Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #2

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Appears since you posted this link he has edited that comment out of his blog.

Had he been fair, he would have quoted in context from the Reuters article, where Pearson, in an interview about Valeant and their business strategy, described his own company, along with Medicis and a couple others, as being among the "lightweights" in the pharma industry, as opposed to Big Pharma companies that they chose to not fight against. It was not a dig at Medicis, just laying out "big" players vs "smaller" ones. Pearson never mentioned their name. Author of the Reuters piece merely listed who Valeant's primary rivals are.

While there is significant competition in the dermatology arena, Valeant will be facing smaller rivals, rather than the pharmaceutical giants, which have been beating a hasty retreat from the sector as they look to narrow their focus.

"It's like we're in the lightweight division and we're fighting other lightweights. We're not fighting heavyweights," Pearson said. "It fits us from a scale standpoint."

Pearson's philosophy has been to stay clear of the so-called Big Pharma companies, but engage in partnerships with them instead.

Valeant's main rivals in the industry are Medicis Pharmaceuticals (MRX.N), Allergan Inc (AGN.N), as well as Stiefel Laboratories Inc, which is a unit of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK.L).​

Oh, interesting it's been changed. Thank you for letting me know and for the excellent research on the other article.

In the above it states that Adam was living there. I know this is the Hinky Meter - but she lists all of her links at the end of the article. I don't have time right now to look through each one to see where it was stated that he was "living" there - but I do remember reading that myself.

It seems to be a question as to whether the brother was living there for the summer or had recently arrived at the request of his brother since the child was hospitalized.

Adam lives and and works in Memphis. He was not in Coronado when Max fell. Since Max's death, he has returned to his home and presumably still has his job with the tugboat company.

Adam Shacknai lives in an apartment in Midtown Memphis. His leasing agent neighbor, Robert Sanders, said he last saw him a few days ago.

"He said that he was going to have to go back out on the tugboat company he works for," said Sanders.

Instead, Adam Shacknai ended up in San Diego in a guest house in his brother's mansion.
Learning from Vinnie's show that the 13-year-old present when Max fell was not Max's half-sister but was the sister of Rebecca (if we can believe this) gives all the more motive toward this being a revenge murder.

What if Rebecca's sister was horsing around with Max near the upper railing of the staircase. Maybe she was teaching him the new 'owling' fad. Max fell, probably landing on the chandelier along the way.

Whomever was seeking revenge for Max's death could look at Rebecca and say, "Not only were you negligent for not keeping a close eye on the kids, but your sister is directly responsible for Max's death! I'm gonna make you pay!!"
In case this hasn't been posted, here is a comment listed under a Wall Street Journal article about the case, from a rather embittered former biz associate. Take it fwiw:

7 days ago.....

For many years I was the main consultant to Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation run by Jonah Shacknai. I popularized their injectable filler Restylane for wrinkle and lip augmentation by giving courses throughout the US, Canada and Europe. Simultaneously Jonah used unlicensed foreign doctors and sponsored courses and their educational seminars. At many of the courses these individuals would treat patients. The main example of this was Drs. Jean and Alastair Carruthers of Vancouver who created and distributed a CD of my work and injection techniques through Johns Hopkins! Furthermore, Jean published a paper describing my technique in which she positioned herself as the senior author. in whichdecided she would be the senior author on a lip injection paper. Subsequently,I did a lip study for Medicis and then spent over 40 hours writing this pivitol paper on lip enhancement with Restylane. The paper had to be accurate and not like the ghastly ghost written “data” that floods the medical literature. I also warned Medicis not to present this data to the FDA in that it contained my personal injection techniques. I would expect that it is very unusual for someone else to present the data. Contrary to my agreement with Medicis they never published the paper I wrote on lip augmentation and they presented my data to the FDA to expand the lip study to multiple sites. With this expanded lip data Medicis gained FDA approval for lip augmentation. As the money kept rolling in Jonah’s houses kept getting larger and larger with Jonah himself developing extreme arrogance totally losing contact with reality and developed a tremendous overestimation of his capabilities, especially in regard to his power. Needless to say though I had a signed agreement with Medicis for my initial study on lips and the paper for $280,000 this did not include the expanded studies and the work that would lead to FDA approval in which they promised participation. But Jonah never paid me and ceased to talk to me but as his wealth increased so did his satyriasis --- his excessive, often uncontrollable sexual desire. Maybe this was his desire to remain forever young. But this illness may very well account for what happened at the Spreckles mansion as it did for the action at Dupont Estate in Deleware.

