Remains Discussion Part 4 UPDATE Caylee Tentatively ID'ed

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You would have to think in perp's mind to understand. Please don't try. Just think of how important Caylee's life is/was. This case breaks ground for many others. More thank I want to tell you, but maybe you can think Caylee's entire life was meant for this. It is Universal and necessary. Please do not focus on the perp or why or how, or anything. (BTW, I enjoy your questions in all of the cases you post in, very thought provoking.)

Oh thank you very much thats very sweet of you :blowkiss:

I just dont get the pics of Casey and Caylee, she really does look like any other loving mother with their child in all the photos I have seen.

How does someone just turn like that :(

I honestly don't know but something just a little tiny weeny part of me thinks there is more to this than meets the eye.....
I just cant rationale what appears to be a mother that loves her child from the photos and videos to a cold blooded murderer of her own flesh and blood

Frankly that is doing my head in
That crossed my mind, but I had to dismiss it because it was such a shock to my mind. But it happens and mothers have done it in the past.

Replying to buried alive. I read somewhere a while ago a psychic say this..:eek:
With all due respect, I am extremely sad to hear the latest news about Caylee. I was just wondering if anyone has seen this video (link below)? Who are these people?

Those were a bunch of reporters attempting to get Baez to talk right after his approximate 90 minute jail visit with Casey yesterday. Baez and Casey had apparently been discussing the recent possible discovery of Caylee's body.
There had to have been SOMETHING with the remains to have LE IMMEDIATLY get a search warrant for the Anthony home!!

Look at all the stuff they took out in bags from that home.

There is NO DOUBT in my mind that LE cannot get a murder one conviction!

I'm not worried about the conviction in general, I believe they will get casey on murder, but not neccesarily murder one. In FL, they have to prove that Caylee's death occurred during aggravated child abuse to get murder one. Without proof of trauma or drugs, that's going to be awfully hard.

This page on the left has "Chaos outside the house" video.

Wallflower67.... I am sorry to hear about what happened to you when you were little. Good God, I have an autistic 6 year old who is non verbal, so when she is frustrated or mad all she does is yell, and I would NEVER even consider covering her mouth with my hands non the less tape it.
I can't even fathom why Caylee had no clothes on. I have been following this case since it was first reported back in July, and have always believed she did it. But never in a million years did I think such horrible things occured. I remember a while ago Padilla saying that when the truth comes out it will show just what a monster casey is, and that is an understatment!! So sad I cant stand it. BTW, charges maybe filled to GA & CA for obstruction of justice, and so I wish that they do I honestly feel for their loss.
There had to have been SOMETHING with the remains to have LE IMMEDIATLY get a search warrant for the Anthony home!!

Look at all the stuff they took out in bags from that home.

There is NO DOUBT in my mind that LE cannot get a murder one conviction!

Funny how things work. That poor lil girl was found at the best time. When the Anthonys were on the other side of the country. It gave the police fast access to that house without the drama.
Just a thought: IIRC, KC told CA that Zani had a key to the house. My guess is she is going to say that Zani took the duct tape etc. from the house using the key she gave her. But that still wouldn't explain how Zani knew where KC partied when she was in high school and why she would dump the body there.
I'm not worried about the conviction in general, I believe they will get casey on murder, but not neccesarily murder one. In FL, they have to prove that Caylee's death occurred during aggravated child abuse to get murder one. Without proof of trauma or drugs, that's going to be awfully hard.
I apologize if this has been mentioned before. But wasn't she charged with "child abuse" for not reporting Caylee missing for 31 days? Would this help lead to a conviction of murder one?:waitasec:
Oh thank you very much thats very sweet of you :blowkiss:

I just dont get the pics of Casey and Caylee, she really does look like any other loving mother with their child in all the photos I have seen.

How does someone just turn like that :(

I honestly don't know but something just a little tiny weeny part of me thinks there is more to this than meets the eye.....
I just cant rationale what appears to be a mother that loves her child from the photos and videos to a cold blooded murderer of her own flesh and blood

Frankly that is doing my head in

They don't turn like that, they were always like that. I know, my mother could have cared less about me as long as I was out of her way, but when we were around ANYONE, she turned into this charming person that just loved her child. Trust me guys. KC is a poser.
Your link brings me to the video of Jose Baez leaving the jail... which I am assuming is not the "people" you are referring to. Do you have another link? Or maybe the video has been removed?

As an aside - Can Jose not afford a reliable umbrella?

