Rebecca Zahau Wrongful death trial begins. Trial coverage and discussion #3

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IMO, it’s impossible to give cpr to someone with hands tied behind their back.

This article mentions the possibility of rigor being broken. Since Adam was most likely trained in CPR, he would know the jaw needs to be opened when performing CPR. If I’m reading this correctly, after the muscle is broken it (rigor) doesn’t return. Any mention of the condition of the jaw in the autopsy?


Rigor mortis
Shortly after death all the muscles in the body become soft and flaccid. At a variable time later, they become firm and rigid. This is known as rigor mortis. Rigor commences in the smallest muscles such as those in the face and the hands, and then extends to the limb muscles. Rigor can be ‘broken’ by stretching the muscle, for example by moving the jaw or the elbow, and does not then return.
First responders reported that her jaw was in rigor (and it would have been open if that top was still stuffed in her mouth).
I think it would be really interesting to know what genre AS writes and also reads.
For the record, I don't know when AS cut her down, or if she was ever actually hanging from the noose at all, but imo, he didn't go anywhere near her that morning. I don't for one hot second believe he laid a finger on her when he emerged from the guest house and "discovered" her. She was already in the position LE found her in at that point. All he did was call 911 to kick off the lying.
I think you are totally right about the first letter having been done with the paint tube instead of brush!

I listened to the interview with "Caitlyn" (if I have the name correct) and she mentioned an analysis of the writing couldn't be done because of what was called, "internal inconsistencies," as the letter "E" was mentioned as having been written several different ways within the message.

This stood out to me because the only circumstance in which I've known someone to write a letter several different ways in the same body of text, was in a deliberate attempt to disguise the writing.
There's nothing to remember though if he's breathing directly into the phone and conversing with the 911 dispatcher. Placing the phone down anywhere would not have registered those heavy vocals, imo. Someone would almost need three (3) hands to hold a 100 lb. body, cut through rope with a knife, AND have the phone next to their ear.

I originally read media reports of 2011 that AS said he cut RZ down and removed the gag BEFORE calling 911. Not sure why that account has changed. As it is now, it makes less sense.


It’s pretty clear listening to the 911 call or reading the transcript that he called 911 before the sounds he ostensibly made cutting RZ down. So AS would have to change his account to conform with reality.

<modsnip> ... it&#8217;s not about AS not remembering where he put the phone seven years later. It&#8217;s about the physical impossibility of doing what he claimed to be doing during the 911 call (standing on a table, cutting RZ down and jumping off the table) all the while holding a phone close enough to his face to hear his breathing. &#8220;Not remembering&#8221; in this case is the only way he can avoid admitting that he was not doing what he said he was doing. I don&#8217;t think that will be lost on the jurors.
There's nothing to remember though if he's breathing directly into the phone and conversing with the 911 dispatcher. Placing the phone down anywhere would not have registered those heavy vocals, imo. Someone would almost need three (3) hands to hold a 100 lb. body, cut through rope with a knife, AND have the phone next to their ear.

I originally read media reports of 2011 that AS said he cut RZ down and removed the gag BEFORE calling 911. Not sure why that account has changed. As it is now, it makes less sense.


The location of AS's phone after RZ's death isn't evidence he raped or murdered her. IMO
Shacknai defense calls final experts, rests case

Defense attorneys for Adam Shacknai called two final experts on forensic evidence and suicide Tuesday, then rested their case, bringing to a close the month-long trial in the Rebecca Zahau wrongful death lawsuit.

Attorneys on both sides expect to summarize their cases in closing arguments on Monday.


Dr. Alan Berman, a clinical psychologist and an adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, testified that he has conducted thousands of suicide risk assessments in his 50-year career.


Defense attorney Daniel Webb asked Berman about reports that Zahau had been fondled by her school principal when she was young, and why that might put her at risk for suicide.

&#8220;Sexual abuse can be devastating to the abused,&#8221; Berman answered. &#8220;It produces a sense of shame, as if they are to blame; low self-esteem.


At this point she's at very high risk for suicide,&#8221; said Berman, calling Max&#8217;s fall &#8220;the straw that broke the camel&#8217;s back&#8221; for Zahau&#8217;s emotional state.

