Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/21-11/23/14 In recess, Part 2

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And the Emmy goes to :drumroll: Bryan Neumeister

Who has 58 keyboards, 9 guitars, 2 drum sets , a slew of recording gear and amps as well as fx gear...
:laugh: He also has grand total of 1 follower

More from Fandalism:
You're stuck on a desert island and only get to bring one album with you. What do you pick?
Great Question... How big is the island :)

What does that even mean? His disks are bigger?
When did Travis confront CMJA over the deleted letter to Liza? I would have thought he would have changed all his passwords once he found out she was hacking in?
When did Travis confront CMJA over the deleted letter to Liza? I would have thought he would have changed all his passwords once he found out she was hacking in?

I am sure Travis did finally change his passwords and took other actions. He probably did that AFTER she had already caused some serious damage.

LE found multiple Anti-virus softwares loaded on his machine. Like someone else said already, he was probably installing all those extra ones because of Jodi.

I think the problem was that she had already caused a lot of damage before Travis took preventative measures.
When did Travis confront CMJA over the deleted letter to Liza? I would have thought he would have changed all his passwords once he found out she was hacking in?
I have to check dates, but my gut tells me the May 26 chats have to do with Jodi hacking in to Travis' accounts after he changed the passwords.
I've never felt so dumb in my life than trying to decipher this computer mishmash. I'll leave it up to you guys, the professionals and will someone please wake me when it's over? #ripvankatie #sorryforgotthisisn'ttwitter

You're not alone and I think the defense is counting on lots of people feeling this way. Wilmott's comment that Martinez "...just doesn't understand."

It's not mystery-shrouded arcane dark arts for many of us who are not even computer forensics specialists. I speak computerese, but these guys are not making sense. That's why it sounds like mishmash to you.
I have to check dates, but my gut tells me the May 26 chats have to do with Jodi hacking in to Travis' accounts after he changed the passwords.

Or, he found out that she had recorded their phone sex call and was going to use it to blackmail him. Travis said "You have been more a cause of pain than the death of my father"
I think that she did something much worse than snooping, hacking into his accounts and slashing his tires.

I still cannot believe that he talked about her evilness and the way that she tortures people and still allowed her to corner him in that little shower...especially considering that he was uncomfortable with *exposing* himself during shower time! What on earth went on in that house on that fateful day in June? I guess we'll never know.
I don't think the handshake was a problem with the court. It is a problem for the Sheriff's department as her guards are suppose to make sure she does not come in contact with anyone. jmo

I am sure Sheriff Joe is aware that it happened. He is on it!!!!!! :jail:
I have to check dates, but my gut tells me the May 26 chats have to do with Jodi hacking in to Travis' accounts after he changed the passwords.

My computer was remotely accessed, I was stupid and had all my passwords saved to the computer so it was easy for the culprit to change all my passwords, close my internet business down and also block me out of my computer by putting a code on it. To do this they had to break in my house first to put something on my computer which meant they access to everything!

So to me this is very plausible. Being that she stalked Travis what better way of finding out what he was up to than having total access to his computer at all times!
Another I've been thinking about it all thought.

I genuinely no longer care whether or not she smirks or is happy or hates her stripes or is gloating or anything else about how she thinks or feels.

She is a ruthless sociopathic killer, uneducated and lazy and a user who couldn't hold onto even menial jobs.

A dyed blonde and fake boobed empty shell who had nothing but sex to offer a man, and nothing but bad vibes for women. No friends. No a single man who wanted to marry her. A loser.

She has never been worth thinking about and I won't bother again. The only people whose feelings matter are those who loved and lost Travis , and who have been held hostage to the raw ugliness and evil of his murderer for way too many years.

Their day of liberation from her is coming.
My computer was remotely accessed, I was stupid and had all my passwords saved to the computer so it was easy for the culprit to change all my passwords, close my internet business down and also block me out of my computer by putting a code on it. To do this they had to break in my house first to put something on my computer which meant they access to everything!

