Rants and Random Ideas ABOUT THE CASE thread #3

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I honestly think chloroform hurts this case. If it was THAT bad, how did maggots live as somebody pointed out (hope they speak up) they wouldn't have.

George using that to clean, bah...don't think so.

That was a stupid leak imo. I hope they have something better than that. That cramped my full on *yeah buddy she's nailed!*

That's a mess they will need to overcome now. :(

And yes, I think she's (Casey) full on guilty!!!

The only way I see chloroform fitting in-- is George with Pest Control.

That still doesn't work for me but that's the closest I come to putting him with it.

I find the *Chloroform* announcement bad for the case. JMO

I think she's guilty on this board, but on a jury they would have to explain that flub to me.

The chloroform was used AFTER the pizza wwith maggots was found and thrown out. When the car was brought home then GA cleaned it out.
From what I can see (by lurking for months), this would be the appropriate place for me to "rant".

First of all, as a mother myself, I am :furious::furious::furious:

I don't even know where to begin with this sorry situation. :furious:

As I get more comfortable, I will probably join in more with the wonderful people at WS. I have followed this case from the start, and have come to respect WS.:) You have brought me out of lurking for the first time in my life. :clap:

I am being patient with the dedicated people of LE, (trying to be anyway), to achieve the solid result. :behindbar

Hello everyone, and I look forward to getting to know you.:)
From what I can see (by lurking for months), this would be the appropriate place for me to "rant".

First of all, as a mother myself, I am :furious::furious::furious:

I don't even know where to begin with this sorry situation. :furious:

As I get more comfortable, I will probably join in more with the wonderful people at WS. I have followed this case from the start, and have come to respect WS.:) You have brought me out of lurking for the first time in my life. :clap:

I am being patient with the dedicated people of LE, (trying to be anyway), to achieve the solid result. :behindbar

Hello everyone, and I look forward to getting to know you.:)
Welcome Happy Mama! Here's hoping your coming out for a rant helps you start a long and happy stay here at WS! :)
I think acting "normal" on the outside is just another means of trying to cover up the reality. I don't know if this makes sense but I think that if by some chance Caylee were found alive to me that would make much more coldblooded in my mind.

I have complete respect for yours or anyone else's feeling and opinions on the topic. For myself I just draw the conclusion that she is guilty of murder based on the evidence I've seen so far. I do very much enjoy reading the opinions and thoughts of others as well as a healthy exchange of ideas.

Part of what certainly has influence on my point of view, is that one of the compulsive liars I spoke of is a family member. He no longer lives in my area so I haven't seen him for a few years. But many of his behaviors were very close to what we know about Casey's behaviors.

He would lie even when he was caught red handed at something, He would lie all the time when if just told the truth it would get him out of trouble. He was a compulsive thief to the point where no one could ever leave him alone in the house. He would even steal things that had no value. He lied about having a job and going to school. And he even liked to party.

It was frustrating as heck because when you really got to know him, peel away all the stupid stuff that he used to do, was a very kind and sincere heart inside.

Obviously I don't know anything about Casey other than what I read on the Internet, it isn't always so, but some times things on the inside are not always as they appear on the outside.

Your post makes no sense to me. Why use an example for your defense that completly contrdicts your stand?
Welcome Happy Mama! Here's hoping your coming out for a rant helps you start a long and happy stay here at WS! :)

Thank you for the welcome! :)

If I was to actually pull a real "rant", it would be like a book, as I have followed this case from the beginning. This situation is the most twisted mess I have ever seen, especially with their "search" efforts!:furious::furious::furious:

I am tired of having my intelligence insulted by the behavior in this family.:furious::furious::furious:

