Remains found in Big Spring #2 - Strong Speculation this may be Hailey

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One other point i think worth clarifying after reading this thread. Considering we are all trying to read between lines of fine details..
The child *advertiser censored* was found only on the pc at SA moms house. The memory stick seized from BD house did not contain child *advertiser censored* or beastiality, accirding to LE.

Some people are saying they found it in BD house and theres no evidence if that now.
I know! I was thinking similarly...

You left out:

not the same, but body found on Tuesday the 20th is NOT Samantha from AK
Sierra from TN: runaway called LE and is safe
phone call from Haze (our own member's runaway grandson): today the 21st

And all these are just the cases I've been following...

It's amazing.

Another one: Eric Koski was found safe tonight after failing to return to his home in Portland, Oregon on Tuesday evening. Eric has autism and he had reportedly made suicidal comments prior to his disappearance. It has been nasty cold up here recently. In fact, it began to snow this evening and is still at it now. I had a short walk home earlier, and it it was unpleasant, to say the least. I am so happy and relieved that Eric is safe, warm, and dry tonight! He was found just in time to avoid the worst of this icky weather.
One other point i think worth clarifying after reading this thread. Considering we are all trying to read between lines of fine details..
The child *advertiser censored* was found only on the pc at SA moms house. The memory stick seized from BD house did not contain child *advertiser censored* or beastiality, accirding to LE.

Some people are saying they found it in BD house and theres no evidence if that now.

Yep. And he had all day and night on Monday to clear all of that out of Billies house. I think that lone zip stick found in Billies lingerie drawer was one that they overlooked. Luckily it had nothing illegal on it. But I think their house was nice and 'legal' when LE came to call. Clint however, was busted because he did not flush his weed before LE came over. And that makes me less suspicious of him and more suspicious of them.
To me, it is simple; if this is Hailey, SA or SA/BD are the culprits. JMO
Yeah, it is an odd choice when Texas has so many other uninhabited areas where she could have been dumped. Maybe the monsters that killed Hailey left her there in an effort to implicate someone who works around this facility? Maybe she was left there because lime would cover the decomposition smell. People obsessed with death and murder (Shawn and Billie) would know lime is used to stop the smell of decomposition. Lime was used on several episodes of HBO's The Wire to cover dead bodies.

I would think those people would also know it preserves evidence as well. JMO.

And those people buried the body ,which says something else about the crime. 1 they had time to bury it there. 2 . They wanted it covered. Hidden.

But ,they didnt hide it right or deep enough. So crime obsessed people who make major mistakes like that.. Well just crazy.IMO.

Not that he isnt a good suspect. I dont think it was a they.
I would think those people would also know it preserves evidence as well. JMO.

And those people buried the body ,which says something else about the crime. 1 they had time to bury it there. 2 . They wanted it covered. Hidden.

But ,they didnt hide it right or deep enough. So crime obsessed people who make major mistakes like that.. Well just crazy.IMO.

Not that he isnt a good suspect. I dont think it was a they.

I think they make mistakes because they are not planned crimes. It reminds me of Kiesha Abrahams/Weippeart, here in Australia, who was discovered after police followed her "parents" to where they disposed of her, visiting her on the eve of her birthday. Her mother has taken the main criminal charges - she was not far from the home she went missing from, the home they left immediately upon reporting her missing. Coincidentally she was also found near land for airservices australia, not far from where a psychic tip was given for, in an area close to waste services depot.

Like Caylee, these quiet spots not too far from home, do manage to conceal bodies for several months. Not quite well enough though, thank god.

If they planned better, Shawn would not have quit work and he would have left his cellphone pinging somewhere non-incriminating. If they could get their act together a bit more, their act as parents of a missing child would have been more convincing.
I think they make mistakes because they are not planned crimes. It reminds me of Kiesha Abrahams/Weippeart, here in Australia, who was discovered after police followed her "parents" to where they disposed of her, visiting her on the eve of her birthday. Her mother has taken the main criminal charges - she was not far from the home she went missing from, the home they left immediately upon reporting her missing. Coincidentally she was also found near land for airservices australia, not far from where a psychic tip was given for, in an area close to waste services depot.

