Rant About the CASE Here! Get it off your chest.#4

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I am sick of NG shows about the same case without any new information. I am sick of NG profiting off little Caylee's death. There are other missing children, NG. Maybe you can give them some air time so they will be found.
This is old news, deb, and is not really true. LP refunded that money. I don't understand your constant need to bash LP. :confused:

This is the "rant" thread, no?!
I really, really, really, REALLY tried to keep an open mind about Padilla. For the mere fact that he invested so much time and money in trying to find little Caylee after he realized he had been hoodwinked by Casey.

However when her little body was found last week, where was Ole Leonard??



"You have got to be kidding me???", I thought to myself when I saw him on the live feed. Of all the self-serving, tasteless, poorly timed, ego-filled, disrespectfully heinous things to do at ANY crime scene, ESPECIALLY little Caylee's!!! I mean really, who in the hell does he think he is??? You didn't see Tim Miller out there taking fan photos and signing authograph books. And I only use him as a basis for comparison because they were both from the private sector, and both helped search for Caylee.

I know many people have supported him, and like I said I myself applauded many of his efforts along the way, but the behavior I saw at the very place where that sweet Angel's broken little body was discarded like trash was reprehensible and he should be ashamed of himself!!

What's worse is the people who felt it appropriate to ask for these autographs and photo's at Caylee's crime scene in the first place!!:furious: It seems the general public has gotten so desensitized to violent crimes that they are no longer shocking, but instead somehow exciting and intriguing. It sickens me that even in Death, people like that have found a way to make a mockery of Caylee and everything sacred that she should represent to us as a "civilized society"..

We owe her so much better than that, in my opinion.

He's invested so much time and money, and trust me he is cashing in as we speak!!!
there were a lot of people in and out around the crime scene....people have been really drawn to little Caylee.....look how we all feel......very sad, very sad.....
<respectfully snipped>


Now there is a rant I can get behind.

YES! It is!!!!

If there is a singular soul in this entire case who deserves to have their name honoured consistently and carefully - CAYLEE - is that little soul.
I respectfully disagree. The day that Caylee can RIP is the day that Casey is convicted of her murder. Last I heard LP had nothing to do with Caylee's death. As far as any disrespect concerning LP and T Miller, IMO that could go both ways, and I will leave it at that, because I like both and even if I didn't, I refuse to BASH anyone that was trying to help find Caylee. Didn't realize that the Rant Thread was the same as a Bash Thread, I guess I learn something new everyday. Nice for you that you have so much pull with FOX news, that GVS won't have him on again due to your email. I've never heard him claim to be an expert at anything, sure he's thrown some doozies out there, but I don't understand why people that hate him so much listen to him or pay him any attention, but that's just me. BTW, do you have a link to him profiting off Caylee's death and I don't mean the 9.95 thing on his website that he got so rich off of :rolleyes:, that has been explained and refunded.
Now there is a rant I can get behind.

YES! It is!!!!

If there is a singular soul in this entire case who deserves to have their name honoured consistently and carefully - CAYLEE - is that little soul.

Now THAT I totally agree with all the way PotatoHead and HAVE ranted about it before! :)
Then I bet it is also making you nuts when the Lawyers get it wrong in proceedings??? :blowkiss:

Yep! Everytime I see it spelled wrong, abbreviated, pronounced wrong, etc. it just makes me cringe.
oh...yes...my RANT is when anyone....mostly the defense .....says...KC...for Caylee....oh....that really bugs the heck out of me......ohhhh....its like they are ONLY...thinking of KC.....and it should be CAYLEE.....hello...ugg
Why is it tot mom and not mom's tot. should be about the tot not the mom. but I agree they should use her name and use it correctly.
Why is it tot mom and not mom's tot. should be about the tot not the mom. but I agree they should use her name and use it correctly.

I never got that either, I'm just thankful that they don't say Caylee's mother. I can't even bear to type that!
My rant is about dishonesty.

Zanaida wouldn't know where KC's childhood hangout was, if there was a Zanaida, which I have never believed. Not for a millisecond.

When G and C retrieved the pontiac, they knew at the tow yard that it smelled like death, yet they did not call 911. They removed and washed items. Honestly, if my grandchild were missing and asssumed kidnapped.. that is the last thing I would do!
It doesn't even make sense. Obviously there was no rotting pizza.

The issue of "denial" irks me. My bs meter is in the red zone. There is a huge difference between not wanting to accept something, and actually lying about it. They did lie about pizza and other issues and it shouldn't be sugar-coated. This brings me to the saying " If a tree falls in the forest, and no one hears it, did it really fall?" in this case just change that to " if someone knows of a death, but denies it, was there really a death?" Should there be such intellectual speculation going on? If a tree falls, and no one hears it, its still laying there, just as Caylee was laying there.
I may be too deaf to hear the tree fall but I am not blind as well.

