Rebecca's cell phone records

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Dina's concern for her only child's safety and welfare became heightened after being introduced to Rebecca

Snipped by me for focus

Ah. I see. Well. Why, for crying out loud, did Dina Romano not take the proper steps to insure her child's well-being? Why would Dina Romano not take proper steps to ensure her child's safety?


Do tell.
Snipped by me for focus

Ah. I see. Well. Why, for crying out loud, did Dina Romano not take the proper steps to insure her child's well-being? Why would Dina Romano not take proper steps to ensure her child's safety?


Do tell.

so harsh

Maybe harsh, but true.

DS has been unforgiving in her harsh accusations against RZ and her minor sister all over the media and the internet. Her "expert" cited a site that is so malicious and harsh to RZ and her minor sister.

DS knew that MS needed to have a follow up appointment with a cardiologist. DS who has such dire concerns for the safety of her son never hired a nanny or a babysitter to help her son's father while MS was in his care. DS who had a lovely Coronado home to stay in for the summer while her only son was only walking distance away. The same woman who could not be awakened by the police at her door or the phone calls trying to contact her that her son had had an accident for hours.

It's harsh, but this is all true. DS had the means to have a nanny with MS at any time when he wasn't in her care if she so wished, but she didn't do that. If she was so concerned about JS' girlfriend of two years, she could have easily made this happen.

So yes, harsh, but true.
I know! This ugly new "fertility dance" theme blaming Rebecca is flowing around in a few places.

Reminds me of the "Food Nazi" and "Headlock Jujitsu Master" false narratives we have heard in the past. This is just the newest iteration of slurs demeaning Rebecca, IMO.

The blood on the floor was never collected or tested. It could just as easily have been from a murderer with a hangnail or a nosebleed chasing the murder victim down.

There really WASN'T all that much blood of any source documented on the autopsy. And what WAS documented does not support "dripping" of any vaginal blood.

No blood in the DISTAL vaginal vault, a small amount near the cervix, a small smear on the inner thighs and a big toe. The ME went to great lengths to document a TINY uterine polyp (which means he DID meticulously examine the endometrium)-- but made no mention of her parity, or her endometrial lining that would suggest either breakthrough bleeding or menses.

There is no science, IMO, that supports the "droplets" in the hall as being of a "menstrual source". That was a huge assumption by LE.

Do we need a thread for blood evidence discussion?
KZ I do think we need you to start a new Thread about blood evidence next week starting with your post. I also think it's important that no tampons,etc. were ever mentioned in her bedroom,bathroom,etc.

There's the old saying,"follow the money" in certain cases but in this RZ DEATH CASE I believe it should be,"follow the blood."

Ann Rule had access to all materials Anne Bremner received from Thompson/Gore yet she didn't report anything DEFINITIVE with regards to blood and at the beginning of Chapter 13 wrote (page 269),"Many forensic tests were not completed,or even begun."

If we've learned anything these past 24 1/2 months is that Thompson/Gore -MISLEAD-WITHHOLD -DOWNPLAY = FACTS & EVIDENCE when it potentially can head toward the LEFT side (homicide) of the road. We've seen this with Adam's polygraph test results,the female used in the edited rope video,Dina being seen on Rady security tapes,RZ listening and erasing the 12:50am voice message JS left, RZ's depression,RZ's 4 hemorrhages beneath the right front part of her scalp,etc. So now we have the BLOOD....ME Lucas had to infer it was menstrual to SUPPORT Thompson/Gore suicide theory because if it wasn't = here we go towards that LEFT side (homicide) of the road again.....if it was just RZ's blood then that would suggest an attack and that would suggest at least one other person INSIDE the bedroom/house.

Hey Thompson/Gore.....where are ALL the blood test results that SDSO forensic evidence technician Denys Williams collected and sent to the SDSO Crime Lab?
Respectfully snipped-

Greetings, Lash.

How could RZ not be aware of his grave condition? Maxfield was unresponsive immediately after his fall. Rebecca knew this for over thirty minutes while the EMT was working to save Maxie's life.

Although I never indicated Adkins was following up on the report to CPS authorities regarding Max's serious injuries, the point remains that investigators were pursuing RZ in regards to Maxie's fall and any apparent discrepancies in her report and did so on Tuesday, her last day alive, according to RZ's ph records.

SDSO: "As the evidence began to come in, however, that belief began to change. Ultimately, the evidence convinced everyone involved this case was a suicide."

Was there a birthday celebration for Xena, after Maxie's fall, that included a shopping trip before Xena returned home?

