Rescued beagles experience grass & sunlight for the 1st time

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One of the things I have decided to try is a looooooong walk every day with Romi. We haven't done long walks, because he's been a little scared of it. But today, we walked for about 40 minutes (well, walk, sniff, stop, sniff, backtrack, sniff, walk 5 feet, repeat). He seems to have really enjoyed himself, and while he was behaving like a satellite the entire time (circling me and Grace constantly; and yes, it's funny looking), he got a good long exploring session in.

We met another dog (and he had NO problems with it...a 3 year old golden retriever), the dog's owner, and two men...after a wee bit of time, he let the people pet him. He was cautious, and careful, but everyone took their time and since Gracie kept rolling over to give her belly to anyone who'd bother to pet her, he took confidence from that. LOL.

We also spent about 10 minutes in the alley next to the yard, and he was constantly sniffing and poking his nose in the ivy and overgrowth.

I'm trying to get him to see that the alley is a place where people, cars, and other animals go, and there is no need to bark at everyone all the time. I'm hoping that with a LOT of time spent in the alley, he will start to associate that as part of the world, and not a threat.

And also, I'm hoping that walking - even if it's satellite circling - will start helping him learn that, while bigger than his backyard, does NOT need him "yelling" at it.

In other words, I'm hoping that more exposure to the immediate area will help him relax.

He does enjoy the walks, though. And so does Gracie. Both are chillin' in da houz at the moment...

And his doghouse will hopefully come tomorrow. I can get it set up, and hopefully he'll use it. I noticed a bit of food dominance from Gracie the other day, so maybe I'll start to feed him in there, to get him used to it and to help keep them a bit more separated during feeding times.

Just thought I'd share...he's fully done with his healing, so it's back to "normal", and we are going to learn new things, and get him more comfortable, and hopefully that will address his anxiety and help him out.

Herding Cats
I'm really sorry HC - but I'm jonesing for an update on Romi. I know you have other things to do, but I really need my fix......I hope everything is going okay for you and your menagerie.
OK, just because I'm waiting for a call...I'll give you an update. LOL.

He is doing really well. He has taken my surgery in stride, although today he was far more interested in the surgical sites than before (sniffing and fussing...usually he doesn't do that).

I spoke with the neighbors about his barking, and gave them an outline as to what I'm trying to do, and of his history. I tried to reassure them that I am paying close attention, and that we're working on it both through behavior training and herbs, and if that doesn't work, we'll go chemical. I am trying to show them that I'm not blowing them off, that I'm not disrespecting their needs and wishes, and that I'm trying to work with them...and I've invited the children of the house to come over and meet both Gracie and Romi, so that they can see who's barking at them when they play in the alley. (!).

He is spending a lot of time inside with me, and has developed mostly good inside habits, although on occasion, I find a pee spot which gets me aggravated. Gracie, too, has been spending the majority of her time inside with me and him, and the cats, and everyone continues to improve their friendships and indoor manners.

Once I'm recovered, though, he and Gracie will start long walks daily. Right now, I can't do that, but as soon as I can, we will be going on long walks, and to the dog park, and other places he can run and run and run and expend some energy.

He is such a dear little guy. Even with Bestie being here for a few days and him being scared, he worked really hard on being in the same room with her, and with her fiance. He even allowed them both to love on him - ear massages and chest massages, both happy spots for him - for a time, and I couldn't have been more proud.

He is also taking treats from my hand, so we're at the point where we can start a reward/behavior training program, which will help him...he's smart, and stubborn (as beagles are), and it's time to start shaping the behavior that is good and working on that which is not.

Anyway, that's the update...more as I get better and can start the actual training, but I compare this little guy with the little guy who came just about 5 months ago, and the difference is huge and amazing and astounding. He is, quite literally, a different yiddle goggi than the scared, no-self-identity-or-confidence animal that lived on my hearth in December of last year. What a glorious transformation.

Thanks for asking, and sorry for the delay. Hopefull, as I get the pain and recovery better under control, I'll be more regular with the updates. I don't like Romi's "Fan Club" thinking I've forgotten about you all...and neither has Romi. He sends an air kiss and a wave...

Herding Cats
OK, just because I'm waiting for a call...I'll give you an update. LOL.

He is doing really well. He has taken my surgery in stride, although today he was far more interested in the surgical sites than before (sniffing and fussing...usually he doesn't do that).