So to me this is very plausible. Being that she stalked Travis what better way of finding out what he was up to than having total access to his computer at all times!


OH MY. I am so sorry. what a freakin nightmare. [ taking the passwords off of *save as we speak]
Another I've been thinking about it all thought.

I genuinely no longer care whether or not she smirks or is happy or hates her stripes or is gloating or anything else about how she thinks or feels.

She is a ruthless sociopathic killer, uneducated and lazy and a user who couldn't hold onto even menial jobs.

A dyed blonde and fake boobed empty shell who had nothing but sex to offer a man, and nothing but bad vibes for women. No friends. No a single man who wanted to marry her. A loser.

She has never been worth thinking about and I won't bother again. The only people whose feelings matter are those who loved and lost Travis , and who have been held hostage to the raw ugliness and evil of his murderer for way too many years.

Their day of liberation from her is coming.

Its a good attitude to have. We dont need to care if she wants to gloat now because we will eventually get the last laugh when she is escourted by armed gaurds over to her new "home". That day is coming and it will be sweet.

-The day she will most likely be trembling in her shoes as she fakes trying not to act worried.

-The day she will be walking through those front doors to the unknown as they slam behind her.

-The day she will be escourted down the hall of bars where she will hear the "hoots" and "howls" from the other prisoners as she passes each cell one-by-one.

-The day she finally will enter her cell in prison and that 1 specific iron door slams shut behind her with a loud metal sounding crash.

Yes, that day is coming and it will be sweet justice for what she has done.

With all that said, Hurry up judge and stop some of this nonsense from the DT.
Pretty Please. :)
My computer was remotely accessed, I was stupid and had all my passwords saved to the computer so it was easy for the culprit to change all my passwords, close my internet business down and also block me out of my computer by putting a code on it. To do this they had to break in my house first to put something on my computer which meant they access to everything!

So to me this is very plausible. Being that she stalked Travis what better way of finding out what he was up to than having total access to his computer at all times!

Dont feel bad. We all do things that can get us burned. I am sitting here looking at my folder of all my passwords that I have been leaving out right near my computer. LOL
Another I've been thinking about it all thought.

I genuinely no longer care whether or not she smirks or is happy or hates her stripes or is gloating or anything else about how she thinks or feels.

She is a ruthless sociopathic killer, uneducated and lazy and a user who couldn't hold onto even menial jobs.

A dyed blonde and fake boobed empty shell who had nothing but sex to offer a man, and nothing but bad vibes for women. No friends. No a single man who wanted to marry her. A loser.

She has never been worth thinking about and I won't bother again. The only people whose feelings matter are those who loved and lost Travis , and who have been held hostage to the raw ugliness and evil of his murderer for way too many years.

Their day of liberation from her is coming.

Dont forget her fake implants in her behind. Just so everyone knows.
Just some items for reference._________From the June 10, 2008 phone interview conducted by Flores, subject Arias. She states, "I'm in front of the computer, so I can check right now. Let me log into my account." So, we know her p.c. was still functioning at this date. Not physically damaged. She then offers that they, she & Travis, changed their passwords, "Not long ago..two weeks ago maybe? I don't know about his because I wasn't going to try to get back into his accounts anymore. And as far as ever getting into his emails, that never happened." Flores replies, "We are getting a search warrant for his email but we can tell where those things were accessed from. I just wanna make it clear that if you did access it from somewhere else at a certain time, we're gonna know." Huge swing around from the lie is immediate: "I'll tell you right now that I did. He gave me his passwords."

I only post that in case some are still questioning her presence on his computer. We can rest assured that Mesa police were investigating remote access, just as he warned her, which produced a gushing admission not only that she had been intruding but had just lied about it.

Chris Hughes had been in Cancun on June 6, 2008. When he returned home, he called Travis' webmaster, who sent the pass codes to the Compaq
Presario. Hughes "tried them, got in and read everything, other emails, googlechat." Did he think of this as conducting a parallel investigation!