Arnold W. Klein, MD
Professor of Medicine and Dermatology
Klein Chair in Dermatology UCLA
Consultant to the General and Plastic Surgery Devices Panel of the FDA
"The Most Innovative & Famous Cosmetic Dermatologist in the World!”
- Beverly Hills Times Magazine, Spring 2011 Beauty Issue

WOW ... how bizarre. I'm sure much of this could be verified (or not). Suspect he wouldn't put himself out there if it wasn't true?

A bit chilling?

As the money kept rolling in Jonah’s houses kept getting larger and larger with Jonah himself developing extreme arrogance totally losing contact with reality and developed a tremendous overestimation of his capabilities, especially in regard to his power. ... as his wealth increased so did his satyriasis --- his excessive, often uncontrollable sexual desire. Maybe this was his desire to remain forever young. But this illness may very well account for what happened at the Spreckles mansion as it did for the action at Dupont Estate in Deleware.

Someone (LE?) said Jonah was staying in San Diego. Not sure, did someone infer he was also staying in a hotel between the time Max was taken to the hospital and Rebecca being found?
I wonder if there was a big mirror either hanging in the stairway or on the wall under it where the table is in the pics. Not sure what that would show anything. I also wonder how were things in this house prior to MS falling or whatever happened. Given JS domestic violence history could there have been arguing and fighting and that is something we won't know until the person involved talks. He may love her and may have been asking her to marry but we don't know. Walls don't talk.
Yes. Article linked in Post #228. Two hours before the call about RN.

Maybe I've been reading too much,but I can't find that. Could you be mistakened by the 2 days in this paragraph?

Two days later, on Wednesday, July 13 at approximately 6:48 a.m., units from the CPD went to 1043 Ocean Boulevard in response to a 911 call. A few hours later at approximately 8:20 a.m., the CPD requested the assistance of the San Diego Sheriff’s Department’s Homicide Detail to investigate a “suspicious death” at the home.
I would not be happy with a girlfriend calling my son hers.
I would even be more unhappy that he had a fatal accident in her care.
Rebecca confused her role in JS's life, but nobody asked me, just saying.
Was he really going to propose? Who knows, that was a statement from an unidentified "friend".


--unidentified "friend"--

You mean the newly hired P.R. firm?
Yes. Article linked in Post #228. Two hours before the call about RN.

Are you talking about the call bolded?

According to a CBS 8 report, On Monday, July 11 Coronado police responded to a 911 call at the Spreckels Mansion — 1043 Ocean Boulevard shortly after 10 a.m., and found a boy (later identified as 6-year-old Max Shacknai) unconscious “with no pulse and not breathing.”

Two days later, on Wednesday, July 13 at approximately 6:48 a.m., units from the CPD went to 1043 Ocean Boulevard in response to a 911 call. A few hours later at approximately 8:20 a.m., the CPD requested the assistance of the San Diego Sheriff’s Department’s Homicide Detail to investigate a “suspicious death” at the home.
duh, sorry about the confusion. i am reading that article wrong. and i am frustrated over ws locking up and i can't navigate around the set to re read and double check. i am going to just lurk for awhile......gah!!!!!
I have a couple questions:

In photo #3 of the following link, what is that blue and grey pile near the body?

And in #8 is that a table they are taking away? It looks nothing like the one in #3 which is smaller and round.

This is so confusing.

