Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/21-11/23/14 In recess, Part 2

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Just some items for reference._________From the June 10, 2008 phone interview conducted by Flores, subject Arias. She states, "I'm in front of the computer, so I can check right now. Let me log into my account." So, we know her p.c. was still functioning at this date. Not physically damaged. She then offers that they, she & Travis, changed their passwords, "Not long ago..two weeks ago maybe? I don't know about his because I wasn't going to try to get back into his accounts anymore. And as far as ever getting into his emails, that never happened." Flores replies, "We are getting a search warrant for his email but we can tell where those things were accessed from. I just wanna make it clear that if you did access it from somewhere else at a certain time, we're gonna know." Huge swing around from the lie is immediate: "I'll tell you right now that I did. He gave me his passwords."

I only post that in case some are still questioning her presence on his computer. We can rest assured that Mesa police were investigating remote access, just as he warned her, which produced a gushing admission not only that she had been intruding but had just lied about it.

Chris Hughes had been in Cancun on June 6, 2008. When he returned home, he called Travis' webmaster, who sent the pass codes to the Compaq
Presario. Hughes "tried them, got in and read everything, other emails, googlechat." Did he think of this as conducting a parallel investigation!

Was it due to known remote access that B testified entering the web sites at issue had been accomplished by fingers on the keyboard? He didn't demonstrate that, didn't prove that, but he did assert that. May 28, 29, 31 and June 1, 2, 3 and 10. Shaded dates when we know the crime was afoot. We know the perpetrator. We know Flores warned her on June 10 and that the suspect intrusions stopped that very day. This seems all of a piece with the premeditation and the furious thrust of revenge. A sudden avid interest on the victim's part, particularly post mortem, just reeks. The Incredible Stinking *advertiser censored* Fish. We know who's throwing it around and we can get rid of it.

Why would he even do that!? It's not only an invasion of TA's privacy but there was an ongoing investigation taking place. For all he knew, he could have been tampering with evidence. Hmph.
I am not computer literate enough to enter into the conversations about what went on in the hearing with websites, computers, *advertiser censored*, and such. But I do have a question and maybe AZlawyer is the one who knows, or maybe one of you will know. The guy Brian Neumeister who testified, is he an employee of the State of AZ or Maricopa County or Mesa PD, or is he just a hired "expert" by the defense? He seemed to know JM and to show him great disrespect in a court of law. If he is just someone the defense hired then he has zero credibility or importance. ( I know he is the one who saw a reflection in an eye or something in last trial). And if he is just someone the defense found on the side of the road, along with the other road kill, then I see no problem with him shaking Jodi's hand because maybe he himself is a pervert. BUT IF he is an employee of a criminal agency paid by the State or County, he should have been told by JSS to respect counsel and the court of law at all times. I have questioned JSS since the first trial, but she has allowed this to get way out of hand. I am appalled at what goes on in her courtroom.

He's been hired by the defense.
Two things to keep in mind re remote access...
1) While we've all seen/heard GoToMyPC ads hundreds of times, that sort of thing was much less common 6-1/2 years ago when JA was messing with Travis's computer.
2) Since it was a laptop, there would be even less reason to have any sort of remote access program loaded on it, especially back then.

I hadn't thought of a spy programme. Arias had physical access to his laptop until April 2008. She used it often as she testified in court. Deanna Reid also caught her using it, if memory serves me correctly - the cookie incident - the one where Travis was away and Arias was staying there. If she had installed remote spyware, the experts should have picked this up though.
Remote software has been around for quite some time. First time I used it was mid 90's. That was for a unix system and it was called Blast. Then in the late nineties I used PCanywhere. I traveled a lot for work and having it was a blessing.

PCanywhere was easy to install and use. You just had to install it on both computers you would be using it on or multiple ones. It was under $100 back then and sold in office supply stores and Best Buy type stores.

JA would have to had removed it or maybe Flores knew remote software was on TA's computer and she possibly deleted it?

