Rape allegations mount against Bill Cosby #1

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I'am paying close enough attention trust me . Im just wondering how he ever did anything . He must have been having sex 24 hours a day..Show me one piece of factuall evidence....

Well, he did pay off one woman in a civil case, when there would never have been a conviction because the DA wouldn't take the case-that's a fact for you. He didn't have to do that...he could have just said to the woman "I'm Bill Cosby-known to most people as Dr. Cliff Huxtable. Nobody will believe you or anything you say, true or not. Go ahead and tell everybody". But he didn't. Have you ever been drugged without your knowlege or consent? I may be answering my own question from yesterday regarding the reason why men do this-it is probably to keep the woman from full recollection, so you can get away with this- she can't report to the police what she doesn't remember, right? And just imagine that woman in a court of law, being questioned by a defense attorney-
So you would be ok with a rapist watching your little boys n girls ... Not me If he is a rapist im not giving him a chance to be a pedo u gut what iam saying now...So the fact that these women new he was a rapist and sat by and thought it was ok for him to be with little kids seems pretty dam strange to me.After all thats that is there reason for coming out now right.now that bill cosby isn't doing anything these women all come out and say hes a rapist but 15 years ago they new the same thing and they watched while he was on tv with infants kids as young as 4 and 5 years old and at that time they didnt come forword at all..do you even understand what iam saying...

Many tried to come forward and nothing happened. What super powers do you think they had to stop him?
Also, no- pedophiles and rapists are two different things. It is a very rare predator who is both. No valid reason for any one to have special concerns about the kids.
So you would be ok with a rapist watching your little boys n girls ... Not me If he is a rapist im not giving him a chance to be a pedo u gut what iam saying now...So the fact that these women new he was a rapist and sat by and thought it was ok for him to be with little kids seems pretty dam strange to me.After all thats that is there reason for coming out now right.now that bill cosby isn't doing anything these women all come out and say hes a rapist but 15 years ago they new the same thing and they watched while he was on tv with infants kids as young as 4 and 5 years old and at that time they didnt come forword at all..do you even understand what iam saying...

CanMan-really, when do you think Bill Cosby was alone with any of these kids? Their parents don't drop them off at the set and pick them up later...come on, now. And he is never "watching" them!
Generally if someone annoys you THAT much... the ignore list is there for a reason. :seeya:
It really is quite useful. :seeya:
So -- neither direct links to nor concrete examples of spurious rape claims, which is what you evidently referred to as, after all, it's the topic in question.

This is one example. I want to be clear as I post this, I see both sides. As a woman, I understand the hesitation of reporting. Now from the child of a LEO and friend to many LEO, I can say fabricating of the truth happens often. Which brings me back to one of the reasons, why as a woman, I understand the hesitation of reporting. Been there. Didn't report. (I wasnt rape. Not that it makes a diff).

I can think of multiple people I know who have been victims of rape.
I cannot think of any who got what they were looking for by reporting.

I know one was accused of lying by the cops.
I know one who still carries the police sketch in her car all the time - a decade later.
I know one who was sent a BILL for her rape exam from the hospital.
I know one who was accused of just not wanting to admit she wanted it rough.

I don't think I know of any who actually had the satisfaction of seeing their attackers arrested. :twocents:

I would report because I would want to preserve evidence.
However, I would have zero expectation that anything would be done after what I've seen. :twocents:
And I think this is why a lot of people give the victims the side eye. They refuse to relate to anyone with vulnerabilities or anyone who claims they are a victim, because they cannot imagine it happening to a decent person. They also think vulnerable people "asked for it" or should "get over it". Even victims fall prey to this damaging mindset.

One extreme example is a very "tough" friend of mine - a black belt- who was repeatedly threatened with rape and murder by a man she had been previously involved with. She admitted being frightened but could not see her self reporting the threats at all. I tried to explain she could get a report on record without pressing charges, and that would be invaluable later if it escalated and it became the inevitable "he said, she said" since they had sex the year before. If they EVER had sex before, we knew she would not get a prosecution. She would be treated like a dumb amoral fool, but not a victim, unless she had bad injuries.
He still lived in their neighborhood and it was ongoing. She did not report anything.

He stopped the threats, and she let down her guard, and her brutally beat her, tied her up and raped her for hours at his first opportunity. She never reported tht, and although it was frightening as hell for her, and he is still in her neighborhood and she staunchly she refuses to "be the victim". She seems to believe if she rejects the label, she can retain her self image as tough girl. That is how hard it can be to tell the truth and admit you have been victimized- even when you know it.

