Reactions to Child *advertiser censored* Discovery

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I've assumed from every case I've follow with missing children that the parents would be scrutinized and the home searched, but it has never been mentioned before in the other cases. Is that because nothing was found or is this case different in that LE gave the house a good go through? TIA
At this point with all that has been said and done, BD has no way of ever disassociating herself with SA. I'm afraid that ship has sailed. The minute that man was named a POI, BD should have shunned him simply for Hailey's sake. No communication with him what so ever and informed LE about all SA's deviant hobbies but she didn't do this as most Mothers would have. That in itself only begs the question, why?

Truth, can you say like I said before, "LABOTOMY"?

Maybe BD was used for new improved scientific study purposes. I hope she doesn't read here, or she could use this excuse for her defense. :silenced:
If BD doesn't have a lawyer, she d@rn sure better get one with the child *advertiser censored* hanging over her head. Although I see retaining an attorney for BD as a waste, a huge waste. I don't think she'll follow their advice. She keeps trying to explain herself and it just keeps... getting... worse.

I have this nagging feeling that "little trip" they've gone on, has to do with BD seeing a lawyer. I bet we won't be hearing from BD anymore once that lawyer tells her what kind of time she could serve for possessing child *advertiser censored*. And once he hears all the info pertaining to this case, we could see SA out in the cold, no more cuddling, watching *advertiser censored* and scarey movies together. what do y'all think?

Hope I can comment on this here (if not, mods please accept my apologies :eek:) and I will edit. Cell phone pings that morning, astrologer (hint) It's possible BD had nothing to do with HD's disappearance. Just too naive, brainwashed and blinded by "love". :sick:
I've assumed from every case I've follow with missing children that the parents would be scrutinized and the home searched, but it has never been mentioned before in the other cases. Is that because nothing was found or is this case different in that LE gave the house a good go through? TIA

Elizabeth Smart

They were all searched. Then again... they either were abducted from the home, or family members were the focus of the investigation.

They did search Lindsey Baum's house.

I don't remember hearing about Kayleah Wilson's house being searched.

Both disappeared on the way to or from a friends house.

I think it depends on the LE agency. I think in most cases they would at least search the missing person's possessions. In the cases that they suspect foul play close to home, they generally search the whole house.

I personally think they had suspicions about this case from the beginning and that is why they searched the house. It was the last place Hailey was seen and they weren't so sure they believed Shawn's story. So searching the house was important.

It is also possible that something else was already being investigated that had been linked to the area. So they may have immediately had suspicions with this case for that reason. They may have immediately gone to *advertiser censored*/trafficking/slavery of some kind.

I think there are several possible reasons why in certain cases they search the house immediately and in others they don't.
Elizabeth Smart

They were all searched. Then again... they either were abducted from the home, or family members were the focus of the investigation.

They did search Lindsey Baum's house.

I don't remember hearing about Kayleah Wilson's house being searched.

Both disappeared on the way to or from a friends house.

I think it depends on the LE agency. I think in most cases they would at least search the missing person's possessions. In the cases that they suspect foul play close to home, they generally search the whole house.

I personally think they had suspicions about this case from the beginning and that is why they searched the house. It was the last place Hailey was seen and they weren't so sure they believed Shawn's story. So searching the house was important.

It is also possible that something else was already being investigated that had been linked to the area. So they may have immediately had suspicions with this case for that reason. They may have immediately gone to *advertiser censored*/trafficking/slavery of some kind.

I think there are several possible reasons why in certain cases they search the house immediately and in others they don't.

Msfacetious do you recall when BD's home was searched? Did it happen the day HD was reported missing? SA's mom/grandmother's house wasn't searched for sometime after that day was it. Maybe like a week or two later.
Im wondering now, if perhaps this family thing and going out of town is either BD and everyone else in fam etc were by le for safety reasons only them and le are aware of OR shes saying her goodbyes because there was a deal made long ago? or recently and shes taking a lesser charge for being a witness or other- theres more to this sudden going out of town here-- and we all feel theres an arrest coming..
Msfacetious do you recall when BD's home was searched? Did it happen the day HD was reported missing? SA's mom/grandmother's house wasn't searched for sometime after that day was it. Maybe like a week or two later.

Wednesday, December 29, the day after Hailey was reported missing was the first time Billie's house was searched.

LE stated that Hailey's home had been searched 3 times by January 6. After the initial search, the Texas Rangers searched it IIRC January 3 or 4, and then LE searched again when they executed the search warrants. That would be the 3 times (initial, Texas Rangers, search warrant).

IIRC the search warrants were served on January 6, and that's the only date I know of that it's been reported in MSM that Shawn's mother's home was searched.

I don't recall seeing anything in MSM about Shawn's grandmother's home being searched.

I haven't had my second cup yet, so didn't pull the links. If anybody wants them, holler and I'll get them.
Hailey Dunn's Father: 'I'm The Voice For My Daughter'

By Merlin Mann, KTXS News

Hailey Dunn, a 13-year-old eighth-grader, hasn't been seen since Dec. 27, and Clint Dunn misses her.

“I just miss it all,” he said. “I miss her face. There’s no one particular thing; I miss her companionship.”

The ordeal, he said, has also made him stronger, and he has reason to be strong – for his daughter.

“I realize I’m the voice for my daughter,” he said.
Wednesday, December 29, the day after Hailey was reported missing was the first time Billie's house was searched.

LE stated that Hailey's home had been searched 3 times by January 6. After the initial search, the Texas Rangers searched it IIRC January 3 or 4, and then LE searched again when they executed the search warrants. That would be the 3 times (initial, Texas Rangers, search warrant).

IIRC the search warrants were served on January 6, and that's the only date I know of that it's been reported in MSM that Shawn's mother's home was searched.

