Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #6

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This is total B.S. and it is what I predicted almost from the start! Too much power and $$$$. Just keep LE tiptoeing around, the suspects (oh, sorry, POI's) giving them nothing, probably not even interviews. AND, does LE know where any of them are?

Would the average Joe be treated this way? I think not. :sick:

I really dont think this is rare. When the investigation is ongoing and not complete LE says very little except maybe they are waiting on the tox reports to come back in. I.e...the Celina Cass case.

Hmm... Ocean don't you think they'd say something more even if the tox report is not back? In Celina's case they said the autopsy was inconclusive.
Someone above asked about service staff. Were there any? I don't recall ever reading/hearing about any.
Hmm... Ocean don't you think they'd say something more even if the tox report is not back? In Celina's case they said the autopsy was inconclusive.

No, I really don't, time. A lot of LE are very closed mouth in various cases until the ongoing investigation is complete and the tox reports are returned to the ME.

It really is the same thing in Celina's case. The autopsy report in Rebecca's case did not yield what they needed either to prove it was a homicide or suicide so we might as well say until the tox reports come back in the AR is pending/inconclusive since that is always included in the final report and COD/MOD as far as we know now remains unknown.

LE really seems like they do need to know what she had taken or been given right before she died. If they find alcohol in her system then LE should have found the alcohol in the residence or pills in the residence too if they find drugs in her system. I think they are looking to see if it matches up with what they found and if they find either in the tox reports, I am sure they have already sent the alcohol bottles or pill bottles in to be tested for fingerprints.

Someone above asked about service staff. Were there any? I don't recall ever reading/hearing about any.

Not that I have heard. Which to me is unbelievable...summer time/vacation; but someone posted that perhaps they had only 'day help'....but then again no help mentioned on the day Maxie has his accident.....

The only people supposedly in the mansion.......AS and RN

The people listed as "witnesses" (not a 'witness' as i think) were AS, JS
and I am drawing a blank if DS was named.......

Been a long day.......

Not that I have heard. Which to me is unbelievable...summer time/vacation; but someone posted that perhaps they had only 'day help'....but then again no help mentioned on the day Maxie has his accident.....

The only people supposedly in the mansion.......AS and RN

The people listed as "witnesses" (not a 'witness' as i think) were AS, JS
and I am drawing a blank if DS was named.......

Been a long day.......


Yes, Dina was also listed as a 'witness', score.

Goodnight. I am off to bed too.:seeya:

Interesting article from the Examiner (nothing new, really), although better written than most, and interesting data for both theories.

This says Max fell at 10am. Previous reports had him falling at 6:45am.
The references about China are irrelevant.
What "journalist" editorializes about another reporter's POV, article?
Why not equal speculation for homicide likelihood?
Reads like sad PR for team suicide.
Interesting article from the Examiner (nothing new, really), although better written than most, and interesting data for both theories.

Actually it detail specific points pertinent to the investigation.

This comment is really important...........

Ms. Zahau's sister, Mary P. Zahau-Loehner, who lives in Saint Joseph, Missouri, told ABC News that she spoke with Rebecca Tuesday night, July 12, one day before she died and all seemed well. "She was normal, fine, just getting ready to go to bed," she said.

This established a time line of contact. The question is when did the call end. Once again that validation of the music plays a key role and the potential answer to when she (or was) disrobed for bed and the significance of the music.

According to BNET, in the specific death of Ms. Zahau, the key piece of evidence may well be the knot which tied her hands together behind her back, and the determination if it was possible for her to tie that by herself. There may also be trace DNA evidence found on her body and on the ligature cord.

These are solid questions that leads to the truth.

So many little factors........if answer could lead the way.

If she shower before the event and was the soles of her feet dirty at the scene. It will indicate if she walked or was she carried...........

lot of questions to validate the event.

I'm afraid detailing specific points pertinent to the investigation and reading like a PR piece for team suicide are not mutually exclusive.
This says Max fell at 10am. Previous reports had him falling at 6:45am.

Without having read the article, but based on your information only, I recall the times referenced in the article as being correct. If my memory serves me correctly, Max fell at approximately 10am. To refresh your memory, MS's Father, JS was on his way back home from the gym. There is speculation that his daughter may have left the premises and returned to her Mother's home prior to police & emergency personnel arriving on MS's behalf. It was the 911 call regarding Rebecca that was made at approximately 6:45am. At this time, AS was staying at JS's guest house. AS found RN hanging from the balcony in the mansion's courtyard. AS cut RN down & then called 911. AS's occupation has something to do with tugboats, IMO, since his job dictates that he start his workday would make sense that he would start everyday early out of habit. Perhaps, you've somehow transposed the times along the way.
Interesting article from the Examiner (nothing new, really), although better written than most, and interesting data for both theories.

The excellent report this author claims cited cases of other women committing suicide by binding their hands and feet, didn't actually cite any cases of other WOMEN binding their hands and FEET. If somebody claims there have been cases of similar suicide (which would be a NAKED woman hanging herself OUTSIDE after binding her hands and FEET), then they should actually find such a case-and I've yet to see it.
The excellent report this author claims cited cases of other women committing suicide by binding their hands and feet, didn't actually cite any cases of other WOMEN binding their hands and FEET. If somebody claims there have been cases of similar suicide (which would be a NAKED woman hanging herself OUTSIDE after binding her hands and FEET), then they should actually find such a case-and I've yet to see it.

The problem with that is there isn't any detailed studies on the exact methodology used. So it is impossible to find one that fits one particular profile completely.

Here is a case though were a male hung himself in an open area while naked and bound.

Nov. 24, 2009
The part-time census worker found naked, bound and hanging from a tree had staged his suicide to make it appear like murder, authorities said today.

