Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #2

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It could simply be a play on words - she was not hogtied when they found her. The bending of the knees that we see in the pics and the statements of her being in rigor do not coincide with her hanging and the knees bent.

Now, in that article it states that when the first responders got there they found a woman in "distress" and provided medical aid. The helicopter pic we see of her laying there does not coincide with medical aid being rendered at all (she is on her side with ropes, scarf, etc still attached).

The conflicting statements are coming fast and furious. I go by what I actually see in those chopper pics. And those pics certainly do not show where any first responder provided aid to that body.


Good post, I also think it just says she was not hogtied when they found her. These LE seem to be picky about their statements - what they aren't saying. Someone earlier said responders always say the person is 'in distress' until a factual determination they are dead (even if they are already dead.)

Also, maybe it's possible she was killed hours earlier and rigor had reversed slightly. I don't remember, but I think that can occur within a few hours.

It could simply be a play on words - she was not hogtied when they found her. The bending of the knees that we see in the pics and the statements of her being in rigor do not coincide with her hanging and the knees bent.

Now, in that article it states that when the first responders got there they found a woman in "distress" and provided medical aid. The helicopter pic we see of her laying there does not coincide with medical aid being rendered at all (she is on her side with ropes, scarf, etc still attached).

The conflicting statements are coming fast and furious. I go by what I actually see in those chopper pics. And those pics certainly do not show where any first responder provided aid to that body.


The main thing is though her face is straight up. We do not know how tightly the scarf was around her neck and her chest was exposed so the medics would have no problem getting to her chest area or her airways to work on her. They would try very hard not to disturb the scene and what was on her.

I have never heard of the Fire Dept. declaring someone dead. That's for the ME to decide, even if obvious.
So the medics must have thought they could resuscitate her but it was to no avail. She may have still had sporadic agonal breathing. That means she was not in rigor when found, imo.

The homicide unit is always called in on a questionable death investigation in case it turns out to be a homicide. They don't want valuable evidence destroyed should it become a homicide nor do they want evidence destroyed that would show them it was a suicide. These cases are death investigations.
But those chopper pics here:,0,6503880.photogallery

IMHO that body shows absolutely no signs of having any aid rendered at all. First, she would have been rolled onto her back so the airway could be cleared and any vital checked. If they used any materials - those paper "discards" would be laying around. It just doesn't jive with any first responder rendering aid. And the rigor comments - well if she was in rigor wouldn't the first responders have known that? IMO again, they did and that body was not touched by any frist responder - other than to confirm death.

And to leave her there, naked, like that. Its disrespectful, but yet, trying to preserve the scene and evidence...........

Not enough info - but certainly looks very suspicious and not like a suicide to me at all.
I think we need to read the PR statement. Others cite it as saying "takes care of two funerals" or arranges ... seems vague to me. I doubt he is actually planning Rebecca's funeral.

I bet he is.

I think this man is devastated that he has had to prepare funerals for two people he loved. I think Rebecca will be buried with dignity and grace.

But it just shows money cant buy happiness and we have seen other powerful families go through their own set of tragedies.

So the medics must have thought they could resuscitate her but it was to no avail. She may have still had sporadic agonal breathing. That means she was not in rigor when found, imo.

The homicide unit is always called in on a questionable death investigation in case it turns out to be a homicide. They don't want valuable evidence destroyed should it become a homicide nor do they want evidence destroyed that would show them it was a suicide. These cases are death investigations.

RE: Sporadic agonal breathing - I'm not familiar with this

Does that happen just before death or just after death?

Other questions I have are...where was Neil Nalepa (Rebecca's ex-husband) and is Dina Romano (JS ex-wife #2) remarried? Hence the Romano last name. If so, where was her husband?

Neil lives in Scottsdale, Az. He has family, an aunt, in Plano, Tx. Other than that, there's not much net-wise I can find.

Romano is Dina's maiden name. Her mother lives in California and she has a sister who was also at Maxie's bedside.

Romano said she has been talking frequently with Dina and another daughter, who are at the hospital with the boy.

On an unrelated to the above note-

Find A Grave has a tacky entry for Maxie. Well, I think it's tacky to include a picture of the staircase where he supposedly died. According to whoever posted the entry, both half sibs stayed with Jonah in the Spreckles Mansion in the summer.

So the next question (just what this case needs, more questions) is, was E there and if so, where was e when Maxie fell?

Interesting read in that it says that Dina, Maxie's mother was in the house as well as the brother the early morning hours of 7/12. Oddly enough it does say they administered CPR. Hmmmmm....
Yes, it does. I've been wondering about the ex-wife/mother and her actions.

