Rant About the CASE Here! Get it off your chest.#4

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Totally a disgrace! I hope dear CAYLEE's spirit doesn't see her heartless family do this. Yes CA made sure CAYLEE looked like a PRINCESS and bought her things but things are NOT LOVE CA like to show CAYLEE off to the public, take pictures, but I am thinking that CAYLEE was just a pet that could be replaced and that CA always thought of CAYLEE as Kc's BIG MISTAKE! CA went through the motions but has a cold dark heart!
It shows from kc .............
also what disturbs me is when kc said *mom, don't you know my involvement in this?*..........like CA lived on another planet????

Are you kidding me? Caylee's spirit knows everything. She saw her heartless family do the unimaginable while she was alive, including her mother killing her. These people are pigs.
And add Geraldo in for good measure:waitasec:
I just saw a clip of GR saying that LE was kicking the A's while they were down,coming back a third time and taking pic's of the medicine chest. What was the purpose of that!?
Well let this SAHM take a stab ......toxicology results came back from the hair and showed a substance may have been given to Caylee? Just a guess and my own opinion.
warning : if you have high blood pressure ,don't watch


I agree about GR, totally. He has had no credibility IMO since the empty vault thing years back. I honestly haven't seen any of his work since then. So now he's back in the news and his knocking of LE holds no water because of that tabloid scent he wears, imo, and I think most people would see right through this nonsense to his friendliness with a certain doofus attorney. MOO. Wish KD was around so we could have a nice little pic of GR standing next to a squirrel at a roadside stand selling Eau de Tabloid. Or Ode to Tabloid. LOL.

And to add...this defense team thinks that America hasn't been down this spin road before. That we are ignorant. Their behvaior is beyond insulting. We watched the horror of the OJ trial. We know what spin is. You can't pull the wool over our eyes. You can't try to tell us we don't know half the story and that KC is innocent. America has watched this case for six months. It is what it is. Wake up JB and co....the fat lady HAS SUNG.
May I pose a question? It is something that has been bothering me for quite a while now, and the poster above who called them "grifters" hit home with me. It's an unsettled feeling that I have about this family. There is something there that I can't quite place my finger on and it runs deeper than just the pathology and dysfunction that runs rampant within this family. I know that this question is neither here nor there concerning the crime that KC commited but I'm just curious.
The more that I read about this family, they reminded me in an around about sort of way of "Irish Travellers". I had experience and contact with that group of people when I lived in NE GA, they reside mainly in NW SC. I'm not thinking that the A's are Irish travellers...not at all. However, there is something that is not right about their lifestyle. If there have been threads about this please give me a link? I cannot find them.
I can hardly believe my ears - that JB is so dumb. What can he be thinking? They had no way of knowing (well okay, not technically) that the remains were Caylee's. Did he think he was going to go to EVERY crime scene just in case?
I feel sorry that GA and CA have lost their grandbaby, but I am really appalled at the way they have really treated KC. They are enablers. They, IMO, have not provided much help to LE to assist them in finding that sweet baby. They have believed this lying demon all the way and in their jailhouse tapes are walking on eggshells in their conversations with her. UNBELIEVABLE! Having GA and CA saying "I have to ask you this question sweetheart" in a timid voice was unbelievable when their granddaughter was MISSING! They did not listen to any of the evidence that LE brought forth! LE evidence was OBVIOUS and all of KC's statements to LE did not make sense... and we all know that if it doesn't make sense it's not true... she was lying from the "git go"... The A's are enablers and I don't believe they have been truthful to LE either. I would have been demanding to know where my grandbaby was and not tripping on eggshells! I wouldn't be worried about jailhouse videotapes either. I would be so mad at her demanding her to tell me answers because a mother knows when her child is lying.
:furious: i just want to know WHY ? ... why this baby cant be opening her presents and be held and kissed by her family and warm in her bed and safe .. eating her favorite foods and shining the room up with a beautiful smile and laugh .. ? i want to know why CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY will never get to go to a prom or date a boy? run her little feet through the ocean water or pool again? or have the warm sunshine fall upon her hair ??? or play in her playhouse and sandbox again ?? i want to know why she was never given the chance to go to school and make little friends of her own to play with .. ??? I WANT TO KNOW WHY SHE IS DEAD !!! i want to know how people can be SO selfish and vile and cruel ??!!..I WANT TO KNOW HOW A MOTHER could EVER kill her baby .i want to know WHY she was thrown away like trash when it was real trash that threw her away!!!! i want to know why people like casey get away with the crap they do !!! . i want to know why this happened !!!! :furious::furious:i realize i probably will never know why but hey it feels good to vent and i have needed to.. bigtime
Is it still difficult for some to realize that our brown-eyed girl has passed over? I know this to be true but with all the legal finality & caos surrounding this case I'm still getting the shock she is gone everytime I see a photo or hear her sing. I think this case gave little Mandelines parents the idea to post a video of her interacting with her siblings. I wish there was a video of Caylee playing with other little children. Other posters have said if there is a vidoe or pic of Caylee in play with other children it would not be shown due to legal ramifications.
I wish with all my heart that the jail could play Caylee singing that song, and her words from the tape asking if her grandpa is tired, into KC's cell 24/7, but especially for 24 hours over Christmas, over and over and over.
what I wish with all my heart is that ANY Anthony member would come out and let us see their grief for Caylee. Usually this is personal, but hey, they shoved their BS in our faces a long time. I would love to see that they have some respect now....for Caylee and Caylee only.
Is it still difficult for some to realize that our brown-eyed girl has passed over? I know this to be true but with all the legal finality & caos surrounding this case I'm still getting the shock she is gone everytime I see a photo or hear her sing. I think this case gave little Mandelines parents the idea to post a video of her interacting with her siblings. I wish there was a video of Caylee playing with other little children. Other posters have said if there is a vidoe or pic of Caylee in play with other children it would not be shown due to legal ramifications.

