Re: Change of Demeanor of DT, State & ICA before Trial

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I don't know where to put this post since the hearing thread is closed, so I'm going for this thread, hope that's ok.

Yesterday (? I think) someone posted that they didn't think it fair that ICA gets to sit in court w/o handcuffs/shackles, etc. and I replied that I agreed and that it kinda pi**es me off. Well I just watched part 6 from yesterdays hearing, and when they break to go to lunch, KC gets up to walk to the door with a deputy, and I clearly heard the sound of chains. So she must be ankle shackled. Just posting for info as it had some of us irritated to think of her unrestrained.

And in part 5 from yesterdays hearing, when LDB gets up to give her closing argument about why the dog evidence should be allowed in, at some point a train whistle/and train chug a lugging sounds can be heard in the background, and the camera is fixed on ICA. I didn't catch that yesterday and I have to say....what a wonderful coincidence. It just creates this glorious mental picture of "oh yeah, ya hear that train KC? It's got your name on it....and it's a comin', and it's a gettin closer and closer each day that goes by!!" I just had to share that for all the long suffering posters who have watched and waited for justice for Caylee Marie. It gave me more hope that the day is soon coming when justice will be served to KC.

And now to JB. What the heck was up with him yesterday?? I know that he has a tendency to hem and haw, put lots of ahhs, umms, and so forth, but good Lord yesterday he was almost incoherent while trying to put together sentences during his argument on why the dog evidence should not be allowed in. Did anyone else notice that? He was way way off yesterday. And he sat in the seat behind KC after his closing argument. Which is not like him at all. He usually wants to be front and center, beside KC, and in clear view of the cameras at all times. Very strange. Could there be "trouble in paradise" b/t JB and KC?? Hmmm....

I don't know where to put this post since the hearing thread is closed, so I'm going for this thread, hope that's ok.

Yesterday (? I think) someone posted that they didn't think it fair that ICA gets to sit in court w/o handcuffs/shackles, etc. and I replied that I agreed and that it kinda pi**es me off. Well I just watched part 6 from yesterdays hearing, and when they break to go to lunch, KC gets up to walk to the door with a deputy, and I clearly heard the sound of chains. So she must be ankle shackled. Just posting for info as it had some of us irritated to think of her unrestrained.

And in part 5 from yesterdays hearing, when LDB gets up to give her closing argument about why the dog evidence should be allowed in, at some point a train whistle/and train chug a lugging sounds can be heard in the background, and the camera is fixed on ICA. I didn't catch that yesterday and I have to say....what a wonderful coincidence. It just creates this glorious mental picture of "oh yeah, ya hear that train KC? It's got your name on it....and it's a comin', and it's a gettin closer and closer each day that goes by!!" I just had to share that for all the long suffering posters who have watched and waited for justice for Caylee Marie. It gave me more hope that the day is soon coming when justice will be served to KC.

And now to JB. What the heck was up with him yesterday?? I know that he has a tendency to hem and haw, put lots of ahhs, umms, and so forth, but good Lord yesterday he was almost incoherent while trying to put together sentences during his argument on why the dog evidence should not be allowed in. Did anyone else notice that? He was way way off yesterday. And he sat in the seat behind KC after his closing argument. Which is not like him at all. He usually wants to be front and center, beside KC, and in clear view of the cameras at all times. Very strange. Could there be "trouble in paradise" b/t JB and KC?? Hmmm....


KC does not have chains on for court. That was decided when Judge Strickland was still seated, I believe.

Also, has anyone ever wondered what happen to the "Tiffany" ring and bracelet that CA asked KC about in the jailhouse video. KC said Jeff gave them to her. We know there is no Jeff and CA wanted to know what happened to them. Obviously they are not around the house or were not with her personal belongings brought back from TL's apartment. Did KC borrow the jewelry from a friend and had to return it? Funny it suddenly disappeared and even stranger that KC lied about it???? jmo
I have often wondered if Casey notices Cindy wearing practically a new outfit every day that she is in that courtroom. They are much nicer than the clothes she picks out for Casey. Sometimes they are even more age appropriate for Casey. Casey must be livid! :floorlaugh:

I agree 100% that Cindy should not be doing the shopping for Casey. She should give Linda Drane Burdick (I kid, I kid)... Michelle Medina anywhere from $500.00-$1,000.00 to go and get Casey appropriate clothing. I would say to get her three pencil skirts (black, gray, beige) and three pairs of slacks (black, gray, beige). Then get a variety of blouses that can be mixed up with the skirts and slacks. Three pairs of decent shoes (no stripper boots)... some pantyhose (not fishnet Casey!) and if it is allowed... a nice pair of earrings (no hooker hoops).

