Reports of New Casey Anthony Video Diary Surface on Web #2

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Here is the rub and no one wants to hear it but here it is:

You're not going to get the justice you desire. She will never be held accountable for what she was on trial for. She will never pay the ultimate penalty (unless she kills someone again) that she was up for. I understand wanting her to fail so bad, but this is all small potatoes to the justice she was supposed to receive. Cheering because she's lonely and making internet videos? LOL, the girl was in jail, on trial for capital murder. She was 2 steps away from a death sentence. And now some are happy that she's 'alone making videos for a bunch of crazed supporters'?

She's laughing every day because no matter how alone, how holed up, how hated she is, it will never be worse than the alternative she could of faced. That is what is sad in this entire thing. And it will continue to be sad.

Not really. The more she is prevented from making money and living a "normal life" the better. Fact is, she hasn't gotten a huge payday (yet) as many of us feared she might. It is important to keep the pressure on as much as possible. Caylee's family has forgotten her amidst Safety Inspecting, beer pong and defending Casey. It's important that everyone else does not. Sooner or later - maybe maybe years from now, the 'kindness of strangers' will run out.

I also think it's worth noting - and I say this solemnly and with sincerity...I would not be the LEAST bit surprised if we learn that her "supporters" are the ones who are actually dangerous to her. The type and intensity of attention she is getting from strangers should scare her to death. Ronald Reagan, John Lennon, Bjork, etc. all had similar types of people harm them. Doubt she has the awareness to even understand that, though.
Here is the rub and no one wants to hear it but here it is:

You're not going to get the justice you desire. She will never be held accountable for what she was on trial for. She will never pay the ultimate penalty (unless she kills someone again) that she was up for. I understand wanting her to fail so bad, but this is all small potatoes to the justice she was supposed to receive. Cheering because she's lonely and making internet videos? LOL, the girl was in jail, on trial for capital murder. She was 2 steps away from a death sentence. And now some are happy that she's 'alone making videos for a bunch of crazed supporters'?

She's laughing every day because no matter how alone, how holed up, how hated she is, it will never be worse than the alternative she could of faced. That is what is sad in this entire thing. And it will continue to be sad.

So she's all steeped in eternal happiness because she's not in jail? I don't think so; Casey isn't that deep, imo. History is usually a pretty accurate predictor and her past life was based on the 10-minutes-at-a-time doctrine.
Is there going to be a separate thread for the hearing today? I think it's starting in like fifteen minutes!
I disagree - KC is a sociopath and any kind of attention is good for her. Doesn't matter if it is negative. She is enjoying all of it. She spent three years in solitary. She is tough - and she is enjoying this. Loves every time she sees her name on tv.

She might be enjoying it - no - you are probably right - she is - but this isn't Howard Stern and it isn't the morning show and she isn't the guest MC on SNL and there are no flashbulbs and no adoring fans or limos or red carpet. And no 1M dollar deals.

So sitting in a carpy trailer munching nachjos and webcamming is making her "happy" - I'm good with that! You call it happiness - I call it karma! :skip: :skip: :skip:
Here is the rub and no one wants to hear it but here it is:

You're not going to get the justice you desire. She will never be held accountable for what she was on trial for. She will never pay the ultimate penalty (unless she kills someone again) that she was up for. I understand wanting her to fail so bad, but this is all small potatoes to the justice she was supposed to receive. Cheering because she's lonely and making internet videos? LOL, the girl was in jail, on trial for capital murder. She was 2 steps away from a death sentence. And now some are happy that she's 'alone making videos for a bunch of crazed supporters'?

She's laughing every day because no matter how alone, how holed up, how hated she is, it will never be worse than the alternative she could of faced. That is what is sad in this entire thing. And it will continue to be sad.

I also agree with you up to a point -- however, (and I'm not just saying this because I *want* it to be true, but because it is true) Casey Anthony is already receiving some very, very bad karma. She is not pretty, she doesn't have a bunch of people to go party with every night, and she's aging badly.

We all know her looks/social life have always been the most important things in the world to her, and now they're slipping away AND the whole world gets to watch it happen. Her beady eyes probably skim right over internet comments concerning her murdered daughter, but you can be darn sure she is OBSESSING over anything having to do with her pitiful personal appearance. She is now ugly inside AND out, and the second half of that statement is the worst possible thing that could ever happen to a narcissist...
I am so confused who all these twitter, facebook and fans are. LOL what a mess. Can't miss a few days around here. :)

I haven't watched the video on line, but what little I saw on TV was more of KC grooming herself. Saw enough of that during the trial. And her fear of the camera was laughable.