He added, &#8220;To a reasonable degree of scientific certainty, she did die by suicide. That is my opinion.&#8221;

A second expert testified that two autopsies conducted on Zahau revealed no evidence of manual strangulation, but supported a conclusion that she hanged herself.

Dr. Gregory Davis, a forensic pathologist from the University of Kentucky Albert B. Chandler Hospital, testified Monday and Tuesday that he saw no injuries on Zahau that suggested homicide.

Four hemorrhages under her scalp were described by plaintiff&#8217;s experts as being caused by blows to Zahau&#8217;s head. Davis said they were small and possibly caused during the initial autopsy.

More here:
Wonder how Adam’s crew feels if they have heard that disaster of an emergency call for Rebecca?

The contradiction between the training and role of being a Captain, on the Mighty Mississippi River no less, and the way he bumbled around is huge.

Adam had required safety & first aid training to earn his Captains license.

He has a college degree that necessitates reading and comprehension skills.

He has to navigate with technology and instincts knowing his bearing and location constantly on the crowded and dangerous River.

So why did he play dumb on the 911 call?

As Captain he is expected to take charge and to jump into action in an emergency.

He knew that he had to have a location for Emergency Services to respond.

He could have given his GPS coordinates with that handy phone.

He could have described where he was “Spreckles -5 or so houses down from Hotel Del. Shacknai residence; ocean side”

Just a quick Google turns up:

You are so correct in this. When I was in the courtroom when he testified, Adam came across like a dolt and I don't think that was missed by the jury. Yes, he's odd, but I believe he was feigning this dumb attitude as it was easier to then be less pointed in his responses. And I agree with others that he has been highly rehearsed which also didn't get lost on the jury IMO.
The location of AS's phone after RZ's death isn't evidence he raped or murdered her. IMO

Of course the location of his phone by itself isn&#8217;t evidence of anything, unless AS is lying...either on the 911 call or &#8220;not remembering&#8221; in court. Lying about what he did that morning, which I believe he is, adds just one piece to the &#8220;preponderance of evidence&#8221; needed to show that AS murdered Rebecca.
The location of AS's phone after RZ's death isn't evidence he raped or murdered her. IMO

It proves he changes his stories, e.g., lies, in order to put himself in a positive light. He puts his own credibility into question by altering his recall about what he was doing at the time he presumably found a hanging victim.

I'm 200% certain the jurors heard and took note of his story modifications and are thinking if we can't trust him on such basic simple questions, why should we believe he did not sexually assault and murder her?
You are so correct in this. When I was in the courtroom when he testified, Adam came across like a dolt and I don't think that was missed by the jury. Yes, he's odd, but I believe he was feigning this dumb attitude as it was easier to then be less pointed in his responses. And I agree with others that he has been highly rehearsed which also didn't get lost on the jury IMO.

Agreed. In court he came across as a bold face LIAR.

My mom always said if someone lies about basic easily provable facts, that means they will steal and cheat and commit other higher degree crimes as well. It's only a step and a hop away from Adam being a sexual assaulter and murderer.
It proves he changes his stories, e.g., lies, in order to put himself in a positive light. He puts his own credibility into question by altering his recall about what he was doing at the time he presumably found a hanging victim.

I'm 200% certain the jurors heard and took note of his story modifications and are thinking if we can't trust him on such basic simple questions, why should we believe he did not sexually assault and murder her?

BBM. Yes agreed.
The location of AS's phone after RZ's death isn't evidence he raped or murdered her. IMO

Correct. This isolated piece of information does not mean murder. It highly suggests he's not truthful.

It proves he changes his stories, e.g., lies, in order to put himself in a positive light. He puts his own credibility into question by altering his recall about what he was doing at the time he presumably found a hanging victim.

I'm 200% certain the jurors heard and took note of his story modifications and are thinking if we can't trust him on such basic simple questions, why should we believe he did not sexually assault and murder her?

I've seen no proof AS lied nor have I seen any forensic evidence that places him or anyone other than RZ inside the house's crime scene or on the balcony. JMO
Things are winding down and it puts me a little on pins and needles. I can't express how disappointed I am that the defense pulled a fast one and removed the ME and police technicians from the defense list. I think that screams that they are continuing the cover up and they are going to do everything in their power to keep this case from being reopened. I agree with other that think they are also worried Max's case would be brought back into the forefront and reopened.

