Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/15 thru 1/20 Break

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If Jodi gets DP; can't they separate from each other? Meaning, isn't that the reason for the "donations"? To get another attorney?

Sort of. As AZLawyer says, as an indigent she'd get an attorney anyway, gratis, and it wouldn't be Nurmi because he's not an appeal attorney. but Arias doesn't want a court-appointed one. She wants a big-shot, fancy-schmanzy lawyer.

As for her "appellate fund", AZLawyer says the amount she's accumulated so far - about $30K - is (and I paraphrase) a drop in the ocean compared to what the actual costs would be. I use the term "appellate fund" very loosely: despite all the spiel that the Fund can't be used for any other purpose, that it's all legally tied up, etc. etc., I've never seen any actual evidence of that. I have, however, seen some kind of excuse about relevant organizations being harassed when evidence was given in the past. I don't buy it all, because there's no evidence that it was ever given in the past, let alone of subsequent harassment.

Also, in the 3-way call Arias is concerned about money being diverted away from her family, because they need it for travel expenses, etc. Though she seems (at that point) to be referencing money generated by her "art" (again, I use the term lightly), I'd hazard a guess that that's barely enough to fund more than a couple of nights in a hotel - that what she's really talking about is the so-called Fund money.

Even if that money really is legally tied up and inaccessible for all but appellate purposes, that doesn't mean a thing. Anyone with access to her donation pages can divert the money into whichever PayPal account they like, simply by changing the email address linked to the "donate" button.
I remember reading "somewhere" that it was JVMs book.
Oh how truly that must have been hard for her to read. Jane interviewed so many people that exposed her many lies. My favorite was Bobby Juarez saying that Jodi lied and lied and lied . The truth is she was an unstable train wreck. She stalked him much the way she would later stalk Travis. He booked it all the way out to Hawaii to shake her. Can you just see Jodi kicking the jail cell wall?

Much of what was in the book Jodi Arias actually could do well to prep for; because , Juan and Dr. De Marte are going to have a field day with all of it and then some.

During the VERY early months of their relationship, Travis held a very uniformed, naive view of #JodiArias. Of course that changed dramatically to the point where he was predicted she would murder him to Dr. Karl Hiatt, "Don't be surprised if I am found dead one day at Jodi's hand"

Here is the video shown at trial of Travis, with Jodi on his lap ( no dirty little secret at all) he is there with his very best friends in his life

Dr. DeMarte will explain that Travis' friends, save for Lisa, did know he was having a sexual relationship with JA. They have opined publicly and revealed they knew she had him twisted with the wild sex and they often advised him that though she may be great in bed, she was dangerously unhinged and becoming a fatal attraction.

He referred to Jodi to his buddies as a nympho

Dr. DeMarte will explain that JodiArias stalking of her boyfriends began at age 15, NOT with Travis. Likewise, her enjoying kinky sex, braids , etc dates back to Bobby who by the way Jodi studied the occult and vampire chasing with. It is Jodi who likes braids, facials and rough talk, always has.jpg

Dr. DeMarte can explain that Jodi's conversion to become Mormon was not sincere. Abe explained that She made fun of the entire conversion AFTER being baptized by saying "She was dabbling in Mormonism".

(Apparently JodiArias' sexpert did not understand that not only was Jodi dating other men while she was trying to get Chris and Sky to shame Travis into committing to her, she was indeed still living and sleeping with Darrell Brewer.
Here Chris Hughes explains

Chris being interviewed by Jen on Trial Talk Live explains how Jodi tried to manipulate them into shaming Travis into committing to her. Meanwhile, she was STILL sleeping with Darrell. This too was in Jane's book.

Dr. DeMarte will help jury see Jodi Arias as less than human with the extreme goal directed planning of her revenge, all of the higher functioning planning she did before, during and after the murder.

Reading Jane's book likely made Jodi want to adapt her story. Quite a bit!

Juan may play clips of Jacob Mefford's testimony where he shows Jodi Arias on the lap of Travis in a hotel, in front of his very closest buddies, and the picture Jacob testified to of Jodi in a Hyatt bathrobe, getting a kiss from Travis, in the doorway of his HOTEL ROOM. This makes it very obvious the friends knew they were having a sexual relationship. She was not playing church bingo in a bath robe in a hotel room. THEY POSED FOR THE PHOTO. Travis was actually, proud to show Jodi off to his friends, UNTIL he started realizing her mental instability.
View attachment 67590
Here is Jacob's testimony

Dr. De Marte will explain that NONE of Travis' other friends or girlfriends, NOT ONE, has ever said Travis abused them, mentally, emotionally, physically, or sexually. Indeed both Deanna and Lisa testified he was a gentleman that they loved, trusted and respected who treated them well. With them he had NO kinky or unacceptable sexual nonsense. This will make it clear that JODI ARIAS liked it, asked for it. Literally she sent him text asking him to ejaculate on her face, for example.