But a bigger question came up for me when reading that article. Where was the 13 yr old sister? She was there when Max went "down the stairs" - in fact, they say it was her that called 911. But then, when Rebecca is found - there is no mention of where she was.

Also, the party - very strange. Yes, there was a party. No, there was no party - just loud music. Why board the dog because a child is in the hospital? But makes sense to board the dog if you're having a big party (it was a pretty big dog). Although wouldn't you just put the dog in a room that was not to be used? I mean there were 27 rooms in that place plus out buildings FGS.
Been reading through the threads all day after finding out about this case on earlier today.

All I can say is that I'm very confused, but I don't believe Rebecca committed suicide.

I will follow this for sure.
:fence: here I am on the fence now. The ex wife is looking rather interesting now. Maybe she thought given the time she would be sharing with Maxie's Dad they could possibly reconcile. The worry and grief of course bringing them together but one person was in the way. Rebecca. And that person is who let her son get injured. I doubt she did it herself or by herself but she's looking interesting but she knows peeps.
Hello all,

I'm completely new to this forum. I'm fascinated by all the questions/theories.

Here are my thoughts.

Adam Shacknai must have called either Jonah or Dina that morning. He's visiting and he runs into this tragedy right smack in his face at the crack of dawn. I don't think he called 911 and that was it. He called either Jonah, Dina - someone close the home - to the family.

Does anyone know if Jonah came immediately to the scene? I would imagine if it was my significant other I would get there as soon as humanly possible. What would you do if the person you loved was just found dead? Would you drop whatever it is you are doing and run to them?

I wonder why GS - the sister - was sent back home immediately. Her little brother was gravely ill at the hospital and would she not stick around to see him - be with him. I find it odd that she went away immediately. Even if they knew he was on life support and that the moment of the decision to take him off life support was imminent - wouldn't she stick around to go to the funeral? It is her baby brother.

Why did Rebecca call to board the dog? I don't think it was because of a party. She told her sister she was going to sleep. It was BAD ENOUGH this child got gravely hurt while under her care -- why would she have a party? There could not have been a party because that would make absolutely no sense whatsoever - none.
:fence: here I am on the fence now. The ex wife is looking rather interesting now. Maybe she thought given the time she would be sharing with Maxie's Dad they could possibly reconcile. The worry and grief of course bringing them together but one person was in the way. Rebecca. And that person is who let her son get injured. I doubt she did it herself or by herself but she's looking interesting but she knows peeps.

Jumping off your post:

Do we have any info on whether or not DS, ex-wife #2, remarried?
Jumping off your post:

Do we have any info on whether or not DS, ex-wife #2, remarried?

I had read yes and she in fact lived very close to JS. But I don't remember where I read it. Someone had thought that Ramono (sp) was her new married name but it is her maiden name.
I would not be happy with a girlfriend calling my son hers.
I would even be more unhappy that he had a fatal accident in her care.
Rebecca confused her role in JS's life, but nobody asked me, just saying.
Was he really going to propose? Who knows, that was a statement from an unidentified "friend".

I would not be happy with a girlfriend calling my son hers.
I would even be more unhappy that he had a fatal accident in her care.
Rebecca confused her role in JS's life, but nobody asked me, just saying.
Was he really going to propose? Who knows, that was a statement from an unidentified "friend".


From all that I have read from others who knew them they all said they were very much in love. So I do believe marriage was imminent.

I don't see anything wrong with her loving the children as her own. She probably didn't say that around Dina anyway, Just those in her own inner circle.
Good post, I also think it just says she was not hogtied when they found her. These LE seem to be picky about their statements - what they aren't saying. Someone earlier said responders always say the person is 'in distress' until a factual determination they are dead (even if they are already dead.)

Also, maybe it's possible she was killed hours earlier and rigor had reversed slightly. I don't remember, but I think that can occur within a few hours.

here is some very basic info on rigor mortis, it might be helpful
I agree...this would make me absolutely livid. I would not want another woman calling my child hers. I'm being honest...that would p*ss me off. If I had reason to believe she stole my husband those are grounds for permanent dislike. If my child died while under her care, I would lose my mind. I couldn't even image a moment like that. Pure outrage/dementia is the only emotion I can think of.
So far if haven't seen any mention anywhere of cooks, maids, landscapers, etc.
I find that unusual given their wealth and lifestyle. If any were live-in maybe someone left before LE arrived?

Lawgirl, I don't believe that there was a party. I've read that a party was being planned for that day the weekend before, but it was more than likely canceled. I would also like to know at what time the loud music was heard, since it's easy to verify the the time of the phone call with her sister through phone records.
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