I'm sorry to read that about your friend.

I wonder how they found the 12 women in the lawsuit. How does that happen?

Investigators working a case will interview former co-workers and friends. I'm guessing that's how they found them.

Rapists proven innocent are majority (57%) of prisoners released by Innocence Project


Lots of our "sisters" are liars.

I'll relate the one story I know about pretty well because it was heart wrenching. A woman identified a man as her rapist and he was convicted. He spent about 20(?) years in prison until DNA vindicated him. His accuser went on TV and was in gushing tears because she was so sorry, but she had really believed it was him. Eye witness testimony is really weak evidence. So in my opinion saying lots of women are liars about who raped them is disingenuous. I think there's women who have lied, but in my opinion more are cases of mistaken identity.
I'm sorry to read that about your friend.

Investigators working a case will interview former co-workers and friends. I'm guessing that's how they found them.

I'll relate the one story I know about pretty well because it was heart wrenching. A woman identified a man as her rapist and he was convicted. He spent about 20(?) years in prison until DNA vindicated him. His accuser went on TV and was in gushing tears because she was so sorry, but she had really believed it was him. Eye witness testimony is really weak evidence. So in my opinion saying lots of women are liars about who raped them is disingenuous. I think there's women who have lied, but in my opinion more are cases of mistaken identity.

I have a close friend who is a police captain-he says all the time that eyewitness testimony is so frequently flawed, because the average person is not a "trained observer" (like he is)-thank god for DNA evidence, when you can collect it. Who really wants the wrong guy going to jail for a vicious assault?
Someone mentioned this thread before; http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?19157-Bill-Cosby-accused-will-charges-be-filed

Here's the OP;

Sat, Feb. 05, 2005
Female accuser said to have tapes of conversations with Cosby
Knight Ridder Newspapers

PHILADELPHIA - (KRT) - The Canadian woman who has accused Bill Cosby of drugging and groping her has taped conversations with him that occurred after she reported the offense to authorities, sources have told the Philadelphia Daily News.

The conversations were initiated by Cosby and support her allegations, sources said.

Dolores Troiani and Bebe Kivitz, the Canadian woman's attorneys, turned over copies of the tapes to the Montgomery County, Pa., prosecutor's office a couple of weeks ago, sources said.--->>

Montgomery County District Attorney Bruce L. Castor Jr. ...is expected to announce sometime next week whether charges will be filed against Cosby "or anyone else."--->>

The alleged victim said she was out to dinner with Cosby and others at a local restaurant sometime last January, the Philadelphia police report said. Afterward, Cosby invited her to return to his home, the report said. She said she complained of "stress and tension" and he offered her some pills. She took them and became "dizzy and sick," the report said.

Cosby helped her to a sofa, where she rested. After that, she said, her memories are fuzzy but she recalls Cosby "touching her breast and placing her hand on his penis," the report said.

She said she awoke about 4 a.m. with "her clothing in disarray and her bra undone," the report said. She then drove herself home. She only saw Cosby once after that, her attorney, Dolores Troiani, said


I'm thinking charges won't be be filed, but we should know soon.

I'm guessing that the recordings are why he settled out of court with her. I'm also guessing the recordings are why he backpedaled and made sure everyone knew he wasn't talking about her. He may be afraid that those recordings still exist. JMO
Just wanted to add that when the person has molested and/or raped many people, what can happen is one person will come forward first, then the second, third, fourth, etc. I think they are scared of not being believed, having to face the accuser, having their life examined, and retaliation. Well, those were mine and I know others from what I have heard and read (no links). I think they find comfort that they don't have to go through the next phase (accusing/charges) alone.

I find it sad that when a person on WS goes missing, so many point the finger so quickly at people, with hardly any evidence, not even named a POI or suspect and/Or no charges. Yet, we have MANY woman speaking and giving detailed accounts of what happened and they are not believed.
Just one more thing. To be taken seriously the person who gets the shut up money should publicly donate it all to rape crisis centers. To me that would cinch the accused's guilt. It would show the victim wasn't in it for the money at all. JMO

Greetings, Steely Dan.

I apologize for disagreeing about the victim's hush money being donated just to prove a point to the public. A victim who suffers through years of mental anguish deserves an apology even if it is monetary. Perhaps the victims' careers would have been more successful had they not been raped. The rape victims may, and most likely did, suffer from future sexual issues, with the exception of the two females who apparently chose to continue on a lengthy relationship with BC. The rape victims' self-confidence could have been diminished which, in turn, made their future much more difficult than if it had never occurred.

