Regroup/Refocus for 2013

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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OK, here it is. They have solved the problem of which side of the face the mole was on...they just didn't bother putting it in at all.

Hi Annasmom,

Thank you for posting the picture, I know it must have been a very difficult decision for you to make. I also agree that Anna's face would probably be slimmer, particularly around the jaw line, unless she put on a fair amount of weight as she got older, which is not out of the question as lifestyle is as big a factor as genetics when it comes to weight gain.

The correction to the eye colour and the mole are absolutely essential but overall I think this is not a bad image to have out there. Hair colour is a very difficult thing to guess these days as most women tend to dye there hair and change the colour frequently. To me it looks like the artist has used the 18 year old progression picture to do this one.

It will be interesting to see what Steve Loftin comes up with.
Hi Annasmom,

Thank you for posting the picture, I know it must have been a very difficult decision for you to make. I also agree that Anna's face would probably be slimmer, particularly around the jaw line, unless she put on a fair amount of weight as she got older, which is not out of the question as lifestyle is as big a factor as genetics when it comes to weight gain.

The correction to the eye colour and the mole are absolutely essential but overall I think this is not a bad image to have out there. Hair colour is a very difficult thing to guess these days as most women tend to dye there hair and change the colour frequently. To me it looks like the artist has used the 18 year old progression picture to do this one.

It will be interesting to see what Steve Loftin comes up with.
Yes, I am anxious to see what he does too. I checked on line and found that there are now many age progression programs available, some of them free. But though we can estimate certain aspects of aging, other aspects involve familial traits and even guesses..such as Steve's putting Anna in a Levis jacket and showing pierced ears. I suppose she could have put on weight, but an ectomorph is an ectomorph (thin body type) and there's no precedent here with parents or three out of four grandparents. Oh, yes, and then there's the wavy hair she inherited from both parents.
I have to go with Annasmom on this one. I do not think that photo looks anything like Anna. Not her previous age progressed or her actual photo's. It's not even how I'd invision her if she had a little more weight.

I'm glad to learn the previous artist will be doing another age progressed.

FWIW, I am school year older than Anna. I tanned a lot. I lived in a tanning bed for a decade or so in my 20's. Was of the generation of tanning with baby oil and iodine growing up. I'm also a smoker since my teens. Smoking and tanning, things that will age ya, and I don't have as many wrinkles as were in that age progressed. I have them, but not that much.

The face about this age shows more loss of elasticity (sp?) before it really shows wrinkles that much...

jmo, fwiw.
I suppose she could have put on weight

Hi Annasmom, and thank you for posting the photo. I'm looking forward to seeing the on which will be produced by the previous artist, too.

As far as putting on weight goes, I would just like to add one thing (please don't be offended or hurt): putting on weight can be a result of many things, not just life style. I come from a long line of skinny people, and I was extremely skinny myself until I was put on medication. Strong stuff, and huge doses, different medications to support each other and counteract certain side effects. I ballooned, practically overnight. Physical activity and eating little and healthily had no effect. My own mother nearly didn't recognize me after not seeing me for three days, I was suddenly so fat. So Anna may or may not have put on weight, but if she has, it could be due to meds. I pray this is not the case, though. I hope Anna comes home soon, healthy and happy.
Ok, pretending Anna was taken in to a Wanek family. On SFgenealogy under Cali birth index I typed in the last name Wanek seeking if Anna gave birth while single (considering she was now a Wanek and living in California).

There are a couple of babies born in the 80's tho Anna would have been young to have a baby. 14 years - 18 yrs.

Perhaps this is WAY out there... I know.
FYI above, New Search Name: Wanek and leave everything else blank.

Again, here is the thread for the Wanek discussion:

Evelyn Wanek - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

I give up trying to help this forum stay on topic.

I'm taking a break from Anna's case and will be working NamUs case file 9597 via the general discussion thread in the UID forum as other possible matches arise.
Again, here is the thread for the Wanek discussion:

Evelyn Wanek - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

I give up trying to help this forum stay on topic.

I'm taking a break from Anna's case and will be working NamUs case file 9597 via the general discussion thread in the UID forum as other possible matches arise.

NOOOOOOOO! What am I going to do without you?????
NOOOOOOOO! What am I going to do without you?????


Cubby, if there is anything I can do, please let me know. You are such a valuable member here on Anna's case, it would be such a shame to not see you here. You have for such a long time, been the glue that holds us all together. This is a very sad day for me :( :( :( :(
Again, here is the thread for the Wanek discussion:

Evelyn Wanek - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

I give up trying to help this forum stay on topic.

I'm taking a break from Anna's case and will be working NamUs case file 9597 via the general discussion thread in the UID forum as other possible matches arise.

