Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/17-11/18/14 In recess

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WARNING: Do not sleuth Tony. There has been no official release of his name. There may never be an official release of his name. Keep repeating over and over: "I will not sleuth Tony."
Reminds me of that time I accidentally handed in a copy of War and Peace in my freshman English class. Boy was I embarrassed!

Lol, how do you think Nurmi and Willmott feel?!
There is but it's from 2008. It was helpful in determining that Travis' computer had Spybot which would prevent virus sites from being accessed but not so helpful in determining what was the cause of the deletions and verifying what the defense has found.

So in other words, the defense has found NOTHING. It was all a bunch of BS to begin with, which is what I stated when it was first released that he wanted all charges dropped because of 1000s of *advertiser censored* on the computer. There is no bloody way that any of this will be allowed in, without any kind of proof, which never existed as far as I'm concerned.
So in other words, the defense has found NOTHING. It was all a bunch of BS to begin with, which is what I stated when it was first released that he wanted all charges dropped because of 1000s of *advertiser censored* on the computer. There is no bloody way that any of this will be allowed in, without any kind of proof, which never existed as far as I'm concerned.

I remember when this first came out and everyone was freaking out you were one of the only ones who was completely confident and knew it would end up being nothing. You were totally right. We should have listened to you!!!
There is but it's from 2008. It was helpful in determining that Travis' computer had Spybot which would prevent virus sites from being accessed but not so helpful in determining what was the cause of the deletions and verifying what the defense has found.

So, how did the DT expert find them? Were they testing yet another copy of the HD? Or did they find them on the acutal HD only and not on any copy? And in the process ruined it??

And there is still question about whether the swap was deliberate?

Set me straight, someone. Please.
God forgive me for saying this, but looking at pictures of Nurmi now(slimmed down, hair) I think he's trying to look like Juan-not that it is even remotely possible. Anyone else see it? :puke:

Good point. Works for him about as well as JM-style interrogation methods worked for Willmott.
So, how did the DT expert find them? Were they testing yet another copy of the HD? Or did they find them on the acutal HD only and not on any copy? And in the process ruined it??

And there is still question about whether it was deliberate?

Set me straight, someone. Please.

They were probably supposed to be testing a mirror image or copy but used the actual hard drive to find the deletions. And did not make a copy.

We have no idea if it was deliberate or not. It could be that this expert was inexperienced and damaged it during his exam. It could be that he did it on purpose to cover up for something. All we know is it's damaged and there is now no way for the state to examine it.
So, how did the DT expert find them? Were they testing yet another copy of the HD? Or did they find them on the acutal HD only and not on any copy? And in the process ruined it??

And there is still question about whether it was deliberate?"

Your guess is as good as the rest of ours. The whole defense team is now under the FOG and none of them can remember who did what, to what, with whom, and what evidence was involved on what date.
Horrible thought coming: I hope this is not all a game to add fuel to the future ineffective counsel appeal.

It might be in the future but I don't think that was the motive behind it initially. I think Nurmi thought the PI had actually found something.
I remember when this first came out and everyone was freaking out you were one of the only ones who was completely confident and knew it would end up being nothing. You were totally right. We should have listened to you!!!

Thank you and yes, I was one of the few who came here and said "BREATH PEOPLE, have faith in Juan and most of all have faith in Travis". I knew in my gut that the whole accusation was pure and utter garbage. I'm happy to be right this time.
Horrible thought coming: I hope this is not all a game to add fuel to the future ineffective counsel appeal.

I have to say, I don't think it is that kind of game. It is a game for sure, but deliberately being ineffective counsel just does not add up here for me. I think Nurmi would stop at nothing short of that, but that is where he would draw the line. He does not want to be scrutinized far into the future for his ineffectiveness. IMO
I'm thinking--based on the silence from a certain, biased journalist--that the two day recess was needed for the defense and their reporter to regroup and figure out how to spin this hard drive disaster. What a total and complete cluster! :laughing:

Have I mentioned lately how much I love Juan Martinez?
I was thinking, I hope nothing has happened to Juan.
I was thinking, I hope nothing has happened to Juan.

I wonder if Nurmi is pulling a Baez and having a baby. That stopped court in Florida pretty quickly and was called an emergency. Someone tweeted that both Jaun and Nurmi were smiling coming out of chambers.
Spray Can Ann has hilarious videos on your tube about our murderess.
I am ready for tomorrow's one big day of testimony! Is it Juan's turn, or do we still have the Nurm? God help us all If we do.... Mistrial anyone? What is next week's schedule, Monday & Tuesday?

If Nurmi keeps this expert on the stand any longer he will have a jury revolt. I would love for JM to ask this expert if she spoke with the Hughes, the nine year old father, and the Sarah and when she says NO he tells her she can now because they are in court. Do you speak with TA? No Is it because the defendant killed him thirty times over and you killed him just as many with your lying by omission testimoney.
"Witnesses that Jodi wants to call are Chris and Sky Hughes, which would clearly be hostile witnesses, and also a James Aiken who is said to be a “prison expert”."

I just wonder if Aiken is still going to be a witness? This was back in August, so since her witness list is under seal, I suppose we wait and see. IIRC, he was a witness in Bryan Hulsey's sentencing phase also. I need a MK valium. :gaah:
The only thing it was supposed to achieve was to cover for that fact the expert did not make a mirror image like they should have. What it ended up doing is highlighting that fact and making the defense look bad.
My question is who the heck was in the evidence room with the PI to allow this error?

Maybe that is what the motion is about? The State not protecting the evidence and now its destroyed? Because of the PI !?
I think you're right, MeeBee.

In any event, I do believe Nurmi has been taken in by a scheming sociopath. Perhaps now he knows how Travis felt.

" ... the worst BS story you have ever told... Its a lie like no other. It is freaking foolish. There is no way out of it, you have screwed up your story so bad you can't mend it. You are caught. When will you realize that. I do not know, You insult me by thinking ill believe such crap.... I already know your lying so why continue. Everyone else is just part of your sick agenda. I want you to understand how evil I think you are. You are the worst thing that ever happened to me."

Probably a lot of people know how Travis felt.

eta: Jeeze, I can't even imagine being so angry that I'd type all that -- ANY of that -- into my phone. I'd be completely overwhelmed if I ever had to deal with a psycho-/sociopath like Jodi. I guess that's part of what makes them successful... "normal" people can't defend themselves against the unimaginable.
My question is who the heck was in the evidence room with the PI to allow this error?

Maybe that is what the motion is about? The State not protecting the evidence and now its destroyed? Because of the PI !?

What do you mean? The hard drive was turned over to the defense and they were free to perform analysis on it. It's in no way the state's fault they destroyed the hard drive. As AZL, pointed out, the state had a mirror image and so they weren't worried about it and probably didn't anticipate them destroying the hard drive.

The motion is not about that, that was just Nurmi's deflection after it was revealed the deletions were not Juan's fault. The motion itself was clearly stating the LE and the state deliberately deleted exculpatory evidence. That did not happen. Either way, it's an erroneous claim. It's not his fault the deletions happened either. It's nobody's fault. Clearly the virus was deleted by the anti virus software.

And even so, if Juan cannot actually view the hard drive to verify the claims or determine what happened, then Nurmi's claims cannot be corroborated and should be thrown out.
Reminds me of that time I accidentally handed in a copy of War and Peace in my freshman English class. Boy was I embarrassed!

:silly: I totally just spit out my wine laughing at that lolol!!
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