Rant About the CASE Here! Get it off your chest.#4

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My rant for today starts with an apology. I started the condolences thread yesterday, and was knocked off due to internet problems. I certainly did not mean to start a riot with any posters, and I am truly sorry if that happend, especially to the moderators.
I have been right here with the rest since the beginning of this case. I have cried many tears, many times about this baby. I felt that we have every reason to blame this all on Casey, she is the only one who knows the full truth. As a mother, I can't comprehend what she has done, but as a family member of people with small children, I understand not believing my own family could hurt their child. I made the thread only because of my faith in the lord. My faith tells me to show sympathy to the grieving. I don't always agree with things, but know that its what my lord wants me to do.
With that said, my rant is:
Caylee was such a beautiful little girl, whom I KNOW LOVED HER FAMILY, EVEN HER MOTHER (GOD BLESS HER, SHE NEVER KNEW THIS COULD HAPPEN) CAYLEE WAS NOT OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW HATE! I wish that everyone would seriously consider that..I look at my own children and wonder if I acted totally crazy and pissed people off so bad, would my own children be able to stand the angry words that come from others? I wonder how Caylee would feel if she knew that all those who love her, hate the people she loved so much, would she really concider that love for her?
I have my douts about the family, like many here, but out of respect for this little girl who loved them so much, I must not give into hate. This is the only way I can honor a child who has touched my life in so many ways.
I am angry today that Casey has allowed so many wonderful people's heart to be filled with so much hate.:furious:
Rant! I now undertand Anthonese. They all knew. All the code talk, locations, letters, names, lies. The entire family knew. That is why all the pretense and coverup. Simple as it has been, and we all knew, just as we knew Caylee was gone but it hurt, confused, upset and caused "struggle" when she was found. All hidden hopes dashed. The entire family has known all along and I knew that, I did not want to believe it.
My rant for today starts with an apology. I started the condolences thread yesterday, and was knocked off due to internet problems. I certainly did not mean to start a riot with any posters, and I am truly sorry if that happend, especially to the moderators.
I have been right here with the rest since the beginning of this case. I have cried many tears, many times about this baby. I felt that we have every reason to blame this all on Casey, she is the only one who knows the full truth. As a mother, I can't comprehend what she has done, but as a family member of people with small children, I understand not believing my own family could hurt their child. I made the thread only because of my faith in the lord. My faith tells me to show sympathy to the grieving. I don't always agree with things, but know that its what my lord wants me to do.
With that said, my rant is:
Caylee was such a beautiful little girl, whom I KNOW LOVED HER FAMILY, EVEN HER MOTHER (GOD BLESS HER, SHE NEVER KNEW THIS COULD HAPPEN) CAYLEE WAS NOT OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW HATE! I wish that everyone would seriously consider that..I look at my own children and wonder if I acted totally crazy and pissed people off so bad, would my own children be able to stand the angry words that come from others? I wonder how Caylee would feel if she knew that all those who love her, hate the people she loved so much, would she really concider that love for her?
I have my douts about the family, like many here, but out of respect for this little girl who loved them so much, I must not give into hate. This is the only way I can honor a child who has touched my life in so many ways.
I am angry today that Casey has allowed so many wonderful people's heart to be filled with so much hate.:furious:

MDO, you are a truly good person with a beautiful heart. You had every right to start the thread and I certainly did not mean to imply that you should not have, only that I can't find it within myself to contribute sympathy or condolences at this time.
I am only going to post a rant to renew my objection to the over characterization by some that people here "hate" anyone.

It's frustrating to read and causes so many topics to be reduced to bickering over that word. It derails intelligent discussion and IMO, it has no place here.
I just read further down in the article about the duct tape, tissue and hair.
I have the same sick feeling inside that I had when the facts about the condition of Laci and Connors bodies were told.
This is going to be truely horrifying when we finally know everything poor Caylee suffered in her last moments on earth.

Yes, I'm afraid it is.
I am only going to post a rant to renew my objection to the over characterization by some that people here "hate" anyone.

It's frustrating to read and causes so many topics to be reduced to bickering over that word. It derails intelligent discussion and IMO, it has no place here.