The need to get rid of the sweaters (purple turtleneck and red plunging neckline). Her breasts do not need to be center stage. I actually didn't mind the plaid shirt but they need to get her one that doesn't look like she got it from Larry the Cable Guy! It was entirely too big for her... it looked like she woke up at her boyfriends house and put on his shirt to sleep in. Not the imagine you want to give!


Above BBM

I too noticed that CA has new outfits on at the more recent hearings. The days of tee shirts and shorts are behind her now. And I too had wondered how ICA feels about that. The thing with these two...ICA and CA is that CA can lie for KC, she can try to revise earlier statements, but in the end, the complicated, complex damaging relationship that exists b/t these two is still there, and it is still in control. They feed off each other, and as much as CA tries to do what will help KC.....she unconsciously does her harm. She can't help herself, it's the psychology b/t these two and it will never be any different. They have that love/hate thing going on in spades and we can always count on the hate part of it to show up.

KC does not have chains on for court. That was decided when Judge Strickland was still seated, I believe.

Also, has anyone ever wondered what happen to the "Tiffany" ring and bracelet that CA asked KC about in the jailhouse video. KC said Jeff gave them to her. We know there is no Jeff and CA wanted to know what happened to them. Obviously they are not around the house or were not with her personal belongings brought back from TL's apartment. Did KC borrow the jewelry from a friend and had to return it? Funny it suddenly disappeared and even stranger that KC lied about it???? jmo

Listen to around the 7:20 and on mark, I swear I hear chains when she gets up to walk over to the door. Am I imagining that?

I was never sure what CA was trying to get at with that questioning of KC about the tiffany ring. At first I thought she was testing KC to see if she would lie to her, then I thought "oh, she is doing that for the benefit of LE, b/c she knows they will be watching that".....what is your take. Why did CA even bring that up in the visitations?

I would bet she also gets a new Haircut and some makeup

I have wondered about make up. Is that something that KC can buy in jail? Is she allowed that? I can't say that I noticed whether it was available or not back when the commissary lists were posted.


I really enjoyed reading this thread and getting your impressions and suggestions. Personally I think she should dress in long sleeve button type shirts and basic colored slacks/skirt, black, navy or brown. This is a court room, not a fashion show. Her hair should be in a pony tail. No matter what she wears or how her hair is there will be some that disagree. Every time I read about her mode of dress or her hair style I think....the Devil Wears matter what she has on or how neat her hair is, I still look at her and wonder WHY? Why did Caylee have to die? The dynamics I see between the male parties of her DT is at times playful, sexual,and flirtatious but always personal. IMO too personal. As the DT continually reminds us this is a death penalty trial, not an afternoon at the local pub. I hope somehow, some way JP is aware of Dr. Glass' latest observations and photos. It is disgusting IMO for this kind of non professional performance to go on in any courtroom.
I have wondered about make up. Is that something that KC can buy in jail? Is she allowed that? I can't say that I noticed whether it was available or not back when the commissary lists were posted.



I remember early on seeing that she has bought a red lipstick via her commissary order and I thought....WHY??
It's going to be interesting to see what changes one Miss Casey Anthony is going to endure for her role of a lifetime. She is going to have to really dedicate herself to this character... "A young mother, wrongly accused of murdering her beautiful daughter, stands trial in the insidious city of childhood dreams."

Actors... great actors I should say... fully dedicate themselves to their character. From the look (hair, clothes, make-up), to the speech (don't think Casey will testify?), to their body language and facial expressions and finally to their state of mind. I watched a documentary on how the movie "Gone with the Wind" was made and it was fascinating. The director had all the womens petty coats made in pure lace and when one of the actresses had complained about the cost of having to wear such expensive material and how they could cut costs immensely by using a cheaper material and that the audience would not know... the director quipped back and said... "but you would. You are the daughter of a wealthy plantation owner." I was truely inspired at how each actor embodied their character.