Jose on GR seemed like he was tired of all of this. IMO Didn't seem to have "the fire in the belly" to defend her like before. Or maybe I am projecting my own weariness with it all onto him. :crazy:

Thanks to all for keeping me up to date. Off to read back and see what I missed.
I disagree - KC is a sociopath and any kind of attention is good for her. Doesn't matter if it is negative. She is enjoying all of it. She spent three years in solitary. She is tough - and she is enjoying this. Loves every time she sees her name on tv.

She is a sociopath yes, but the narcissistic side of her disorder wants adoration, nothing else. It is why she always cut people out of her life that disagreed with her or held her to the fire. If they were not adoring her, they had to go. Kind of like how she killed her daughter to spite Cindy once she confronted her and threatened to throw her out of the house and take Caylee away from her. Once Cindy stopped playing the game of keeping up Casey's perfect facade, severe action was taken by Casey. She cannot tolerate negative opinions about her and requires constant and excessive admiration, not disapproval.

Her sociopathic side lacks empathy and cannot adhere to the laws of society or any kind of rules that are imposed on her. She makes up her own rules, to suit her and her narcissism. Casey literally and figuratively wants to look in the mirror at her own reflection all day every day and she wants to do that through others. She does not want to see an ugly reflection and will filter all in her life that will show her anything but pure admiration.

Disapproval infuriates her.

It bothers her that people hate her, but she is too arrogant to admit it.
Please. People hate OCA but her life is not at risk. No one believes that except the Defense Team. And their reasons have to do with not testifying and $$$ - it has nothing to do with her safety....

So let's maybe not be perpetuating more carp from the Defense?

I wasn't being serious, it was tongue in cheek, and something that FCA can tell herself when she is out alone... its not my fault, people don't want to put their lives at risk. As you pointed out the more serious it is the more important she is in her own mind.

I wasn't trying to exacerbate that delusion, we are all contributing to that just by being here. There's a lot of hate here and again its a delusion that we care about her. Its not anything like rubbernecking as we drive by a car wreck. I know people want her to go away but I don't think anyone wants to or would kill or hurt her.

The longer this goes on she becomes less interesting to us and her sycophants and she will wind up even more alone, helpless, forgotten and miserable. As time passes their will be less people like us, but there will be less people out there who are clinging to her. What's left will be the middle people, the one's that she makes sick. The ones who MAYBE could live in the same neighborhood, try not to think about it and will avoid her.

I'll go and edit out that part.
Wesh and Wftv don't even mention the hearing. But in article on Wesh, it said Gonzales attorneys would be in court on Monday arguing their motion to make Casey talk. So are they and TES going to be there, I wonder? I'm guessing this isn't being televised, btw. Dang.
She is a sociopath yes, but the narcissistic side of her disorder wants adoration, nothing else. It is why she always cut people out of her life that disagreed with her or held her to the fire. If they were not adoring her, they had to go. Kind of like how she killed her daughter to spite Cindy once she confronted her and threatened to throw her out of the house and take Caylee away from her. Once Cindy stopped playing the game of keeping up Casey's perfect facade, severe action was taken by Casey. She cannot tolerate negative opinions about her and requires constant and excessive admiration, not disapproval.

Her sociopathic side lacks empathy and cannot adhere to the laws of society or any kind of rules that are imposed on her. She makes up her own rules, to suit her and her narcissism. Casey literally and figuratively wants to look in the mirror at her own reflection all day every day and she wants to do that through others. She does not want to see an ugly reflection and will filter all in her life that will show her anything but pure admiration.

Disapproval infuriates her.

It bothers her that people hate her, but she is too arrogant to admit it.

She cut people out of her life? No, they cut her out when they found out she was a liar - this was said time and again by different friends. A sociopath always has to make new friendships because their deceipt is found out. She can't hold a job so she steals, etc. etc.

When Cindy cut the money 0ff, she looked at getting rid of KC. Money usually enters into the killing of people. It entered in here and she was furious that she was cut off.

