Reactions to Child *advertiser censored* Discovery

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I would say LE have not made any arrests yet because they need to do more processing on this recent evidence, and they want to be certain the charges are going to stick. No slimey squeezing room allowed. GO LE! No problem with me if we have to wait a few more weeks. We have already waited over 2 months. Just as long as someone faces justice for breaking the laws, kwim.
I've come to the conclusion that the people within the circle of Hailey's vast relatives and connections have a quirky manner of speaking. How many times have we scratched our heads over the way Billie phrases her words? Now the brother-in-law delivers this unusual speech. :cow: Could it be a matter of trying to confuse us? Or do they normally speak that way? Or is it their way of trying to skirt the issues and dance around the facts? Very odd, indeed. :cow:

First Commandment:
Protect Thyself at All Cost

I'd say it's the way they express themselves. Look at the way Kampfer speaks and the trouble we've had deciphering his words.
Let me make sure I understand this;

Billie is denying that SA had any knowledge of the child *advertiser censored* but he was the one who put the memory stick in the dresser drawers at her house?

Please correct me if I am wrong.

What is appalling to me is the fact that Billie is still defending SA. I'm not even talking about Hailey's situation. I'm talking about how Billie could not be furious that he brought this garbage into her house.

Billie Dunn has lost a lot of support. I would venture to guess she has hardly, if any, supporters left with the exception of a few friends.

My mind is completely boggled by her reaction. There is nothing else I can say.

It's appalling to me also. I think she should march herself over to LE and demand to see what is on the memory stick found in her home. Better yet, I think LE should sit her down and MAKE her watch those images in front of them.

If she doesn't come out swinging pretty soon, that girl has no hope for any type of disassociation where Shawn Adkins is concerned. This slow locomotion, blind devotion to SA is wearing really thin on me.
Was there a camera seized in any of the search warrants? I can't imagine SA not wanting to make a record of some sort on December 27 (since it seems like he's so into images and videos).
Patience is NOT one of my virtues but I will wait patiently for LE to do whatever LE has to do in order to find evidence to present to prosecutors in order to have an airtight case against the people resposible for this child *advertiser censored* garbage. (too many "to's" in that sentence, sorry, not enough nicotine and caffeine yet)
Was there a camera seized in any of the search warrants? I can't imagine SA not wanting to make a record of some sort on January 26 (since it seems like he's so into images and videos).

What happened on January 26th??? What did I miss?
It's appalling to me also. I think she should march herself over to LE and demand to see what is on the memory stick found in her home. Better yet, I think LE should sit her down and MAKE her watch those images in front of them.

If she doesn't come out swinging pretty soon, that girl has no hope for any type of disassociation where Shawn Adkins is concerned. This slow locomotion, blind devotion to SA is wearing really thin on me.

At this point with all that has been said and done, BD has no way of ever disassociating herself with SA. I'm afraid that ship has sailed. The minute that man was named a POI, BD should have shunned him simply for Hailey's sake. No communication with him what so ever and informed LE about all SA's deviant hobbies but she didn't do this as most Mothers would have. That in itself only begs the question, why?
At this point with all that has been said and done, BD has no way of ever disassociating herself with SA. I'm afraid that ship has sailed. The minute that man was named a POI, BD should have shunned him simply for Hailey's sake. No communication with him what so ever and informed LE about all SA's deviant hobbies but she didn't do this as most Mothers would have. That in itself only begs the question, why?

Because she was into those hobbies as well?
If BD doesn't have a lawyer, she d@rn sure better get one with the child *advertiser censored* hanging over her head. Although I see retaining an attorney for BD as a waste, a huge waste. I don't think she'll follow their advice. She keeps trying to explain herself and it just keeps... getting... worse.
You know, I'd like to know where is the outrage from all sides of the families? I'd d@rn sure be up in SA's face, demanding some answers! I mean really, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, WTH?
You know, I'd like to know where is the outrage from all sides of the families? I'd d@rn sure be up in SA's face, demanding some answers! I mean really, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, WTH?

They might be, albeit covertly. I know if I were related to any one of the players in this case, I'd be laying low. I wouldn't want my name associated with anyone other than Hailey.
You know, I'd like to know where is the outrage from all sides of the families? I'd d@rn sure be up in SA's face, demanding some answers! I mean really, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, WTH?

Yep, Yep, Yep!
They might be, albeit covertly. I know if I were related to any one of the players in this case, I'd be laying low. I wouldn't want my name associated with anyone other than Hailey.

Covertly? Laying low? No, no, no... I mean, I would be front and center trying to get some answers. That pretty little face of SA's wouldn't be so pretty anymore.

Disclaimer: I'm not trying to advocate violence, I'm just angry. LOL
You know, I'd like to know where is the outrage from all sides of the families? I'd d@rn sure be up in SA's face, demanding some answers! I mean really, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, WTH?

Well, we don't know they haven't. But families tend to keep a united front in public until faced with absolute proof of guilt. And some even stay in denial long after that (*cough* Anthony Family *cough*)
It was not in Billie's hand... it was in her house.

Everyone in her house had access to it.

Absolutely, it being in her DRAWER points to her, but that isn't enough.

If they arrested Billie for possession just because of the location, they would have to arrest the others who lived in the house and could have put it there.

If that was only Shawn, they might do that. But since that would also include a teenage boy who's been through enough... I think they will wait until they can pinpoint when, where and how the pictures/videos were obtained. Shawn could argue that D hid it there when he realized the house was going to be searched... to avoid getting in trouble for it or something. Only Billie has said it was Shawn's... Shawn hasn't said that.

Also fingerprints.... I think they will check for those. I don't think D would have wiped them off. Only Shawn or Billie. So if there is NO prints on there....

I think if it had been DD's and he was afraid of getting caught with it, he would have taken it from the house and not hid it in his mother's drawer where they still could have found it.....or even BD. That would also mean he tried to hide the CD-R in her room too. NOT.
You know, I'd like to know where is the outrage from all sides of the families? I'd d@rn sure be up in SA's face, demanding some answers! I mean really, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, WTH?

Seems to me quite a few of them have their own legal dealings to be had.:twocents:
If BD doesn't have a lawyer, she d@rn sure better get one with the child *advertiser censored* hanging over her head. Although I see retaining an attorney for BD as a waste, a huge waste. I don't think she'll follow their advice. She keeps trying to explain herself and it just keeps... getting... worse.

Certainly hasn't been a pressor for her to do "their" spla'in in the matter.
I think if it had been DD's and he was afraid of getting caught with it, he would have taken it from the house and not hid it in his mother's drawer where they still could have found it.....or even BD. That would also mean he tried to hide the CD-R in her room too. NOT.

I agree, I think it was Shawn's anyway. But it is reasonable doubt. These are not little charges, there are mandatory minimums on child *advertiser censored*. He is almost certain to be charged federally because he almost certainly got/shared them online.

He could easily get life in prison on this, depending on how they charge him and how sentences are run.

A jury isn't likely to convict someone on such serious charges when there is someone else in the house, who could have easily been the source of them. They need to prove where they came from and when. That way they can probably prove who it was.

It was said that Hailey left to go two other places. Everyone probably thought that THOSE two places would be searched. Along with maybe Hailey's bedroom. I don't think they would have thought about LE searching the master bedroom.

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