Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #5

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I agree. The photos are likely taken at the same time. If they appear different is because the angle is different. I don't see anything to suggest that photos are taken at different times. All other objects in the photos appear to be in the same positions as far as I can tell. I think she was dead for hours before being cut down. Her legs are bend, so if she was hanging, she must have been hanging close to the ground with feet touching the ground to achieve the bended legs like that.

Do you know if she was hanging right side up before AS cut her down or upside down.
The reason I ask is the ritual could be of a Hanged Man on a tarot deck.
If it was a ritualistic murder.
The Hanged Man means sacrifice/self sacrifice
Yes, that would be the bedroom.

Also keep in mind that there are two guest houses on the property and we don't know which one Adam was staying in. If I had to guess, I would say it was the larger one, not the one with the garage in it. I would think that was for the help. The stairs belong to the house with the garage in it

I believe the guest house is to the right of the picture, the caretakers place is over the garage to the left. Better picture too, thanks


In comparing these two, am I correct in where I put the red line on the bedroom that this is the room where RN was found hanging from?
Yes, that is the room that has the balcony.
The balcony level is 11'0" from the ground (as seen in the plan drawings in the pdf that arielilane posted)
Also, as seen in the plan drawings in the pdf that Arielilane posted, the stairway that goes to the apartment above the garage does not go directly to the back courtyard of the main house. It goes down, has a landing and turns at the wall and goes further down a few steps to the ground and then, one has to go through that arched opening and gate to get to the courtyard.
I'm not sure if any of these pictures will assist anyone, however, I am posting them anyway. lol
Link provided, too.

Guest House


In looking at the floor plan. The bedroom with the balcony is above the kitchen area.
The master bedroom is at the end/other corner of the house. I would think you could look out the master bedroom window and see the balcony (someone mentioned this before).

I can't see this being Maxie's room since it is so far away from the master.

Did she stand and stare at the balcony and contemplate suicide?

She had 4 bathrooms upstairs she could have chosen to commit suicide in.

Did RN voluntarily go to this room or was she chased?

Where was the picture hung? Was there things overturned, a struggle? That a long way to run to get away from someone.
That is a really good point, why was RN way up the other end of the house from the master bedroom? As well, I think your right as well regarding MS bedroom it was probably the one that is next to the master and the top of the stairs. I think being chased is a good probability.
Do you know if she was hanging right side up before AS cut her down or upside down.
The reason I ask is the ritual could be of a Hanged Man on a tarot deck.
If it was a ritualistic murder.
The Hanged Man means sacrifice/self sacrifice

If she were hanging upside down her blood would be pooling into her head. And her legs wouldn't be bend like that.
I did not realize how close all the houses are. Any type of music would be heard!! The white house to the right, wonder if that where the boys were up on the roof? It has a straight on view of the court yard.

In looking at the "lay" of the orange extension cord.....she may have been carried from either of the guest houses......

It looks like there is only one way down from the upstairs.....would have to go thru the whole house......

I have so many questions;

was the master bedroom's bed "slept" in
was her clothes in a pile or about
did she have any wounds - defensive

did one of the search warrants include the guest houses.....I know one included the garage..would that include the apartment above???

Was she strapped/tied to a chair and choked to death with the blue scarf....

I know in one report there said there was 2 other people staying on grounds at the guest house; if true, they may have been in the bigger one...

AS may have been above the garage...

Everyone, thanks so much for the pictures!!

Also, the property is owned by Emerald Isle II, 35
has JS's phone #s and email

DS's house is owned by a trust fund, i think...
Hello Everyone,

I've just joined this community, found it online while trying to find info about Rebecca Nalepa's murder ( I don't believe for one second it was suicide). I am floored by the amount of info and theories you have been able to come up with working together, the floor plans of the house are especially helpful.

I've been thinking a lot about RN, and this is what I think happened to her:

She was home and getting ready for bed or already in bed. The killer surprised her in bed and disabled her somehow (chloraform?) and tied her arms behind her and bound her ankles. She was a very strong young woman, and she would fight, so this was necessary. If she was wearing clothes, they were cut off her to remove the possibility of DNA evidence. If she was sleeping naked the killer could not dress her after binding her.

She was either strangled right there in the bedroom (which was not sucessful, since she was still alive when the EMTs got there), or was carried or dragged to the balcony and lifted over to hang. Either possibility is cruel, but to leave her hanging there to die slowly is especially cruel.

I believe that something like this is what had to have actually happened, since suicide is out of the question in my mind. If she killed herself, she would not have been nude. I could be wrong.

So, the next question is, who would do that and in that way? Why not, if you want to kill someone and make it look like suicide, overdose them with pills mixed up in a drink, or shoot them or slit thier wrists or put a plastic bag over their head?

Well, none of the above would have worked because:

She is too strong to slit her wrists for her without sedating her,

You can't be sure the pill overdose would actually work for hours,

A gunshot would have the police there before you have time to get back to the hospital (if it was JS or DS),

A plastic bag or any other method done inside the private area of the house would not give you a reason to find them and call the police (if it was AS alone or with JS).