~ ~ ~

Bill Clinton makes me shudder; not because of the stained blue dress. I have despised him ever since he responded by saying, under oath: "It depends on what the meaning of "is" is." Reprehensible. JMO Reprehensible: "To ignore the sin of lying and blame someone who is trying to cut through the veil of secrecy is reprehensible." ~ dictionary.com

Woody Who?

I want to slap John Grisham with my leather glove. He cost me at least a couple of thousand dollars last month by making his insensitive remarks re: child *advertiser censored* since I possess a first edition copy of his novel, A Time To Kill. It is one that he carried in the trunk of his car as he drove around trying to sell them. I wonder what Renee thinks about his ruthless revelation. We are a forgiving culture; however, deservedly, his illustrious career will forever be marred.

Bill Cosby Asks Reporter to Edit Out His Response to Rape Allegations [Bill Cosby's wife's supportive reaction at 01:21]:

This is one example. I want to be clear as I post this, I see both sides. As a woman, I understand the hesitation of reporting. Now from the child of a LEO and friend to many LEO, I can say fabricating of the truth happens often. Which brings me back to one of the reasons, why as a woman, I understand the hesitation of reporting. Been there. Didn't report. (I wasnt rape. Not that it makes a diff).

That case was featured on just about every major network, and my heart broke for him and his family. His entire career was destroyed because of one sick individual.

Does anyone remember the (1987) Tawana Brawley case? The young girl who was found in the garbage in NYC, covered in feces. It was a very high profile and racially dividing case. She falsely accused police officers and a prosecuting attorney of rape. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tawana_Brawley_rape_allegations

I am not saying these women are lying, just that there are many disturbed individuals who have their own agenda.
I have a close friend who is a police captain-he says all the time that eyewitness testimony is so frequently flawed, because the average person is not a "trained observer" (like he is)-thank god for DNA evidence, when you can collect it. Who really wants the wrong guy going to jail for a vicious assault?

Eye witness accounts are wrong 33% of the time. http://www.simplypsychology.org/eyewitness-testimony.html

Greetings, Steely Dan.

I apologize for disagreeing about the victim's hush money being donated just to prove a point to the public. A victim who suffers through years of mental anguish deserves an apology even if it is monetary. Perhaps the victims' careers would have been more successful had they not been raped. The rape victims may, and most likely did, suffer from future sexual issues, with the exception of the two females who apparently chose to continue on a lengthy relationship with BC. The rape victims' self-confidence could have been diminished which, in turn, made their future much more difficult than if it had never occurred.

~ ~ ~

Bill Clinton makes me shudder; not because of the stained blue dress. I have despised him ever since he responded by saying, under oath: "It depends on what the meaning of "is" is." Reprehensible. JMO Reprehensible: "To ignore the sin of lying and blame someone who is trying to cut through the veil of secrecy is reprehensible." ~ dictionary.com

Woody Who?

I want to slap John Grisham with my leather glove. He cost me at least a couple of thousand dollars last month by making his insensitive remarks re: child *advertiser censored* since I possess a first edition copy of his novel, A Time To Kill. It is one that he carried in the trunk of his car as he drove around trying to sell them. I wonder what Renee thinks about his ruthless revelation. We are a forgiving culture; however, deservedly, his illustrious career will forever be marred.

Bill Cosby Asks Reporter to Edit Out His Response to Rape Allegations [Bill Cosby's wife's supportive reaction at 01:21]:



No reason to apologize. We can all have differing opinions. Earlier in the thread someone else made a point like yours and I agreed with them. I do with you too, I do however still think it would be a more powerful statement.

So many people accuse settlements as just someone out for money. The kaibash can be put on that by simply giving the money away. So you and the other person make a good argument, I still believe it disarms the gold digger theories and lends more credibility. JMO
Horrific stories about Bill Cosby were out there for years. Why are we only now listening to these women?..(Guardian)

Even from a pragmatic standpoint, consider which scenario is more likely: that a famous, powerful man – raised in a world where women are characterised as passive, decorative “rewards” for male success – used his position to groom vulnerable young women in the same way that countless men have done before him; or that 15 complete strangers randomly crossed paths and decided to concoct a conspiracy to frame a universally loved actor for rape, knowing that it would result in years of intrusive investigations, stultifying bureaucracy and brutal character assassinations? I know where I’d put my money.
One of those accusing Cosby stated she is gong to file a civil suit. So, it is about money. Honestly, after all these years and no evidence, would any jury convict Cosby?

Do you suppose I can join the bandwagon and get a few bucks?
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