Anyway, JA also had hands on access to his computer many times. I still can't believe they had each other passwords.
Just some items for reference._________From the June 10, 2008 phone interview conducted by Flores, subject Arias. She states, "I'm in front of the computer, so I can check right now. Let me log into my account." So, we know her p.c. was still functioning at this date. Not physically damaged. She then offers that they, she & Travis, changed their passwords, "Not long ago..two weeks ago maybe? I don't know about his because I wasn't going to try to get back into his accounts anymore. And as far as ever getting into his emails, that never happened." Flores replies, "We are getting a search warrant for his email but we can tell where those things were accessed from. I just wanna make it clear that if you did access it from somewhere else at a certain time, we're gonna know." Huge swing around from the lie is immediate: "I'll tell you right now that I did. He gave me his passwords."

I only post that in case some are still questioning her presence on his computer. We can rest assured that Mesa police were investigating remote access, just as he warned her, which produced a gushing admission not only that she had been intruding but had just lied about it.

Chris Hughes had been in Cancun on June 6, 2008. When he returned home, he called Travis' webmaster, who sent the pass codes to the Compaq
Presario. Hughes "tried them, got in and read everything, other emails, googlechat." Did he think of this as conducting a parallel investigation!

Was it due to known remote access that B testified entering the web sites at issue had been accomplished by fingers on the keyboard? He didn't demonstrate that, didn't prove that, but he did assert that. May 28, 29, 31 and June 1, 2, 3 and 10. Shaded dates when we know the crime was afoot. We know the perpetrator. We know Flores warned her on June 10 and that the suspect intrusions stopped that very day. This seems all of a piece with the premeditation and the furious thrust of revenge. A sudden avid interest on the victim's part, particularly post mortem, just reeks. The Incredible Stinking *advertiser censored* Fish. We know who's throwing it around and we can get rid of it.

Remember Jodi's surprise when Juan showed her the email she had forwarded to Travis that she had a stalker? and Juan showed her where had come from?
My computer was remotely accessed, I was stupid and had all my passwords saved to the computer so it was easy for the culprit to change all my passwords, close my internet business down and also block me out of my computer by putting a code on it. To do this they had to break in my house first to put something on my computer which meant they access to everything!

So to me this is very plausible. Being that she stalked Travis what better way of finding out what he was up to than having total access to his computer at all times!

There is not really a whole lot we can do about someone who breaks into our house and takes the time to install an application to allow remote access to our computer. Wow!

But this is a good warning for anyone who does have their house broken into to check for this.

You can check and see which programs are installed on your computer by:
1.) Go to "Control Panel"
2.) Click onto "Programs" and a list of all installed programs is shown.
3.) You can Uninstall programs from here by clicking onto a program name to highlight it, then go up to the top of the list and click onto "Uninstall"
4.) You will then need to Restart the computer

Not a bad idea at all to take a look at what exactly is installed onto your hard disk from time to time.


Re: Jodi's access, Chris Hughes access to TA computer

Be aware there is a difference between getting into someone's email program or Facebook account vs. gaining remote control access to their computer operating system.
I have a question for anyone that is attending.....we can see any video, so please tell me this:

What is Judge S doing during the questioning? Is she sitting back and listening to all testimony and watching all the gum chewing, talking, laughing, any cut throat motions that might be going on?
Or is Judge S doing a bunch of paper work, computer work, etc.
I know some of this might pertain to the case, but in watching other cases....the Judges do sit back and listen and watch. I was wondering what Judge S does.

She has a monitor showing the real-time transcript, a monitor showing the exhibits the attorneys put on the display before the jury gets to see them, the rules book, trial handbook, capital case handbook, etc.

AZ, I'm guessing the defense can pretty much decide what they want to reveal to their experts to study prior to testifying, but why would they choose to deliberately redact that line where JA responds to her father slapping her with "FU, Bill"? That gave JM a great opportunity to make DT look less than credible and JA less than meek.

I can't even explain their strategies any more.

I'm really curious to learn exactly how the police and the experts are exchanging copies of these disks in question. A disk image is not a disk, it's a file on a disk. It hasn't got pins to bend. It's obvious that it's not the original hard drive, it can't be confused with the original hard drive. I really wonder what are these guys doing?