I am certainly not over characterizationaling anyone here! I don't blame anyone for feeling hate, as right now, I am having a hard time sorting it out myself, I completely blame one person for those who do!
And what derails intelligent discussion is that people fail to read what this thread was intended for, Ranting..JMO
MDO, you are a truly good person with a beautiful heart. You had every right to start the thread and I certainly did not mean to imply that you should not have, only that I can't find it within myself to contribute sympathy or condolences at this time.

Forgive me for not making myself clearer, I was without internet for all of last night and most of today, and just seen a moderators post about things calming down, and felt horrible if I was a cause to have them work harder, they have enough to deal with. My apologies for that..:blowkiss:
I completely understand your feelings, and honestly hope and pray that I don't have to recant my own, and that is a fear at this point..not that I have a problem with admitting my own faults, but I just do not want to believe at this point anyone but Casey is responsible.
joe meter reader
If I could ask George and Cindy Anthony something? I would ask them to pass along some of their wealth to the meter reader who finally brought little Caylee home so she could be laid to rest. They should be grateful to him. After all the high tech searches that were conducted and all the money spent an everday average joe was the hero of the day!! Ironic!

George and Cindy Anthony checked into the luxury Ritz-Carlton Hotel on Thursday night.
Rooms go for about $300 a night at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel and sources say they Anthonys had dinner at Normans on Thursday night, where dinner could cost $100 a person.

Maybe they should stay at the EconoLodge and eat McDonalds and reward the man that brought them closure to this sad sad story. :mad:
I am certainly not over characterizationaling anyone here! I don't blame anyone for feeling hate, as right now, I am having a hard time sorting it out myself, I completely blame one person for those who do!
And what derails intelligent discussion is that people fail to read what this thread was intended for, Ranting..JMO

:confused: I certainly know what a "ranting thread" is for, but thanks....

My rant, again, is the word hate being wrongly assigned and how this topic derails discussions. A sentence like this
I wonder how Caylee would feel if she knew that all those who love her, hate the people she loved so much, would she really concider that love for her?
causes many good people to object to the word and yes, gets topics locked for being off topic and heated so my "rant" is the irresponisble assignment of this word.
The irresponsible word thrown around here for me is when posters call KC, " Smart " I just don't see it. Goodness Gracious ! She is sitting in jail with her wings clipped ,thank goodness. Too bad LE couldn't let KCs' friends surrond her in her cell, firing off questions one after another till she was broken. The one thing that appeared to be so important to her was how her friends thought of her. I truly feel she would crack. OH Well ! we will have to see her confronted by the stares of her ex-friends at trial.
duct tape...if the reporting is accurate then duct tape was found with the remains and possibly on them. That is the thing that is bothering me. Honestly I have been just trying to think of every scenario about what happened when that dear angel died and I also have gone through the accident themes. But using duct tape, if it is on the remains, man all bets are off. This was no accident, freak out, cover up, etc. IMO, one uses duct tape for a reason...to get the job done. I.E. to seal, tape, put back together, etc. anything thing you need. If you needed tape in a hurry say in a garage and were panicked (sp?) you could easily reach for masking tape or painters tape. Also I'm assuming that her (sniff) taping up was done in the A. garage. Just well, duct tape, sad doesn't even describe it if it was over the mouth and also the bag.
my rant is people dont seem to respect how others feel when defending or bashing the anthonys . this isnt about our feelings . this isnt about our hate for the a's or sympathy for the a's ..this is about a little girl who had every right to live and her mother took that away from her . so telling eachother off isnt going to help .it wont bring her back shes with the lord now .i for one am torn in half with this case i feel for the a's because they loved this little girl they knew her however they should be doing better by her .. no they shouldnt be protecting casey but they are and that is how it is .. we can hate it all we want but we cant change it . i had faith that god would give her back and she would get justice . i just think we all need to be patient and let LE and the lord do thier work and calm down
I've read in a blog, obviously a rumor, that Casey got rid of caylee because she couldnt stand her anymore - specifically because Caylee was the result of incest. (Casey and Lee = Caylee) Lee has been awfully silent, and not spoken to the media as much as Cindy. The only time I heard him speak was that "he'll never say who the father is". There seem to be too many questions about the father's family. It is their pain as well. It's very odd that they are hiding it, or that the father's family isn't coming out and saying something.
It's my weekend with my beautiful granddaughter, not quite 4 - I have the great joy of having her every second weekend. I insisted last night we watch the news coverage of the recent discovery. I told my gdaughter it was very important to watch because this small child was missing. Her response, "What's missing?". Sparing her the details I told her her family couldn't find her and are very sad. She was astonished at this concept and I explained when children go missing, it's very important everyone keep an eye out in case we see them. She assured me, "If I see that little girl, I will take her to her Mommy".
The news update started and the video of Caylee with her great gfather was played. It broke my heart and brought tears to my eyes when my gdaughter excitedly said, "I know that song!" and began to sing. A few minutes later she innocently asked "Where's her Gama?" - spelled like she pronounces it. It was so tempting to respond - Off her freaking rocker! - but I refrained.
I am in a complete state of grief over the recent discovery of our baby's little remains. I'm angry, confused, heartbroken and shaken to my core!!! God didn't bless me with more than one child, and I would have willingly taken that small, defenseless, beautiful child into my arms and home and raised her as my own. I cannot express my feelings for the As, I would be banned for sure!!! The only thing helping me through is reading all of your responses (I sincerely find a sense of comfort, knowing I'm not alone) and the fact my faith tells me justice will be done.
Rest peacefully, sweet, sweet child. Your short life brought thousands of people together, you will never be forgotten and I believe I'm a better person because of you. We WILL see you one day and be able to tell you how profoundly you touched our hearts and souls.
Bless all of you during this difficult time and take comfort that our baby being brought home is the best, perhaps most bittersweet Christmas gift we could have ever hoped for.
Protect: To keep from being damaged, attacked, stolen, or injured; to guard

