Remains Discussion Part 4 UPDATE Caylee Tentatively ID'ed

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Bold is Mine

I am devastated beyond words.
I have only read your opening post, Time diff makes it hard to be up to speed.
All the photos of Casey and Caylee have always been a loving mummy and child - so I have always thought it was a accident...

UNTIL the duct tape

But .... I have just one little time shred of hope, that she had duct tape over her mouth to stop her crying out whilst she was chloroformed and it went horribly wrong and she died and they disposed of her with the duct tape still on..

But you know even as I write that...the hope is fading fast...because who under ANY circumstnaces except AWFUL ONES would duct tape a child to begin with.

Unless as someone said it was put on after her death to make it look like a kidnap gone wrong.

I am holding out for some sort of hope that one of those is true rather than the duct tape was put on whilst she was tortured or killed

I just cant bear to think of that sweet little baby girl hurting


You would have to think in perp's mind to understand. Please don't try. Just think of how important Caylee's life is/was. This case breaks ground for many others. More thank I want to tell you, but maybe you can think Caylee's entire life was meant for this. It is Universal and necessary. Please do not focus on the perp or why or how, or anything. (BTW, I enjoy your questions in all of the cases you post in, very thought provoking.)
Bond suggested to me yesterday that the duct tape may have been placed there when Casey noticed leakage in the back of the car after 2.6 days. It makes sense that it would come from the mouth and nose first, rather than ruptures in the skin, which take longer to occur. Then she was put in a garbage bag and driven around until the 27th.

I am hoping that is the case. If we learn otherwise, I think I will have a difficult time sleeping for some time.

ITA As heartwrenching as the news is this week, I too am trying to be patient. Reports that duct tape was found on Caylee's little skull is fueling rampant speculation yet like you I will resist the urge to draw conclusions until we learn more and can have it corroberated. It's of course a relief in another sense just to know Caylee's been recovered and can finally be given a loving sendoff and be laid to rest. While it's going to be a sad and dismal holiday for the A family hopefully they will finally find the courage and strength to begin to face the truth the WHOLE truth and nothing but the truth, and truly begin to grieve. JMO
I didn't read through this entire thread yet but, is it possible that KC actually buried Caylee alive and that may explain the duct tape over her mouth. Sounds awful but this is one sick woman.

That crossed my mind, but I had to dismiss it because it was such a shock to my mind. But it happens and mothers have done it in the past.
I disagree. I remember what Lee said with Casey and the "what's in it for you" story. She is a spontaneous liar. The zanny stole her was off the cuff, not well thought out. imo.
Therefore the tape is there for a different reason.
Another ws said it was obviously to keep her from making noise, crying out, to shut her up.
The placement of the body is also telling.
I have been stuck between she's remoresful, and the tape was to keep the maggots out, and wanted her close to home, but if she didn't have any clothes on, then I can't agree with my own thoughts, and everything that was done was for spite, control, and jealousy. Also the no clothes thing was imo was if she was ever found, she wouldn't be able to be identified. She probably saw that in on a tv show. She has no maternal feelings for her child at all that I can see. It's unimaginable to me.
One thing she did expect though is that when the time came, her parents would figure a way to get her out of it. I saw that in the video tapes. To her, it's a given.
I hope she is proved wrong, but I'm losing hope for CA and GA as grandparents. Someone please someone in that family, do the right thing. How will be able to live with yourselves otherwise.

I agree. I don't think she had dreamed up her Zanny story when she disposed of Caylee. The tape was used in the torture/murder of Caylee. Duck tape doesn't fit into the Zanny kidnapping story. Why would the friendly nanny who loved Caylee duck tape her mouth? Caylee would have been confortable w/ the nanny and would not exactly be screaming for help. If CA had said a crazy child molestor took Caylee-then duck taping her mouth to fit the story would make sense. Clearly, CA did not plan her coverup b/f the disposal. If that had happened and she had spent sometime on her story-the story might actually be believable. That crazy B*$%! killed her daughter and disposed of her so that she could get back to her boyfriend. She didn't come up with her lies until much later.
I didn't mean frozen in the water. I meant as in hidden in a freezer and then placed there to be found. Just wondering out loud. I agree LWOP in gen pop would be just fine with me.

Interesting thinking Simonsmom. That would ultimately confuse date/time of death too. Sounds like someone's been watching their CSI!
I would have been at that jail today............but the prisoner has the right to refuse visits and I guarantee you she would refuse.

I think she'll refuse visits too , I don't know how they could face each other .
I wonder, will the meter reader collect the reward..?

The $250,000 reward from Kid-finders has a restriction that she had to be alive!

Leonard P.offered $50,000 for the recovery of Caylee!

So_ I don't know _ :waitasec:
Well, finally we may all have some closure and a beautiful little angel can be properly laid to rest. I really feel for George and Cindy and wonder how they will accept the find if it does prove to be little Caylee. Larry King Live should be interesting tonite. I truely feel that God brought that man to her so she could be found before christmas.

I am a mother of 3 and the thought of what Casey must have put little Caylee through makes me sick to my stomach. I'm sure there are many theories on what exactly took place, but there is one twisted question I have....What would have caused her to remove her clothing? What type of monster kills their own child and then removes the clothing and puts her in a trash bag naked with duct tape around her mouth??? What was the purpose or thinking behind that I wonder... Any thoughts??? I truely feel sick....
With all due respect, I am extremely sad to hear the latest news about Caylee. I was just wondering if anyone has seen this video (link below)? Who are these people?

Your link brings me to the video of Jose Baez leaving the jail... which I am assuming is not the "people" you are referring to. Do you have another link? Or maybe the video has been removed?

