Re: Change of Demeanor of DT, State & ICA before Trial

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Makes you wonder, doesn't it. I mean if KC claims her father molested her would she be sitting so close to CM and allowing him to touch her arm, pat her on the back, etc. It appears as if she is trying to get close to him because he represents a father figure to her, the way she would like her father to be. He is assertive, for sure, and I'm guessing he is the exact opposite of GA.


No it's quite appropriate. As a sexual abuse survivor, it's what I did before I was healed. I found a "daddy", an older trusted person and that's when I lost my way. It wasn't until years later that I realized what happened.
Your Ga'ma was a wise wise woman. You definitely can't whitewash an ugly heart. I am not sure what CA is going to do about the clothes. She has to defend her daughter and make sure she brings clothes for her to wear, because doggone it, she is her daughter and she loves her and no child of hers is going to be convicted of murder. Yet, since she knows that she she did in fact kill her granddaughter, I imagine that she really can't pick those clothes with a happy heart or a very good attitude. CA needs to choose - Caylee. She also desparately needs help - but we all know this already. I think she will actually be relieved when ICA is found guilty. She will continue outwardly to defend her, but will in her heart it will be a different story. JMHO

I think you are right. Even if CA cannot even acknowledge it to herself, I think that's what's going on. She has to outwardly support KC, but somewhere deep inside....if she loved Caylee at all....she'd have to want KC to pay.

A great read from Dr. Lillian Glass in demeanor & body language of ICA, JB &CM at the hearings. I believe these pics were from the beginning of the week, Tuesday, possibly.
The body language is so clear. Flirting is what ICA does, she's done it for quite a long time, and apparently she now feels comfortable enough with all 3 male attorneys , even though one of them is old enough to be her father and the other her grand-father. Doesn't matter to her, they are men.(notice DKS or AF is not invited to the touchy-feely flirt session. Master manipulator ICA.
I will be surprised if there is any change in Baez or Casey. Maybe, maybe the first week of the trial? I could see that happening, where he may try to come across as more professional and competent..(ahem..excuse me..) confident.. (if that's possible), and she could appear more interested when the prosecution is speaking (i.e. less writing.. if that's possible, although IMO I think she has what is termed as "hypergraphia", but that's another topic). "Grieving mother"?? That..I want to see. I doubt seriously she could even play-act that.

As far as Mr. Shaffer discussing changing her dress code... if she comes into the courtroom dressed like a sunday school teacher, that is going to be a far contrast to what she was accustomed to dressing even when she was at home. She usually wore short shorts and tank tops or sports bras and short shorts at home. CA definitely will have a challenge in knowing how to dress her for court IMO. :crazy:

Anyway, I think the jury will eventually see "true colors" shine through from both the defendant and her attorney. And I'm wondering if the jury will form an opinion that Baez is just as distrustful as she is, as we all have witnessed in the preceding weeks. This seems to be their nature and it can't be hidden, IMO. :twocents:
It will not matter what color clothing Casey wears at trial because HER true colors will come through to the jury!
I kind of expect Casey to have her hair cut for the trial and try to donate it to 'Locks for Love'. I would think that such a thing would not be allowed. People and children who lose their hair to Leukemia or Cancer would not want it anyway, IMO.

The 48 Hours show is going to be their best shot to sway any potential jurors. Hopefully even that will not work.

I have often wondered if Casey notices Cindy wearing practically a new outfit every day that she is in that courtroom. They are much nicer than the clothes she picks out for Casey. Sometimes they are even more age appropriate for Casey. Casey must be livid! :floorlaugh:

I agree 100% that Cindy should not be doing the shopping for Casey. She should give Linda Drane Burdick (I kid, I kid)... Michelle Medina anywhere from $500.00-$1,000.00 to go and get Casey appropriate clothing. I would say to get her three pencil skirts (black, gray, beige) and three pairs of slacks (black, gray, beige). Then get a variety of blouses that can be mixed up with the skirts and slacks. Three pairs of decent shoes (no stripper boots)... some pantyhose (not fishnet Casey!) and if it is allowed... a nice pair of earrings (no hooker hoops).

The need to get rid of the sweaters (purple turtleneck and red plunging neckline). Her breasts do not need to be center stage. I actually didn't mind the plaid shirt but they need to get her one that doesn't look like she got it from Larry the Cable Guy! It was entirely too big for her... it looked like she woke up at her boyfriends house and put on his shirt to sleep in. Not the imagine you want to give!

Nor, should she be in black & white, if KWIM?
I have often wondered if Casey notices Cindy wearing practically a new outfit every day that she is in that courtroom. They are much nicer than the clothes she picks out for Casey. Sometimes they are even more age appropriate for Casey. Casey must be livid! :floorlaugh:


Well, celebrities don't like to be seen in the same thing twice don't ya know! :giggle:

They can dress Casey up any way they want. I will still only see a liar, thief, and murderer! :yes:

As far as demeanor, I do think the whole clan is getting trained. If Casey is getting trained on how to behave in court, I have to believe the rest of them are as well. Well, maybe not Lee, but definitely Cindy and George.