It shows how important it is to fully lose yourself in your character. Casey and her defense are too lazy to fully dedicate themselves to what they are going to have to present to a jury. Casey should have been using these hearings to practice getting into her role... almost like a dress rehearsal... but she didn't. She has exactly one month to prepare herself for this role and I am not saying that it can not be done (great actors can), but Casey is not a great actress.

Yes they can cut her hair and put her into nice clothes but that does not make a full character. Actors like Johnny Depp, Tom Hanks, Angelina Jolie are great examples of actors who dedicate themselves entirely to their characters. They are rewarded for their dedication by fans who will show up time and time again to see them in their films. Actors like Jessica Alba, Jennifer Lopez and (don't hate me) Jennifer Anniston, are not rewarded because they never fully embrace their characters and fall flat... no one will spend the money to go see their films because they are boring! They are beautiful women... dress nice... but that doesn't draw the audience in. It is the performance!

Yes they can dress Casey up and do something with her hair, but she can not play the role of innocent mother. She enjoys the fact that she murdered Caylee too much. She loves the fact that she holds all the answers and that she can torture her parents with the one slice of truth that alludes them. She likes to play the role of the femme fatale... the seductive and deadly woman that can get away with anything. She finds herself more powerful in that role and probably scoffs at having to play the role of a desperate and remorseful mother because the femme fatale is more alluring... captivating... dangerous... even stronger than that of a little pitiful woman mourning the death of her daughter.

Casey is in trouble... they waited too long to try and get her into character... a character that I do not believe she had any intentions of playing.

Great post Lola! You are so right. They can give her a total makeover if they want to but she nor the DT can keep up appearances for a 6 week trial. They will all go back to behaving as they always do. KC will go back to being a soulless black hole and Jose will be whining when things don't go his way. They can't help it. I love your last paragraph too but I have to disagree just the tiniest bit. It wouldn't have mattered if they'd tried working on KC from the very first hearing. She'd never be able to fake having feelings... they just aren't in there.
RespectfullyQuoted sindydee :)

snipped for space

In my opinion of what I have seen from the defense in the court room, they are presenting a movie that has too many plot holes.


Perfect Chiquita71 - plot holes - love it!!! .... :blowkiss: ...... :cupcake:
Remember the woman sitting in front of Cindy the other day? The one that JB had turn around for CA to look at? I think she will be the "model" for the ICA persona we see in court...hairstyle and all.

That being said, my Ga'ma always told me: "Pretty is as pretty does." So it's not going to matter much what she's dressed in, what her hair looks like, etc. You can't whitewash an ugly heart.
KC does not have chains on for court. That was decided when Judge Strickland was still seated, I believe.

Also, has anyone ever wondered what happen to the "Tiffany" ring and bracelet that CA asked KC about in the jailhouse video. KC said Jeff gave them to her. We know there is no Jeff and CA wanted to know what happened to them. Obviously they are not around the house or were not with her personal belongings brought back from TL's apartment. Did KC borrow the jewelry from a friend and had to return it? Funny it suddenly disappeared and even stranger that KC lied about it???? jmo

I think there is also something in the laws governing courtrooms that allows defendants to be in the courtroom without chains - something about unduly influencing the jury or something. If I had more energy today I would look it up.

As long as they aren't a danger to anyone that is.

This is so sickening, and I hope the jury sees it. I have NEVER seen this kind of behavior between client and attorneys.

I was shocked to see this as I missed it all. Wow...KC giving the finger to the camera and JB sticking his tongue out to the camera, all of them laughing and having a great's unbelievable. I've never seen anything like this. What is wrong with this bunch (I know what's wrong with KC, but the rest of them!??)