I don't recall seeing anything in MSM about Shawn's grandmother's home being searched.

I haven't had my second cup yet, so didn't pull the links. If anybody wants them, holler and I'll get them.

Thank you BeanE for that information. Why I was asking when BD's home was searched was because if they reported HD missing, SA and BD never thought LE would come search the house. They figured LE would have treated her as a runaway or an abducted teenager right off the bat. They were not expecting LE to go through and take stuff from the home. It probably never even crossed their minds. At least not from "their" (SA and BD) stuff, HD's yes, but not theirs. I don't think there was any evidence to cover up in the house, because I don't think "it" happened in the house.
Yeah there hasn't been anything about Shawn's mother or grandmother having their house searched. Only the mother's computer being seized.

I try really hard not to think about what could be in those houses.... or cellars.

Wednesday, December 29, the day after Hailey was reported missing was the first time Billie's house was searched.

LE stated that Hailey's home had been searched 3 times by January 6. After the initial search, the Texas Rangers searched it IIRC January 3 or 4, and then LE searched again when they executed the search warrants. That would be the 3 times (initial, Texas Rangers, search warrant).

IIRC the search warrants were served on January 6, and that's the only date I know of that it's been reported in MSM that Shawn's mother's home was searched.

I don't recall seeing anything in MSM about Shawn's grandmother's home being searched.

I haven't had my second cup yet, so didn't pull the links. If anybody wants them, holler and I'll get them.
Yeah there hasn't been anything about Shawn's mother or grandmother having their house searched. Only the mother's computer being seized. I try really hard not to think about what could be in those houses.... or cellars.

Yes and I wonder why? Maybe they have been searched and we just don't know it. I can't imagine NOT searching them. A warrant to search these premises IMHO would be easy to obtain, for heaven's sake, there have been many search warrants issued on a whole lot less than what this LE has on SA.

If those two places have not been searched I will be dumbfounded.

My other thought is, Why doesn't SA's Mother and Grandmother voluntarily let LE search their property? LE is
investigating a missing childafterall. If their son/grandson is innocent of any foul play, one would think they would like to assist LE to clear their son's name. What could be any reason someone would have not to let LE on their property in the search for a missing child?
Yes and I wonder why? Maybe they have been searched and we just don't know it. I can't imagine NOT searching them. A warrant to search these premises IMHO would be easy to obtain, for heaven's sake, there have been many search warrants issued on a whole lot less than what this LE has on SA.

If those two places have not been searched I will be dumbfounded.

My other thought is, Why doesn't SA's Mother and Grandmother voluntarily let LE search their property? LE is
investigating a missing childafterall. If their son/grandson is innocent of any foul play, one would think they would like to assist LE to clear their son's name. What could be any reason someone would have not to let LE on their property in the search for a missing child?

Wouldn't LE have probable cause by now to get a warrant to search the property?
You know, I'd like to know where is the outrage from all sides of the families? I'd d@rn sure be up in SA's face, demanding some answers! I mean really, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, WTH?

I don't get it either.

As a mother myself if my boyfriend was in possession of child *advertiser censored* my first reaction would be to run to LE and demand to know if my children were involved. Add to that a daughter who is missing and a suspect boyfriend who has a questionable timeline. I don't understand these people.

19 pages printed on 9~29-20l0 related to the Princes in the Tower, murder of family members who were pre-pubertal and pre-meditated suffocation in bed.
I know this is about Hailey, and i've let this go like the past five times I've seen it mentioned, but it's killing me.
First of all, there was not one iota of proof that the Princes were killed by anyone. They disappeared into thin air, like Hailey.
Second of all, the only "family member" who has ever been accused of having murdered them was their Uncle, Richard, who wasn't even in London.
Hundreds of years of research has gone into this subject, and the only fact is that they were pre-teens (roughly aged 10 and 7), and they disappeared. Period. They were not killed by a family member (although some will argued their murder was ordered by one) and there is NO evidence that they were "suffocated" in their bed.

I wrote a 25+ page dissertation on the Princes of the Tower last semester, and it's been killing me. I apologize. Maybe the connection is that they were missing children that were never found?

“One of the investigators told me that there was no child *advertiser censored* on it. That made me feel a little bit better,” she added.

What do you think about her statement?

Does it look like she is throwing Shawn under the bus?

Do you think maybe she is making a deal?

Does she realize investigators can lie to further their investigation?
“The only thing that came out of my house during the search was the memory stick. They (law enforcement officials) asked me whose it was and I told them I didn’t know. I didn’t recognize it,” said Dunn.

“They told me that it came out of Shawn’s dresser and I told them I guess it was his then.”
Hold on. Wasn't there a report that LE said there was child *advertiser censored* on the stick IN HER HOUSE?
Personally, I do not believe anything BD says.
I think she always knew what was on that memory stick.
She admitted IIRC, that her and SA 'private life' was on it.
(how can she look the detectives? without saying, he say me doing my dirty girl tricks)
BD is very street smart, she WILL make a deal and she WILL throw SA under the bus.
It's just a matter of time.
I do not think BD is legally smart though.
I can see many charges headed her way.........
child abuse on DD tat
child neglect & endangering by having SA there
*advertiser censored* of all kinds
interferring in an investigation by not telling truth
stealing things from hospital, including time by printing out crime stories
the list can go on.
Both the computer and the memory stick contain images depicting bestiality and child *advertiser censored*, said Mitchell County Sheriff Patrick Toombs.

So I guess now Billie Dunn has to wonder about which time the truth was being told to her by investigators.

It is no secret that Investigators will lie to get your reaction, to get you to talk, to keep people off balance and to further their investigation.

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