JB & JA: It's on like Donkey Kong
LDB: Did I shave my legs for this?
DS, AF: "That guy has the same degree we have?"
CM: Remember the apple trees in the Wizard of Oz? The grumpy ones with arms like Pedro Martinez?
HHJP: Little.Yellow.Different.
KC: Wonders why no one has mentioned Zenaida yet. ZEN. AI. DA.
She (ICA) is so poor at acting, it doesn't matter if she cries, seems remorseful or if she sits there and plays with her hair, cracks her knuckles, pushes her sleeves up, she's still going to make sure the camera has her best side and will keep checking to see if the camera is on her so the lack of sincerity will be obvious, no matter what she does. The State will continue to do as they have been as I believe their heart is in this and it's for the long haul. I just hope they do not allow themselves to be baited into JB's and CM's childish confrontational episodes. They are representing "Caylee", therefore working toward justice for her and it's paramount to stay in control to keep the jury's ears peaked at everything they have to say.

As far as CA's demeanor, as much as I resent her refusal to see in her daughter what everyone has seen, that's her personal cross to bear. There's nothing more she can do for her daughter and she needs to seek help for herself and what's left of her family. I believe she loves her daughter but she honestly cannot stand her. She resents her and that is now coming through for me. GA is broken and he doesn't know what to do with himself. Lots of pain, destruction and debris in ICA's path here. There's no amount of emotional, wardrobe, etiquette or makeup overhauls that can change a thing on the DT in my opinion.
No offense intended here, but why would anyone who believes ICA to be guilty of the 1st degree murder of her daughter give her defense advice on what she should be wearing and how she should be behaving? WE represent their potential jurors, and all the advice, whether or not it is good advice, only assists the defense in their quest to try to paint ICA as a misunderstood grieving mother.

She isn't a victim, and NOTHING they could do could make her appear as a victim to me... but something the defense learned by reading the comments of the "no-life bloggers" (which we KNOW they do)... and implemented by the defense... MIGHT possibly sway an actual juror.

Why would anyone want to risk that? :waitasec:


ETA: AFAIK, what she wears and how she behaves are not appellate issues. So why help?

I understand where you are coming from, but nothing we say here is going to help ICA. She is going to be convicted no matter what she wears, what haircut or style she has, or how she attempts to present her emotions as 'normal'. She is going to be convicted because of all the evidence- most of it coming from her own mouth.

I am happy for any of the forensic evidence that may be allowed in, as they all add more pieces of the puzzle, but I do not think they are necessary. I knew she was guilty within the first month after the story broke, and at that time, we didn't have Caylee's body 15 houses away from Casey's house and we didn't have all of the evidence found with the body.

As a matter of fact, her first phone call home was a pretty damning piece of evidence to me, along with her families behavior- that screamed of her guilt.

She is going to be convicted and no matter how much they 'coach' her, the jurors will come to the same conclusion as well. All MOO!

I understand where you are coming from, but nothing we say here is going to help ICA. She is going to be convicted no matter what she wears, what haircut or style she has, or how she attempts to present her emotions as 'normal'. She is going to be convicted because of all the evidence- most of it coming from her own mouth.

I am happy for any of the forensic evidence that may be allowed in, as they all add more pieces of the puzzle, but I do not think they are necessary. I knew she was guilty within the first month after the story broke, and at that time, we didn't have Caylee's body 15 houses away from Casey's house and we didn't have all of the evidence found with the body.

As a matter of fact, her first phone call home was a pretty damning piece of evidence to me, along with her families behavior- that screamed of her guilt.

She is going to be convicted and no matter how much they 'coach' her, the jurors will come to the same conclusion as well. All MOO!

FWIW, KC is going to undo herself at trial. When George was on the stand talking about her being handcuffed and the amount of time she was in the back seat, he said close to an hour. Switch cameras to KC and she shakes her head in disbelief and somewhat rolls her eyes. Well, thank you KC, now we know for sure he is lying (but we pretty much knew before that).

I don't think she cares for George at all. She has beenin jail for some three years almost and she has had plenty of time to think about the fact that he testified in front of thegrand jury. I never realized that Perry presided over that one.

I really think they are going to bring in sexual abuse -

I understand where you are coming from, but nothing we say here is going to help ICA. She is going to be convicted no matter what she wears, what haircut or style she has, or how she attempts to present her emotions as 'normal'. She is going to be convicted because of all the evidence- most of it coming from her own mouth.

I am happy for any of the forensic evidence that may be allowed in, as they all add more pieces of the puzzle, but I do not think they are necessary. I knew she was guilty within the first month after the story broke, and at that time, we didn't have Caylee's body 15 houses away from Casey's house and we didn't have all of the evidence found with the body.

As a matter of fact, her first phone call home was a pretty damning piece of evidence to me, along with her families behavior- that screamed of her guilt.

She is going to be convicted and no matter how much they 'coach' her, the jurors will come to the same conclusion as well. All MOO!

