Reactions to Child *advertiser censored* Discovery

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“One of the investigators told me that there was no child *advertiser censored* on it. That made me feel a little bit better,” she added.

What do you think about her statement?

Does it look like she is throwing Shawn under the bus?

Do you think maybe she is making a deal?

Does she realize investigators can lie to further their investigation?

I was refering to this post, I guess I should have quoted it. Sorry.
I know BD claiming no CP was on memory stick is the complete opposite of what LE stated in MSM.

BD says she has no internet access & she claims she has not heard about a lot of things ... the CP on memory stick, the Grand Jury, etc. This information has been on the news & in the papers. If she doesn't see it or read it herself, doesn't she have any friends or family who keep her informed? If I knew LE was saying something in the media which was the exact opposite of what they'd told me, I'd be down there talking to LE to find out what was going on. I don't buy her claims of not knowing these things. In fact, I've reached the point where I no longer believe anything BD says.

As far as BD making a deal ... I have no idea if that could be true. IMO ... it is shameful a mother would make any kind of deal to protect herself when her daughter has gone missing.

Let's put it this way - BD is the type of person who would argue the sky is purple while everyone is looking at it and seeing it's blue. I don't believe for a second that there's no child *advertiser censored* on that stick. She doesn't want to be associated with it, so of course she has to deny it was there. It is funny that for once, she doesn't seem to mind SA getting the blame for something. That really smells like a deal to me.
billie sure goes out of her way to mention the memory stick is the only thing taken from her house by LE, imo, in order to stress that the computer did not....

she seems to have forgotten about the cd rom taken from her movie collection in her house, im thinkin this one will come back to bite her in the a$$ as well, shortly....

I think we should have a poll on who thinks BD is involved. What do you guys think?
Who to believe here, LE or BD? Yes, I am being sarcastic. I wouldn't believe BD if her tongue came notarized. She has been caught in too many "mistruths."

I believe that BD is probably trying to make a deal on the CP found on the memory stick. I am just amazed that she threw "Mr. Awesome" under the bus. Shocked, really.

What a farking hot mess.
We can't she is not a suspect, YET....

(Neither is Terri Horman)

I think Billie is claiming no child *advertiser censored* on the memory stick to distance the child *advertiser censored* from SA, with whom she fully intends to reunite.
Now all SA has to do is convince BD that he didn't put the child *advertiser censored* on his Mom's computer and that he won't cheat, and he'll be back in good graces. I guess looking at beastiality is fine since she didn't mention that as a requirement, and she certainly didn't say that wasn't found on the memory stick.
Now all SA has to do is convince BD that he didn't put the child *advertiser censored* on his Mom's computer and that he won't cheat, and he'll be back in good graces. I guess looking at beastiality is fine since she didn't mention that as a requirement, and she certainly didn't say that wasn't found on the memory stick.

gross just gross.......
Without closely following the Somer Thompson case as some here have, I remember that Jarred Harrell, the man who harmed her was turned in by roommates after they found child *advertiser censored* on his computer. From what I remember it took a while from when the roommates turned him in until they issued the arrest warrant. Even though the roommates brought it to the attention of LE, LE needed to make sure it was Jarred Harrell who downloaded the cp.

With a shared computer I'm not sure how they would prove with out a doubt who downloaded it but what could include or exclude SA as a suspect would be the times the images were either downloaded or last accessed. Was he at work at the time? Were any of the images on his moms computer the same as the ones on the memory stick? What other sites (such as the myers forum that used a login from him) were accessed immediately before or after the CP was downloaded?

I was going to post the bolded part, but you beat me to it..........
I know BD claiming no CP was on memory stick is the complete opposite of what LE stated in MSM.

BD says she has no internet access & she claims she has not heard about a lot of things ... the CP on memory stick, the Grand Jury, etc. This information has been on the news & in the papers. If she doesn't see it or read it herself, doesn't she have any friends or family who keep her informed? If I knew LE was saying something in the media which was the exact opposite of what they'd told me, I'd be down there talking to LE to find out what was going on. I don't buy her claims of not knowing these things. In fact, I've reached the point where I no longer believe anything BD says.

As far as BD making a deal ... I have no idea if that could be true. IMO ... it is shameful a mother would make any kind of deal to protect herself when her daughter has gone missing.All JMHO

Hey, that just happened a few months ago on a case in Florida............except it was a father who made the deal. LOL.
I'll go on what LE and the media are saying. LE have had this info since January and I'm sure they have gone over it with a fine tooth comb, they have reported honestly, and now it rests in the grand jurys hands, in 2 counties yet.

Keep dreaming "just a little bit" BD. Just "a little bit" of wishful thinking on BD's part. I'll believe it when it hits the media that no CP was on the stick.
call me ignorant, but are beastiality images illegal? also, I can't for the life of me figure out why they didn't attempt to destroy everything because at the very least, I wouldn't want cops looking at my nude pictures. Also, it's almost impossible for high school kids to do research papers, etc...without the internet. Why have multiple x boxes & doo dads, but no computer & internet? BD admits that she met SA online, so how exactly did that work, without the internet? & how many years ago was that? MOO.
call me ignorant, but are beastiality images illegal? also, I can't for the life of me figure out why they didn't attempt to destroy everything because at the very least, I wouldn't want cops looking at my nude pictures. Also, it's almost impossible for high school kids to do research papers, etc...without the internet. Why have multiple x boxes & doo dads, but no computer & internet? BD admits that she met SA online, so how exactly did that work, without the internet? & how many years ago was that? MOO.

I do believe that having "relations" with animals is illegal, so then having images of that nature would also be illegal (not to mention just sick and twisted IMO).

They (BD and SA) may have destroyed the other images and forgot this one because it was in the back of a drawer. I would imagine that they were carping themselves when LE discovered it. Also, IF BD had that other job that was attributed to her then I really doubt that she would think twice or bat an eye lash at LE or anyone else seeing her in those types of photos.

Schools do allow kids without computers at home to go to the computer lab during school to work on whatever projects they may need to do. HD also went to the library to use the computer so she could have done any school projects there as well. I do believe that there was some type of internet available in that house for SA to have had his laptop there, but that's just my thinking on it.

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