Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #3

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She even coordinated her make up with her clothes. I think if such a woman were to commit suicide, she would want to look her best. Put on her make up, put on her best clothes, take some pills. Not naked hanging from the balcony, but what do I know?

IF it was GUILT: I'd write a note...if I was guilty enough to kill myself, I would write a note of apology to Jonah, for example. AND I'd 'leave' in a way that wouldn't cause further shame...

They were only together for 2 yrs...that's not a long time, imo. And he wasn't even divorced...well, not finalized, anyway, until January/11.

If he was angry, and blamed her, and wanted her out...I think she'd know she had other options. She was a very attractive, young woman. She had a trade, good references, (her former boss spoke, no link, though) I'd venture a guess, she's made connnections. I just can't see her offing herself because of the end of a 2 relationship...she had too much going for her, imo.
Help! I don't follow.

What influence could DS have over JS/RN re the whereabouts of the JS/RN dog?

MS is in hospital. If convo's needs to take place it can be done anywhere where the dog isn't.

UNLESS (lightbulb turns on):

Was there a combined pow-wow (JS, RN, DN, AS) on Tuesday evening at mansion to discuss MS' medical facts and to make big decisions?

Could loud music have been at this time?

Need new facts!

We are truly missing some really important facts. To begin with we have no idea how Max truly died and where everyone was at the time, etc. It's difficult without knowing details of the first incident.

My God how adorable was this child???? He was sooo precious. God bless his little angelic soul. He was just too adorable for words.
I swear...I had the same thought moments ago.

Let's take her at her word. SHE told kennel dude it was so she could go to the hospital...the puppy was 11 or 14 months old, iirc...maybe not fully house trained...or maybe he/she needed frequent potty breaks, hence the kennel.

So, asking Rebecca to bring the puppy to the boarders would seem reasonable to her, I'd think...but also if he just asked her to come to hospital, he might have known it meant boarding the dog? Maybe it was discussed when they let the staff have days off...'we'll be busy, let the staff go, board the dog', kinda deal.

BUT the dog didn't have shots, I read, (from kennel dude interview, no link) so the delay was so the dog could get shots before boarding. That tells me boarding might not have been something they regularily did...most kennels, if not all, require proof of up-to-date vaccination.

Strange, though, that she died the very first night the dog was gone...

From the pictures we've seen, Dina doesn't like dog bites. ;)
Help! I don't follow.

What influence could DS have over JS/RN re the whereabouts of the JS/RN dog?

MS is in hospital. If convo's needs to take place it can be done anywhere where the dog isn't.

UNLESS (lightbulb turns on):

Was there a combined pow-wow (JS, RN, DN, AS) on Tuesday evening at mansion to discuss MS' medical facts and to make big decisions?

Could loud music have been at this time?

Need new facts!


DS doesn't care for dogs; dog could have caused or been part of reason for Maxie's accident....

DS might have casually mentioned to JS to have RN board dog so she can come to hospital....

OR JS could have casually said that RN was going to board the dog so she could come to hospital......that may have set DS over the edge...

RN boards dog....then found hanging

DS has reason to be upset/angry with RN...possibly lost alimony/child support, not to mention her son's condition happened while in RN's care....

I'm sure they where told soon after Maxie's hospital admission of his condition and outlook

Court records show Jonah and Dina Shacknai, his second wife, had their divorce finalized in January of this year, though Romano told the Arizona Republic that her former son-in-law and Nalepa had been together for about two years.

Bingo. Aw so there we see they were dating and living together during the separation. Sorry but DS just went to the top of my list because she truly must have hated RN but tolerated her because of the kids. She would have been balistic if RN was not watching the children when her son broke his neck which is MO too. Bingo!
I think we can all agree with the experiences that we have is that LE is not going to release all information.

I put myself in RN's shoes and if I was going to commit suicide out of guilt; I think that I would at least leave a note. Which goes back to that we are not privy to that information, at this time, or if ever.

It's frustrating...
But why would clearing a non-client be important to a defense attorney for another client.

That seems counter-intuitive to me.

Disclaimer: I am not an attorney.


:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
Oh! I just had an idea...what if the lawyers "CLIENT" is Medisis? And that's why that "CLIENT" cannot be interviewed? Just like Denise D. Resnick was quoted in the LA Times as being Jonahs FRIEND, yet, when searched she works for a PR company that works for MEDISIS! (link on this thread)
just a thought here..has it been confirmed that there wasn't a note?
Well... I think the main suspects in my book are JS, DR, and KJ. I only say DR is more likely because,as others have said, she seems more angry, prone to violence/volatile, and possibly ... oh, I don't know, I am not going to say. She just seems like a different personality that KJ and Rebecca. Maybe more Hollywood if you get my drift.

At any rate, I'm leaning toward a hired killer. If that's true and it's a professional, it would be very hard to prove. Also, it doesn't look like a typical hit, but then again if you don't want it to, you stage it. In either case, they would be very careful not to leave evidence. If someone did it that either has no criminal record or is not legally in the US, then twice as difficult to catch that person even if you know it's a murder ... so the evidence it links back to someone could lead to a dead end. That is, unless you can follow a money trail. I think the fact that an expert said he thought it could be a murder meant to look like a suicide is telling - just another facet that obscures any investigation.