A number of posters, myself included, have commented on the fact that there are very few pictures - I think I have seen only one - of Caylee playng with or interacting with other children. To me, that is one of the saddest things I have come across in this case. I hope that there are pictures out there and we just haven't them and that Caylee did get to run, laugh and play with other children during her short life.
A number of posters, myself included, have commented on the fact that there are very few pictures - I think I have seen only one - of Caylee playng with or interacting with other children. To me, that is one of the saddest things I have come across in this case. I hope that there are pictures out there and we just haven't them and that Caylee did get to run, laugh and play with other children during her short life.
Either did my daughter at Caylee's age. My friends either had infants, or no children at the point in time so I don't find it unusual.
I wish with all my heart that the jail could play Caylee singing that song, and her words from the tape asking if her grandpa is tired, into KC's cell 24/7, but especially for 24 hours over Christmas, over and over and over.

that would be so great, show the 'spiteful beach' CAYLEE was a blessing and kc:behindbar killed her only sunshine, now I pray kc never sees sunshine again in her life except through a window............:behindbar
A number of posters, myself included, have commented on the fact that there are very few pictures - I think I have seen only one - of Caylee playng with or interacting with other children. To me, that is one of the saddest things I have come across in this case. I hope that there are pictures out there and we just haven't them and that Caylee did get to run, laugh and play with other children during her short life.

IMO CAYLEE had every material thing in the world, but had nothing of a normal life............love, 3 yr. old friends etc..........CAYLEE was like a pet to the A's......

I am hoping that JG sues the A family for what they have done to his reputation like Zanny............
Geraldo is very anti LE in this case. I wonder why? JB slung mud again, then said he does not want to sling mud. I wonder yet if he has noticed that every time he pushes the pendulum, it always swings back. They are griping alot about LE returning to retrieve more evidence. Maybe they took pictures of Cindy's medicine cabinet to try and figure what makes her act as she does. :crazy:

I reckon LE keeps returning to find that missing stuff from the Capone vault

I still think GR's production company is behind the scenes on a lot of this. At the very beginning, he was as anti KC as the rest of the media; now he's so buddy buddy with JB it's disgusting. I think he & JB have some sort of sweetheart deal- GR has exclusive rights to post trial interviews with KC, 1st rights on tv/movie deal, etc. GR & JB make quite a symbioctic sleazy pair.....JMO
IMO CAYLEE had every material thing in the world, but had nothing of a normal life............love, 3 yr. old friends etc..........CAYLEE was like a pet to the A's......

I am hoping that JG sues the A family for what they have done to his reputation like Zanny............

What have the A's done to JG's reputation? They've never said a word against him publicly. Cindy believed she had reason to be suspicious of JG. She expressed that to LE. That's what she was supposed to do, it's how many crimes are solved.
The A's have taken a swipe at everyone in this case. Cindy said some very jaded things about Jesse. Let me think...he has a temper and took it out on her, he had a gf that used to be a professional nanny (obviously pointing the finger at Jesse for this), and so many other statements.

No, it isn't how cases are solved. FACTS and SCIENCE solve cases plus a bit of luck like has happened with a guy finding the body. Cindy throwing people under the bus did NOTHING to help this case at all. It did exactly the opposite. She has hindered this case knowingly and repeatedly.

She asked all of Casey's friends over to "go over things" early on. This, to me, was an attempt to tamper with witnesses who would certainly be called in by LE and eventually were. She asked they not speak to anyone about the case etc. IIRC, Jesse was there. Did she tell him he was going to become her number one suspect that she was going to point her finger at?! She had NOTHING on Jesse to include him in this mess, imo. Nor anyone else as near as I can tell...besides Casey. It was pretty obvious what she was up to!
Well, I've had enough, again, for today, just venting.....

George & Cindy - Please, please, please, just call the OCSO detectives and tell them THE TRUTH about everything you know regardless of how it affects KC .......May you never know peace until you do ......How can you bury that innocent baby and expect her to leave you in peace and acceptance until you clear you own conscience? ....Go to the media and ask them to show footage of you begging, screaming, ranting and raving, for KC to come clean and admit what REALLY happened or you will disown her and leave her to rot in prison forever. MGHMOYS....
I still think GR's production company is behind the scenes on a lot of this. At the very beginning, he was as anti KC as the rest of the media; now he's so buddy buddy with JB it's disgusting. I think he & JB have some sort of sweetheart deal- GR has exclusive rights to post trial interviews with KC, 1st rights on tv/movie deal, etc. GR & JB make quite a symbioctic sleazy pair.....JMO

Maybe so. He may also just sing the tune JB provides for him so that he can keep getting access to all the JB exclusives. Jerry Rivers will turn on JB in a heartbeat if the numbers show that ratings will be better if he does.

Also, JG is the only one I know of so far that has taken and passed a lie detector. It is a shame that Casey dragged him in by saying he was not to be trusted. C & G echoed her words in many interviews. I do not think that is a winnable lawsuit though. My opinion is that they were using that as one of many tools to deter everyone from looking at Casey.

I reckon the horse was miles away when that gate was closed
Generally speaking..this thread is for ranting, not really to discuss rants. KWIM? The fact that these are rants can lead to violence and I am a lover not a fighter. :)
I promise not to get into a fist fight. LOL Especially on the night before the night before Christmas as Santa doesn't bring cool computer presents to those who do. hehehe er...I mean hohoho.
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