"That is so debasing. I LIKE IT" is a quote Dr. DeMarte will expand upon. Jodi was the one texting requesting the dirty things like  on face. sodomy.jpg

Here is Deanna on Dr. Drew explaining how she caught JodiArias breaking into Travis' home while he was on a trip, making herself at home there, baking cookies, AND ON TRAVIS' LAPTOP. ( Travis had asked Deanna to go feed his dog everyday while he was gone, she arrived one day and found JODI in there, without Travis' permission )

Here is Deanna Reid's testimony

Here is Lisa Andrews explaining JodiArias followed her and Travis, stalked them when they were together, slashed Travis' tires, two days in row, etc
View attachment 67591

Dr. De Marte will blow out of the water the emails from the Hughes that we spent two weeks going over with the defense experts this time. She is permitted to opine on anything she reviewed to arrive at her opinion. You can bet your life she spoke to Chris, Sky, et al.

View attachment 67592
Dr. Demarte will explain to the jury the TRUTH of the ever changing relationship between Travis and Jodi, not just the first couple of months that Nurmi asked his expert about.

Many of these topics were touched on in Jane's book. Jodi Arias reading the book and making notes in the margin is just too too funny. I know she is scared of Dr. DeMarte.
I can't wait for her to arrive on the scene.

She took Jen to school so MANY times. My favorite was when Jen was trying to make a fool of her pointing out that Dr. De Marte did not realize that Lanore Walker no longer used her own six criteria for battered women's syndrome. That very evening Nancy Grace has on guess who.... Lanore Walker. She asked her immediately is it true she doesn't use her own original six criteria. Ms. Walker, cleared that up, "Yes, I do.I still use it!" She went down her list of the six and it turns out that Dr. De Marte had it absolutely verbatim. Juan was VERY kind not to make a big deal out of it the next day. He simply asked on redirect are those still valid and used. "Yes. Of course" Dr. De Marte said. The camera panned over to Jen as if this were a soap opera and you could hear the dun dun un ta.......she just swallowed hard and looked down. America laughed from their living rooms. Hard.

Lanore Walker
Chris Hughes interview ( snip) from Trial Talk Live, excellent

Setting the record straight about the e mails and how Jodi Arias experts, NOT ONE OF THEM, ever reached out to talk to them, and how very wrong what the opined on the stand was!
IIRC Juan said IF the child *advertiser censored* Jodi alleges were true then Travis would have been the first pedophile in the history of pedophila to not have one questionable picture of a child on his computer

And I'll take a SWAG that most pervs who get off on male kiddie *advertiser censored* don't spend much time in the sack with surgically enhanced adult women.
DAVID LOHR, SENIOR CRIME REPORTER, HUFFINGTON POST mentioned the red tape he experienced when through the Freedom of Information Act he requested the Jodi Arias interrogation tapes. He FINALLY got them, and someone else, who he named (and I thought that was as hilarious as Julia Roberts naming some of the girls who bullied her as a kid during an acceptance speech), took them, uploaded them, slapped her name on them within two hours AND NEVER GAVE HIM CREDIT. Here is his quote, from this site actually
"Maybe try viewing Tawni Dilly's Youtube. Took me weeks to get the videos and only took her a couple hours to rip them off without credit or anything."

I thank you publicly David Lohr, not only for those interrogation tapes, but for the tedious editing you did. Watching the trial without the sidebars saved so much time and frustration. Good work, buddy . Here is the entire trial in order, no commercials.....thanks to David.

In any case, everything has to be specifically requested in AZ, paid for and yes they take their time getting it to you. I recall Mr. Martinez saying in a hearing that they had a huge PILE of PIR that the office was working on. Nurmi was complaining that the parents interview with Detective Flores had been released and he was blaming Juan for it. Juan said, look, that is not my department, but the law is the law, when the request comes in they try to get to them and there is A LOT more that will be released. For example, Jodi Arias' 600 pages of diaries were requested by HLN and they too were released. Beth Karas has them on her site now. By contrast, in Florida, every piece of discovery was released in Caylee's case, very often, HUGE document dumps. We saw everything. In the Jodi Arias case the public will never have anything even remotely close to that. After the trial interest will fade and the reporters will move on to other stories. Only an author would be interested in requesting and paying for certain items. It will never be a free, unsolicited, comprehensive document dump by any stretch of the imagination. Only if as and when something specific is requested and paid for......and when they get around to it. Indeed.