I really thought they would have been called by Greer anyway, but I'm not a lawyer. I can't get past the part of the throat going poof in a suspicious death and him not having to answer for it. I can't get past the fact that she was left to the elements, allowing DNA degradation, without any protection whatsoever. I can't get past the ignored potential evidence and the bias that I think the ME had going in to the autopsy. Why didn't Greer subpoena the ME or other LE? Did he run out of time and money (which would be tragic!). Or, is it just not allowed?

Imo, there are so many glaring omissions and contradictions that I don't understand how a jury could even come to the conclusion of suicide.

What is keeping me sane is that I still have hope for justice. I didn't get to hear Greer's questioning of the defense witnesses, but from what others have shared (and a big thank you to you guys!), it seems he did a great job highlighting what I think are lies and holes in the defense case.

As to why we all admire Greer? Imo, that is just a silly question. He is being righteous trying to help a family find justice for their loved ones. Doing it pro bono and without hesitation, regardless of the big money machine he is up against. Even if if you don't agree with the idea of murder, do you not admire that?

Imo, it is obvious we've had some LE and some of the defense team posting and reading. I guess they can anticipate what closing arguments will be. I hope they are nervous. I think they should be.

Shacknai defense calls final experts, rests case

.... Dr. Alan Berman, a clinical psychologist and an adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, testified that he has conducted thousands of suicide risk assessments in his 50-year career.


Defense attorney Daniel Webb asked Berman about reports that Zahau had been fondled by her school principal when she was young, and why that might put her at risk for suicide.

&#8220;Sexual abuse can be devastating to the abused,&#8221; Berman answered. &#8220;It produces a sense of shame, as if they are to blame; low self-esteem.


At this point she's at very high risk for suicide,&#8221; said Berman, calling Max&#8217;s fall &#8220;the straw that broke the camel&#8217;s back&#8221; for Zahau&#8217;s emotional state.

He added, &#8220;To a reasonable degree of scientific certainty, she did die by suicide. That is my opinion.&#8221;

.....More here:

Wow. This really bothers me. Is he really testifying that he knows that her supposed mental state caused her to commit suicide? If she had been shot four times from long range, would he still say it was a suicide? I don't think he's testifying about her mental state, I think this psychologist is actually and improperly opining on the physical evidence, not her mental state. Unbelievable. I'm sorry, imo this is complete malarky. Horrible.

Wow. This really bothers me. Is he really testifying that he knows that her supposed mental state caused her to commit suicide? If she had been shot four times from long range, would he still say it was a suicide? I don't think he's testifying about her mental state, I think this psychologist is actually and improperly opining on the physical evidence, not her mental state. Unbelievable. I'm sorry, imo this is complete malarky. Horrible.

There&#8217;s more hogwash at the link. Unbelievable!

Wow. This really bothers me. Is he really testifying that he knows that her supposed mental state caused her to commit suicide? If she had been shot four times from long range, would he still say it was a suicide? I don't think he's testifying about her mental state, I think this psychologist is actually and improperly opining on the physical evidence, not her mental state. Unbelievable. I'm sorry, imo this is complete malarky. Horrible.

IMO there is no low that is too low for the defense to stoop to. Just pulling the ME last minute and others shows this isn't a fair fight now or has it ever been. It is shocking, it is depressing and it does not make one proud of our government officials who are supposed to protect the liberties of its people (the SDSO, ME I am referring to here).

All the Zahaus have proven they are after is justice as are the majority of these posters. I am really hoping that, as they say, justice will prevail!
Correct. This isolated piece of information does not mean murder. It highly suggests he's not truthful.


I can&#8217;t draw that conclusion. Just as everyone grieves differently, humans can react to horror differently as well. Coming into that courtyard and seeing a woman he knew hanging...I would definitely have said &#8220;suicide&#8221; because that&#8217;s how hanging computes in my mind. But I don&#8217;t know if I could account for what I did...or when I did it...with stellar accuracy.

My daughter was in NYC on 9-11. I did not know where in the city she was. She was starting a new job that day...somewhere. Friends and family were calling...information was being shared. I was terrified. In retelling the experience of that morning...some friends and family can&#8217;t agree to this day on the strangest who called who...or what building had collapsed when I finally got word she was alright. A friend whose daughter was in DC swears she spoke with me...but I don&#8217;t remember.

I don&#8217;t find Adam to be a liar at all.
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