Like Caylee, these quiet spots not too far from home, do manage to conceal bodies for several months. Not quite well enough though, thank god.

If they planned better, Shawn would not have quit work and he would have left his cellphone pinging somewhere non-incriminating. If they could get their act together a bit more, their act as parents of a missing child would have been more convincing.

True,if he had kept his job,left his cell phone somewhere non-incriminating AND managed to pack a small bag of her belongings, like her hoodie, money, music, and some more clothing, then people would have believed she ran away, imo.

And I think he might have been doing that when DD came home and climbed through the window.
True,if he had kept his job,left his cell phone somewhere non-incriminating AND managed to pack a small bag of her belongings, like her hoodie, money, music, and some more clothing, then people would have believed she ran away, imo.

And I think he might have been doing that when DD came home and climbed through the window.

I always wondered why this stuff wasn't packed up with her, this would support Hailey leaving home voluntarily even if they are found with her remains ... probably drug affected decision making? This may account for being brazen enough to dig a grave where she was found. Maybe they were up all the night David was on a sleepover, aided by drugs, when the crime and disposal occurred. And that's why they needed to buy narcotics the following night to come down, and get themselves a bit back in sorts before reporting her missing Tuesday.
The answers cant come fast enough. It just makes my heart sink everytime i see a billboard with Hailey on it. (we live in Abilene btw) and have followed the case very closely since before it became nancy grace material.

What do you guys make of the idea that this could be a second dumpsite? Body mummified at first site then was put out there by the airport? Itd be next to impossible for SA to pull that off.

The reason would be that there were a number of eyewitness sightings of HD on the day she dissappeared, and her cell phone was used to send a text to a friend. At the time all that happened SA's cell phone pings showed him to be in Big Spring, not CC. Based on the time of the last cell phone activity ping at Big Spring, and the time it would have taken to travel back to CC, he would have had at most 30-40 minutes to do anything before her brother and his friend arrived back home. She was gone at that point if the known timeline is to be believed. The brother was at home the rest of the night and all day until BD called to find out where HD was, so there was no possibility of a body being stashed at the house. If SA did anything he had 30-40 minutes to do all of it, clean up the scene and hide the body somewhere off the property.

Whatever happened to her must have happened late that afternoon or that evening, but the window for SA's possible involvement is very small. It doesnt make sense for him to have taken the body afterwards and deposited close to where he said he was that day. That is not a very smart thing to do. You would think that if he did move and dump a body the next day, he would do that in the opposite direction from Big Spring so as to create as much distance from the scene and where he was that day.

One point to note is that the body was not well hidden, and left in an area where eventual discovery was very likely. That meant that the person who left it there knew it would be found and may have expected it to be found quickly since a lot of people were looking in the area around SA's relatives residences in Big Spring. It is entirely possible that the body (IF it is HD) was placed there after SA was targeted as a POI with the expectation that it would be found and a connection made to SA based on the proximity of his mothers house, thereby throwing the scent off the real killer/responsible person.

The pictures of the site that were linked on page 2 of this thread show an open area that has clearly been worked at some point, with gravel heaps in the distance. There is not much vegetation of the ground, but there is some in the foreground. They should consider the possibility that it was someone who worked there at some point, or knew a bit about earth moving.
The reason would be that there were a number of eyewitness sightings of HD on the day she dissappeared, and her cell phone was used to send a text to a friend. At the time all that happened SA's cell phone pings showed him to be in Big Spring, not CC. Based on the time of the last cell phone activity ping at Big Spring, and the time it would have taken to travel back to CC, he would have had at most 30-40 minutes to do anything before her brother and his friend arrived back home. She was gone at that point if the known timeline is to be believed. The brother was at home the rest of the night and all day until BD called to find out where HD was, so there was no possibility of a body being stashed at the house. If SA did anything he had 30-40 minutes to do all of it, clean up the scene and hide the body somewhere off the property.

Whatever happened to her must have happened late that afternoon or that evening, but the window for SA's possible involvement is very small. It doesnt make sense for him to have taken the body afterwards and deposited close to where he said he was that day. That is not a very smart thing to do. You would think that if he did move and dump a body the next day, he would do that in the opposite direction from Big Spring so as to create as much distance from the scene and where he was that day.