She is loving all of this. Look at me!
So now JB and CM have both been quoted as being "outraged" over this FCA video diary leak. Well I say if that is all they are outraged over is a stupid video of FCA rattling on about her new computer, phone, dog, ETC... they are doing pretty good. I, along with many, many others are still outraged their client got away with murder. :furious:



Outrage would be stealing money from your grandmother and writing a check to pay for a $40 bday cake,
Outrage would be stealing from your grandfather's assisted living bank account and writing a check to pay your cellphone bill,
Outrage would be stealing a "friends" money from her bank account by forging checks so you can buy new clothes for yourself and food for you and the new man in your life and his roommates
Outrage would be stealing money from your toddlers piggybank....
Outrage would be FALSELY accusing your father and your brother of molesting you
That's outrageous gentlemen
Here is the rub and no one wants to hear it but here it is:

You're not going to get the justice you desire. She will never be held accountable for what she was on trial for. She will never pay the ultimate penalty (unless she kills someone again) that she was up for. I understand wanting her to fail so bad, but this is all small potatoes to the justice she was supposed to receive. Cheering because she's lonely and making internet videos? LOL, the girl was in jail, on trial for capital murder. She was 2 steps away from a death sentence. And now some are happy that she's 'alone making videos for a bunch of crazed supporters'?

She's laughing every day because no matter how alone, how holed up, how hated she is, it will never be worse than the alternative she could of faced. That is what is sad in this entire thing. And it will continue to be sad.

I agree that she will never pay for what happened to Caylee. I firmly believe that at this point in time she believes it is everyone elses fault that everything happened. But, I do not see her changing her spots. She had clearly not worked for a loooong time, and had clearly been stealing from her family and friends for as long. This is documented fact. She is a felon because of what she stole from AH. No matter how she wants to shrug it off, she is a multiple felon. And, I firmly believe that she will steal again. From someone close to her. A supposed friend, a current bed-buddy, maybe even some adoring "fan" she meets. She will steal, and hopefully, if she is lucky, she will just do time for it. If she is unlucky, someone may do to her what many of us believe she did to Caylee. JMO.
As far as I know Twitter does NOT verify accounts anymore.

I'm pretty sure they do...Paris Jackson joined fairly recently and hers has the checkmark.

I don't see what you are seeing on the Twitter account for LeeAAnthony

Hmmm he or she changed it from "$ verified" to a checkmark next to "Verified Account"
She cut people out of her life? No, they cut her out when they found out she was a liar - this was said time and again by different friends. A sociopath always has to make new friendships because their deceipt is found out. She can't hold a job so she steals, etc. etc.

When Cindy cut the money 0ff, she looked at getting rid of KC. Money usually enters into the killing of people. It entered in here and she was furious that she was cut off.

She is loving all of this. Look at me!

Do you remember interviews with friends of hers that said that Casey would cut people out of her life if they didn't play along with her lies? That she just had a "switch" that she could turn on and off when it came to people in her life? (This is before Caylee's murder) She always had a "new best friend" a New group of people in her life. This has been a pattern with Casey forever and it is a definite part of her narcissism.

She murdered her daughter to SPITE her mother once her mother called her out on her stealing, joblessness, questionable parenting skills, lying, and inappropriate behavior. It wasn't simply about money. It was about perceived slights, jealousy and her own daughter and the unconditional adoration that Caylee received that Casey wanted and felt entitled to. She also broke her engagement off with Jesse because she felt that he "loved Caylee more than he loved her".

You don't disapprove of Casey. You adore her. Or she will strike back by disappearing or making you disappear. That is the crux of NPD.
No one will ever convince me that KC's computer was hacked. She either emailed that video to someone or...and most likely....she uploaded it here and it was downloaded by whomever she was sharing it with. Up loading to the above site would leave no traces of email but...if they check her hx and her computer they could see if she had indeed visited the site, provided she hadn't already deleted the hx...which I'm sure she has done by now.
If she used the above site then there may not be any way they can trace who accessed the video. Only her computer knows... or knew.

I agree..
She is a sociopath yes, but the narcissistic side of her disorder wants adoration, nothing else. It is why she always cut people out of her life that disagreed with her or held her to the fire. If they were not adoring her, they had to go. Kind of like how she killed her daughter to spite Cindy once she confronted her and threatened to throw her out of the house and take Caylee away from her. Once Cindy stopped playing the game of keeping up Casey's perfect facade, severe action was taken by Casey. She cannot tolerate negative opinions about her and requires constant and excessive admiration, not disapproval.

Her sociopathic side lacks empathy and cannot adhere to the laws of society or any kind of rules that are imposed on her. She makes up her own rules, to suit her and her narcissism. Casey literally and figuratively wants to look in the mirror at her own reflection all day every day and she wants to do that through others. She does not want to see an ugly reflection and will filter all in her life that will show her anything but pure admiration.

Disapproval infuriates her.

It bothers her that people hate her, but she is too arrogant to admit it.

It has yet to dawn on her that the only people supporting or 'admiring' her are convicted felons,perjurers, and defense attorneys; those who get a perverse thrill from giving the finger to society and the legal system. When she makes 'friends' she will never know which one is going to stab her in the back, figuratively or literally.
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