As an aside - Can Jose not afford a reliable umbrella?
I was hoping that the new day would bring less media confusion. Unfortunately, not so much. I still hear a lot of confusion as to whether they could identify chloroform in Caylee's system. Some of the experts say maybe, but most say no.

It still isn't completely clear whether the body was partially skeletonized or not. Which partially skeletonized, in and of itself is a confusing phrase because it points toward a number of things including mummification.

And then there is the speculation about whether or not her head was still attached to her body...personally, hoping it was, but that's just me. Neck breaking is one thing, dismemberment is another. And then there is the question of even if her head was disconnected, was it due to violence or was it due to natural tissue decomposition?

And all day today all I keep hearing is that unless there is something wonderfully amazing in that bag or in the evidence seied the the house, the chance of a murder one conviction is going steadily down the tubes.
I worry that there will be no significant trauma and no substantial tox results. If thee aren't, the chances of getting murder one in Florida are extremly small. ~sigh~
Depressing day.
I'm not certain, but I think all rewards have been withdrawn.

I think you are right, IIRC they were only good for 90 days and ONLY if she was found alive. They didn't intend to pay that from the beginning. If you remember that entire thing was checked out by some WS and there was a LOT of hinky involved.
IIRC, in one of GVS interviews with CA, when they were in Caylee's room, CA said she still washed Caylee's bedding regularly....I hope LE wasn't hoping to get any DNA from that. CA is really a stickler for "washing" things, isn't she??

ETA : Maybe she meant she washed just the sheets and pillow cases.....

During the interviews at the A home I strongly felt the house looked staged and I think CA lied, lied, lied, lied,,,,you'd want to leave anything that smelt of her alone so you could still smell her smell wouldn't you? If she did any washing it was to cover up something, not some warm domestic habit of love....
Unfortunately, I believe that we will never know what this little angel went through during the last moments of her short life.

OR fortunately if you look at it from a different way

I have a little girl.

Im not sure I want to know what dear sweet little Caylee went through

My heart is breaking for her and I dont even know her, I don't even live in the same Country as her. All the way in Australia but touched as if I knew her
When I was about 3yo, my mentally disturbed and irate mother taped my mouth shut to keep me from crying. I can tell you I was terrified and choking on my tears and probably would have vomited. Fortunately, my grandmother was around and came to my rescue.

I shudder thinking that this may have been how Caylee died.
I agree with Fight, as far as the duct tape goes, geez, it saddens me to even type this because the images are so horrifying. What I don't understand is what and why use the duct tape at all, if indeed that monster did watch CSI, she would know that tape is one of the easiest things to retrieve evidence from. So in respect to the neck breaking I want to believe that because Caylee was so young, that the tissue and bones do not stay intact as an adults would.

Off topic, however I believe Mrs.Badden to be an attorney of those that are in it for the fame and money, and when she speaks I become sickened.
I was hoping that the new day would bring less media confusion. Unfortunately, not so much. I still hear a lot of confusion as to whether they could identify chloroform in Caylee's system. Some of the experts say maybe, but most say no.

It still isn't completely clear whether the body was partially skeletonized or not. Which partially skeletonized, in and of itself is a confusing phrase because it points toward a number of things including mummification.

And then there is the speculation about whether or not her head was still attached to her body...personally, hoping it was, but that's just me. Neck breaking is one thing, dismemberment is another. And then there is the question of even if her head was disconnected, was it due to violence or was it due to natural tissue decomposition?

And all day today all I keep hearing is that unless there is something wonderfully amazing in that bag or in the evidence seied the the house, the chance of a murder one conviction is going steadily down the tubes.
I worry that there will be no significant trauma and no substantial tox results. If thee aren't, the chances of getting murder one in Florida are extremly small. ~sigh~
Depressing day.

Check this article out
Not only does it say why it points to being Caylee


check this out - Bold is mine - Not only is it for rendering someone unconscious but also is a component of human decomp !!!

In mid-March, someone used the Anthonys' home laptop to search Google and Wikipedia for peroxide, shovels, acetone, alcohol and chloroform. Traces of chloroform, which is used to induce unconsciousness and is a component of human decomposition, were found in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car during forensic testing, the documents said.
The video referenced earlier is also discussed in another thread. I am going to mess up the name, but somebody named Kimani or Kiwani - you can probably find the thread through a search. Or someone else posting in this thread who knows will answer you.
I was hoping that the new day would bring less media confusion. Unfortunately, not so much. I still hear a lot of confusion as to whether they could identify chloroform in Caylee's system. Some of the experts say maybe, but most say no.

It still isn't completely clear whether the body was partially skeletonized or not. Which partially skeletonized, in and of itself is a confusing phrase because it points toward a number of things including mummification.

And then there is the speculation about whether or not her head was still attached to her body...personally, hoping it was, but that's just me. Neck breaking is one thing, dismemberment is another. And then there is the question of even if her head was disconnected, was it due to violence or was it due to natural tissue decomposition?

And all day today all I keep hearing is that unless there is something wonderfully amazing in that bag or in the evidence seied the the house, the chance of a murder one conviction is going steadily down the tubes.
I worry that there will be no significant trauma and no substantial tox results. If thee aren't, the chances of getting murder one in Florida are extremly small. ~sigh~
Depressing day.

There had to have been SOMETHING with the remains to have LE IMMEDIATLY get a search warrant for the Anthony home!!

Look at all the stuff they took out in bags from that home.

There is NO DOUBT in my mind that LE cannot get a murder one conviction!
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