Rant about the CASE **NO DISCUSSION/Replies** JUST RANTS #6

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I just have to rant after all this time. It seems to me it all comes down to Cindy and Casey. Their having to have a battle again over control. This is what it has been about ,even before that sweet baby came in to this world. It seems to be the same for how she will leave this world. Cindy and Casey and the battle over control. Poor Caylee never stood a chance. Caylee was pure love and neither one of them realized what they had. I hope that if nothing else comes from this tragady is that someone who is in this kind of mother daughter relationship that they will learn to turn it around for the sake of the grandkids. It just breaks my heart Caylee paid the ultimate price for such anger and hate between these two.
Q: When is a public memorial NOT a public memorial?
A: When all people are not welcomed with open arms but discriminated against and blacklisted.


"I must also state that I am dismayed by the decision of the leadership of the First Baptist Church of Orlando to host any event where the goal is to heal and restore a community but will also bar people from that community who want to attend under the threat of being removed by security. I cannot find a scriptural verification of such a stance. In fact, what I found was in the Parable of the Lost Sheep in Luke Chapter 15 where the Lord said He would risk leaving the 99 to find that 1 sheep that was lost."

I wish, that the next time Jose holds one of his "pressers", NO ONE SHOWS UP!!!

I wish, that the next time Jose holds one of his "pressers", NO ONE SHOWS UP!!!
QFT and that the cars honk the whole time if he does it at the side of the freaking road again!!
I want to scream, I want to cry, I want to throw things...
At a very young age, I took on the role as mother to 2 children who's mother walked away from them. I have raised them into young men now 15 and 14 years old..
I can't imagine not having them in my life.
After reading JG's myspace tonight, my heart is so broken for Jesse. He loved Caylee and did not care that she wasn't his..just as I didn't care.
I have tried throughout the last 7 months to have as much compassion and understanding as I could for the Anthony's. Even today after Casey's statement was read, I felt horrible for them.
I am mad that my opinion of them has had to change..I am mad that I wanted to believe so desperatly that they wanted to do the right thing with this memorial.
I am appalled that Jesse is on a list of those not welcomed. I am mad I tell you, because I know what it is like to have children who do not share your blood, and I know that there is no difference when you have love in your heart.
Shame on the Anthony's! Shame on them for not allowing the one person who didn't care that she belonged to someone else not be there to mourn her passing.
Shame on the Anthony's for playing God and choosing to shut his doors on people they don't like. Although I have in the past understood why, I don't understand how they can do it in God's home. I am hurt over this, I am mad, and I am sick over it.:(
No man, nor woman deserves to be turned away at the Lords house..:(
Q: When is a public memorial NOT a public memorial?
A: When all people are not welcomed with open arms but discriminated against and blacklisted.


"I must also state that I am dismayed by the decision of the leadership of the First Baptist Church of Orlando to host any event where the goal is to heal and restore a community but will also bar people from that community who want to attend under the threat of being removed by security. I cannot find a scriptural verification of such a stance. In fact, what I found was in the Parable of the Lost Sheep in Luke Chapter 15 where the Lord said He would risk leaving the 99 to find that 1 sheep that was lost."

I figured that CA would do this. And, like RG, I'm surprised that the church would go along with her. I figure in the minds of the A's, people are coming to show support for THEM.....
My second rant for the day is Baez' presser. NONE of this even needed to be said! I will be so glad when this memorial is over and done with!

I came here to rant about the same thing you just ranted about. Let's rant together! :eek:
My rant is about LP. He wants a memorial at the same time as the A'. He is only doing this because CA was upset and pissed at LPwhen he was wanting a memorial at BPark. I for one would of been mad too. This was before Caylee was found. Now for him to want to do a memorial the same time as the Anthony's is just down right disgusting. This LP is only wanting movie and book rights. He does not care about anyone. It's all about HIMSELF. Pretty Much like KC. DO NOT LET THIS MAN FOOL YA! Its HIM and ONLY HIM. If he had a decent bone in his body he would hold this memorial at a differernt time.
My rant is about LP. He wants a memorial at the same time as the A'. He is only doing this because CA was upset and pissed at LPwhen he was wanting a memorial at BPark. I for one would of been mad too. This was before Caylee was found. Now for him to want to do a memorial the same time as the Anthony's is just down right disgusting. This LP is only wanting movie and book rights. He does not care about anyone. It's all about HIMSELF. Pretty Much like KC. DO NOT LET THIS MAN FOOL YA! Its HIM and ONLY HIM. If he had a decent bone in his body he would hold this memorial at a differernt time.