One point to note is that the body was not well hidden, and left in an area where eventual discovery was very likely. That meant that the person who left it there knew it would be found and may have expected it to be found quickly since a lot of people were looking in the area around SA's relatives residences in Big Spring. It is entirely possible that the body (IF it is HD) was placed there after SA was targeted as a POI with the expectation that it would be found and a connection made to SA based on the proximity of his mothers house, thereby throwing the scent off the real killer/responsible person.

The pictures of the site that were linked on page 2 of this thread show an open area that has clearly been worked at some point, with gravel heaps in the distance. There is not much vegetation of the ground, but there is some in the foreground. They should consider the possibility that it was someone who worked there at some point, or knew a bit about earth moving.

There are a lot of assumptions above, some of them faulty, imo. Who says SA had a narrow window of time? We do not know when she was last seen, other than by DD at 9 pm on Sunday evening. All of the crimes may have taken place after DD left that night. That gave him/them hours to dispose of her.

And there were not a number of CREDIBLE sightings of HD on Monday. They have been debunked as far as I know. At least according to LE they have been.

And that supposed text from her cell proves nothing. It does not seem like it was her because I have never known a 13 yr old to have a cell phone in their hands all day and they make no calls and send only one measly text. Does that seem right to you? Why didnt she call anyone all day? She wanted to have a sleepover. Why didn't she call around and text friends and make it happen. Sending one text, which is never answered,does not make any sense.

And I disagree that the body was not well hidden. She was in a plastic bag and buried under the dirt in an area that was never searched. She stayed hidden for 15 months. So she was pretty well hidden, imo.

And if someone was trying to frame SA, then they would have put the body in areas by the creek near his gmas or in one of the many other areas where they searched, and not on corporate land somewhere behind fences. imo
I think a pervert just got too comfortable and grew rapidly with a woman who is too immature to know that. jmo
BD opened her home to a dude she probably didn't even check out first. have children, you check that out first before bringing anyone around them. I have many things that could be said, but she is complicit or just plain dumb. SA creeps me.

I hope Hailey is brought home soon. I'm sure those not involved in her demise wish Hailey to be home. I know all of us care that she's brought home. xoxo
I am shocked and saddened that a body was found and it might likely be Hailey. I really wanted to believe she ran away from her crazy family and was safe and loved and cared for and living happily elsewhere.

I just dont know what to think anymore about what may have happened to her. I have defended Billie because she seems to have some form of autism/asbergers/ADD (IMO) that explains her emotional distance and her inability to remember what happened and what she has said. There's a simpleness about her where she doesnt see into things beyond whats in front of her. Her comments seem weird because they are not thought out or planned; they are said in the moment in the simple way she sees things.

I know a few unusual people with macabre interests and they are some of the nicest and kindest people i have known so I couldnt jump on the "guilty" bandwagon based on SA being weird. Overlooking his completely bizarre activities that day it is possible he did what he said he did.

I have not been able to rule out Clint and/or Naomi. Something doesn't sit right. I seem to remember an interview where Clint corrected Naomi on what day Hailey had stopped by their house. I haven't been able to find it again but I dont have the patience to review every video/news clip. I could be wrong about this (but I dont think I am).

The location where they found the body is weird in its proximity to Shawn's old 'hood. Deserted, accessible, within the industry he works and might have knowledge of, and all this would definitely point the guilty finger at him.

I am just really sad that thismay be Hailey.
Brand New Hailey...


Baby Hailey - Personality already




Lil' Miss Personality...

Sweetwater attorney John Young, who is representing Hailey’s mother Billie Jean Dunn in several misdemeanor cases, confirmed the report, although he said he didn’t have it directly from law enforcement.

“It’s my understanding the remains were placed in a plastic bag that had deteriorating articles of clothing inside,
” Young said, citing someone close to the case.
They are indeed in a relationship, both living in Austin area, but not living together at same residence.
Both are in C. City currently.

I know the lawyer said that yes..and yet Shawn answered Billies go and figure.
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