Frigga, I actually agree with you :seeya: ... but it only takes one juror to "wonder". Everyone doesn't see things the way we, ourselves, see them. And I just can't see giving the defense ANY opportunity to improve the image of the inmate regarding what she and they should be doing, wearing, acting, etc. based on comments by people representative of those who will make up the jury.

I do believe it will be the evidence that convicts ICA, and I also believe that no matter how much coaching they provide to ICA, she will not be able to hold out day after day, week after week, and possibly month after month. I said previously that she won't be able to help herself. She is who she is... and worse, she is WHAT she is.

Even though I believe she will be convicted on the evidence, we know the defense reads sites like WS to get a feel for how potential jurors perceive what they are presenting... it's been obvious in their actions. But why provide them advice on these things, FREE at that?

As I said, it only takes one juror who just can't get beyond something that shows ICA in a better light who could refuse to convict. We all have heard the old saying, "It ain't over til it's over." We've also all heard even prosecutors say that there is no such thing as a slam dunk case.

Just sayin' and all just my very own insignificant opinion.
No offense intended here, but why would anyone who believes ICA to be guilty of the 1st degree murder of her daughter give her defense advice on what she should be wearing and how she should be behaving? WE represent their potential jurors, and all the advice, whether or not it is good advice, only assists the defense in their quest to try to paint ICA as a misunderstood grieving mother.

She isn't a victim, and NOTHING they could do could make her appear as a victim to me... but something the defense learned by reading the comments of the "no-life bloggers" (which we KNOW they do)... and implemented by the defense... MIGHT possibly sway an actual juror.

Why would anyone want to risk that? :waitasec:


ETA: AFAIK, what she wears and how she behaves are not appellate issues. So why help?

It has been opined here and elsewhere that KC has been dressing "funny". If the defense wants to know how to dress her, they would likely confer with an actual expert instead of wading through the pages of Websleuths. To me it seems the DT doesn't care about how she dresses now, and will be more interested in the subject themselves when it is "go-time". Why does anyone here give the defense tips? Because how to dress for court is an interesting subject and the DT will do exactly what they want anyway, as they have proven over and over.

I know the defense reads here, but note that we all hated her writing writing writing and she stopped writing for one single day, but was back to it again the next. It's overstepping to think that our thoughts really matter so much to Baez & Co. He disregards whatever doesn't suit him. Pun intended.
I am wondering if anybody else has noticed a change in the demeanor of the SAs? LDB sits with her head down most of the hearings. JA is constantly tamped down either by LDB or the Judge. In the meantime, it just seems to me that the DT (especially JB) is given free rein. Well, to be fair, not free rein, but waaaaay more latitude than the SA. It seems to me that HHJP expects more from the SA, so he makes them toe the line, while JB is basically attending "How to Become a Lawyer 101" at each and every hearing. He whines and *advertiser censored* his head to the side, and weedles and wears down the judge until he gets what he wants. I don't know, I just don't like the vibe.
No offense intended here, but why would anyone who believes ICA to be guilty of the 1st degree murder of her daughter give her defense advice on what she should be wearing and how she should be behaving? WE represent their potential jurors, and all the advice, whether or not it is good advice, only assists the defense in their quest to try to paint ICA as a misunderstood grieving mother.

She isn't a victim, and NOTHING they could do could make her appear as a victim to me... but something the defense learned by reading the comments of the "no-life bloggers" (which we KNOW they do)... and implemented by the defense... MIGHT possibly sway an actual juror.

Why would anyone want to risk that? :waitasec:


ETA: AFAIK, what she wears and how she behaves are not appellate issues. So why help?

I agree with you Snaz. I know most lawyers wouldn't relied on bloggers but we have seen how JB seems to be obsessed with anything the media or bloggers have to say.

That is one reason I quit commenting on anything good or bad about the DT's courtroom demeanor or dress months ago. Same goes to what I think of ICA's family when they appear at court.
The only change I noticed today is that JB started at the podium with...

"May it please the court" ( an abrupt departure from his normal routine)

that he was far less wordy, he did not inject humor in inappropriate places, he literally tossed a pen at KC, and did his job.

There is a long way to go, but he proved he is capable.

An aside.....ditching the pocket square for whatever reason, was a good move.

CM???? He remains true to his roots. At least he is consistent. Offensive? Yes....but consistent.
I agree with you Snaz. I know most lawyers wouldn't relied on bloggers but we have seen how JB seems to be obsessed with anything the media or bloggers have to say.

That is one reason I quit commenting on anything good or bad about the DT's courtroom demeanor or dress months ago. Same goes to what I think of ICA's family when they appear at court.

IMO and with all due respect, if we are worried about a trial outcome based on our comments and suggestions, then it isn't much of a case is it?

While I am mildly amused that the DT does seem to respond to comments and suggestions, I am not concerned that they will sway the trial in any particular direction.

If anything, our suggestions will help JB and KC present themselves in a manner that will not stir up pity for the "poor defendant with that loser attorney".


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