I agree 1,000 percent. I can't even imagine what it would be like to have a man who is a complete stranger come along and act as if he has more rights to a deceased child than her own family. IMO LP inserted himself into this case for fame and fortune, he stayed involved for fame and fortune, and he's not going to go away until he's milked it for all he can get out of it. Caylee is just a tool that he uses for his own self promotion. It truly astonishes me that people support him in his efforts to usurp the Anthony family. The A's get one, and only one, opportunity to memorialize their little Caylee. Who the heck does LP think he is to to take that from them?
The A's get one, and only one, opportunity to memorialize their little Caylee. Who the heck does LP think he is to to take that from them?

There it is, right there. Thanks Chilly ....

I agree. As much as I detest so many aspects of the family's behaviour, it's their right to decide how they will pay tribute to their own.

This case is so bizarre at times, it's hardly surprising the lines get blurred,
My second rant for the day is Baez' presser. NONE of this even needed to be said! I will be so glad when this memorial is over and done with!

since when does KA act appropriately as defined by anyone but herself.

jb appears to be her new boy tool., so whatever she says goes for him.

i thought he looked like he was fighting back tears half the time, not acting uncomfortable with his presser position.

whats "needed" to be done got to do with it?
There it is, right there. Thanks Chilly ....

I agree. As much as I detest so many aspects of the family's behaviour, it's their right to decide how they will pay tribute to their own.

This case is so bizarre at times, it's hardly surprising the lines get blurred,

Are ya'll forgetting the ssize of LP's ego?

he charged across the country, figuring no one but him knew what was going on, remember?

doesn't surprise me in the least.
This is an old subject to rant about, but I just want to get it off my chest. In one of the jail visits KC tells CA and GA that she had been thinking about when Caylee is found and KC's back home how they will work out their schedules to all have time with Caylee. KC mentions she will need to find a job and CA immediately tells her she won't need to work when this is all over. Oh boy, that's really just wrong.
CA, just let KC continue to live at home and never expect her to step up and become responsible and a real live grown up. For me, this just decribes the whole skewed thinking with this family. OK, thanks, my chest feels better now.
There should never have to be a need for a memorial service for a 3 year old child. Especially for one murdered by the person that should love them the most. KC only loves one thing...KC. Burn!
No rant today, while we honor beautful little Caylee,Just wanted to stop in and say love you guys and today is long overdue...

This morning went to CVS pharmacy to buy another candle for our little sweetie(lit the other this weekend)

Do not think we will need a shrink to figure this out: This is what i bought:

1: Pretty Pink Candle w/ little pink glazed topper

2: A little Glass Bear with Angel Wings/ here's were it gets: Hello... can you say subconsious. It is holding a red heart(valentines). Did not notice red heart or tag on animal until i got home.

It says the following:On the box, it's all i noticed.
A Gift Of Love
My gift to you is my love
Given from deep within my heart
This special love will never end

3: Squishy Stuffed Leopard, the tag read, I kid you not " Lying Jungle Animals" Ha- the things that make you go hmmmm

Sorry,this is so long but wanted to share with my WS friends.

We may not have got to hold her physicaly, but we will continue to hold her in our hearts.

Here's a song:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAKF3_hCSNs

I wanted to share my experience from this morning: Love each other.
Today is not getting to Casey at all she is eating her junk
food and only thinking about herself I think that's all she as ever
thought about and cares for know one but herself...
:frown: Mop me up off the floor! Such a senseless death.
Here's my rant after watching the memorial:

I do not UNDERSTAND how a grieving family of a beautiful little girl holds a public service and eulogy while CHEWING GUM (G & C) and where the uncle cannot even put on a tie or jacket! That is so completely disrepectful!!! Not only to Caylee, but to all of the people who took the time to attend the service.

To me, one of the WORST offenses of this service was when Cindy OUT and OUT LIED when she described her reaction to the news of Casey's pregnancy! How dare she, in a place of worship, lie like that! It is common knowledge in her family and circle of friends that she was not "overjoyed and at peace" with the news.

Thanks for letting me get that off of my chest. I know that in the end these little things do not matter, but I was just hoping that there would be some showing of grace and dignity by this family today. I know that Caylee is finally home now, in God's arms and may she rest in peace.
It has bothered me how few times the words I love my daughter, or I love Caylee have been uttered by KC. Even yesterday in the letter voicing opposition to the public memorial, KC said "I miss Caylee" not I love my daughter. Looking back, she has said that all along. Love has been an afterthought with KC, something to say when you think of it for PR knowing someone is watching or listening. If your child dies, the love doesnt stop yet KC just misses her. Perhaps the root of this whole tragedy is in her inability to even mouth those words, let alone feel them. I didnt know Caylee, but I love who she was and am sorry she didnt get a chance to live a full life. She will be missed by all of us but should have been loved by her own mother.
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