Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #5

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This is OT somewhat but it also is another strange suicide.

Pimienta Family Murder-Suicide: Autopsy Reveals Grim Details In San Diego Family's Deaths

SAN DIEGO — A tow-truck operator killed himself by tying a weight to his neck in the family swimming pool, and his wife and two daughters were forcibly drowned, according to an autopsy report released Wednesday.

Alfredo Pimienta, 44, was found fully clothed, with his hands secured behind his back with rusty handcuffs and a yellow rope tied around his ankles. His head was weighted down by a tow hitch attached to a wire around his neck.
Checking in to see if we have had any reports from LE......nope....follow the rope

The rope was not cut from the room or the top of the balcony. look at post #535. The rope is dark color not white. There is probably 7 feet of rope there or 1/2 way down way (if the balcony bottom was 15 feet tall).

Since the scene does not necessary match the account given by AS, would he have said what he did, if he had commited the crime?

Would he have said what he did if he was involved in the "staging"?

But the problem is that the length, of the alleged rope seen hanging from the balcony in the picture in #535, added with the length of the orange cord seen in the picture of RN's body lying on the lawn, would be WAY long to have been the hanging rope, do you follow me?

Now IF the alleged rope seen hanging from the balcony in the picture in #535 indeed IS the rest of the rope RN's body was hanging from, then I would suggest that the orange cord, seen on the lawn, is NOT what RN was hanged by, but that it was cord that was used to bind her wrists with, and that either AS or the medics had untied that cord.
But then again, that orange cord IMO seems WAY to long to have been used to tie up her wrists.

I´m not so sure that what appear to be rope in #535 all IS rope. I do agree that the part directly connected to the balcony, the shoter part, indeed IS rope, but the rest might be leafs or somthing from the tree/vegitation growing right under the balcony

GOSH! I wish we had more detailed information about this case :maddening:
I sure wish we had more clear and detailed photos of the scene. It would really help to study this case, but ...
But the problem is that the length, of the alleged rope seen hanging from the balcony in the picture in #535, added with the length of the orange cord seen in the picture of RN's body lying on the lawn, would be WAY long to have been the hanging rope, do you follow me?

Now IF the alleged rope seen hanging from the balcony in the picture in #535 indeed IS the rest of the rope RN's body was hanging from, then I would suggest that the orange cord, seen on the lawn, is NOT what RN was hanged by, but that it was cord that was used to bind her wrists with, and that either AS or the medics had untied that cord.
But then again, that orange cord IMO seems WAY to long to have been used to tie up her wrists.

I´m not so sure that what appear to be rope in #535 all IS rope. I do agree that the part directly connected to the balcony, the shoter part, indeed IS rope, but the rest might be leafs or somthing from the tree/vegitation growing right under the balcony

GOSH! I wish we had more detailed information about this case :maddening:

I do not think she was hung by the orange extension cord. I think it was only used to tie hands and possibly her feet (even though reports say feet were bound but not tied). I believe that was in earlier MSM reports. I don't know why it is so long......

If she was hung by rope and AS cut her down, the pictures do not show a rope coming from her neck, unless it is "hidden" by the blue scarf. Even though I don't think he cut her down.

And I agree part of the rope from balcony is "blurred" and I am not sure what is really below the blur.

I agree we need more information!!!:banghead::banghead:
This is OT somewhat but it also is another strange suicide.

Pimienta Family Murder-Suicide: Autopsy Reveals Grim Details In San Diego Family's Deaths

SAN DIEGO — A tow-truck operator killed himself by tying a weight to his neck in the family swimming pool, and his wife and two daughters were forcibly drowned, according to an autopsy report released Wednesday.

Alfredo Pimienta, 44, was found fully clothed, with his hands secured behind his back with rusty handcuffs and a yellow rope tied around his ankles. His head was weighted down by a tow hitch attached to a wire around his neck.

A far out thought: is there a "suicide staged" serial killer on the lose in San Diego?

Actually I don´t belive that myself, I just had to share the thought anyway.
I sure wish we had more clear and detailed photos of the scene. It would really help to study this case, but ...


Your pictures have been very, very helpful!!!

Much appreciated!!!!

A far out thought: is there a "suicide staged" serial killer on the lose in San Diego?

Actually I don´t belive that myself, I just had to share the thought anyway.

Oh goodness I hope not.

Now that would be a new twist, wouldnt it?

This is OT somewhat but it also is another strange suicide.