Don't get too comfy KC, as searchers are still out there......and TES is on their way soon. You will go where you belong !:behindbar
I've been thinking about Jesse's interviews of the past week. He seems to be sincere in his concern and upset about this case. I can only imagine how it must feel to be one of these young people that have found themselves placed in the middle of this nightmare.
I find it interesting that KC called JG seemingly out of the blue on July 1, goes over to his place to take a shower and then hangs out for the afternoon. It seem she may have had something on her mind, to all of the sudden be in touch with JG.
Again on July3, she texts JG and tells him to avoid her family if they happen to call him about her. That seems strange to me too. Especially with the fact that later that night, she went to a club with friends ( The Lodge ), and abruptly leaves telling them she has to leave because Lee is on his way to find her. Isn't that a lttle strange too?
On July 4, she again calls JG and asks about his plans for the day. She also tells him that sometime when she is drunk she will fill him in on the family deal, and why she doesn't want him to talk to her family.

I don't know exactly what the meaning of these instances are, but looking at them all together now stand out to me. I think KC may have considered telling Jesse something about what had happened. Whether she would tell him the truth or not, who knows! I do think KC has something toward JG, whether it's a trust, a bond, or what, I'm not sure.
I feel like if there's anyone that could get the truth out of her it just might be JG.

Maybe I'm reading too much into these dates, I just wonder what KCs real agenda was for getting in contact with JG so frequently during those days.

Possibly she was trying to protect JG from Cindy knowing how her mother disliked him and also knowing how her mother said bad things about her to him and that she would be even more upset now. She didn't want Jess to know what was going on , not from her mother anyway. And yes, i do think she has a sift spot for him after all he stood by her and loved her.
Although I am not a newbie, I rarely post at all.

I must first state that I do think KC is guilty as **** and her family has made some outlandish comments in this case.

However, I do not believe that CA/GA intentionally tried to destroy evidence. In considering that LE did not impound the vehicle or its contents until a day or so after the initial reports were given, I can understand that CA and GA might have thought the vehicle was irrelevant and began trying to get rid of the odor in the vehicle. Once LE realized the importance of the vehicle and came to impound it, CA and GA both "fessed" up to LE regarding what they had done. If their "cleaning" actions were malicious, it just seems that they would not have owned up to their actions. JMHO
Although I am not a newbie, I rarely post at all.

I must first state that I do think KC is guilty as **** and her family has made some outlandish comments in this case.

However, I do not believe that CA/GA intentionally tried to destroy evidence. In considering that LE did not impound the vehicle or its contents until a day or so after the initial reports were given, I can understand that CA and GA might have thought the vehicle was irrelevant and began trying to get rid of the odor in the vehicle. Once LE realized the importance of the vehicle and came to impound it, CA and GA both "fessed" up to LE regarding what they had done. If their "cleaning" actions were malicious, it just seems that they would not have owned up to their actions. JMHO

Also, I don't recall reading anywhere that GA did clean the vehicle -- please direct me to a link if there is one. Thanks.
Although I am not a newbie, I rarely post at all.

I must first state that I do think KC is guilty as **** and her family has made some outlandish comments in this case.

However, I do not believe that CA/GA intentionally tried to destroy evidence. In considering that LE did not impound the vehicle or its contents until a day or so after the initial reports were given, I can understand that CA and GA might have thought the vehicle was irrelevant and began trying to get rid of the odor in the vehicle. Once LE realized the importance of the vehicle and came to impound it, CA and GA both "fessed" up to LE regarding what they had done. If their "cleaning" actions were malicious, it just seems that they would not have owned up to their actions. JMHO

I tried to give C and G a chance,,,really I did, but your gd is missing....they knew it smelled like a dead body...cindy said so, so with all the drama going on....you decide to clean out the car innocently....nah...I just can"t buy that.
Although I am not a newbie, I rarely post at all.

I must first state that I do think KC is guilty as **** and her family has made some outlandish comments in this case.