I spoke with the neighbors about his barking, and gave them an outline as to what I'm trying to do, and of his history. I tried to reassure them that I am paying close attention, and that we're working on it both through behavior training and herbs, and if that doesn't work, we'll go chemical. I am trying to show them that I'm not blowing them off, that I'm not disrespecting their needs and wishes, and that I'm trying to work with them...and I've invited the children of the house to come over and meet both Gracie and Romi, so that they can see who's barking at them when they play in the alley. (!).

He is spending a lot of time inside with me, and has developed mostly good inside habits, although on occasion, I find a pee spot which gets me aggravated. Gracie, too, has been spending the majority of her time inside with me and him, and the cats, and everyone continues to improve their friendships and indoor manners.

Once I'm recovered, though, he and Gracie will start long walks daily. Right now, I can't do that, but as soon as I can, we will be going on long walks, and to the dog park, and other places he can run and run and run and expend some energy.

He is such a dear little guy. Even with Bestie being here for a few days and him being scared, he worked really hard on being in the same room with her, and with her fiance. He even allowed them both to love on him - ear massages and chest massages, both happy spots for him - for a time, and I couldn't have been more proud.

He is also taking treats from my hand, so we're at the point where we can start a reward/behavior training program, which will help him...he's smart, and stubborn (as beagles are), and it's time to start shaping the behavior that is good and working on that which is not.

Anyway, that's the update...more as I get better and can start the actual training, but I compare this little guy with the little guy who came just about 5 months ago, and the difference is huge and amazing and astounding. He is, quite literally, a different yiddle goggi than the scared, no-self-identity-or-confidence animal that lived on my hearth in December of last year. What a glorious transformation.

Thanks for asking, and sorry for the delay. Hopefull, as I get the pain and recovery better under control, I'll be more regular with the updates. I don't like Romi's "Fan Club" thinking I've forgotten about you all...and neither has Romi. He sends an air kiss and a wave...

Herding Cats

I saw something on Animal Planet where a woman was having trouble with her dog barking outside. So the expert would take the dog inside the house and hold it for 30 seconds or so before letting it out again. The dog eventually figured out that they can't go out and play if they are going to bark. Just a suggestion.
Thank you HC! I'm really glad things are going well!
They really are. For two days in a row, my horse trainer (who is a dear, dear friend...) took Gracie and Romi on their walks. I don't know how yesterday's walk was, since I was gone at the Dr.s most of the day...but the first day went fine. A little anxiety about me not being there, but once he realized Gracie was with him, and that it was, after all, *walkies time*, he apparently had a ball.

They will go today, trainer is wonderful and phenomenal and I can't thank her enough for helping me out while I'm down like this...and for Romi to be expanded by being with someone else while doing something he has learned to's just really great.

I am quite proud of this little dog...he's just amazing, and so resilient. Yes, we're still having barking issues (and I'll update in the near future) but he's trying his best to learn. He's come so far from his life in a very far. I'm so proud of him...he's my "yiddle goggi dat could."

Herding Cats
Comtz is wondering if Romi might be able to type a little something on the pokey box downstairs.....please?
Thanks for the update on Romi, Gracie and the cats. My thoughts and prayers are with you regarding whatever health issues you are dealing with. We all want Romi's mom to be okay!!
I have been wondering for two (two?) weeks now who Romi is and where he came from...I was pretty sure you only had a Newfie named Gracie and of course the cats and horses.

Today (yesterday now) I came across this thread and read most of it. What an incredible story, I had no idea lab dogs were still treated this way, heartbreaking but Romi's story is inspiring!

If you aren't sure yet that you should be a full fledged author how about using what you wrote in this thread to write a children's/young adult's book. It's all written, all you need are a few pictures.

A belated welcome to the family Romi! You became a lucky dog the day you let your mama into your lifei :beagle:
Hi, LCM!

Can you believe how blessed I am? Seriously. So blessed.

6 months ago, Romeo and his 39 compatriots were freed. In 2 or 3 weeks (I have to check), it will be Romi's and my 6 month anniversary. From a dog who was too scared to sleep to a dog who thinks NOTHING of jumping onto the sofa for snuggles and lovies, both to get and to give; from a dog who had no muscle tone to one that reminds people of the body builder of dogs; from a lab and metal floors to sleep on to a soft, cuddly bed; to not knowing what a bone was, to getting a new one every night - and loving it!; from being too intimidated to yip, to a full fledged guard/watch dog with a giant howl...