When the body of Bill Sparkman, 51, was found near a rural Kentucky cemetery in September, he was gagged, had duct tape over his eyes and neck, his hands and feet were bound with tape, and he had "fed" scrawled on his chest.

Authorities initially investigated whether Sparkman had been a victim of anti-government sentiment, but today they said in a statement that he died during an "intentional, self-inflicted act that was staged to appear as a homicide."
Interesting article from the Examiner (nothing new, really), although better written than most, and interesting data for both theories.

According to BNET, in the specific death of Ms. Zahau, the key piece of evidence may well be the knot which tied her hands together behind her back, and the determination if it was possible for her to tie that by herself. There may also be trace DNA evidence found on her body and on the ligature cord.
Not to say the obvious ....but there would not be a ligature cord if RN committed sucide. :dunno:
The problem with that is there isn't any detailed studies on the exact methodology used. So it is impossible to find one that fits one particular profile completely.

Here is a case though were a male hung himself in an open area while naked and bound.

Nov. 24, 2009
The part-time census worker found naked, bound and hanging from a tree had staged his suicide to make it appear like murder, authorities said today.

When the body of Bill Sparkman, 51, was found near a rural Kentucky cemetery in September, he was gagged, had duct tape over his eyes and neck, his hands and feet were bound with tape, and he had "fed" scrawled on his chest.

Authorities initially investigated whether Sparkman had been a victim of anti-government sentiment, but today they said in a statement that he died during an "intentional, self-inflicted act that was staged to appear as a homicide."

That guy supposedly had a good reason to stage a suicide to look like murder-insurance that wouldn't pay for suicide but would for murder. If RN supposedly killed herself over guilt because the child has died on her watch-why would she try to stage her suicide to look like murder? I would expect a completely different MO and a note describing how sorry she was and how guilty she felt.
This says Max fell at 10am. Previous reports had him falling at 6:45am.
The references about China are irrelevant.
What "journalist" editorializes about another reporter's POV, article?
Why not equal speculation for homicide likelihood?
Reads like sad PR for team suicide.
:seeya: I believe the 911 call for MS accident came in at 10:10 am not 6:45
That guy supposedly had a good reason to stage a suicide to look like murder-insurance that wouldn't pay for suicide but would for murder. If RN supposedly killed herself over guilt because the child has died on her watch-why would she try to stage her suicide to look like murder? I would expect a completely different MO and a note describing how sorry she was and how guilty she felt.

That is true but it does show that those who commit suicide can be very creative.

While his motive was so his children could get insurance money the methods used are similar to Rebecca's meaning it is doable imo. That is why I linked the article in the first place.

If Rebecca's death is a suicide then we don't know what her motivation was to do it the way she did. No one is capable of reading what was in the mind at the time of someone who commits suicide. Just like some decide to shoot themselves, hang themselves, or take an overdose of drugs,etc. Why each one of them picked a certain methodology is known only to them.

Now I still don't know if her death was a suicide or a homicide but I do see where she would be capable of carrying it out IF IF IF she killed herself.

I can also see this as a homicide.

So still waiting for new information.

I know there are many who, even when all the results come in, won't be happy with the outcome of the investigation. That will be whether it's ruled a suicide or a homicide.

I will say this, as a family member who someone attempted suicide, unsuccessfully I might add, but you never know what's going through someone else's head, no matter how close you are. Seriously......

Under normal circumstances, Ms. Nalepa most likely would NEVER have contimplated suicide. But this wasn't usual and I can just imagine the mental state she was in. It's just too bad she didn't confide in anyone before she apparently, imho, took the fatal step of allegedly hanging herself.

Ms. Nalepa's incident happened almost two days after the mishap with M and I truly believe she felt responsible. She and her b/f MAY have already been at odds because the accident did happen on her watch. She may have found her once bright future outlook, disappearing around her like a dark cloud. She may have felt trapped and saw no other way out. She may have also already been somewhat accused of negligence by PERHAPS even both bio parents, and knew that this was an insurmountable obstacle that could NEVER be mended.

The way she was found, unclothed, she may not have even thought of that in the past tense, ie that's how she would be found. When someone is in such a state, they do NOT think of that. IF they survive, they would most likely be embarrassed about how the whole ordeal, including being unclothed as, "What was I thinking?"

No family wants to face the fact their loved one MAY have killed themselves. They then feel responsible for not seeing the obvious signs or realize the circumstances are that devastating to their loved one, that they'd even consider suicide. Been there, done that. The surviving family feels they could have stopped it, if they'd only known. :(

I'm with the original statements by LE when this all began. It appears to be suicide, but circumstances warrant additional investigation. Unfortuneately, forensic evidence takes time to be processed, not even to mention the back log of most forensic labs. I know how backed up they are as one of my daughters is a forensic chemist and she said that there is NO shortage in evidence coming in for testing, but there is a SHORTAGE of qualified forensic chemists and of certified labs as well.

I know it's difficult waiting and nothing happening. But LE is the 'voice' of the silenced, they owe it to them to get it right.


PS....and NOT all suicides leave a note. Really, that's even worse. :( You then may never no WHY? .....fran
It will be interesting if we ever find out how her clothing was arranged. The neater the clothing is piled or folded one on top of the other often means the suicide victim had thought about doing this longer than just a short impulsive period of time that may have been brought on by depression or feelings of despair combined with alcohol or drugs.


That's interesting. I'm wondering where they were found also.

Why mention she sleeps naked. I don't think it matters anyway. But mentioning it seems curious like some reason is being given for why she was in that room and her clothes were not there? Or else there were no clothes found folded or lying around at all, i.e., she got ready for bed and put dirty clothes in the laundry or hung her clothes up? And, I can't imagine anyone close to the investigation giving out any particular info about her clothes.
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