"Reports of a party, which would have taken place as Mr Shacknai and his ex-wife held a vigil at their son's bedside, deepen the mystery surrounding the two deaths at the historic Spreckels Mansion in the upscale Coronado suburb of San Diego."

"The mystery surrounding her death, which police have described as 'bizarre', deepened as it emerged a loud party had been held at the 27-room house on Tuesday night, the day before Miss Nalepa died - and the day after the little boy's accident." party was obviously not for XZ. Next...
Hi minazoe, thank you for the link...please also see the full records posted at the following link...which I believe is also posted in the stickies.

As I look at page 147, between the Tuesday July 12 message #312 and Wednesday July 12 message #313, the bottom of the numbers for 312 appear to be cut off???? or ????

Has this been discussed previously?

As I look at page 147, between the Tuesday July 12 message #312 and Wednesday July 12 message #313, the bottom of the numbers for 312 appear to be cut off???? or ????

Has this been discussed previously?


Hi Tink56 ~ On my copy the bottom of the numbers for 312 seem intact. Is this what you are referring to?


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As I look at page 147, between the Tuesday July 12 message #312 and Wednesday July 12 message #313, the bottom of the numbers for 312 appear to be cut off???? or ????

Has this been discussed previously?


From Carioca's image, I don't see any problems with the message numbers. From inthedark's attachment, it looks like the copies of the phone records were not placed flat and got imaged that way. I see the blurred/tinier numbers happen in many pages, not just the one you referred.

Either way, what's suspicious to you about message numbers?
I don't remember if I ever posted about my thoughts on this, but early on I did think suicide was a possibility. I've since changed my mind about that but my opinion was based on the possible motive that she had just lost a lot - a fiance, a stepson and a lifestyle she wanted? I didn't know of any reason to think she was someone worthy of bashing and attacking.

I too was open to the suicide argument and one of the things that strongly brought me away from suicide was this very fact of the attitude of murdering her reputation as well. Something has been very wrong with this case from the beginning with the 13 hours of having her lay in the yard uncovered. I will never let that terrible fact escape.
Hi Tink56 ~ On my copy the bottom of the numbers for 312 seem intact. Is this what you are referring to?

Thanks...Must have been a flaw in one of the copies I viewed. Your copy looks just fine. (Obviously, this was not a suggestion of conspiracy, as the police originally stated there were no calls after the 10:41 call...)

Just seemed odd...

Thanks again...
I too was open to the suicide argument and one of the things that strongly brought me away from suicide was this very fact of the attitude of murdering her reputation as well.

Actions by people after the fact are the main reason for me changing my mind also, I understand what you're saying.
I was certain Jonah had nothing to do with it. Dina? I really didn't think so either, but wasn't sure. I stopped paying attention. Then suddenly last year, when Dina came out with her Dr Phil show, I saw how she was behaving. I found her still "red hot" rage against Rebecca and her entire family to be very disproportionate to how a normal person would be behaving a year out from this tragedy, whatever the cause. Think about how child advocate Marc Klass acted when confronting his daughter Polly's murderer? In court. He didn't act like that. This was a horrible kidnapping/murder/rape that happened to his daughter so you can't say that "it wasn't the same thing".
I really appreciate hearing everyone's perspective on this...vulture, Tink, JBS, Mr. Spock
IMO if Dina did anything to Rebecca she wouldn't be doing anything to call attention of any kind to herself. If she was innocent of any wrong-doing and tragically lost her son and then was publicly accused of murdering Rebecca... had a bottle of wine and ... had (actually) no facts about what happened to Rebecca...

Just sayin'

If you notice I didn't register on here until shortly after the Dr Phil show featuring Dina. I can only speak for myself, but its precisely the way Dina has called attention to herself that made me think "This girl is really not right in the head".

If Dina wants everyone to know she is innocent, she should give up the name of the nurse or medical staff who saw her during the time of Rebecca's untimely death. We know the ONLY way she was verified as being at the hospital by the SDSO was through cell phone triangulation. If there was an eyewitness SDSO would have said that. If my son lay brain dead in the hospital, and my ex's S.O had died under questionable circumstances I would be telling anyone AND everyone exactly the name/s of the staff who would eyewitness me as being at the hospital during the hours in question.

If Dina 1. Publicly produces a credible and willing to testify "under oath" eye witness from Rady's medical staff stating he or she saw Dina at Maxies bedside during the hours in question OR 2. Video showing she was at Rady's hospital during the hours in question. I will, and without hesitation, apologize profusely to her on here. As we all should.
If you notice I didn't register on here until shortly after the Dr Phil show featuring Dina. I can only speak for myself, but its precisely the way Dina has called attention to herself that made me think "This girl is really not right in the head".

