Ranting Thread And Open Random Thoughts

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EtherealGirl said:
I have prayed my heart out for soooo many weeks that Caylee was alive, then finally I realized she more than likely is not.

I know exactly where you are coming from as I have done the same. Last Friday I was on another crime site, reading about different interview tactics LE uses, ways they have of telling if someone is lying, etc. Somehow I went into old crimes, before I knew it I was reading about a Fla mother who killed her 10 year old stepson. She had been abusing him for a while first. Neighbors said they saw this boy standing naked in his driveway shouting, "I am nothing, I am a piece of s**t" and so on. This was his punishment from the step mother for something he had done. Neighbors had seen this boy with cuts and bruises and saw him forced to cut the front lawn with a pair of sissors. LE said that this 10 year old boy had been tortured before his death. I turned it off, was crying my eyes out for at least a half an hour. Praying that this boy is with his maker and now at least knows the meaning of being loved and protected. How can things like this go on? Why didn't the neighbors intervene? I ask myself what I would do if I saw this going on. I can't believe I would do nothing. My heart is so pained over what some of our children go thru. It is almost too much for me sometimes. And as I've stated before in previous posts, I have noticed in the last 2 to 3 years that the number of Amber Alerts I hear on TV has greatly increased and that is so troubling to me. What is going on in our country with our children?

There are probably many people out there like me, who are so heartsick over the increasing numbers of missing/abducted/abused/murdered children on the news. They want it to stop but don't know what to do. So here comes the Anthony case, the public's frustration and torment over these types of stories is over the top. So with the Anthonys being so obstinate over KC's innocence, people took to protesting as a way to show support for Caylee. I completely understand the protestors concept, some of them have done a good job, others have made complete fools out of themselves, and others still, the ones who take their small children, scream obsenities at the family, pound on their front door, almost get into a physical fight with CA while a young boy stands watching her and then gets the car door shut on his arm! Well these people themselves should be investigated by DCF and LE. Peaceful protesting could have been an effective outlet for the publics frustration/ sense of injustice for Caylee, but it has now been all but ruined because some people do not know how to behave civilly. Why can't they carry signs that say something along the lines of: "Anthony's -- Why have you not taken a polygraph?" or something about our laws that allow a mother to be free on bail when she refuses to account for her two and a half year old daughters whereabouts and well being? This is just not ok that she gets to plead the 5th or hide behind a lawyer or whatever it is that is protecting her when her toddler is missing! I am so afraid that if something isn't done to change this situation and quick that alot more children are going to come up "lost". And yes if I lived near the Anthonys I would be protesting--WITHOUT children, WITHOUT shouting, but WITH a big ole sign!

Ok I am sorry for the long post, I'm done ranting. I had to get that out. Thats my 2 cents anyway. And of course all of it is JMHO.
My rant: I need more facts. I read details, read and post my own speculations in addition to many others, but I'd just simply like more facts. I've resigned myself to the singular fact that Caylee may never be found. So I just keep hoping that combined LE/FBI/other testing facilities have enough irrefutable FACTS to ultimately bring Casey to trial and a conviction for any charge they can prove that will result in a just sentence. ('Just' being a subjective term to many. And I won't post my own interpretation in this case, but the more facts I see, the better I feel that justice will closely resemble my own belief on this one.)

Well said. Very well said. :clap:
*nods* I also have issues with weaving through the comments about Casey's looks: "she has a horseface"... she's not attractive... why would anyone date her and find her pretty... yadda yadda physicality yadda. To be honest, if I didn't know who she was and the predicament she was in, and had to go on her looks alone: she's a pretty young lady. (Of course the darkness she chose to live by does make her very unattractive on the inner beauty level.) For such a pretty girl (on the outside) with an adorable daughter, that had so much available to her to have a great life: it is sad that she chose to ruin it all... and the biggest person to pay was adorable Caylee.

I agree with you. I also have issues with the negative comments about Casey's physical features.

Casey had a beautiful daughter and could have made a nice life for herself by going back to school and letting Cindy have custody of Caylee. Instead of having that bella vida, Casey threw it all away.

My rant has to do with calling Casey names because of her sexual history. I can't help but wonder if this would be going on if this case was about a man, instead of a woman. I know, the old double standard, but that's my rant.

I am not a Casey supporter. I think she is soley responsible for the disappearance (and worse) of Caylee.

btw, I think the 'claw marks on the trunk' rumor that a previous poster mentioned had to do with scratches on the outside of the trunk most likely caused by brush (as in driving through densely wooded areas?).
Emma Peel said:
Help newbies. Curb the sarcasm (it rarely translates properly).

Thank you Emma Peel for that comment. I'm a newbie and appreciate the patience and helpfulness of veteran WS'ers.

And I purposely looked for the "ranting and other random thoughts" title so I wouldn't clog up another subject with my rant. See old WS'ers = I'm learn'in! :smile:
I need to address something...

I have an issue with people on this site suggesting that a poster is "family or friend" of the Anthonys'. What does that mean? I am assuming this has a negative connotation associated with since most people on here, including myself, do not think much of this family based on their actions. However, I don't go around accusing people of being related to them because I disagree with their opinion. I am not interested in participating in a "witch hunt" for the Anthony on this site.

This is very childish and bullying behavior and I wanted to call these people out and ask them what exactly do they mean by that comment.

I also noticed that after someone was suspected of being "anthony's family/friend", shortly after, several other members bombard that thread with all sorts of comments trying to descredit anything the poster says.