Well, Casey certainly is paying him so... :)

I was watching that and saying out loud to the TV, dude, just chuck the damn thing, it's doing ABSOLUTELY nothing.
I disagree. I remember what Lee said with Casey and the "what's in it for you" story. She is a spontaneous liar. The zanny stole her was off the cuff, not well thought out. imo.
Therefore the tape is there for a different reason.
Another ws said it was obviously to keep her from making noise, crying out, to shut her up.
The placement of the body is also telling.
I have been stuck between she's remoresful, and the tape was to keep the maggots out, and wanted her close to home, but if she didn't have any clothes on, then I can't agree with my own thoughts, and everything that was done was for spite, control, and jealousy. Also the no clothes thing was imo was if she was ever found, she wouldn't be able to be identified. She probably saw that in on a tv show. She has no maternal feelings for her child at all that I can see. It's unimaginable to me.
One thing she did expect though is that when the time came, her parents would figure a way to get her out of it. I saw that in the video tapes. To her, it's a given.
I hope she is proved wrong, but I'm losing hope for CA and GA as grandparents. Someone please someone in that family, do the right thing. How will be able to live with yourselves otherwise.

She's a sociopath. She kills her daughter then dumps the body in an area she is comfortable with. (around her & her parents house).
I just had a disturbing thought (not unusual since this case broke): If she put her in a plastic garbage bag and sealed the bag, then the decomposition should have been slowed (as appears to be the case by comments about a 'tenative ID' and hair color etc...) then why did the head just roll out? Did KC indeed dismember her body (as I remember seeing someone else speculate such)? Did she break her neck (remember those online searches?)? Is there enough left to provide some strong, solid evidence as to exactly what happened? Sorry, just thinking out loud a bit.

Not sure of the scientific way to explain this but comments from watching lots of Forensic Files,Dr. G. etc.... hark back to how Laci Peterson was found (NO HEAD).... when there is injury to a specific area, decomp can set in more quickly there. IE the belief that Laci P was weighted down at the neck (legs, etc) and thus her torso was what was found. Our little Caylee may have had tape around her neck, been strangled, or had her neck broken, etc. to cause decomp more rapidly in that area. Thus skul detached from torso. JMO
They don't turn like that, they were always like that. I know, my mother could have cared less about me as long as I was out of her way, but when we were around ANYONE, she turned into this charming person that just loved her child. Trust me guys. KC is a poser.

My mom was the same. She could be in the middle of raging at me and hitting me, and the phone would ring, and she'd answer the phone as if nothing was wrong. I can't even answer the phone normally if I'm watching a sad movie.

I now know that my mother's mother, with whom I was VERY close and attached, was likely abusive to some degree when my mom was young. I was more attached to my grandmother than my mother, and you can bet my mother was resentful. That led to more than a few "how can you betray me" type rants.

So I have to wonder if Cindy was controlling and abusive to Casey, and then was sweet and motherly to Caylee, that that might be what set Casey off. And I'll bet Casey at least verbally abused Caylee when Cindy was not around.
They are keeping everything hush hush, they have mentioned alrleady they do not want anything released on what was found.
Also reported in the news was that the FBI was sifting the gound for bones, so apparently not everything was in the bag?
I am freaking out over the fact that "neck breaking" was one of the search terms googled on Casey's computer.

Internet searches, physical and chemical evidence, lying about the "BIG" things, no corroboration on ANY part of her account, her witnesses know NOTHING about what she's stated about them (using the same nanny, etc.), partying and intimate while in despair (yet searching), contrast of responses to "bones" found at park (no response) and those near home causing psychological duress (she knew which implicated her), duct tape (not used on sensitive skin areas or hair unless intended to permanently remain attached), *if the tape was used to stem the emission of fluids from the mouth it would HAVE to be wrapped around the head a few times since duct tape adhesive degrades when exposed to moisture or wet objects (including the human body),

OR -

chloroform to sedate, tape to muffle cries further, murder (by various means), garbage bag coffin (redundant affirmation that she didn't care), backyard access to trails used since childhood, left to the childhood myth of a "gator" being in the pond to dispose of the deed. She knew that any story, even if found untrue, would only PROVE her "a liar, not a murderer." Problem is that she began living "the life", as symboled by her new tattoo, too soon. Then, driving around with the heart of a maniac while her daughter marked her presence in the trunk. These were severly compounded by past and present behaviors and words she was too self-centric to control.

Other crucial evidence? Absolutely. At the home? Positively. Withheld? Of course. Caylee's body will be lovingly placed in a coffin and buried. That Casey has constructed a coffin of her own making, nailed herself in, and buried herself, is now becoming more moot by the hour.

The only true justice is found in grace, - but, that's for God and small children,... I can find none.
what does tentatively mean?

To paraphrase Dr. Baden, it means that up until recently when they started using DNA as absolute confirmation, they would have already declarred the remains 100% positively identified as Caylee. The only thing currently tentative about the ID is that it will take a few days to a week or two to get the dna back. They knew and were positive it was Caylee within minutes of discovery.
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