If Dina wants everyone to know she is innocent, she should give up the name of the nurse or medical staff who saw her during the time of Rebecca's untimely death. We know the ONLY way she was verified as being at the hospital by the SDSO was through cell phone triangulation. If there was an eyewitness SDSO would have said that. If my son lay brain dead in the hospital, and my ex's S.O had died under questionable circumstances I would be telling anyone AND everyone exactly the name/s of the staff who would eyewitness me as being at the hospital during the hours in question.

If Dina 1. Publicly produces a credible and willing to testify "under oath" eye witness from Rady's medical staff stating he or she saw Dina at Maxies bedside during the hours in question OR 2. Video showing she was at Rady's hospital during the hours in question. I will, and without hesitation, apologize profusely to her on here. As we all should.

Or, entries in Max's medical records by RNs or other staff that document exactly what time she was seen at the bedside. It is commonplace for staff to document visitors present, or "mother ABS" something similar. Most charting software (or old fashioned paper ICU flowsheets) has a specific area in which to document psycho/ social information, such as the presence of parents/ guardians in pediatric patients. In an ICU, RNs would be documenting in the record many times per hour. Some of that documentation would include comments about who was at the bedside.

At this long duration (2+) years, I think the memories of staff members of who was at the bedside exactly when would become more than a little a bit foggy, and unreliable. (Dina wasn't there that much at the beginning of Max's admission by her own report.) At that point (before Rebecca's death), why would staff be noticing more than they usually do who was at the bedside?? I couldn't probably tell you which relatives of my patients were in the pre-op holding room from a week ago, using my memory alone. I'd rely on documentation in the notes as the most reliable. And since police were unable to establish where Dina was from security cameras (many of them in a hospital!), or any other eye witness, they had to resort to triangulating her phone. The cell phone triangulation is pretty far down on the decision making tree when establishing where someone was who CLAIMS to have been at the bedside in a busy pediatric ICU.

Dina certainly has access to her son's medical records. If there were any documentation that directly placed her at the bedside during the time in question, certainly Dina would have shared that by now. She was very willing to post Max's EMS record on one of her websites, so why wouldn't she post relevant snippets to verify her presence in the ICU?

My strong opinion is that there is nothing in the record that places her at the bedside during the time in question, or we would have seen it by now. I do think it's a strong possibility that Max's records will be subpoenaed in the civil suit discovery to document whether there is anything about her presence documented. JMO, IMO, Moo, etc.
I have always found it peculiar it took 40 days after Rebecca's death to request the Rady surveillance video on August 24th, via search warrant 41432. Det. Keith James is employed by the City of Coronado. The detective claimed two items on the inventory receipt. One disc holder with 27 recorded discs and an 8 1/2 x 11 piece of paper with evidence log. The surveillance dates requested were - One hour before Max's admission on July 11th through 8:00 AM July 13th. The items were listed in inventory on 8/24th.

Then on the very same day, 8/24, two cellphone search warrants were requested by Det. Tsuida who is employed by the County of San Diego. Two items were recieved by Det. Tsuida. A CD from Verizon Wireless and 16 pages from AT&T Wireless. However, the last day these items were signed was on 9/8 by Det. Tsuida. 6 days after the case was announced closed at the 9/2 press conference.

Det. James also requested in search warrant 41373 the landline records from Spreckels on 8/12. The reason he gave as probable cause was because the 2 days of phone communication would help investigate whether Rebecca's death was a suicide or homocide. A Receipt and Inventory sheet was not included in this search warrant.

Basically, it took 40 days after Rebecca's death to request the Rady's surveillance video and the cellphone records. 40 days later and SDSO expects us to believe what they're selling? AND, what's up with Det. Tsuida and the cellphone receipt dated 9/8/2011? It appears CPD handled the surveillance, which did not find Dina. Then SDSO handled the cellphones which found Dina by phone triangulation, right?

SW - 41432 Det. Keith James - Rady Surveillance

SW - 11/164 Det. Angela Tsuida - Cellphone Records

SW - 11/165 Det. Angela Tsuida - Cellphone Records

SW - 41373 Det. Keith James - Landline Records
I've always thought murder because I've worked with people who are suicidal and have known many patients who killed themselves. I've researched suicides for women, nude hanged and bound as RZ was and could find no such cases. Men sometimes commit suicide in the nude and even hang themselves nude. But the binding and shirt stuffed in her mouth screams overkill and rage. No one will ever convince me this is a suicide.
Or, entries in Max's medical records by RNs or other staff that document exactly what time she was seen at the bedside. It is commonplace for staff to document visitors present, or "mother ABS" something similar. Most charting software (or old fashioned paper ICU flowsheets) has a specific area in which to document psycho/ social information, such as the presence of parents/ guardians in pediatric patients. In an ICU, RNs would be documenting in the record many times per hour. Some of that documentation would include comments about who was at the bedside.

