Remains found in Big Spring #2 - Strong Speculation this may be Hailey

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That picture TOTALLY needs a big
WARNING: May cause nightmares, vomiting or the need for an immediate shower! :sick:

I have never understood dismembering a body and then putting it all in one place.
Yet people do it again and again. I can totally see that happening. :banghead:

Gosh i'm glad it's early morning here and I didn't see that late at night. I'd be having nightmares! Is that just a random pic or one of SA's pics?
Gosh i'm glad it's early morning here and I didn't see that late at night. I'd be having nightmares! Is that just a random pic or one of SA's pics?

WARNING: May cause nightmares, vomiting or the need for an immediate shower! :sick:

That picture is Shawn Adkins himself... in the flesh.
No pun intended...
And it's early morning here too... but I haven't been to bed. :banghead:
Any personal belief of Shawn or Billie's innocence went out the window when SA accused Hailey of being promiscuous and on drugs. It's far too common, in too many cases, for a perpetrator to malign the victim or blame them in some fashion for their outcome.

Billie stayed with Shawn even after calling her 13 year old little girl promiscuous? Hmph. (I've never gotten a TO and don't want to start now - just imagine a few expletives and you're spot on! ;))
Billie Dunn Tells Caller: 'I Feel Sick; I Just Feel Sick'

BIG SPRING, Texas -- A woman who spoke with Billie Jean Dunn, Hailey Dunn’s mother, described the mother as stunned by the news of human remains found in Big Spring – just a mile from where Shawn Adkins drove on the morning that Hailey Dunn disappeared.
Holly Jenkins, of Midland, told KTXS News that she spoke with Billie Dunn at 1 a.m. Wednesday.
She quoted Billie Dunn as saying: “I feel sick; I just feel sick.”
Jenkins, a volunteer who helped search for Hailey Dunn last year, said that investigators have notified Billie Dunn and have been talking to her since the skeletal remains were found Tuesday.
Authorities have not confirmed the identity of anyone concerning the remains, and officials said identification could take up to a week.
Jenkins said Billie Dunn told her that Billie still hopes that Hailey will be found alive.
But, Billie told her, that if this is Hailey, then she wants justice to be done. Jenkins said Billie wants whoever did this to come forward and make things easier.
Holly Jenkins helped in the search for Hailey Dunn. Her heart dropped when she heard that human remains were found.

“I wanted to see for myself why I didn't come here,” Jenkins said. “I’m looking at it right now knowing that something was found there. I would still say I could not go over there and I can't go in private property over a fence. Searchers wouldn't have been able to go over there.”

Maybe the fence which prohibited searchers was the reason why that bizarre site was chosen for her disposal?

I'm still trying to understand where the remains were found and I apologize for asking questions that may have been answered. I've been going back and forth from this forum to Tori Stafford's forum.

My understanding is this was a limestone factory (??) area. Searchers weren't able to get in because it was private property and it was fenced in. Were there cameras anywhere? Security? Can people just go in and out of that place without being noticed? How did the perp get through? Assuming the perp is SA and the theory is he did it that morning, how did he do it without being noticed?

TIA to anyone who could shed some light.
What time was that alleged text message sent to her friend? I don't recall.
It was said that the company that was using/leasing it in 2010 and 2011 didn't lock the gates. I imagine he did this under the cover of dark.

What kind of business was SA working for at the time? I know he quit the day Hailey vanished but I can't recall if he had a company truck available to him.
I believe this about as much as I believe that I can sprout wings and fly (from Knox's link above)...

Both attorneys confirmed Dunn and Adkins have been living in the Austin area. Young stressed although the two are in a relationship, he said they are not living together.

These attorneys have no clue, Young has not called Billie in months how would he know! BD/SA have been living together this entire time
These attorneys have no clue, Young has not called Billie in months how would he know! BD/SA have been living together this entire time

Thanks for clarifying Carrie. I remember Billie mentioning that on the Websleuths talk show.

Nice to see you albeit under these sad circumstances.
i havent read about Hailey for a long time, but have caught up because of the remains found.

I am so shocked and horrified that her mother is still with the prime suspect. I am sorry but if my boyfriend was suspected of hurting one of my sons I would have hit his kneecaps hard with a steel pole to get the truth, let alone what I would have done to the further up part of his body!!

What is wrong with these women, are they that desperate to have a man in their life???

I think Billie was probably quite good looking in her time and was jealous of her daughters youthful look and beauty and the looks this scum was giving Hailey, which is why she is still with him.
That's true. I actually heard a story about a private search team almost getting arrested for trespassing in another case years ago.

Tell you what, if it was my property and someone wanted to search for a missing person - especially a child - I'd give them the keys to the kingdom in a heartbeat!

BBM - Me too Kimster, as much as I would hate to, I would have to help them search, I couldn't sleep knowing a child might be there.
These attorneys have no clue, Young has not called Billie in months how would he know! BD/SA have been living together this entire time

Mr. Young did not say that they haven't been living together; he said that they are not {now} living together. I take this to mean that something may have changed in the last few days and now that they are in Colorado City, they are not "living together". I think that Billy does not plan to take SA back to Austin with her. I think she left him at his mother's house.

SA doesn't even have a job in Austin that I know of. He quit his last job the day Hailey disappeared, so he can't get unempolyment.

I think that Billy is tired of supporting him financially, and it's about time. I hope they arrest him before she gets a chance to break down and take him back!

Someone on NG tonight had a good answer for your type of question. NG asked why does the perp return to the site and/or put the body in a familiar place. And part of the answer the expert gave (sorry I can't remember exact name) was that part of the sociopath behavior is not thinking through the finishing of the crime, the after plan so to speak. I can quote she said "they are not planners". The sociopath will do the crime, dump the body and then use lies to try to work themselves out of the situation.
yep ala FCA
Billie Dunn Tells Caller: 'I Feel Sick; I Just Feel Sick'

She'd feel sick even if she was not an innocent party in Hailey's demise. And I truly think that she was involved.

Time is running out. To be a fly on the wall to see the reactions of SA and BD when they heard news that Hailey may be found.

This case has haunted me since Hailey went missing and after all this time, I didn't think Hailey would be found. It's bittersweet....such sad emotions to know that Hailey is truly deceased but happy that justice may be served afterall.
i havent read about Hailey for a long time, but have caught up because of the remains found.

I am so shocked and horrified that her mother is still with the prime suspect. I am sorry but if my boyfriend was suspected of hurting one of my sons I would have hit his kneecaps hard with a steel pole to get the truth, let alone what I would have done to the further up part of his body!!

What is wrong with these women, are they that desperate to have a man in their life???

I think Billie was probably quite good looking in her time and was jealous of her daughters youthful look and beauty and the looks this scum was giving Hailey, which is why she is still with him.

She's had some hard miles put on her, that's for sure.

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