Rants and Random Ideas ABOUT THE CASE thread #3

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There is no nanny! Only in kc's dreams.

has the nanny ever been to universal or disney with her kids in the last two years or so?

womder if kc found her name on some kind of disney or universal mailing list or saw her there with the kids?
or any family she may have and started researching?the name?
There was mention of some kind of laundry detergent (Arm and Hammer). GA is the one who specifically used the term of "cleaning fluid" on the video (which would not be laundry detergent, imo.)
I know as I get older I have trouble with word retrieval, but think even I couldn't come up with "cleaning fluid" to describe laundry detergent. Me thinks someone was in the trunk cleaning...
OK, I have a question that I hope someone can help me with. We know that Cindy wrote a blog on her Myspace page for Casey on July 3 and IIRC that is also the date that she was out with friends (don't remember where) and left because Lee was coming to look for her. I can't even recall how she knew that, but what I am wondering is this- Does anyone know or have any idea what happened on this particular date for these two things to occur? Why then and not a week before or week after? It's driving me crazy..OK, crazier :eek: TIA
I took a day off (imagine that!), and then decided to start again, with the things I know to be true in this case. That meant I had to throw out almost all my notes. Based on what a Canadian detective told me a long time ago about solving cases by motive, opportunity, and evidence, it left me with this:

Motive: KC - to get the ultimate one-up on CA, the interfering mother who stole Caylee's affections

Opportunity: anytime, anywhere, but when?

Evidence: Caylee is definitely missing. If substantiated in court - human decomposition, death ring hair and post mortem stain in KC's trunk. There is more in the pings, but I just can't seem to get a clear picture from those.
Although I am not a newbie, I rarely post at all.

I must first state that I do think KC is guilty as **** and her family has made some outlandish comments in this case.

However, I do not believe that CA/GA intentionally tried to destroy evidence. In considering that LE did not impound the vehicle or its contents until a day or so after the initial reports were given, I can understand that CA and GA might have thought the vehicle was irrelevant and began trying to get rid of the odor in the vehicle. Once LE realized the importance of the vehicle and came to impound it, CA and GA both "fessed" up to LE regarding what they had done. If their "cleaning" actions were malicious, it just seems that they would not have owned up to their actions. JMHO

I agree with you.I dont think George and Cindy did anything to intentionally cover anyhting up at that time. I agree too, that they probably didnt know the relevance. So what if George was a cop..he was a confused parent/grandparent at that point.I dont think George and Cindy know anymore now than they did then. I cant explaain Cindys behavior and statements..perhaps shes nuts to but I think George has been forthright in his dealings with LE.
So easy to judge from the outside looking in......
OK, I have a question that I hope someone can help me with. We know that Cindy wrote a blog on her Myspace page for Casey on July 3 and IIRC that is also the date that she was out with friends (don't remember where) and left because Lee was coming to look for her. I can't even recall how she knew that, but what I am wondering is this- Does anyone know or have any idea what happened on this particular date for these two things to occur? Why then and not a week before or week after? It's driving me crazy..OK, crazier :eek: TIA

CA took another week's vacation June 30 - July 4th, and she told detectives in interview 3 that KC wasn't around that week. I bet Caylee wasn't either, and she finally sent LA off to try and track them down. How KC knew - maybe LA phoned her, or a friend?
Does anyone know or has anyone read if KC is on any kind of medication(s) for Bipolar disorder?

I have often wondered if she is and if that could have something to do with her flat and emotionless behavior, as well as the night sweats she was having per TonE. I know someone who took Lamictal for epilepsy and had severe night sweats.

I do know they use anti-convulsants for Bipolar disorder and didn't she have a seizure earlier this year. Maybe she's not Bipolar but epileptic and is on one of the medications prescribed for epilepsy & bipolar.

If she was diagnosed with either condition, was she receiving any kind of disablility benefits and is that the reason she wasn't working (I know, I think she is just lazy).

I guess I'm just trying to understand why she is so cold and emotionless. My gut instinct has been she's on medication.

TIA and as always, JMHO.
It was stated that she was on no medication or had not been diagnosed with any disorders medically.
Does anyone know or has anyone read if KC is on any kind of medication(s) for Bipolar disorder?

I have often wondered if she is and if that could have something to do with her flat and emotionless behavior, as well as the night sweats she was having per TonE. I know someone who took Lamictal for epilepsy and had severe night sweats.

I do know they use anti-convulsants for Bipolar disorder and didn't she have a seizure earlier this year. Maybe she's not Bipolar but epileptic and is on one of the medications prescribed for epilepsy & bipolar.

If she was diagnosed with either condition, was she receiving any kind of disablility benefits and is that the reason she wasn't working (I know, I think she is just lazy).

I guess I'm just trying to understand why she is so cold and emotionless. My gut instinct has been she's on medication.

TIA and as always, JMHO.