Was it due to known remote access that B testified entering the web sites at issue had been accomplished by fingers on the keyboard? He didn't demonstrate that, didn't prove that, but he did assert that. May 28, 29, 31 and June 1, 2, 3 and 10. Shaded dates when we know the crime was afoot. We know the perpetrator. We know Flores warned her on June 10 and that the suspect intrusions stopped that very day. This seems all of a piece with the premeditation and the furious thrust of revenge. A sudden avid interest on the victim's part, particularly post mortem, just reeks. The Incredible Stinking *advertiser censored* Fish. We know who's throwing it around and we can get rid of it.
I've concluded all the computer stuff is a tempest in the teapot, whatever comes next. The State didn't tamper with evidence and Travis didnt look up child *advertiser censored* on his computer

The only person benefitting from this todo about nothing is the convicted murderer, CMJA.

Reality is, we are nearer the end than it seems at the moment. JM will dispose of Dr. F. quickly. After Thanksgiving we are back to Nurmi-- perhaps one more psych witness and perhaps more CMJA and that's it. Nurmi's big gambits for mistrial and weeks-long delays have failed.

We're nearly near the very end. Nurmu's kicking and screaming and baseless accusations aren't going to prevent sentencing or delay it for much longer.

Sweet relief.

I'm with Hope on this one. It is the tempest in a teapot.

As for the end being near, until JSS puts a choke chain on Nurmi and tugs it from time to time, I think we will see these kinds of motions continue up until the day a verdict is rendered or heaven forbid, the trial comes screeching to a halt.

This whole effort is bogus. Go back to the original motion that started this all, the one filed on November 10. In it, the defense says that file deletion was done with such a level of success that it was years before it was uncovered. Yet Neumeister testified the other day that the *advertiser censored* on the laptop was not just the elephant in the room, it was an aircraft carrier. This is despite experts from opposing counsel both having examined forensic copies of the hard drive and finding nothing.

Beth Karas has an excellent, detailed report of the notes she took during the evidentiary hearing on this matter. Her notes clarify that the earliest mention of *advertiser censored* on the laptop dated back to September 2007.

To me, the biggest unresolved issue in this is why Melendez testified that there was no virus found on the computer and this is important in that it relates to possible perjury or the suborning of perjury by the prosecution. It may be that there was now active virus on the forensic copy, and thus the testimony given. We will have to wait and see. In any event, this does not seem to rise to the level of requiring a mistrial being declared, as it is such a far stretch to consider it exculpatory or that it would have impacted the guilty verdict. Arias said on the witness stand that Travis attacked her when she dropped his camera and she had to use self defense. There was no story of computer *advertiser censored* or computer virus in her version of events.

Gawd, can we just get this over? Can you imagine if every defendant went to these extremes during trial?
I thought BN said yesterday that it was December 2007, but I could be wrong.

Looked through morning tweets from yesterday. June 1, 2008 was mentioned: censored*-hearing-11-21-14-morning
Did I dream this or does someone remember after BN testified abt the eye, he was found to be posting on a JA support site? I kinda remember someone posting abt it during guilt phase.

That would be a real juicy one, if true. :notgood:
I am not computer literate enough to enter into the conversations about what went on in the hearing with websites, computers, *advertiser censored*, and such. But I do have a question and maybe AZlawyer is the one who knows, or maybe one of you will know. The guy Brian Neumeister who testified, is he an employee of the State of AZ or Maricopa County or Mesa PD, or is he just a hired "expert" by the defense? He seemed to know JM and to show him great disrespect in a court of law. If he is just someone the defense hired then he has zero credibility or importance. ( I know he is the one who saw a reflection in an eye or something in last trial). And if he is just someone the defense found on the side of the road, along with the other road kill, then I see no problem with him shaking Jodi's hand because maybe he himself is a pervert. BUT IF he is an employee of a criminal agency paid by the State or County, he should have been told by JSS to respect counsel and the court of law at all times. I have questioned JSS since the first trial, but she has allowed this to get way out of hand. I am appalled at what goes on in her courtroom.
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