ALL of the above was from ZoeyW.

BBM: This is what I have been thinking each time someone says that we will see all this after the trial ends. But alas, we will not, unless as you said, someone pays for it, "but the trial interest will fade". I am sure there will be someone (or even more than one) who will write a book after this portion of the trial is over (already one is in process ...Chris & Sky Hughes). Perhaps someone in the Alexander family, and then again may be years before they can, it has taken KCL 20+ years to write her story about her sister's homicide. Whomever needs to have any material from the trial, to write their book, that has not been out in the public, will have to pay for it. This is an area that so many are just not thinking about so thank you for bringing this subject area to our attention.
Do they also need to cite relevant settled case law to back their argument up?

Not Nurmi's strongsuit, based on his massive fail during the secret testimony hearing. IIRC, he actually stood in front of the COA judges and said something like "there's law that supports our position, I just can't remember what that law is, but I'm sure the court knows what I'm referring to."

Not Nurmi's strongsuit, based on his massive fail during the secret testimony hearing. IIRC, he actually stood in front of the COA judges and said something like "there's law that supports our position, I just can't remember what that law is, but I'm sure the court knows what I'm referring to."
OMG! He actually said that??? Wouldn't you think it was important enough to do your homework, or at least get your staff/paralegals to look it up for you???
She (Dr. DeMarte) took Jen to school so MANY times. My favorite was when Jen was trying to make a fool of her pointing out that Dr. De Marte did not realize that Lanore Walker no longer used her own six criteria for battered women's syndrome. That very evening Nancy Grace has on guess who.... Lanore Walker. She asked her immediately is it true she doesn't use her own original six criteria. Ms. Walker, cleared that up, "Yes, I do.I still use it!" She went down her list of the six and it turns out that Dr. De Marte had it absolutely verbatim. Juan was VERY kind not to make a big deal out of it the next day. He simply asked on redirect are those still valid and used. "Yes. Of course" Dr. De Marte said. The camera panned over to Jen as if this were a soap opera and you could hear the dun dun un ta.......she just swallowed hard and looked down. America laughed from their living rooms. Hard.

I can't help but think that Willmott's office is full of severed heads on spikes, as a warning to all current and future paralegals, clerks, investigators, what have you, that Very Bad Things will happen to them if they let Jen go to court with really, really wrong information. She had so many "wait, what?" moments at the podium while trying to intimidate Dr. DeMarte Martinez-style, it was hard not to be embarrassed for her. She didn't know AZ licensing requirements for psychologists. She didn't know that publically refering to test results did not constitute copyright infringement. Lord, she certainly didn't know anything about about how/why tests were administered or scored or what any of those pesky little number thingys actually meant. She didn't know the difference between a professional resumé (DeMarte's) and an absurdly padded one (ALV's).

And she was so hopelessly flustered by the whole experience that I don't think she even noticed that Dr. DeMarte was "handling" her as she might a ranting mental patient on a ledge. Slow, clear, calm voice, non-confrontational, trying to diffuse the situation so nobody got hurt...

Willmott may not have noticed, but I did -- and it was a thing of beauty.
But emotional abuse IS mitigation. It's arguably more relevant now than it was in the guilt phase. It's the reason the jury agreed it was premeditated murder but couldn't agree to kill her. It's their best shot.

I suppose, though what JA allegedly went through doesn't meet the standard of emotional abuse imo, not when you compare it to what these girls went through and yet they didn't kill the guy...
IMO, it appears that the judge, and Nurmi, Wilmott and Jodi are all only concerned about their own reputations. Funny that the only one that isn't concerned is Juan. He already has a reputation and it's a good one. And when you are on the right side of justice there is no need to fear. I can kind of understand the judge being so cautious. I DO think she wants to make extra certain that SHE isn't ruling in a way to be overturned on appeal. And with the defense team she has to put up with, with them throwing temper tantrums on the fly every other day, it has to be exhausting and aggravating to say the least. She also recognizes that she is the judge and I don't think she likes it very much when the prosecutor tells her what she can and can't do either.

BBM - Is that why you think she denied his motion? I would think at least the bit about the DT destroying such an important piece of evidence would warrant some kind of sanction, or at minimum some investigation.

"And in another twist, Martinez has filed a motion to have sanctions against Arias' attorneys.
The motion claims that one of the defense team's expert witnesses damaged a laptop computer
that could be a key piece of evidence in the case.