I think I read on here somewhere that KC never had a psych eval prior to this or a diagnosis.
I found this informative and interesting in another thread.... http://www.slate.com/id/2063086/ Reinforces why mothers kill their children, how they murder them and the fact that their bodies are almost always disposed of close to home. Hmmmmmmmm.:eek:
I tried to give C and G a chance,,,really I did, but your gd is missing....they knew it smelled like a dead body...cindy said so, so with all the drama going on....you decide to clean out the car innocently....nah...I just can"t buy that.

Tehcloser: I agree with you 100%. George was a cop and knew damn well what the smell in the car was...it wasn't Casey as was one of their fears. Would he not have been obligated to immediately call LE and relay these facts????? With that being said then they continue on cleaning crucial evidence from the dead body smelling car?!!!! nah....I don't buy any of this crap either!
I think I read on here somewhere that KC never had a psych eval prior to this or a diagnosis.

Thanks diane952. I have just been trying to understand to the coldness and detachment she displays.

I had also thought I read somewhere that Cindy wouldn't allow for LE to see her medical records.

The person I know that took Lamictal didn't like the way it made them feel detached and stopped it.
Tehcloser: I agree with you 100%. George was a cop and knew damn well what the smell in the car was...it wasn't Casey as was one of their fears. Would he not have been obligated to immediately call LE and relay these facts????? With that being said then they continue on cleaning crucial evidence from the dead body smelling car?!!!! nah....I don't buy any of this crap either!

I totally agree. During George's interview he even says that the smell has him concerned.
Your post makes no sense to me. Why use an example for your defense that completly contrdicts your stand?

Sorry I missed a word, I do that from time to time in my old age :)

I meant to say "I cannot just draw the conclusion that she is guilty of murder based on the evidence I've seen so far."
Casey searched on the computer for:

Missing Children
Escort websites
Zenaida Gonzales'

These say "it all"

I did some research last night and I could not find anything from an official source that stated Casey searched for "chloroform" on the Internet. Even the Wikipedia article on the case could only reference a news article which itself made no mention of the source of that information.

Is there any mention of her doing such a search from an official source or is this one of those things that someone said without any proof and its now evolved into assumed fact?
I found this informative and interesting in another thread.... http://www.slate.com/id/2063086/ Reinforces why mothers kill their children, how they murder them and the fact that their bodies are almost always disposed of close to home. Hmmmmmmmm.:eek:


The Numbers
Children under the age of 5 in the United States are more likely to be killed by their parents than anyone else. Contrary to popular mythology, they are rarely killed by a sex-crazed stranger. FBI crime statistics show that in 1999 parents were responsible for 57 percent of these murders, with family friends and acquaintances accounting for another 30 percent and other family members accounting for 8 percent. Crime statistics further reveal that of the children under 5 killed from 1976 to 1999, 30 percent were murdered by their mothers while 31 percent were killed by their fathers. And while the strangers, acquaintances, and other family members who kill children skew heavily toward males (as does the entire class of murderers), children are as likely to be murdered by their fathers as by their mothers.

Researchers, building on the work of Phillip Resnick, have shown that women tend to kill their own offspring for one of several reasons: because the child is unwanted; out of mercy; as a result of some mental illness in the mother; in retaliation against a spouse; as a result of abuse. Frequent themes are that they themselves deserved to be punished, that killing the children would be an altruistic or loving act, or that children need to be "erased" in order to save or preserve a relationship. Contrast this with the reasons men kill their children: Most frequently—like Garcia or Soltys—they kill because they feel they have lost control over their finances, or their families, or the relationship, or out of revenge for a perceived slight or infidelity. The consistent idea is that women usually kill their children either because they are angry at themselves or because they want to destroy that which they created, whereas more often than not, men kill their children to get back at a woman—to take away what she most cherishes.
Tehcloser: I agree with you 100%. George was a cop and knew damn well what the smell in the car was...it wasn't Casey as was one of their fears. Would he not have been obligated to immediately call LE and relay these facts????? With that being said then they continue on cleaning crucial evidence from the dead body smelling car?!!!! nah....I don't buy any of this crap either!

LE was called by CA (911 calls) and many LE officers were at their home until the wee hours of the morning. As a former LE officer myself, I think the ball was dropped when the car wasn't immediately impounded. Fortunately, LE realized their mistake and impounded it the next day. Just saying that if normal LE protocol had been followed, neither CA nor GA would have had the opportunity to mess with evidence -- regardless of their motives.
I did some research last night and I could not find anything from an official source that stated Casey searched for "chloroform" on the Internet. Even the Wikipedia article on the case could only reference a news article which itself made no mention of the source of that information.

Is there any mention of her doing such a search from an official source or is this one of those things that someone said without any proof and its now evolved into assumed fact?

It is in our links and videos, but I don't have time to find it now.
LE was called by CA (911 calls) and many LE officers were at their home until the wee hours of the morning. As a former LE officer myself, I think the ball was dropped when the car wasn't immediately impounded. Fortunately, LE realized their mistake and impounded it the next day. Just saying that if normal LE protocol had been followed, neither CA nor GA would have had the opportunity to mess with evidence -- regardless of their motives.

It may have taken until morning to get the warrant.
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