He's come a long, long way. And along the way, he's taught me soooo much about patience, resilience, and flexibility of mind and spirit...he's been such a blessing to me all the way around.

I am so thankful that LindaNJ posted this thread; so thankful that I followed my instincts and brought Romi in; and so thankful that Romi has found this life something to be enjoyed. So thankful to everyone involved...because I am indeed blessed enormously by this little guy.

Herding Cats
I think you're both so lucky, it was incredible reading this 5 months in just 24 hours to observe his spirit emerging, at times seeing him go through developmental behaviors he missed out on as a puppy coming out. How? How can anyone do such things to defenseless animals? Treat them like a piece of equipment.

Bless you HC - keep on being lover boy Romi! :blowkiss:
They really are. For two days in a row, my horse trainer (who is a dear, dear friend...) took Gracie and Romi on their walks. I don't know how yesterday's walk was, since I was gone at the Dr.s most of the day...but the first day went fine. A little anxiety about me not being there, but once he realized Gracie was with him, and that it was, after all, *walkies time*, he apparently had a ball.

They will go today, trainer is wonderful and phenomenal and I can't thank her enough for helping me out while I'm down like this...and for Romi to be expanded by being with someone else while doing something he has learned to's just really great.

I am quite proud of this little dog...he's just amazing, and so resilient. Yes, we're still having barking issues (and I'll update in the near future) but he's trying his best to learn. He's come so far from his life in a very far. I'm so proud of him...he's my "yiddle goggi dat could."

Herding Cats

Just a quick comment to say I'm glad that all of you are doing well! About the barking thing, it may continue despite your REALLY is just an ingrained natural beagle thing. He will get better, but try to remember that he can see and hear and SMELL things everywhere outdoors that you aren't able to. There are so many things out there, and it is all still kind of new, to him especially. After 11 years, our beagle still barks when a rabbit gets too close to the yard, or a "visiting" neighbor's dog comes to her fence line. The fire engines and ambulance leaving from the station a half mile away still make her howl, as does the Monday at noon test of the tornado sirens. She has definitely improved with age and all attempts at teaching, but she STILL barks. When it happens at something random that I can't reassure her about, distraction techniques work better than attempts at discipline by voice.
JVM actually had someone from the Beagle rescue on her show a couple of days ago.
Heard on the radio that Gadget is missing in north hollywood, ca. He was also rescued from a lab in spain. Lasdt seen near laurel canyon and ? I'm sure knx1070 website has more info.
I will see what's going on...if he's a Beagle Freedom Rescue, we'll have some search parties forming, I'm sure. I'll update the thread if I find out more. Thanks, Sterling, for the heads up.

Meanwhile, Romi is doing really, really well...I need to do a 6 month post on him, too. It's been incredible to watch him develop into a dog, and then into a dog with personality, overcoming obstacles one by one...and discovering himself. He takes walks with T and Gracie now, and I swear, today he came back and just couldn't wipe the grin off his face. What a sweet dog he is...

Herding Cats
I will see what's going on...if he's a Beagle Freedom Rescue, we'll have some search parties forming, I'm sure. I'll update the thread if I find out more. Thanks, Sterling, for the heads up.

Meanwhile, Romi is doing really, really well...I need to do a 6 month post on him, too. It's been incredible to watch him develop into a dog, and then into a dog with personality, overcoming obstacles one by one...and discovering himself. He takes walks with T and Gracie now, and I swear, today he came back and just couldn't wipe the grin off his face. What a sweet dog he is...

Herding Cats

I think God had that dog going to you in his plans all along. You two are perfect for each other.
Missing Beagle Rescued From Animal Testing Lab Found

It was reported yesterday morning that Gadget was found! I found the article on the CBS Los Angeles website. Tried to link, but I stink at it...
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Gadget was last seen on Burbank Boulevard between Whitsett and Laurel Canyon in Valley Village. (courtesy Beagle Freedom Project)

Reporting Ron Kilgore

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— The hunt for a beagle that went missing in the San Fernando Valley is finally over! Gadget, a special needs dog that was rescued from an animal testing lab in Spain last November, was found Wednesday morning.

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