Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #7

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The railing at 1:06 mins in the video is a balcony at a neighbour's house where people were viewing the crime scene. The railing is not part of the Shacknai mansion.
I agree.

If Rebecca was upset enough to take her own life she would probably have been crying, maybe even drinking. In such an emotional state of mind, how could she even come up with such an elaborate suicide plan?

If the hanging was well thought out, ahead of time, wouldn't she have found a rope that was easier to tie?

Either way it doesn't make any sense. There's no way I will ever believe that Rebecca did this to herself. Actually, I'm leaning towards the theory that someone killed her first and then hung her in that fashion to make a statement.

I'm sure the medical examiner already knows the cause of death, but I don't think LE has made it public.


Yes, they all know, as you stated, BUT it has not been made publice.

Gee, wonder shy?
The railing at 1:06 mins in the video is a balcony at a neighbour's house where people were viewing the crime scene. The railing is not part of the Shacknai mansion.

Thank you for the info. Darn, every time I think I found something new and interesting, it's not.
So, does anyone know what the Coronado Island or Scottsdale locals think happened?
So, does anyone know what the Coronado Island or Scottsdale locals think happened?

I will tell u that a close neighbor saw the chandelier being carried out by officers which was apparently not videotaped by the press. I understand, monitor, this is considered rumor bit I'll put it out there just the same and I understand if you need to delete it. I also recall but don't have the link at hand that a different neighbor indicated that max had 'fallen on the chandelier'. I will look for that link as corroborating evidence of this other neighbor's recalling of events. I understand it is still rumor.

I don't know the significance of this, I am just wanting to add to the information known about the event.
From the ground view you can see the branch is aligned to the center of the balcony blending with the center brace. From the aerial view it will look to be hanging down from the balcony.

The palms at the end of the branch are not fanned out.

Thanks for the insightful posts, Inobu.

Just to avoid confusion in this and future discussion, the "branch" and "palms" are actually a cactus (euphorbia ingens), not a palm tree.
I will tell u that a close neighbor saw the chandelier being carried out by officers which was apparently not videotaped by the press. I understand, monitor, this is considered rumor bit I'll put it out there just the same and I understand if you need to delete it. I also recall but don't have the link at hand that a different neighbor indicated that max had 'fallen on the chandelier'. I will look for that link as corroborating evidence of this other neighbor's recalling of events. I understand it is still rumor.

I don't know the significance of this, I am just wanting to add to the information known about the event.

I heard the same from Coronado residents from early on in this case: from families, neighbors, and island gas pump attendants alike.
A pause for thought: is it possible LE will never ever make an official statement? Is LE required by law to issue a conclusion on a death investigation?

Autopsy lagging. But my understanding that tox reports tend to take at least two months (tox reports from Ronnie Chasen still not back).
Well, if MS fell onto the chandelier, then he must have fallen from then 2nd floor hallway along the top of the staircase.
I agree that the fall could have been from the second floor hallway which a sibling could also term as a balcony.
Thanks for the insightful posts, Inobu.

Just to avoid confusion in this and future discussion, the "branch" and "palms" are actually a cactus (euphorbia ingens), not a palm tree.

Ok, at we least we know its not a Palm or a rope............. but it really looks like an (Imeyesore Nneedofh2o) ..........

Autopsy lagging. But my understanding that tox reports tend to take at least two months (tox reports from Ronnie Chasen still not back).

Since the LE set up a special website for announcement, I am sure they will announce this one. My guess they will just say it was suicide, but it's sure taking them long enough.
The table could have broken when she was contorting herself to get her feet through her hands if she were sitting on the table to reach the cord. Was the scarf an extension for the extension cord or under the cord? Could she have been strangled with the scarf and then hog-tied and hung with the extension cord........if indeed it was a scarf and not a piece of medical equipment?

One thing I realized when I did my test. That was the longest item in our house except for the garden hose. If I needed that length of rope I would be s.o.l. One potential reason to use the extension cord.