Pimienta Family Murder-Suicide: Autopsy Reveals Grim Details In San Diego Family's Deaths

SAN DIEGO — A tow-truck operator killed himself by tying a weight to his neck in the family swimming pool, and his wife and two daughters were forcibly drowned, according to an autopsy report released Wednesday.

Alfredo Pimienta, 44, was found fully clothed, with his hands secured behind his back with rusty handcuffs and a yellow rope tied around his ankles. His head was weighted down by a tow hitch attached to a wire around his neck.

Interesting but, IMO, handcuffs are easier to do oneself...not that I have any experience with that sort of thing...:innocent: JMO
But the problem is that the length, of the alleged rope seen hanging from the balcony in the picture in #535, added with the length of the orange cord seen in the picture of RN's body lying on the lawn, would be WAY long to have been the hanging rope, do you follow me?

Now IF the alleged rope seen hanging from the balcony in the picture in #535 indeed IS the rest of the rope RN's body was hanging from, then I would suggest that the orange cord, seen on the lawn, is NOT what RN was hanged by, but that it was cord that was used to bind her wrists with, and that either AS or the medics had untied that cord.
But then again, that orange cord IMO seems WAY to long to have been used to tie up her wrists.

I´m not so sure that what appear to be rope in #535 all IS rope. I do agree that the part directly connected to the balcony, the shoter part, indeed IS rope, but the rest might be leafs or somthing from the tree/vegitation growing right under the balcony

GOSH! I wish we had more detailed information about this case :maddening:

I agree...I recall that video and, imo, I saw a difference in color of the 'cord' around Rebecca and it appeared to me to be the same color, or very close to, the 'rope' hanging from the balcony...I saw a more brownish 'rope' around her arm area...and a more 'orangey' colored 'cord' in the seemed like there was less of the brownish 'rope', let's say, visable, at least, to me...the difference in color was seen by me, for one, in the video where they used that light to emphasize the cord...not sure, can't recall if anyone else noticed the slight, but obvious to me, color change, one just seemed WAY more orangier, imo...I don't have the video link, I did post it previously, as have others...
I do not think she was hung by the orange extension cord. I think it was only used to tie hands and possibly her feet (even though reports say feet were bound but not tied). I believe that was in earlier MSM reports. I don't know why it is so long......

If she was hung by rope and AS cut her down, the pictures do not show a rope coming from her neck, unless it is "hidden" by the blue scarf. Even though I don't think he cut her down.

And I agree part of the rope from balcony is "blurred" and I am not sure what is really below the blur.

I agree we need more information!!!:banghead::banghead:

You have to step back and look at the evidence before you, then take AS's account an see what fits and what doesn't.

1. He claims that his intent was to try and revive her
2. The body proves that no attempt was ever made.
3. He said he cut the rope from around her neck
4. Then he called 911 stating that the woman appeared dead.

Being that close to her he had to know if she was dead or not
He is giving fragmented accounts.

How do you try to revive a woman who appears to be dead. He has the world twisted and everyone is claiming she was hung but not 1 person other than him can validate it and the world believes him.

<modsnip>. If he cut her down like everyone thinks. Where is the second portion of the rope?

He cut the rope from around her neck. That means that the rope is intact on the balcony. Did he make two cuts or one.

How do you cut the rope from around the neck of a hanging woman.

...I I I...
or down here

How do you get the slack to place the cutting article between the rope with tension.

Play the scenario out.

Wake up 6:40 A.M you go outside look up and see a body hanging.
There are only so many logical options.

A. Call 911 and then make attempts to assist
B. Make an assessment to help and then call 911.

In his account he did both but the logic in which he spoke is fragmented.

If you cut the rope from around her neck and carried the body a few feet then you know the status of the person why do you say appear if the revival attempt failed?

The action do not follow rhyme or reason.
Has there even been a recent press conference or announcement or anything?
You have to step back and look at the evidence before you, then take AS's account an see what fits and what doesn't.

1. He claims that his intent was to try and revive her
2. The body proves that no attempt was ever made.
3. He said he cut the rope from around her neck
4. Then he called 911 stating that the woman appeared dead.

Being that close to her he had to know if she was dead or not
He is giving fragmented accounts.

How do you try to revive a woman who appears to be dead. He has the world twisted and everyone is claiming she was hung but not 1 person other than him can validate it and the world believes him.

<modsnip>. If he cut her down like everyone thinks. Where is the second portion of the rope?

