had the chloroform under it? Stolen credit cards?

I pray for you everyday Caylee! Bless your little beautiful heart!


I completely disagree. Here's my theory:

After Caylee passed away KC freaked out and tried to make it appear that Caylee drowned. It didn't work because her lungs didn't fill up with water so she took the shovel and dug by the pool (where the impression was found by LE). She buried Caylee there 1st until she could come up with her plan of where to put her then. I believe the reason the cadavers hit in other locations in the backyard was because during the time of before and after the attempted drowning she put Caylee down in various places so she could dig by the pool.

I was raised Catholic. Though I suspect if I so much as tried to enter a door to the Catholic church now- it'd send the whole place into lock down. LOL

Ha lol :crazy: I feel the same way about my methodist church.

I know a lot of people with the 1st and middle name Marie and they are of all Christian backgrounds. I think the whole statement of the link between the name of Marie and catholics is just stereotyping.

There's a couple of things that are really bothering me about GA's interview with LE.

GA talks about wanting to get the "wedges" out of the car to be able to rotate CA's tires on the weekend in case CA isn't around and the argument with KC about that.

First off, it wouldn't be "wedges" or "chocks" to rotate tires. It would be jackstands and he'd need four of them due to how tires are rotated. It's not at all expensive to have that done at the tire store and even the wait time would only be about the same as doing the entire job yourself and without the physical labor.

Second, at the end of the interview he states that KC basically threw the cans at him and said, "Here's your f'ing gas cans" or "Here's your f'ing cans".

How did it go from wedges to gas cans in the blink of an eye?
There's a couple of things that are really bothering me about GA's interview with LE.

GA talks about wanting to get the "wedges" out of the car to be able to rotate CA's tires on the weekend in case CA isn't around and the argument with KC about that.

First off, it wouldn't be "wedges" or "chocks" to rotate tires. It would be jackstands and he'd need four of them due to how tires are rotated. It's not at all expensive to have that done at the tire store and even the wait time would only be about the same as doing the entire job yourself and without the physical labor.

Second, at the end of the interview he states that KC basically threw the cans at him and said, "Here's your f'ing gas cans" or "Here's your f'ing cans".

How did it go from wedges to gas cans in the blink of an eye?
He was using the "wedges" as an excuse to go to the trunk to verify what he thought all along...Casey was the one who stole the gas cans. Interesting note: Cindy made a big stink about the shed being locked all the time at the beginning of the case. I just finished going over the new docs and noticed in LA's interview that he said the shed was rarely locked. So, again I ask "Why lie?"

Now look at picture # 6 & 7 on here and compare


I see where you are going, TURBO, but in pic #7, Caylee's left ear is not at all the same configuration as the one in this pic. IMO.
Hi everyone... this is my first post although I have followed this case from the beginning.
The one thing that has aways made me think Cindy... knows or knew... something about what happened to Caylee is in the first telephone calls between Cindy and Casey.

Why would Casey ask Cindy "Mom you don't know what my involment is?"

To me casey is saying .. mom why are you talking like you don't know what happened?
Then Cindy's tone of voice is like begging..well sweetheart you shouldn't have told all those lies.

This is something I have never seen anyone question...or maybe i just missed it being discussed.

Thanks to everyone who post here for all your intelligent and enlighting coments
Oh...yes, we have discussed this many moons ago. Odd, right? That and her sharing her appearances on tv like "which one?"

He was using the "wedges" as an excuse to go to the trunk to verify what he thought all along...Casey was the one who stole the gas cans. Interesting note: Cindy made a big stink about the shed being locked all the time at the beginning of the case. I just finished going over the new docs and noticed in LA's interview that he said the shed was rarely locked. So, again I ask "Why lie?"

That I do realize. The "confusion" (read that -- memory failure) makes me wonder if there weren't two such incidents, one involving the gas cans and one involving rotating the tires, and as result two attempts on GA's part to get into the trunk.

