Reports of alleged Casey Anthony video diary surface on Internet

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I don't even remember where I read this, but she also mentions in this vid that she might get off of probation early, but I am trying to figure out how long she has been on....was her first check in @ the end of Aug? has she been on probation 4 or 5 months?? could it have ended early, already??? I would think she would at least have to do 6 or so months.....

maybe she already checked in, probation is over @ 5 months if I calculated correctly, so she felt "free" to release this video NOW/????

ALL SPECULATION ON MY PART HERE, but I do remember she could get done with probation early, wonder if that is the case???? she sure seems free to talk and show she is earning $$$$ now????

IMO, MOO< etc.

A lot of people get their probation ended early but with KC it isn't a real probation so it could end early or go full term with an understanding that she is so special that any violations would be overlooked/ignored. JMO.

In the pic posted in this thread she looks horrible as a blonde, not to mention it is an ugly haircut.

IMO, Mason saying she/they did not release this video on YouTube is just a cover. They did release it or at least did not object to its release..but want people to think otherwise so as not to ruin KC's claim of her life being in danger. Also, none of them want a judge getting the idea KC is not indigent, right?

Did she really say John? Or could it have been Todd?

Not that it really matters..., little dog, run for your life!
I assumed it was a webcam because I thought she was mentioning it in the context of making the video.

JB said shortly after FCA's release that she was given a camera (picture camera) so that she may continue to do what she loves "taking pictures"

He failed to mention she loves having her picture taken more then actually taking pictures.
VinniePolitan Vinnie Politan
Tonight I speak with the woman who posted the CA youtube video... Find out why and when it happened... #HLN at 6pm!

stevehelling Steve Helling
@True_Thoughts @adamlongo @clickorlando @cfnews13 I just taped the show with him.
1 hour ago Favorite Retweet Reply

Looks like Vinnie will be talking to the woman that posted the video on YouTube and Steve is talking to the man that posted the video on YouTube (Nancy Grace).


Well, that makes sense since there are two YouTube channels with the same video. I wonder if it is one person from each YouTube channel or is it a "hubby and wife" team on only one YouTube channel?
Good grief. This girl is just plain weird. Personally I think this is planned and they are testing the waters. Possibly they are trying to prove to the media there is high interest in what she has to say. What did she say other than I don't know a LOT?

I noticed yahoo has a poll on the front page. I'm happy to say most of us think she needs to crawl back under her rock.

I was also a bit happy to see she is looking a little sad. We all need to stop watching it though. We need to make it clear to the media we are no longer interested in her. But it's too hard for us not to look, huh?
I just wonder what the jury from Casey's trial would be thinking about now that SHE'S BACK! Kinda a scary thought. Too bad they didn't take the time to go over all the evidence......

They aren't thinking a thing, remember these are people who didn't follow the they are completely unaware she's baaaaaaaack :)
the couple should have been concerned that keeping their heads in the sand and avoiding the behavior of their daughter could endanger Caylee.
Their concern was/is misplaced.

Yes and no. Between the mysterious dying pets, the lies, the thievery, their granddaughter's murder and the accusations against them, they damn well know what she is capable of and they are aware most people in the USA know.

They never wanted their daughter to die and they still don't.

George does not like to see her free.
They aren't thinking a thing, remember these are people who didn't follow the they are completely unaware she's baaaaaaaack :)

Plus...thinking would be too stressful for them.
I was wondering how this video could affect her civil suits... If she can show her face to make this video yapping on and on about all of her cool new possessions, then she can certainly answer some questions about her daughter's death :great:

hehehe!! This video might bite her in the behind. Here she is bragging that she bought the computer herself and she can't pay her Probation Fees. LOL.... I hope the Morgan's stick it to her!!!
I haven't been through the whole thread yet, but I just wanted to give my 2 cents. I believe this is Casey, but I don't believe anyone was meant to see this. If she knew people would be viewing this she would have primped more. Also, she appears to be sedated heavily or on some type of medication. Her words are so slow, compared to her normal fast talking. She is on some serious meds that's for sure.
Michael K from has weighed in on FCA's video, and his description of her hairstyle had me gasping for air I was laughing so much! Also, which brain trust thought it would be a good idea to let her have a dog?
O/T but I'm going to be a Grand ma!! :D :great: :great: :great: :great:
Still haven't heard if she checked in with probation..doesn't she have check in? they have always released something saying she has...does anyone have any info?
I haven't posted much at all since the verdict. I guess you could say it left me speechless. It's just nice to see that nothing has changed regarding FCA, not one iota(I say nice because I knew it would not, could not). It's all about her, always was and always will be (in her unusual mind at least). I do fear for the dog, when he/she wears out their usefulness, I just shutter to think what will happen. Her behavior in this video reminded me very much of Jeffery Dahmer, extremely calm and seemingly very in control. But as we have seen with both of them, push the right button and they explode. We have just witnessed a Sociopath in action yet again. Can't fool me, FCA is as clear as ice, as that is what runs through her veins. Not one mention of her precious daughter, her parents or anyone she's hurt along the way. Nope, only her loneliness, her possessions, her life. No one can tell me that she is not a sociopath with narcissistic tendencies because in my mind, that is what she is. She feels nothing, she only feels for herself, no conscience, no remorse. What a huge mistake that jury made.
I haven't been through the whole thread yet, but I just wanted to give my 2 cents. I believe this is Casey, but I don't believe anyone was meant to see this. If she knew people would be viewing this she would have primped more. Also, she appears to be sedated heavily or on some type of medication. Her words are so slow, compared to her normal fast talking. She is on some serious meds that's for sure.


Meh, knowing FCA she probably smoked a fat one with one of her babysitters.:crazy:
If she had no hand in the actual release of this (which I HIGHLY doubt, by the way, I think it was done on purpose by her w/ or w/out the knowledge of her DT "handlers"), then she trusted the wrong person if she really did not want this to leak out. and THAT is the way the whole rest of her life will be, IMO, she will NEVER know who to trust or who not to trust, who is trying to make a buck off of her, or who will sell her out. In that scenario, to me, it is Karma in a Backwards Kind of Way.

Still waiting for the probation report release, she mentioned and I think she will get over her probation early, wonder what happened on her latest probation check-in, and if that report will be out soon, she needed to report by today, I think. Has it been 5 months of probation yet? Could the recent check-in, whether today or a few days ago, have been her last one, so she felt "safe" to release this at this time?? Just wondering out loud here....

IMO, MOO, etc.
I believe her guy fans are still supporting her. C. Mason bragged about her money after the trial. He says it comes to his office. Didn't he say she gets thousands of dollars a month? I am guessing any money received goes through him as POA and he dishes it out to her.

Well maybe CM will be smart enough to file her taxes this year...
Still haven't heard if she checked in with probation..doesn't she have check in? they have always released something saying she has...does anyone have any info?

News Channel 13 just stated that CM said her probation is up to date. I dunno...last I heard, she hadn't reported and I can't find anything on the news sites online. Usually someone in MSM posts the probation report but I can't find it. Maybe someone better than me will find it. :)
The video that came out today was made in the same room shown above where Casey is wearing a blue blouse. Does anyone know when that pic was taken?
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