He cut the rope from around her neck. That means that the rope is intact on the balcony. Did he make two cuts or one.

How do you cut the rope from around the neck of a hanging woman.

...I I I...
or down here

How do you get the slack to place the cutting article between the rope with tension.

Play the scenario out.

Wake up 6:40 A.M you go outside look up and see a body hanging.
There are only so many logical options.

A. Call 911 and then make attempts to assist
B. Make an assessment to help and then call 911.

In his account he did both but the logic in which he spoke is fragmented.

If you cut the rope from around her neck and carried the body a few feet then you know the status of the person why do you say appear if the revival attempt failed?

The action do not follow rhyme or reason.

The investigators at the scene probably have a much more detailed account than has been released.
The investigators at the scene probably have a much more detailed account than has been released.


The method in which that rope was cut will tell all. They have have an hurdle that they cannot get past. Notice the family is quiet. That means they are in the loop so something is going on.
I agree...I recall that video and, imo, I saw a difference in color of the 'cord' around Rebecca and it appeared to me to be the same color, or very close to, the 'rope' hanging from the balcony...I saw a more brownish 'rope' around her arm area...and a more 'orangey' colored 'cord' in the seemed like there was less of the brownish 'rope', let's say, visable, at least, to me...the difference in color was seen by me, for one, in the video where they used that light to emphasize the cord...not sure, can't recall if anyone else noticed the slight, but obvious to me, color change, one just seemed WAY more orangier, imo...I don't have the video link, I did post it previously, as have others...
Yes, I remember seeing a picture where you could distinguish the rope from extension cord. I have no idea where that picture is, it must have been before they blurred the pictures I think.

The method in which that rope was cut will tell all. They have have an hurdle that they cannot get past. Notice the family is quiet. That means they are in the loop so something is going on.

It's an assumption on your part that the family is in the loop.
They? Who is THEY ?

Can it be discussed without instructions?
This is OT somewhat but it also is another strange suicide.

Pimienta Family Murder-Suicide: Autopsy Reveals Grim Details In San Diego Family's Deaths

SAN DIEGO — A tow-truck operator killed himself by tying a weight to his neck in the family swimming pool, and his wife and two daughters were forcibly drowned, according to an autopsy report released Wednesday.

Alfredo Pimienta, 44, was found fully clothed, with his hands secured behind his back with rusty handcuffs and a yellow rope tied around his ankles. His head was weighted down by a tow hitch attached to a wire around his neck.

That's too much disparity does not sound right..................Appears to be too much assurance for his death too much resistance for the others.

1. Tow hitch?
2. Wife resistance
3. Children would have been heavily drugged by parents to ease situation.
4. If the bruises coincides with the tub edges then that was a struggle.
5. The need to analyze the hand writing for nervousness or stress.

that is a bad one......that has more strings this this one. They need to key on that dress. If a family member can verify the true stature or significance of that dress then they got a lead.

For example if she stated that "I would not be caught dead in this dress again" to a family member and it is laid out then she could possible be sending a message.
You have to step back and look at the evidence before you, then take AS's account an see what fits and what doesn't.

1. He claims that his intent was to try and revive her
2. The body proves that no attempt was ever made.
3. He said he cut the rope from around her neck
4. Then he called 911 stating that the woman appeared dead.

Being that close to her he had to know if she was dead or not
He is giving fragmented accounts.

Snipped for space... with all due respect, have you seen AS' complete statement to police? I sure haven't since all search warrants, witness statements, autopsies, and evidence are sealed. We do not know anything of what he did in what order, and I have yet to see a statement from LE or AS himself that said he cut the rope from around her neck. The LE press conference was very vague saying only that he cut her down. If there is a MSM link, I'd love to see it as in all the reading on this case I've done I've seen nothing regarding how and where he cut the rope.
You have to step back and look at the evidence before you, then take AS's account an see what fits and what doesn't.

<modsnip>. If he cut her down like everyone thinks. Where is the second portion of the rope?

I snipped above from your post......


I haven't seem any evidence released in this case....only the pictures we have looked at here a zagillion times!

I believe that RN was murdered. I know I have wavered between DS and JS as perps....with AS possibly being involved in the "staging".

I totally enjoy reading everyone's theories and, unless one of us has inside information, every one is "sleuthing". Yes, once LE determines whether RN left this earth either by her own actions or someone else's, then we will know which "theories" were spot on......

<modsnip>, all I can say is

:lol::lol::lol: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
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