ETA. pic #4 shows the blue and grey item better then 3.,0,6503880.photogallery

Photo from the stills does look like a rectangular table top perhaps. I was trying to figure that one out as well.

But the round table with one leg broken off, which matches what was below the balcony, is seen departing the scene in at least one of the videos at CBS8.
When my dad died suddenly on a Sunday morning, I traveled all day long to get there. I found that the family dog had been temporarily kenneled, and with good reason.

There were dozens if not hundreds of people in and out of our house for the next week, and our sweet but rambunctious Boxer would have been impossible to restrain during all the excitement. We wouldn't lock her up in a room alone, and it was summer in Texas, so she couldn't have been left in the 100 degree heat outside.

The minute things calmed down at the end of the week, my mom said, "Quick, let's go get Tina!"
And we did, and she did more to console us than anything else could have.

My thoughts also. First thing I thought of was this young dog needs a lot of attention, there was traffic due to Max being in the hospital (family, friends well wishers) back and forth.

Best get the dog to a safe place where he won't be accidently let out etc...
IMO If JS was involved I don't think he would have it done in his home.

Thus, hang her off the deck outside. Sorry to be indelicate, but much easier cleanup. Hanging also leaves much less mess than whacking somebody over the head, stabbing, or shooting them.

But that yard is pretty pristine looking still, if you can get past the fact that not long ago, a corpse was on the lawn.

A truly unfeeling person really wouldn't care. Or one who had just had his son effectively die in that same home. Home is already "tainted" sadly.

Not that I'm suggesting he had anything to do with this.
So many posts and too little time, so I may be a little late on this. About Adam, the brother...Some people are just called to work on the water, no matter how rich a relative is. Some here have questioned why he was up at an early hour. He had only been there a couple of days before RN's death, and keep in mind he lives on CST time, so his body's time clock is ahead 3 hours and he hasn't been there long enough to adjust to PST. To him 6 to 7 AM would have been like 9 to 10 AM to him.

I don't know enough yet about the table(s)...however could it have been a table he pulled over to stand on while he cut RN down?
somewhere earlier in the last thread i believe someone said that LE stated they were not disclosing what the rope was attached to, and that they were also not disclosing whether or not the room with the balcony was her room. anyone remember this/have a link?

I'm still catching up with this thread, so I apologize if anyone has already answered this question.

Here is the link to the LE presser, in which Capt. Tim Curran would not comment on what the rope was anchored to, nor would he comment on the condition of the bedroom, or disclose whether or not the balcony was off of Rebecca's bedroom (although he did confirm that the balcony was off of a bedroom - he just would not comment regarding whose bedroom it was).
Could the first table removed be from the foyer and possibly be what caused the injuries to Max? I am thinking he may have fell over the railing and hit the table before landing on the soft carpeting.

Also I wonder if Adam moved the round table to lower Rebecca's body onto so that she wouldn't hit the ground when he cut her down. He would have less distance to lower her to the table and her weight may have caused the table leg to break when she landed on it, then he ran down and moved her body to the grass. Grass is softer than concrete but not so soft as to hamper CPR efforts if he even had thoughts of Michael Jackson and his bed.
I am not sure what you mean WOO.

When someone is hogtied from the backside the legs from the knees down are folded back and cinched tightly behind the back(they are folded backwards by the perpetrator if it is a criminal act) where rope can bind both ankles and wrists together. Murderers have done this type of technique in the past and then carried or pulled the bodies to discard them by the rope in the middle of the victim's back where their legs and wrists comes close togather.

If she was in rigor when found then her legs would have been fixed in this backward position.

I don't see why the police would lie. They have said her wrists and ankles were bound but have said she was not hogtied.


Did the police say she was not found hogtied, not hogtied, or was never hogtied? ;) Maybe they found her NOT hogtied...but maybe the autopsy will prove at one point she my point. Hard to tell with how they mince words, imo. In my unexpert opinon ;) , she does look to me like at one point she had her knees seperated...she is lying on her side, YET her knees seem to be somehow be held APART....from rigor?
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