This type of behavior makes this site appear to be less credible. I thought we were here to find out the truth? In seeking the truth, some things may come out that aren't so pretty, its not black and white, and LE are not always the "good guys". That being said, I think if we really want truth, than we need to questions everyone and everything, including the authorities, and not accuse people who do of having an agenda.
I have refrained from posting on WS for weeks now as I fear the egotistical onslaught of responses from the "know it all" sleuthers. What is up with the snippy rude responses from those who have been long time polite sleuthers??
Geesshh get a grip people!! If you disagree with a post why not take that disagreement private instead of being snarky on the forum. Could we please remember that WS is not about filling your egos, it is about working together respectfully to bring home a little girl.

Another thing is the need for replies that are chit chat replies that could and should be done via PM. If you want to talk about your latest purchase, your children, the weather etc, etc, take it private. Cluttering up the forum makes it difficult for the mods and for those who have a life other than WS to keep up with a case.

Lastly...kudos to Tricia for providing this normally wonderful website that has assisted many and to the mods...bless you!!! You do a wonderful job keeping order here and teaching us how to play in the sandbox together respectfully.
btw, I think the 'claw marks on the trunk' rumor that a previous poster mentioned had to do with scratches on the outside of the trunk most likely caused by brush (as in driving through densely wooded areas?).

whew! thank you!
My rant for the day is looking through the "Casey turns herself in" thread and having to weave through all the posts about tight jeans, knotted t-shirts, makeup, sunglasses, jewelry, hair, hats etc.,

I might as well add NG's thread, as this one will be started soon and the picking will begin about the same stuff, hair, clothings, jewelry and speech.

Enough already!

Not to mention all the chatter about what Nancy's wearing!

I've wondered if maybe the NG thread should be opened after the show ends, so that the off-topic discussions, e.g., the color of Nancy's blouses, would be kept to a minimum.
My rant for the day is looking through the "Casey turns herself in" thread and having to weave through all the posts about tight jeans, knotted t-shirts, makeup, sunglasses, jewelry, hair, hats etc.,

I might as well add NG's thread, as this one will be started soon and the picking will begin about the same stuff, hair, clothings, jewelry and speech.

Enough already!

The webcam thread is worse. This whole board has gone "high school".
omg doogiesgirl! your longer post above nearly brought tears to my eyes! I'm glad you wrote / said everything you did there! :)

I agree 100% abt the protesting - I think they have every right to do it but in a better way - or just get involved in the actual searches! - wondered myself why it couldn't be more peaceful & less Springer-ish.... Why the signs couldn't just say "Where's Caylee?" or "Tell the truth!" or just something less violent than they have - I was so upset when I saw that lil' baby girl holding the "How could you kill a child like me?" sign.... wondered what her parents were thinking when I saw that.... she had no idea what she was doing or why she was there.... & then w/ the little boy later & the car door incident - WTH are these kids there? I mean, come on folks....
ok - that's my rant for the day [i feel better].....
Um, just dont go to that post . . .
you know i hate to say this but ALOT of the threads concerning caylee have the same things being said lol so i guess they wouldnt be going to alot of posts . ;)
I am so sick of people replying to the various support threads popping up lately with rude comments or reasons they do NOT support so-and-so.

It's fine and understandable to not want to offer support to the players in this case. But why feel the need to go into a thread clearly marked as a support thread with no case comment/negativity, and say "I just don't support this person/people/thing at all!" Just don't go into the thread. WS is great at allowing a certain amount of frustration be expressed and that frustration toward all the players is in almost every single thread. So go there to vent and declare you don't support them. It's juvenile and silly and pointless to go into an area designated as a support only area just to be snide and contrary.

I am so sick of people replying to the various support threads popping up lately with rude comments or reasons they do NOT support so-and-so.

It's fine and understandable to not want to offer support to the players in this case. But why feel the need to go into a thread clearly marked as a support thread with no case comment/negativity, and say "I just don't support this person/people/thing at all!" Just don't go into the thread. WS is great at allowing a certain amount of frustration be expressed and that frustration toward all the players is in almost every single thread. So go there to vent and declare you don't support them. It's juvenile and silly and pointless to go into an area designated as a support only area just to be snide and contrary.


:) I got a feeling I am one of these people lol
The webcam thread is worse. This whole board has gone "high school".

My thoughts exactly - which is why I haven't been bothering to post anything lately. Sad, too, because my heart is still just as heavy over this case as it was 2 months ago... :(
It saddens me that I can't even post much anymore as the threads are out of hand. Even today's thread, some are just out of line, and I classify them as "Thread SHOCKERS". You read the title, your heart slams to the floor, you rush to click on the video, your heart beats waiting to hear what was found only to hear it has nothing to do with Caylee.

I've become a lurker .... :(
Things have changed dramatically on WS since this case came along. We used to be serious about finding out "facts", researching what we deem to be credible, discussing them as such, and actual sleuthing. Now, we have so many people who are not interested in the facts as presented by LE anymore. It is like we have to dismiss whatever is stated in the media even if it came directly from the mouths of LE and have to rely solely on the word of a known liar and an alleged thief in order to investigate this case. This isn't the way most of us "work". I think many of us are frustrated beyond belief here.
It saddens me that I can't even post much anymore as the threads are out of hand. Even today's thread, some are just out of line, and I classify them as "Thread SHOCKERS". You read the title, your heart slams to the floor, you rush to click on the video, your heart beats waiting to hear what was found only to hear it has nothing to do with Caylee.

I've become a lurker .... :(

I have join you Patty in Lurkland !!

I remember the days of honest to goodness sleuthing when I was an honest to goodness lurker. Reading posts regarding LE documents in other cases on WS and admiring the hard sleuthing being done prior to joining. Those were the days my friend!!
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