The defense witness was expected to testify that he found thousands of pornographic images on
Alexander's computer.
However, the prosecution's motion alleges that the computer was damaged so that the state's
computer expert could not re-examine it.

The motion also claims that Arias' attorneys handed over computer files that belonged, "to an
individual named Tony," that had nothing to do with the case.
First off, I have to thank each and every one of you on this forum for all your thought provoking posts, ability to discuss differences respectfully & tenacity in finding Justice for Travis! Cheers!

My concern with this trial going forward that the testimony before the jury has been so fragmented. If the DT strategy is to muddy the waters they have succeeded. Witness testimony has been suspended (the murderer), split (Geffner); all of a sudden they hear testimony about *advertiser censored* & prosecutorial misconduct, with days between testimony. There is no flow to the DT presentation. Juan was pretty succinct, and since DT took over it has been chaotic.

Another of my concerns it that this jury doesn't have all the information/evidence from the guilt phase, and it appears JSS is not allowing Juan much latitude to bring in testimony from the guilt phase to refute the killer's lies. I have faith in the jury but feel the killer will have made an impression on one of the jurors and they will not vote for the DP.

One of you reminded me that the murder's secret testimony began right after the family statements. Abhorable. How disgusting. CMJA is revolting. As Travis said, she "only cries for herself".

Travis was nothing but nice to CMJA, sadly even until the end. IMO,he never knew she was coming that fateful day. And she continues to murder his reputation & destroy his family. How can anyone believe anything that comes out of her mouth? She is nothing but a liar. Despicable.
My cat moos. It's this weird meow that's like a howl almost. He won't stop till he gets these treats my bf got him called Dreamies.

My cat hates when I watch trials, unless I bribe her with her Meowtinis...
March is a good guess if you think there will be real live mitigation witnesses in February--and if you assume they will have scheduling problems, hissy fits, etc.--and probably you would need Jodi to yammer on for another couple of days too.

The computer testimony is probably not QUITE over because JM may have someone come on to say, look, Flores was not downloading *advertiser censored* at 11 pm (the hour of perversion per Dr. F) on a work night on an evidence computer.

I'm still hoping someone(perhaps "Sue"? lol) can tell us whether remote access was not only a possibility but even better left tracks ... iirc all the *advertiser censored* links evidence started the day the burglary at JA's grandparents occurred.
Michael K. Jeanes, Clerk of Court
*** Electronically Filed ***
01/16/2015 8:00 AM



LET THE RECORD REFLECT that on 1/12/15 Exhibits 391-395, 397, 399-406, 408-
410, 420, 431-440, 463, 481, 506, 507, 559-561, 563, 568, 572, 600, 623, 624, 633, 645, 646,
648-652, 655, 680, 687-704, 706-709, 731-733, 736, 738, 740, 741, 758, 761-786, 786.001, 787-
801, 242, 242.001, 242.002 and 233 were temporarily released to Defense and returned this date.
10:04 a.m. Trial to Jury continues from 1/12/15...

LET THE RECORD REFLECT the Court has received questions from the Jury. Same
are discussed by Court and counsel and most are asked of the witness.
Filed: Juror Questions (5)...

Esteban Flores, having previously been sworn, testifies further.

Defense Exhibit 811 is marked for identification..
Defense Exhibit 812 is marked for identification.
A portion of Exhibit 812 is played for the witness....
State’s Exhibit 813 is marked for identification.
The State offers State’s Exhibit 813 and it is admitted in evidence.

The witness steps down..

LET THE RECORD REFLECT that Defense Exhibit 812 is temporarily released to
Defense. Defense counsel is to replace the digital recorder containing the interview which is
currently marked as Exhibit 812 with a CD of the interview.

2:57 p.m. Court stands at recess until 1/20/15 at 9:30 a.m. in this division
I'm still hoping someone(perhaps "Sue"? lol) can tell us whether remote access was not only a possibility but even better left tracks ... iirc all the *advertiser censored* links evidence started the day the burglary at JA's grandparents occurred.

If it's like the rest of the case has been, Juan will have an expert come in who destroys the entire defense *advertiser censored*/tampering case in one day.
I suppose, though what JA allegedly went through doesn't meet the standard of emotional abuse imo, not when you compare it to what these girls went through and yet they didn't kill the guy...

Emotional abuse can be a mitigating factor but Arias was not abused in any shape or form. Many would say that she was the perpetrator. I think so.
Emotional abuse can be a mitigating factor but Arias was not abused in any shape or form. Many would say that she was the perpetrator. I think so.

There's no comparison between the alleged abuse that she claims and the especially cruel, fatal torture-abuse she meted out on one day, June 4, 2008, alone.
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