I think it was JS because he had the motive of revenge for his son and he is, by some accounts very arrogant. It seems arrogant to me to stage a suicide that looks to everyone to be a murder, perhaps because he knows nothing can be proved.

Well, there is my more than 2 cents.

This death really bothers me, and the lack of information from the police bothers me too. :maddening:
She was not alive when EMTs got there. Had she been, I am sure there would have been a lot of effort to save her and she would have been transported to the hospital. I believe she was most likely dead for hours before EMTs got there and was already in rigor mortis.
I agree. The photos are likely taken at the same time. If they appear different is because the angle is different. I don't see anything to suggest that photos are taken at different times. All other objects in the photos appear to be in the same positions as far as I can tell. I think she was dead for hours before being cut down. Her legs are bend, so if she was hanging, she must have been hanging close to the ground with feet touching the ground to achieve the bended legs like that.

RM could cause the legs to draw up as the muscles contract , her feet would not have to be touching the ground for that to happen based on what I know about RM. So if she was cut down after RM her legs might appear bent due to that.

I am no expert. Based on what I have learned ,read and studied for no other reason except wanting to know what happens, things could lead to more of a contraction or less of a contraction in certain muscles and in certain conditions and tempetures, including what type of activity or which muscles groups might have been used shorty before death. Those impacted muscles could or may contract more then other muscles groups. Lot of variables. If the picture was not blurred ,looking for a the signs of pooled blood in the body under the skin would help know where she was and how she was positioned (if hanging or laid on the ground ) before RM set in. So if somebody has those images we cant post them here but looking for the purple or pinker or "off" from other parts of her body might help figure out if she was ever hanging. Then maybe whoever could draw a chart shading those area's in.

Body temp ,outside temp physical activity , affects muscles or rather they way RM happens in them.

:fireworks2: :greetings: :welcome: :Bananasnap: :wagon:

Glad to have another perspective.

Happy posting!!

I think may be that pictures are taken at two different angles, with the first one taken more to left.

I thought that too at first. I showed them to my neighbor, who was previously in homicide for STL, then he was a detective going around the country collecting criminals on warrants and now he's a supervisor of a beat (his wife has colon cancer so he asked to go to beat work with steady hours & no travel.) His opinion is the pictures are in fact distinctly different with #4 being taken within an hour of the victim being found, and #5 being taken hours later. He relays that he's been on the scene of suspicious deaths were the body does in fact move due to RM setting in. Says it "freaks him out" when the body does stiffen & drop after a period of time. His opinion is "at face value, it's a homicide... however, I've seen some pretty wacked out suicides where we didn't think it was possible". So the mystery goes on... I have great respect for Frank. He pulled a TON of strings after the good Friday tornado here when I had a friend whose son was missing and the cops chalked him up to a runaway. Turns out he couldn't get home so he bunked with a friend and couldn't call mom due to cell phone & electrical outages.
She was not alive when EMTs got there. Had she been, I am sure there would have been a lot of effort to save her and she would have been transported to the hospital. I believe she was most likely dead for hours before EMTs got there and was already in rigor mortis.

I may be mistaking the fact that both AS and the EMTs tried to revive her (I read that somewhere) for her being close to death but not dead yet. But of course, they would try anyway, even if she had no pulse and was not breathing.

Thanks for the welcome scorekeeper!
I thought that too at first. I showed them to my neighbor, who was previously in homicide for STL, then he was a detective going around the country collecting criminals on warrants and now he's a supervisor of a beat (his wife has colon cancer so he asked to go to beat work with steady hours & no travel.) His opinion is the pictures are in fact distinctly different with #4 being taken within an hour of the victim being found, and #5 being taken hours later. He relays that he's been on the scene of suspicious deaths were the body does in fact move due to RM setting in. Says it "freaks him out" when the body does stiffen & drop after a period of time. His opinion is "at face value, it's a homicide... however, I've seen some pretty wacked out suicides where we didn't think it was possible". So the mystery goes on... I have great respect for Frank. He pulled a TON of strings after the good Friday tornado here when I had a friend whose son was missing and the cops chalked him up to a runaway. Turns out he couldn't get home so he bunked with a friend and couldn't call mom due to cell phone & electrical outages.

These photos appear to be in sequence, taken close to each other in time, because the objects are in the same position. The table with a broken leg is in the same position in all photos. There is an object (looks like a bottle) between the table's legs in all the photos. If the photos were taken hours apart, I would inspect the objects to be moved. So I see no evidence these photos are taken hours apart.
I may be mistaking the fact that both AS and the EMTs tried to revive her (I read that somewhere) for her being close to death but not dead yet. But of course, they would try anyway, even if she had no pulse and was not breathing.

Thanks for the welcome scorekeeper!