However, I do not believe that CA/GA intentionally tried to destroy evidence. In considering that LE did not impound the vehicle or its contents until a day or so after the initial reports were given, I can understand that CA and GA might have thought the vehicle was irrelevant and began trying to get rid of the odor in the vehicle. Once LE realized the importance of the vehicle and came to impound it, CA and GA both "fessed" up to LE regarding what they had done. If their "cleaning" actions were malicious, it just seems that they would not have owned up to their actions. JMHO

ON the 15th July LE was called to the Anthony's because Casey's said that the baby sitter kidnapped Caylee they had no reason to impound the car that night, it was only after Casey lead them on a wild goose chase that they realized they had been mislead. LE impounded the car in less than 24 hours.
You often find local stations calling someone a reporter when they've never done one minute of journalism in their life. Some of them do nothing more than "rip and read."

A lot of the reporting, if they're actually doing any real reporting, is done by the field producers anyway. Not that NG's producer seems to have much more information.

No, NL (NG's producer, on the scene) never seems to know what's going on. And I don't care what anyone calls these people, "reporters" or just people who "rip and read" - they are on the NG show representing WDBO and supposedly they are there to answer caller's questions, as well as to update NG. How hard would it be for them to know, say, about the bumperstickers on CA's car before airtime? Geez, if I were one of these people I would find this case so intriguing I would want to know every detail, and then I would probably put it all together and write a book about it. Not for the profit, but because it's the case of the century (so far).
I tried to give C and G a chance,,,really I did, but your gd is missing....they knew it smelled like a dead body...cindy said so, so with all the drama going on....you decide to clean out the car innocently....nah...I just can"t buy that.

I agree, tehcloser....people, George was previously a COP who also ADMITTED to LE that he knew exactly, sadly but exactly, what the smell coming from that car was. The smell of death!!!! He knew better than anyone in that house to turn that car over to LE as soon as they smelled it at the impound lot! Take it home, wait a few days, wash evidence....clean the car??????? :eek: This is beyond DENIAL IMO
No, NL (NG's producer, on the scene) never seems to know what's going on. And I don't care what anyone calls these people, "reporters" or just people who "rip and read" - they are on the NG show representing WDBO and supposedly they are there to answer caller's questions, as well as to update NG. How hard would it be for them to know, say, about the bumperstickers on CA's car before airtime? Geez, if I were one of these people I would find this case so intriguing I would want to know every detail, and then I would probably put it all together and write a book about it. Not for the profit, but because it's the case of the century (so far).

I'm not disagreeing with you on their ignorance, Andy, just giving you a reason why they are so ignorant.

Of course it probably doesn't help when NG flies into shrieking harridan mode if, within three words, your answer doesn't meet her high (cough) standards of journalism. :crazy:
I'm not disagreeing with you on their ignorance, Andy, just giving you a reason why they are so ignorant.

Of course it probably doesn't help when NG flies into shrieking harridan mode if, within three words, your answer doesn't meet her high (cough) standards of journalism. :crazy:

RIGHT! It just gets irritating when I know the answers and these "reporters" don't! I feel the same way about NG, but somehow, this is the perfect case for her "outrage"....
Casey searched on the computer for:

Missing Children
Escort websites
Zenaida Gonzales'

These say "it all"
Every morning I get up and bring this site up on the computer and pray I see a new thread that says 'CASEY ARRESTED FOR MURDER'! When am I going to see that thread? I get so irritated and it seems the case is growing old and cold.
Every morning I get up and bring this site up on the computer and pray I see a new thread that says 'CASEY ARRESTED FOR MURDER'! When am I going to see that thread? I get so irritated and it seems the case is growing old and cold.
It is coming. Patience, Kathyn, patience! This case is definitely not growing cold. (It became old after the first few weeks when dealing with this family and Casey.)
Has the nanny ever been to UNiVERSAL or Disney with her kids in the last two years or so?

Womder if Kc found her name on some kind of DISNEY or UNIVERSAL mailing list or saw her there with the kids?
Or any family she may have and started researching?The name?
Has the nanny ever been to UNiVERSAL or Disney with her kids in the last two years or so?

Womder if Kc found her name on some kind of DISNEY or UNIVERSAL mailing list or saw her there with the kids?
Or any family she may have and started researching?The name?
There is no nanny.
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