I love Chiquita71's quote of "being a liar and a thief does not make you a murderer". It reminds me so much of the Scott Peterson case when the Peterson family kept saying that being a cheat and womanizer and liar does not mean that Scotty was a murderer. I hope the result of this trial is the same as the Peterson trial.
From my experience going through a trial where the accused was and escaped inmate and I a 22 year old, newly married, college educated, homeowner with no children was told to dress like I would when going to church. Even tho it has been a long time ago I can still remember what I wore and how my hair was fixed. For pre-trial and depositions the SA told me to wear something simple but age appropriate. The first day of depositions I wore a cotton pastel color dress that had a collar and belt with the length just past my knees with flat closed toe shoes. My hair was long with natural curl so I wore it half up in a pony tail with the back down using just a colored hair rubber band and diamond stud ear rings. Bought a new wedding band since he stole mine but it was very simple. My make up was muted eyes, a bit of blush, no lipstick just gloss. After that showing the defense team begged the SA for a plea bargain since I do believe once they saw how truly innocent I looked they would not be able to convince a jury of anything other that the brutal rape and kidnapping that was perpetrated against me in my home. When I went in front of the judge to make my statement I wore a simple suit that was a soft pink with a white shell underneath, 1 inch heels and soft makeup to just add color. My hair was in a simple braid with side swept bangs. I too am from Florida and the clothing choices are important according to the SA's office who was prosecuting the case. As a victim and having my clothing be so important I can't imagine what the defense team is thinking to keep ICA dressed the way she has been. Not being snarky but I have a 20 year old who works in retail while attending college and her outfits are cute, tasteful and usually under $35 dollars for the complete outfit. I know Orlando has a bunch of outlet malls so anything from Ann Taylor to Saks clothing outlet to soften her look is what is needed in my opinion. A baseball mom friend also works in the local jail. Before trial inmates here are allowed to color and cut their hair before trial. So if it isn't done it is because they are lazy and way to confident. One more thing, even tho the case that I went through was a slam dunk, the SA said not to talk to the media because it would complicate the case and he may not get the sentence he deserves so my whole family declined interviews. It is my opinion the reason the A's did there media blitz was just to spite the SA and help ICA. Without a care for precious Caylee. Since it seems that CA thinks she knows it all I hope she keeps dressing ICA just the way she has been. You can enhance outside beauty but you can't hide ugly on the inside.
There was a trial on TruTV not all that long ago - within perhaps the last year - where the female defendant asked for and received makeup for her to apply prior to coming into the courtroom each morning. I remember it distinctly because they told her there would not be a mirror in the room and I wanted to see what the makeup looked like when applied with no mirror!

This was a young woman who had stabbed another young woman to death during a fight. She was convicted.

So I think if they want makeup they get makeup.
I was shocked to see this as I missed it all. Wow...KC giving the finger to the camera and JB sticking his tongue out to the camera, all of them laughing and having a great's unbelievable. I've never seen anything like this. What is wrong with this bunch (I know what's wrong with KC, but the rest of them!??)


I was rewatching Fridays hearing and I can see how ICA has ramped up flirting with CM. She used to sort of ignore him but now she's right up next to him, leaning into him to whisper, and when she left she hit him on the back to say goodbye.
That's so true. It will be fascinating though if they do try to pull off a change for the jury. We've been watching them for three years and I just can't fathom a startling change.

I can't fathom Jose not being obnoxious ... the jury sure is gonna love his smart alack persona ! :loser:
There was a trial on TruTV not all that long ago - within perhaps the last year - where the female defendant asked for and received makeup for her to apply prior to coming into the courtroom each morning. I remember it distinctly because they told her there would not be a mirror in the room and I wanted to see what the makeup looked like when applied with no mirror!

This was a young woman who had stabbed another young woman to death during a fight. She was convicted.

So I think if they want makeup they get makeup.

Believe it or not... I can do my makeup without a mirror. When I am bartending... customers are always shocked at how well I can do my makeup behind the bar... I use them as my mirror. :floorlaugh: "Does this look okay?" I don't wear that much makeup anyways. Eyeshadow, mascara and lip gloss. I think as long as she keeps her makeup to a minimum... she should be okay. She doesn't have to go all Linda Kenny Baden on us! Maybe one of the corrections officers will do it for her? I do believe she can purchase makeup through commissary (sp?).

She shouldn't waste her money on waterproof mascara.. she won't need it.
ICA and the defense team may go under a transformation, but it won't last long. Their true selves will be exposed and the jury will see though it!!

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