Reports of alleged Casey Anthony video diary surface on Internet

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The mannerisms are her...but the nose and the mouth are wrong. I know the bird flipper verified that it is casey...but all you old timers here remember "that" picture that forever lives in the basement..there are look alikes.
Todd.... I think.

I agree 100%...the last name is Todd and I really think Geraldo is the first name she says but I don't know Todd's wife's name so it could be whatever her name is as well.
The Anthony's old attorney on JVM talking smack about FCA..~L~
Holy moly...brad conway why dont you tell us how you really feel about casey!!! Narcissitic, despicable, self centered. Lol. Sorry about the punctuation, etc but i am posting from mynook
I know. I was just thinking that today, looking at pictures of Caylee. What a beautiful child. Anyone would love her. So unnecessary and the fact that her murderer got away with it makes it worse. It hurts that such little lights can be taken from this earth for no reason.

That was a super funny video!!

That's very sad to me. I truly believe it was a ploy from casey and her camp to get prodcuers to realize how much could be made from an interview. They are smart as heck and sly as foxes. They are also dirty as can be.

I refuse to watch as well. But the thread topic is interesting! I don't think she did this behind anyone's back though. They are all in on it, IMO. Great way to prove to producers that there is a lot of interest in her.

You mean, at least she hasn't killed one of her kids.

The particular video I was looking at is gone. So they are being pulled down or people are running scared now. That's good. But you're right, this is gauging public interest and it's best not to get curious and click!
I don't care what people say. I would never PAY to watch anything Casey Anthony does. This video was FREE and I still haven't watched it. I know at least someone here would have watched it and I can get the scoop that way. I would rather watch Caylee's home videos than watch anything that vile girl has to say.
Oh my goodness .... lots of major speculation on this show.

Note to self: Do not wear your white tank top out tomorrow, and take glasses off so I don't look like I am about to do something for money!

IN JVM's defense, maybe she's just pointing out that KC would be less murderer-y if she wore a sweater
I so want to confirm this pay for view site based on what Holly stated on Prime News. I haven't been able to find a thing using Casey Anthony Around The World or variations of that.

Me either and I've used the dashes between the words just like it's written on the video and pictures. I'm still looking.:crazy:
I guess it's possible that " The Evildoer's " 2012 isn't looking real great for making the big $$$$$ she thinks she's worth! Her boys have no doubt promised her " A Happy New Year and have got to find a way to try to " humanize " IT .........Maybe they can get some poor misguided souls to throw some chump change at the woman ( they know ) is Caylee's killer ! The greedy witch isn't getting any of my quarters ( this is a FACT ).........and the rest is just my opinion.
Actually, that sounds like a good idea. Why don't we all head over to youtube and watch videos of Caylee. Let's show these people what we really care about. Caylee Marie Anthony!
Omg i cannot wait for nancy grace. This feels like old times. Wonder what necklace nancy willhave on? Lol
LOL. the way FCA said the computer is "HERS" and noone can take it away or however she phrased it.. Makes it sound like she's telling Mason.. "don't even think of coming here and taking MY computer"
God knows he probably called her and gave her an earful about that "leaked" video.
I can say that I am excited about Nancy Grace. She's going to rip Casey a new one. PUT EM UP! PUT EM UP! She's shy of cameras?? And she'll show the party pictures. :floorlaugh:
Me either and I've used the dashes between the words just like it's written on the video and pictures. I'm still looking.:crazy:

The "around the world" sounds more like a *advertiser censored* site where you pay money to look at a picture. This is what I don't understand, you can't see anything unless you pay for it, so what is it that he actually saw.

Clearly this video was not on a pay per view site otherwise they could not download it without paying for it.

Hopefully when they interview the man on Nancy, we will get a clearer picture.

Also, I couldn't find anything on Holly's Facebook page regarding this link and odd that she couldn't remember who posted the link in the first place.
Same old KC




Just Sayin':crazy:
Interesting comment.... I thought (and I DO believe it was her-) she seemed/looked "buzzed" during the entire video...
This is very plausible, but it just occurred to me that KC stated in her last probation check-in that she had not been undergoing any counseling.

I can finally post!!!! Had to take a vacation, lol. No way. I can't think of a worse method of therapy for a narcisstic personality or sociopath than talking to themselves in a video diary. Seriously?!?!?!?! That's not therapy, that's giving them what they want, more time to focus on themselves. Lord. That has to be the worst therapist out there to think that telling her to take time for herself and her ideas in a video diary would be a good thing.

It is DEFINITELY her. I recognized her INSTANTLY from a still. There's just something unforgettable about how she looks, IMO. I refuse to watch the whole video. And from what I read, it sounds like CLASSIC Casey speak, repeating things and talking in circles. She looks so ugly too. Blonde and that hairdo is SOOOOOOOOOO not doing her any favors! I'm dying laughing about people saying she looks like Cindy. I can see the fisties now as she reads that! And I'm sure mama Cindy was weeping, oh my poor little baby, oh how stupid can she be to do this? as she watched the video while George left the room. And now they're concerned about her safety. Maybe publicly. Privately, I'm sure it's not so. I think the whole video was a knock at Cindy the way Casey talked about things being hers for once. It was a clear message to Cindy that Caylee was never Casey's, only Cindy's. No wonder Casey killed Caylee. Caylee was just another THING that wasn't Casey's alone. Sheesh.

What an idiot. I'm sure she didn't do the editing herself. Either she got one of her lawyers or lackey to do it for her, or a trusted supporter who knows computers to do it for her. She either stupidly trusted someone that she thought was on her side, or she specifically did this on purpose thinking she would get a Kim Kardashian or Britney Spears like celebrity. It doesn't work that way, Casey. Kim never killed anyone even if she's vapid and shallow, and even messed up Britney Spears loves and takes care of her sons. I really think Casey and her lawyers thought reality television would be the way to go since they couldn't get anything else. I'm laughing at the two and three dollar pricetag I read about. I wouldn't pay a PENNY to see this garbage!

I hope it affects her civil trial, her probation, and that the IRS sticks to her butt like glue from now on. She should not be allowed to do something like this without repercussions. No way. And I can't believe her lawyers would be dumb enough to sanction this. She admits she bought something on tape, that it wasn't gifted. Talked about torpedoing her probation.

And of course, the spin begins. Oh my gosh, she's in danger now. I just know Munyon will eat that up with a spoon even if I hope she doesn't. I have no faith in that judge holding Casey accountable for ANYTHING. In fact, as much as I want it to affect her probation, I bet they'll be like, what video? We don't know about any video...

The IRS isn't going to ignore this, though. I can feel their heat from here! GET HER, IRS!!!!

ETA: And that poor dog. Someone call the SPCA or something! She should NOT own a dog, not with her track record. I bet she doesn't take care of it though. Like my stepdaughter, she just plays with the dog and calls it hers. Whatever, Casey. I hope that dog doesn't turn up dead when you're done with the poor animal.
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