At this long duration (2+) years, I think the memories of staff members of who was at the bedside exactly when would become more than a little a bit foggy, and unreliable. (Dina wasn't there that much at the beginning of Max's admission by her own report.) At that point (before Rebecca's death), why would staff be noticing more than they usually do who was at the bedside?? I couldn't probably tell you which relatives of my patients were in the pre-op holding room from a week ago, using my memory alone. I'd rely on documentation in the notes as the most reliable. And since police were unable to establish where Dina was from security cameras (many of them in a hospital!), or any other eye witness, they had to resort to triangulating her phone. The cell phone triangulation is pretty far down on the decision making tree when establishing where someone was who CLAIMS to have been at the bedside in a busy pediatric ICU.

Dina certainly has access to her son's medical records. If there were any documentation that directly placed her at the bedside during the time in question, certainly Dina would have shared that by now. She was very willing to post Max's EMS record on one of her websites, so why wouldn't she post relevant snippets to verify her presence in the ICU?

My strong opinion is that there is nothing in the record that places her at the bedside during the time in question, or we would have seen it by now. I do think it's a strong possibility that Max's records will be subpoenaed in the civil suit discovery to document whether there is anything about her presence documented. JMO, IMO, Moo, etc.

Good points.

I want to caution that even *IF* medical staff noted in Max's medical records that the parents such as Dina was present, we have to take into account the specific time that that was noted and not assume that that means Dina was physically present at the hospital the ENTIRE Tues night into Wed 7am.

It could simply mean that at the time the staff popped into the hospital room, s/he saw Dina briefly there. Who's to say Dina then did NOT leave the hospital soon after she was sighted?

The only foolproof evidence is *IF* Dina were captured on video surveillance. For the life of me, I cannot imagine how one parent -- Jonah -- was captured in multiple videocameras/tapes at the hospital/RMH Tues night into Wed morning whereas Dina was captured in NONE!!!

NOT ONE SINGLE CAMERA caught Dina at the hospital OR the RMH!!! Just doesn't make sense if Dina was actually at the hospital at any time Tues night into Wed 7am. For me, THAT is conclusive, irrefutable, physical evidence that Dina was NOT at the hospital "sitting vigil" by Max's bedside Tues into Wed. which leads me to strongly believe that Dina was at the Spreckels mansion committing humiliating torture/heinous murder of Rebecca.
Good points.

I want to caution that even *IF* medical staff noted in Max's medical records that the parents such as Dina was present, we have to take into account the specific time that that was noted and not assume that that means Dina was physically present at the hospital the ENTIRE Tues night into Wed 7am.

It could simply mean that at the time the staff popped into the hospital room, s/he saw Dina briefly there. Who's to say Dina then did NOT leave the hospital soon after she was sighted?

The only foolproof evidence is *IF* Dina were captured on video surveillance. For the life of me, I cannot imagine how one parent -- Jonah -- was captured in multiple videocameras/tapes at the hospital/RMH Tues night into Wed morning whereas Dina was captured in NONE!!!

NOT ONE SINGLE CAMERA caught Dina at the hospital OR the RMH!!! Just doesn't make sense if Dina was actually at the hospital at any time Tues night into Wed 7am. For me, THAT is conclusive, irrefutable, physical evidence that Dina was NOT at the hospital "sitting vigil" by Max's bedside Tues into Wed. which leads me to strongly believe that Dina was at the Spreckels mansion committing humiliating torture/heinous murder of Rebecca.
So we're suppose to believe that Thompson/Gore thoroughly investigated Dina's statements....according to statements she and NINA arrived at Rady after 4:30pm Tuesday - Jonah left after 5:00pm with Howard when RZ and Adam picked them up - JS came back at 8:00pm-NINA claims she left at 9:00pm borrowing JS car - JS calls RZ at 11:48pm Tuesday night - JS calls Dina 7:00am Wed. morning about RZ death.

So from Tuesday late afternoon at 4:30pm thru Wed. morning.....Dina never went to the restroom? Dina bought coffee? Dina never went to the cafeteria for dinner or a sandwich? Hmmm.....
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