Why did she need a long cord on her hands and feet? If all is accomplished by binding hands is to prevent herself from saving herself, why would she need a really long cord to bind her hands? Any short belt would suffice.
I just went downstairs and got our yellow extension cord and attempted to pull this off. You must tie the feet first, then work your way up to the hands. Once the hands are tied together, it is very difficult (impossible for me) to force the arms far enough apart to get the legs through. There is no room, no slack. If you tie it loose enough to perform that contortion then the cord is not tight on your hands. And remember this is not like handcuffs where there is chain and therefore slack, giving room to maneuver - the wrists have to be tightly bound together for it to work. Either way I cannot simply pass my bound feet through my hands to have them behind my back. Cannot. RN had a limp allegedly. Whether she worked out or not, she couldn't have been that flexible to have a permanent limp. That would definitely affect her ability to pull off the contortion necessary to be in the hog tied position she was found in.

I would like to know where the end of the cord was, on her hands or on her feet. The natural choice is to start at the end and since you have to start at the feet, the plug should have been on her feet......MOO. Additionally, tying the hands in the middle of the cord is not easy, alot of winding around but no real knots. Maybe I'm just not smart enough or flexible enough. :crazy:

Your test is still incomplete. You have to do it sitting on a table and break a table leg before you jump without knocking over the table.
I wanted to point out a couple of points I've missed.

JVM interview with Ted Greenberg, Camp Diggity Dog owner about his meeting with Rebecca. He said he talked with RN about five times on Monday, and she broke down crying a couple of times. He couldn't take Ocean, the dog, because of his vaccinations. He arranged to come the next morning and take the dog to the vet for her, and then board the dog. He went to the mansion at 8:45 Tuesday morning and went in.....less than 24 hrs after MS's accident. RN took him upstairs to hook the printer up to the computer and then they went back down to get the dog food. If MS had had such a bad accident as to have major head trauma from striking the chandelier, I would think you wouldn't be bringing people into the house, much less up the stairs (could be a back stairwell out of the kitchen I suppose....but it doesn't say that). He said she was very quiet on Tuesday.

Here is the big thing I missed. JS called on Saturday to pick up the dog. 7/16 I presume.

Mansion Mystery: 2 Deaths in 2 Days

Aired July 19, 2011 - 19:00:00 ET

He says he saw another woman there. On the 16th. At least that is how I read this. I thought the dog was still being boarded there?

So, on the 17th, TV stations start reporting that MS is dead and organs have been donated, and the official statement is the 18th.

Arizona CEO Shacknai's son has died, family confirms
by Robert Anglen and Ken Alltucker - Jul. 17, 2011 05:58 PM
The Arizona Republic

7/11 MS falls, RN tries to get dog boarded but can't.
7/12 TG comes for dog, AS arrives (?)
7/13 RN found allegedly hanging
7/16 JS calls to get dog from TG, TG sees another woman there???
7/17 MS death announced
7/18 official family statement

I cannot say that I would have the presence of mind to think about getting a dog from a kennel in the midst of two deaths in my home, of two of my closest relations. Especially if I didn't board the dog to begin with. I don't think it would even cross my mind. JMO.
Do you think AS stood on the table when he cut RN down, and that lead to the broken table leg?
Did JS call for dog, since kids all gone and alone in home. Also, seemed like it may be an attack dog and provided sense of security. However, doubtful JS stayed at the home after the tragic events- expect him to sell the place.
As I have come to find out and despite being factually correct, that the term “balcony” was used to describe the location from which MS fell, and the fact that RN was said to have been hanging from a balcony, has bothered me, and I’m sure all of you as well, in these two cases.

DS’ man-friend’s teenaged daughter described the location from which MS reportedly fell as a “balcony”. This reasonably leads one to believe that the adult, that informed the teenager, described the location using the term “balcony”.

This could also lead to the further thought that the outside balcony, from which RN was reportedly found hanging, was a deliberate choice (by either RN in a suicide, or by the perp in a homicide) and connects RN’s death to MS’ “tragic accident”.

FYI: Here is the definition of “balcony” with regard to a “stairway” at the following link and under the subheading “Other terminology”:

Balcony: For stairs with an open concept upper floor or landing, the upper floor is functionally a balcony.

[ame=""]Stairway - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:persepolis_24.11.2009_13-12-47.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/a/ae/Persepolis_24.11.2009_13-12-47.jpg/270px-Persepolis_24.11.2009_13-12-47.jpg[/ame]

[This link has everything you ever wanted to know about stairways, terminology, etc., and then some.]
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