I so feel like Sherlock Holmes :rocker:

Sorry for quoting myself but I wanted to add to this without making that last post nay longer.

I've thought about this a lot because of another case I've researched. It seems to me, particularly in some areas of the country, it would be incredibly easy to hire someone to do a murder that is illegally in the US. Doesn't even have to be professionally done, just so it's done and the killer takes off. Easier to get back out of the country also if you are already in Coronado/SCali. The sum for hiring would be a pitance for multimillionaires to afford, but possibly enough to live for decades in another country. There's always the threat that if you hung around, immigration would find you - of course, maybe if you are caught your DNA would be checked and matched even if illegal, but somehow I think it is much harder to identify such an individual and they probably don't check your DNA? Although if you commit a felony, I think your DNA is taken now - backlogged of course for any analysis and matching.

On the other hand, someone with a great deal of money has connections could most probably hire a professional.

Although the scene looks very rageful and personal to me. Maybe the intent was to make it look like weird sex gone wrong or like someone said to send a message to others to keep quiet.
I think we can all agree with the experiences that we have is that LE is not going to release all information.

I put myself in RN's shoes and if I was going to commit suicide out of guilt; I think that I would at least leave a note. Which goes back to that we are not privy to that information, at this time, or if ever.

It's frustrating...

you had this thought the same time i did! get outta my head :)
I don't think she was hung. I think she was strangled.

Then possibly hung over the balcony. But we see no signs of the remaining cord ON the balcony from where she supposedly was cut down...? How do you cut orange electrical cord?

I see electrical cord, and I see a blue scarf, I see no rope. Anyone see rope? And, if suicide (which I don't buy for 1 second, btw) why electrical cord? Why outdoors? I hope she wasn't tortured with that electrical cord. Where was it leading to...trailing off to?

I believe she likely was. I believe whoever did this did not believe Max's head trauma came from a fall downstairs, and tortured her for the real answers, and to make her pay.
Bingo. Aw so there we see they were dating and living together during the separation. Sorry but DS just went to the top of my list because she truly must have hated RN but tolerated her because of the kids. She would have been balistic if RN was not watching the children when her son broke his neck which is MO too. Bingo!

I've been looking for this! Thanks!! There you go...emotions running very high in this group for a while and recently.
just a thought here..has it been confirmed that there wasn't a note?

I THINK it was mentioned in a presser...someone else hopefully, will confirm. Off the top of my head I only have this link from Cindy Adams:

Max's death is considered accidental, Lea Corbin, a Coronado police spokesperson told media, while Zahau's death is being investigated as a suicide, despite the way she was found and no suicide note being found.
Oh! I just had an idea...what if the lawyers "CLIENT" is Medisis? And that's why that "CLIENT" cannot be interviewed? Just like Denise D. Resnick was quoted in the LA Times as being Jonahs FRIEND, yet, when searched she works for a PR company that works for MEDISIS! (link on this thread)

That's funny, is so many of these high profile cases where a 'friend' of a possible suspect is quoted, they end up being something more than that. I just came across one from years ago, where a 'friend' was quoted like that and turned out it was the person's brother in law.
Maybe, as we have discussed before, the dog jumped on or tripped MS which contributed to his accident. Maybe RN got a call from JS expressing DS's rage over the dog. He told her to board the dog, because DS had made threats about it. Or is DS was the mystery women in the car the morning of the accident and made threats directly to RN, so maybe RN wanted to protect the dog and took it upon herself to get the dog out of the house.

Maybe she thought she could go to the hospital, since she was such an important part of MS and JS's life. But realized it was too hard on DS or that the ICU would not let her sit bedside since not the immediate parent.

Or maybe JS told her to get the dog out of the house, so there would be no witnesses.

However, I recall from a tv interview that Doggy Day Camp reported JS called and facilitated the pick up of the dog.

All this is speculation and that is all we are going to get, until police make an arrest or they release more information!
Oh! I just had an idea...what if the lawyers "CLIENT" is Medisis? And that's why that "CLIENT" cannot be interviewed? Just like Denise D. Resnick was quoted in the LA Times as being Jonahs FRIEND, yet, when searched she works for a PR company that works for MEDISIS! (link on this thread)

BBM - You know - I though about that - but got stuck on a follow-up question:

Why would a company (Medicis) hire a "defense" attorney?

Medicis would only be interested in the interest of the company and how a personal scandal of an employee/founder would affect the company -> therefore a definite need for a corporate attorney.

But, "defense" attorney? - my guess: no.

Again - I am not an attorney.
Bolded by me: That is interesting.

A well-known San Diego defense attorney arrived at the mansion Wednesday night and told the media at the crime scene that he represented someone involved in the case.
Paul Pfingst, who was the San Diego County district attorney from 1995 to 2008, would not identify his client. However, he specifically said his client was not Jonah Shacknai.

Read more:

Maybe his client was RN?! But she was murdered or committed suicide before she could meet with him! She was blamed, or felt she was being blamed. I don't head hurts from this case! I wish we could learn more soon!
just a thought here..has it been confirmed that there wasn't a note?

No note that we know of...see post on down thread..

But a large picture was removed......picture was covered when removed...

so let your imagination run with what that was all about...
A certain someone was going through a lot of changes in her life.

  • A recent divorce
  • Ex planning a marriage proposal to his longtime girlfriend
What else I'm I missing besides jealousy?
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