I don't see any evidence EMTs tried to revive her. Her hands are still bound behind her back. If EMTs tried to do CPR, to do it properly, she would have to be laid on her back on a hard surface. I see no evidence any of it was done.
Hello Everyone,

I've just joined this community, found it online while trying to find info about Rebecca Nalepa's murder ( I don't believe for one second it was suicide). I am floored by the amount of info and theories you have been able to come up with working together, the floor plans of the house are especially helpful.

I've been thinking a lot about RN, and this is what I think happened to her:

She was home and getting ready for bed or already in bed. The killer surprised her in bed and disabled her somehow (chloraform?) and tied her arms behind her and bound her ankles. She was a very strong young woman, and she would fight, so this was necessary. If she was wearing clothes, they were cut off her to remove the possibility of DNA evidence. If she was sleeping naked the killer could not dress her after binding her.

She was either strangled right there in the bedroom (which was not sucessful, since she was still alive when the EMTs got there), or was carried or dragged to the balcony and lifted over to hang. Either possibility is cruel, but to leave her hanging there to die slowly is especially cruel.

I believe that something like this is what had to have actually happened, since suicide is out of the question in my mind. If she killed herself, she would not have been nude. I could be wrong.

So, the next question is, who would do that and in that way? Why not, if you want to kill someone and make it look like suicide, overdose them with pills mixed up in a drink, or shoot them or slit thier wrists or put a plastic bag over their head?

Well, none of the above would have worked because:

She is too strong to slit her wrists for her without sedating her,

You can't be sure the pill overdose would actually work for hours,

A gunshot would have the police there before you have time to get back to the hospital (if it was JS or DS),

A plastic bag or any other method done inside the private area of the house would not give you a reason to find them and call the police (if it was AS alone or with JS).

I think it was JS because he had the motive of revenge for his son and he is, by some accounts very arrogant. It seems arrogant to me to stage a suicide that looks to everyone to be a murder, perhaps because he knows nothing can be proved.

Well, there is my more than 2 cents.

This death really bothers me, and the lack of information from the police bothers me too. :maddening:

I agree with some, actually most, of your post. Welcome to WS, hope you love it here as much as we do.
I was sitting in the waiting room @ Firestone getting my tires rotated yesterday and CNN was on. They did a quick segment on the Mysterious Deaths in Coronado. The older gentleman sitting next to me turned out to be a retired Medical Examiner from Los Angeles. He said he has seen suicides as wacky and strange as that hanging. Not often, but it does happen sometimes. He is not sure and is on the fence, but he is not convinced it is a homicide. I asked about the strange way her legs were bent, like she was sitting down. He explained it to me, and I could not follow all of the medical terms, and he was mumbling, BUT apparently, by her being cut down in the middle of RM perhaps, the body can go through various cycles and seem to change position on their own, depending upon body memory. I do not fully understand but he did not seem to think it was that surprising that her knees were bent up that way while she was laid out on the lawn. He said that first being cut down and then being manipulated by the first responders would change everything from the initial death pose.

[ He also thinks they know everything there is to know about Celina Cass already but are stalling to get their legal ducks in a row.]
I was sitting in the waiting room @ Firestone getting my tires rotated yesterday and CNN was on. They did a quick segment on the Mysterious Deaths in Coronado. The older gentleman sitting next to me turned out to be a retired Medical Examiner from Los Angeles. He said he has seen suicides as wacky and strange as that hanging. Not often, but it does happen sometimes. He is not sure and is on the fence, but he is not convinced it is a homicide. I asked about the strange way her legs were bent, like she was sitting down. He explained it to me, and I could not follow all of the medical terms, and he was mumbling, BUT apparently, by her being cut down in the middle of RM perhaps, the body can go through various cycles and seem to change position on their own, depending upon body memory. I do not fully understand but he did not seem to think it was that surprising that her knees were bent up that way while she was laid out on the lawn. He said that first being cut down and then being manipulated by the first responders would change everything from the initial death pose.

[ He also thinks they know everything there is to know about Celina Cass already but are stalling to get their legal ducks in a row.]

I hope you asked him to join here!! LOL.
These photos appear to be in sequence, taken close to each other in time, because the objects are in the same position. The table with a broken leg is in the same position in all photos. There is an object (looks like a bottle) between the table's legs in all the photos. If the photos were taken hours apart, I would inspect the objects to be moved. So I see no evidence these photos are taken hours apart.

We'll agree to disagree :) What I'm looking at the space between her legs, and especially between her feet. In 4 there is a lot of space. In 5 the legs are over each other.... you can definitely tell by looking at the feet and the hips seem to rotate towards the left side of the body. You cannot get this same effect with taking the picture from different angles. I can see where RM is setting in, muscles contracting and gravity pulling the legs down thereby changing the position of the body. I see where the table hasn't moved, neither has the white object that looks like a Wii controller or a phone (but I'm sure it's neither). The inanimate objects won't move by themselves. A body however can once RM has set in. There's always been reports of bodies twitching, arms flailing, etc... in morgues as RM sets in. It's very possible that happened here between the time the 911 call was placed at 6:48 a.m. and the time RN's body was removed from the scene around 2 p.m.
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