I've been revisiting all of the videos where we see CA saying that KC is "protecting the family"...it just is making me sick to my stomach and I can only harken back to GA's interview where he talks about the time when he confronted KC about stealing the gas cans and he said, "thanks for making me look like an *advertiser censored*...or making an *advertiser censored* out of me" That is the reality of what she has done for this last half of a year, in addition to making them and half of America crazy, looking for this little girl, who she KNEW was right around the corner, rotting in a plastic bag. No, she ENCOURAGED people to damage, attack and injure her family. My prayer is that her family finally realizes it and that they FINALLY hold her TO TASK for it.
makes me glad that I trust the police....with that kind of protection....

oddly when they get a wee bit worried look who calls the pd over protesters.....that still amazes me...kudos to you though for re-visiting those videos...

I saw a couple of those videos on NG last week, I think before the body was found. I just shook my head at the gullibility of the Anthonys in THAT regard, believing that Casey, who they knew to be a liar and a thief, even stealing from her elderly grandparents, would care about protecting anyone, let alone her family. While I do understand George and Cindy's denial that Caylee was dead and that Casey did it, I did not understand their willingness to buy into all the new character traits that Casey was suddenly assuming, e.g., protecting her family.
There is no longer a Caylee to "protect".
There is no longer a reason to follow the "script".
The only person left to "save" is you, Casey.

So now Casey, tell what you claim to "know".

Tell what made "Zanny" so mad at you that she kidnapped your child.

Why should you pay for what they did? Are you afraid they'll kill you? Well if you don't speak up, the state of Florida might do just that.

And while we're at it, Cindy, George, Lee, tell us what "people" were being "watched" by your "investigators". Tell us what the big "proof" of Caylee being alive was, that was so important you were calling a presser.
There is no longer a Caylee to "protect".
There is no longer a reason to follow the "script".
The only person left to "save" is you, Casey.

So now Casey, tell what you claim to "know".

Tell what made "Zanny" so mad at you that she kidnapped your child.

Why should you pay for what they did? Are you afraid they'll kill you? Well if you don't speak up, the state of Florida might do just that.

And while we're at it, Cindy, George, Lee, tell us what "people" were being "watched" by your "investigators". Tell us what the big "proof" of Caylee being alive was, that was so important you were calling a presser.
This sure seems reasonable to me. I think Cindy should have the presser now just to tell us the things she kept saying she could not tell !!! jmo
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