Attorneys being dishonest is just wrong. Their purpose of defending should be just that- to defend ,not to hide truth and mislead juries. Or to cloud perception. I personally feel that this one one of the greatest injustices our society suffers. Crime is rampant because too often ciminals go unpunished- not because they are innocent, but because of an attorney cashing in on a technicality. Victims are more victimized by the system in these cases. It is a horrible place to be and one that is never recovered from.
A plea usually leaves the victims family feeling desolate and angry.

Caylee has no voice in this. THE PEOPLE vs KC A ,we are her voice- LE and the FBI are her voice. She was robbed of hers through neglect, at the very least. I may not have much voice in this world either, but it will speak out for Caylee. My heart is with her, my thoughts are with her, as are my prayers. When you love a child, truely, you are willing to defend them, to honor them, to fight for their rights. You do not deny them justice.
LP profits off Caylee's death daily, just by being in the spotlight!!! Again, I ask........how did LP help search for Caylee Marie???

Oh........that's right, he was in front of a camera being interviewed, setting up props. I thought he had an entire posse of 500+ other bounty hunters from all over the nation to support the search for Caylee???? What happened???? When the real LP is exposed it will shock the nation!!! Sound familiar??? Gee, when I'm out on searches I tell the media to get the hell away from me, and anybody around me who wants to gossip needs to go away.

I never said I have "pull" with Fox news, but I did get a phone call in response to my email. I sent them in over 300 complaints from other people on blogs, and emails about LP, and the way he is disrespecting Caylee Anthony. If you think for one minute LP is not being paid for his lame appearances on all these talking head shows, you are wrong. I'll make a prediction! I can do that right? Gee, I hope so because LP can do this on National TV and get away with it on a daily basis.

I predict LP will be off NG and all networks by Jan. 1, 2009. :behindbar

Not Bashing.....Just Ranting!!!!

Once again........it's Caylee.......NOT Klee!!!!!
LP profits off Caylee's death daily, just by being in the spotlight!!! Again, I ask........how did LP help search for Caylee Marie???

Oh........that's right, he was in front of a camera being interviewed, setting up props. I thought he had an entire posse of 500+ other bounty hunters from all over the nation to support the search for Caylee???? What happened???? When the real LP is exposed it will shock the nation!!! Sound familiar??? Gee, when I'm out on searches I tell the media to get the hell away from me, and anybody around me who wants to gossip needs to go away.

I never said I have "pull" with Fox news, but I did get a phone call in response to my email. I sent them in over 300 complaints from other people on blogs, and emails about LP, and the way he is disrespecting Caylee Anthony. If you think for one minute LP is not being paid for his lame appearances on all these talking head shows, you are wrong. I'll make a prediction! I can do that right? Gee, I hope so because LP can do this on National TV and get away with it on a daily basis.

I predict LP will be off NG and all networks by Jan. 1, 2009. :behindbar

Not Bashing.....Just Ranting!!!!

Once again........it's Caylee.......NOT Klee!!!!!

Okie Dokie Deb, I truly hope you feel better. I'm guess LP is just not my top priority in this case, Caylee is. Sadly, people are going to make money off of this case, no way around it. Personally, I find it MUCH more disgusting that Cindy and George are profiting off of their granddaughters death. I hope you do realize that we ALL are entitled to our opinion. Have a good night.
Okie Dokie Deb, I truly hope you feel better. I'm guess LP is just not my top priority in this case, Caylee is. Sadly, people are going to make money off of this case, no way around it. Personally, I find it MUCH more disgusting that Cindy and George are profiting off of their granddaughters death. I hope you do realize that we ALL are entitled to our opinion. Have a good night.

No disrespect to you Pondering Mind.......we are all entitled to our opinions here. I totally agree that it's discusting that C & G are profiting off Caylee's murder. They are just as guilty as LP. :blowkiss:
ok...Im just full of rants...tonight......Im glad its not rats....thats what I almost posted.....LOL.....

the searver is driving me crazy!!!
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.............I cannot stand Padilla!!!!


Eyewitness news also learned that EquuSearch leader Tim Miller accused bounty hunter Leonard Padilla of trying to profit from Caylee's death.

"Leonard Padilla said he charges $9.95 to get on his website with over 30k hits, and all the money was going to EquuSearch," he said.

Miller said his organization hasn't received a dime from Padilla for any of the searches for Caylee's body. Eyewitness News called Padilla Wednesday night and he says that's not true. :furious:

His partner said they collected about $1,700 for Equusearch, but now they say they plan to return the money to donors.

The money was returned to the members over a month ago; shortly after the big search. I know this is FACT as they returned my money as well as everyone else's. I believe you are correct it was about $1700.00, of which a PORTION of that money was to go to TES and the other PORTION to maintain the website.
The money was returned to the members over a month ago; shortly after the big search. I know this is FACT as they returned my money as well as everyone else's. I believe you are correct it was about $1700.00, of which a PORTION of that money was to go to TES and the other PORTION to maintain the website.

I can vouch for this as well. I made several donations, in addition to my membership/access fee and every penny was refunded in full.
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