Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/22 thru 1/26 Break

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Thanks for the link about JA's wardrobe.

So Auntie Sue says they're purchased from WalMart, and a faceless nameless supporter calling herself a "stylist" and a "personal shopper" says she buys JA the "very best quality" clothing from Nordstrom? Too much.

There are three Nordstrom Racks in the area, one with a Last Chance Clearance store nearby. Hopefully that's what it means.

Women's shelters will be glad to accept donations from someone who has advanced awareness of DV so much, right?. :puke:
I took the original suggestion to mean ZoeyW should add her excellent, link-laden posts to another thread too, not just this one, so as many folks as possible can benefit from them. I hope that's what the suggestion meant, because I'm enjoying them immensely.

Thank you very much!
I have received so many wonderful kind thanks and words that uplift and inspire me. If anyone finds my posts hard to read there is a wonderful feature in settings where one can put someone on an "Ignore list", then my post wont even appear in their thread. It works like magic. Much like walking through a library, one doesn't like every author, they get to choose. :blushing:

God bless everyone. The death of a child has stirred emotions in everyone that are quite visceral. Dave Hall said it well , "These are the times we have to dig deep in our faith". Indeed.
Why not check out some sites that could give you more information?
Please note that civilian and veterans have different checklists, etc. So a bus driver who has been attacked by gang members would fill out a different form for a self-assessment than would a soldier returning from Iraq. In any case, everyone who has a score higher than a certain level on a self-assessment form should consult a professional for a diagnosis and treatment options.

I'm not sure whether a murderer can claim to be suffering from PTSD because she traumatized herself by the violence and excessive brutality of her actions, but it might be interesting to investigate the possibility.

FWIW, I think that you raise a valid point: it would be relatively easy to fake having a mental disorder of this kind since the diagnosis seems to depend on the self-reporting of symptoms and matching responses to a checklist. Dealing with a proven liar would seem to make a diagnosis of PTSD unreliable. However, IMO, there is a very real tragedy that many victims of violence and military veterans go untreated when they do suffer from PTSD simply because they don't want to be seen as being malingerers.

ITTO agree with Nali87's point. The test that has been administered to JA is very easy to cheat on and so simplistic it reads like one of those quizzes in a magazine. Bingo: you have PTSD!

As Wendlesan suggested, a high score might prompt an intelligent person to go to a professional for further evaluation, and PTSD is a real affliction.

Just to add my piece, the line items on that test are not PTSD! You could arrive at them from most any intense human experience. Most everyone has been through several life episodes that would meet the criteria set forth in that list.

It is unfortunate that many real PTSD sufferers get accused of malingering because poorly-designed "tests" like the one used here would turn half the world (not to mention 99% of the inhabitants of dirt-poor countries) into PTSD sufferers.

Plus, I don't believe an ethical evaluator would ever diagnose PTSD on the basis of that test. And I'm not sure a skilled PTSD professional couldn't distinguish between faked PTSD and the real thing. The problem in this case is that the psychologists on the defense side are neither ethical nor skilled (except at making things up). Perhaps Demarte will address the professionally-sanctioned method for diagnosing PTSD.

What difference does it make, anyway, if JA has a glimmer of trauma in her background? That doesn't address her premeditation, purposefulness, the stalking, the just plain evil.
I took the original suggestion to mean ZoeyW should add her excellent, link-laden posts to another thread too, not just this one, so as many folks as possible can benefit from them. I hope that's what the suggestion meant, because I'm enjoying them immensely.

That was the suggestion. Posts with many links centralized in the timeline thread. Geevee has been the best at stashing important links over there. That thread is intended as a helpful resource, so the same info doesn't have to be researched over and over, or posted over and over.

And, on my phone, anyway, the especially long posts with numerous links interspersed are difficult to read. As someone said up thread, what happens is I often scroll by, not because of the content but because by the time I opened all the links and read them/watch them the thread would be 10 pages down the road.

BTW, that request is made often enough here, and thankfully a lot of really useful links and info have been copied over there. Can't imagine why the request would be taken for anything other than a positive suggestion.
Considering Samuels sent her one, ALV sent her four self help books, she has been memorizing her tests and reading, studying for six years now I don't know how Dr. Geffner would be able to assume her honesty on any test he administered. I'm not concerned. The jury didn't just fall off the turnip truck on their way into court.
There are three Nordstrom Racks in the area, one with a Last Chance Clearance store nearby. Hopefully that's what it means.

Women's shelters will be glad to accept donations from someone who has advanced awareness of DV so much, right?. :puke:

Her supporters are as tone deaf to the real world as she is, eh?
I have just listened to the early morning news on KPH/CBS5 & ABC 15, I have also checked MK's & Chris Williams twitter. Nothing at all has been mentioned about a boy scouts accident.
Lambchop--is a nice new trial thread on its way? Its been a long weekend....:D
I would have thought something would at least appear this morning via MSM, even if the name was withheld. A tragic accident at a boy scouts camp would make a headline somewhere.

Lord....I HOPE this is not true! The post on Cathy's twitter, which was made on the 25th, and says "yesterday"....that makes it the 24th. How bizarre this is. Oh, well...gonna keep my mouth shut and pray for EVERYONE!!! We all need some blessings.
I would have thought something would at least appear this morning via MSM, even if the name was withheld. A tragic accident at a boy scouts camp would make a headline somewhere.

We will find out soon enough when the trial gets underway today I guess. Still have time to keep hoping so hard that it is not true. (((Flores family)))
Lord....I HOPE this is not true! The post on Cathy's twitter, which was made on the 25th, and says "yesterday"....that makes it the 24th. How bizarre this is. Oh, well...gonna keep my mouth shut and pray for EVERYONE!!! We all need some blessings.

Amen! (ETA: to the prayers and blessings for everyone :blushing: )


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The thread for today is now open. I do not open it too early because it ends up with 3 or 4 pages of chit chat which should be over on the Sidebar. The court thread is for tweets and discussions on what is going on in court that day. All other discussions should be on the Sidebar thread. Please be respectful of those who work all day and want to come home and just read what happened in court today and discussions about what is happening. I know it is easy to do but try to remember to take the off topic discussions over into the Sidebar thread.

Thanks, Lambchop
Age of the boy & being a boy scout is right, I just don't know if it's right. We'll have to wait for more information to confirm

I have this horrible feeling Marc McGee started this. The child in your story would have been identified as an American wouldn't they? A Boy Scout getting killed in the USA would have made the news. Meanwhile, if untrue, this is the worst cyberbullying I could ever imagine.
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