KC took great pains, it seems, to keep the car from being at home. Until it was towed, that is.

The A's aren't good liars despite how freely and easily they do it. They don't have the memory for it. Hence, the 3-ring binders. (Gotta keep that there story straight somehow.)

So why, if gas cans were the only issue, bring up "wedges" to L.E. and then at the end of the statement switch to (oops, I forgot) KC's "Here's your f'ing cans."? Doesn't make sense.

It may be nothing. It may be something. Bothers me.
Casey had item she removed from the Anthony's FREEZER, when Tony picked her up when she ditched the car. Did Orange County look in the Anthony's Freezer?? How can we find out??
I am thinking so much about the smoky smelling pants. I never heard the A's mention cigarette smoke, just the smell of smoke. I did a search here and it was discussed but I could not find anything that suggested that those pants were washed because they smelled like anything but smoke.
What kind of smoke?
I really think it was smoke from a fire, and I hate, hate to venture to guess why she was around a smoky fire. That concerns me, did she do the unthinkable?
Does anyone know any more about this smoke subject?

In the OCSO LE interviews, the detective confronts Cindy about the smell of the pants, and she changes from saying smoke to very hesitantly saying they smelled "like the rest of the car".
I think the reason Casey abandoned the car at Amscot was not due to the smell, but because in a couple of days she would be taking AL to the airport. She didn't want him in the car. She also would have an excuse to use his car for the week. And then she wouldn't have the car when she had to take Amy to the airport the following week. She told AL her dad was taking the car to have it fixed at mechanics.
He was using the "wedges" as an excuse to go to the trunk to verify what he thought all along...Casey was the one who stole the gas cans. Interesting note: Cindy made a big stink about the shed being locked all the time at the beginning of the case. I just finished going over the new docs and noticed in LA's interview that he said the shed was rarely locked. So, again I ask "Why lie?"

Excuse? Why? If I thought my kid had stolen something from my home and it was in the trunk of the car I paid for, I wouldn't need an excuse! I wouldn't ask any questions, I wouldn't pussyfoot around. I would take my key, go to the car that I paid for and retrieve my stuff. Then there'd be questions and in this case I believe Geroge's question to KC would have been "What in the he!! have you done!":eek:
I think GA hesitated about confronting KC and the trunk/gas cans because he was afraid. And I believe he was afraid because if he confronted her, she might go off and accuse him of abusive behavior towards her and/or Caylee. I think she's done this before and I think that is the club she threatens him with.
Ha lol :crazy: I feel the same way about my methodist church.

I know a lot of people with the 1st and middle name Marie and they are of all Christian backgrounds. I think the whole statement of the link between the name of Marie and catholics is just stereotyping.


The only religion that I know of that raises Mary to Sainthood and says prayers to her is the Catholic church (not getting into a debate about religion here - not appropriate). I was simply making a comment, based on my previous experience BEING a catholic -- not stereotyping anyone. MOO
He was using the "wedges" as an excuse to go to the trunk to verify what he thought all along...Casey was the one who stole the gas cans. Interesting note: Cindy made a big stink about the shed being locked all the time at the beginning of the case. I just finished going over the new docs and noticed in LA's interview that he said the shed was rarely locked. So, again I ask "Why lie?"

I think CA made a big deal about the shed being locked all the time because she was trying to convince LE that the house is safe and they were very attentive, responsible gp's. They probably put locks on it with the intention of keeping it locked all the time, but let's face it, sometimes people have the best intentions but children still get hurt.
I think CA made a big deal about the shed being locked all the time because she was trying to convince LE that the house is safe and they were very attentive, responsible gp's. They probably put locks on it with the intention of keeping it locked all the time, but let's face it, sometimes people have the best intentions but children still get hurt.

Yes, at Chez Anthony, dangerous sheds are locked and responsible Casey is in the backyard, digging up bamboo so it doesn't hurt her daughter's tender feet.

At what time should we expect Mary Poppins to enter this fairy tale?
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