Hey, this was NOT done deliberately. Under Focus I indeed thought this NEW avenue was to go under this thread. Very sorry to have upset you Cubby! Watch your head that's alot of banging!
If anyone now feels they should 'split' it's me! I am not apologizing again. I am trying to find Anna! Regroup/Refocus felt right for me... not Eveyln Wanek's thread. For that, Lord help me with the rudeness and save those against me.

If anyone now feels they should 'split' it's me! I am not apologizing again. I am trying to find Anna! Regroup/Refocus felt right for me... not Eveyln Wanek's thread. For that, Lord help me with the rudeness and save those against me.

If I can wait all these years and days and months without quitting, I more than appreciate anyone who can hang in with me. Sidekick, Ozziemum and whoever else is still here, here is Steve Loftin's picture.


  • ACW 6-8-12.jpg
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Wow, I didn't expect to see this age progression so soon! (I thought it would take much longer to produce - shows how little I know about that, I guess.) Thank you so much for posting this, Annasmom!
If I can wait all these years and days and months without quitting, I more than appreciate anyone who can hang in with me. Sidekick, Ozziemum and whoever else is still here, here is Steve Loftin's picture.

Hi Annasmom,

I will be here till stumps. I hope everyone will just take a few deep breaths and calm down. I don't like seeing this sort of unrest on Anna's thread, I have seen it on other threads and I don't like it.

Cubby and Sidekick, it would be a shame to loose either of you over a little misunderstanding, you have both worked so hard on Anna's case. Please take a few minutes to calm down and maybe have a chat off forum. You are both very intelligent people and I know you can sort this out. I am happy to be here for both of you, feel free to pm me if there is anything I can do. This is all I'm going to say about this matter on forum.

Annasmom, I think Steve Loftin's picture does make Anna look more like you so is probably more accurate than the other picture. Also, the hair is more what I would expect. I would like to see a side by side of Anna as a child with all of the age progression pic's that have been done.
Hi Annasmom,

I will be here till stumps. I hope everyone will just take a few deep breaths and calm down. I don't like seeing this sort of unrest on Anna's thread, I have seen it on other threads and I don't like it.

Cubby and Sidekick, it would be a shame to loose either of you over a little misunderstanding, you have both worked so hard on Anna's case. Please take a few minutes to calm down and maybe have a chat off forum. You are both very intelligent people and I know you can sort this out. I am happy to be here for both of you, feel free to pm me if there is anything I can do. This is all I'm going to say about this matter on forum.

Annasmom, I think Steve Loftin's picture does make Anna look more like you so is probably more accurate than the other picture. Also, the hair is more what I would expect. I would like to see a side by side of Anna as a child with all of the age progression pic's that have been done.

I think I have a file of all the age progressions. But we have a surfeit of riches. I received the one I posted on line yesterday. Then in the mail today came this other one, which I truly believe is the best of the three. What do you think?


  • ACW 6-8-2012.jpg
    ACW 6-8-2012.jpg
    58 KB · Views: 31
I think I have a file of all the age progressions. But we have a surfeit of riches. I received the one I posted on line yesterday. Then in the mail today came this other one, which I truly believe is the best of the three. What do you think?

I absolutely agree. She looks more "real" in this pic and I think her eyes look more accurate. I would definitely go with this one however, they have again left out the most important feature, Anna's mole.
Happy birthday annasmom !!!!!
Thank you! I have had a marathon telephone day today! By the way, they are working late at the National Center. I mentioned the missing mole. I don't know if they'll make that correction before putting the picture on the posters, but I'm glad you agree with me that the straight-hair version looks more natural.
Happy Birthday, Annasmom!

I'd like to apologize to SideKick and everyone.

I've been extremely frustrated with the wait and few answers with regards to the possible match. I was unaware Dr. Doogie is still without much computer access....

Also, this forum has always had little mod attention since my joining WS. While I am no longer moderating, I have taken it upon myself to try and help things stay on track here in order for information to be easy to follow......

I'm trying to do some of what has been learned in other forums here. Not to be mean, rude, etc. but simply to make it easier for all who post or read. In the fast moving cases, the mods would give a nudge, someone would remember it... and stay on track.. It only takes a minute or two to scan the thread titles to determine which thread might best fit the information. It's simple courtesy.

If someone is working the Wanek angle and are only reading the Wanek thread because that is all the time they can devote, then they miss information, or waste time on repeating work already done when information is not added to the appropriate thread.

Only when no thread topic is set up, then go to the regroup/refocus. This thread was set up for idea's not having a thread of it's own.

WS has been gracious enough to allow us an entire forum versus going back to single general discussion threads, which for some cases are well past thread #20. Because they have been so gracious to do so, and without cost to us members, I think it is reasonable to ask people please stay on topic.

We get upset sometimes because we do care. If we didn't care, or if I didn't care that Anna's forum was easy to follow, then I'd have not said a word and not given a rat's patooty if this forum was one big mess with information all over, threads getting derailed and off topic.


Thank you,

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