BN was given the original hard drive to examine. This was no big deal because mirror drives were made back in 2008, so it really didn't matter if it got damaged.

I am not computer literate enough to enter into the conversations about what went on in the hearing with websites, computers, *advertiser censored*, and such. But I do have a question and maybe AZlawyer is the one who knows, or maybe one of you will know. The guy Brian Neumeister who testified, is he an employee of the State of AZ or Maricopa County or Mesa PD, or is he just a hired "expert" by the defense? He seemed to know JM and to show him great disrespect in a court of law. If he is just someone the defense hired then he has zero credibility or importance. ( I know he is the one who saw a reflection in an eye or something in last trial). And if he is just someone the defense found on the side of the road, along with the other road kill, then I see no problem with him shaking Jodi's hand because maybe he himself is a pervert. BUT IF he is an employee of a criminal agency paid by the State or County, he should have been told by JSS to respect counsel and the court of law at all times. I have questioned JSS since the first trial, but she has allowed this to get way out of hand. I am appalled at what goes on in her courtroom.

He is just a hired defense expert. Nevertheless, IMO the judge should have reprimanded him for his behavior.
More from Fandalism:

What does that even mean? His disks are bigger?

his hard disks, When my husband was an et and kept maintenance equipment up and running they said we get it up faster, and keep it it longer. It was a joke that you can take two ways, but the sexual innuendo was there. hmmm, him saying his disks are bigger make me think he thinks he's quite a catch. He sure does think he's above Juan in computer forensics, and talks down to him, but I'm wanting to see what Juan has that shows him damaging the hard drive.
Be aware there is a difference between getting into someone's email program or Facebook account vs. gaining remote control access to their computer operating system.[/QUOTE]

So true, i wasn't aware my computer was been remotely accessed, I wasn't even aware that the culprit had broken into my house. This was only found out by the police several weeks after the fact. When I had to take my computer to a computer shop as I couldn't access anything on it. The computer shop found a program that had been put on my computer? And I had pages of logs pulled off. I knew the culprit it was a ex of my daughter who we ended up getting a restraining order against and also moved house!
Good point.

Based on the tweets yesterday that showed Travis talking about Jodi and being extremely mad at her, it all points to that she was doing harmful things to him and his PC and his emails.

IMO, she thought of herself as a "Travis Hacker" and she was causing all kinds of damage to him and his PC stuff.

Travis claimed she stole his journals. I think this was the 1 thing he really got upset about. Imagine losing your entire life's worth of private journal entries. Like your life diary. OMG

When Jodi found out she was not going to be mentioned in his book, she went on the attack even more. She saw herself as a pro at hacking his stuff and making it look like Travis was doing things wrong and hurtful to others.

What I want to know the most. What person did Jodi use that helped her learn how to do all her hacking activities? She had to have help to learn how to do things.
Remember she was given a Helio phone. Could he have helped her with other things?

I am convinced someone gave her help to learn how to do the stuff she did.
All JMO of course.[/QUOTE

I wonder how computer literate Matt M is? But we have a much better person that is knowledgeable about computers and such, and I wonder if BN and he know each other? Gus Scercy has his own little voice recognition company. He was the start of things like Dragon and such. I've always wondered if Gus did more that just give Jodi the Helio (other than the penis photo. I believe it is Gus's.). Maybe put a tape together for Jodi to play for Travis, so he'd change his mind? Or maybe gave her the software to get in to Travis's remotely. Gus sure does pop up a lot in this doesn't he? He tells of Jodi crying on his shoulder because Travis hurt her feelings, he gave her the Helio because he's such a nice guy.

He was to have the late night conference call with Travis the night he was murdered, and was going to Cancun on the same trip.
his hard disks, When my husband was an et and kept maintenance equipment up and running they said we get it up faster, and keep it it longer. It was a joke that you can take two ways, but the sexual innuendo was there. hmmm, him saying his disks are bigger make me think he thinks he's quite a catch. He sure does think he's above Juan in computer forensics, and talks down to him, but I'm wanting to see what Juan has that shows him damaging the hard drive.

Yeah, well, having a company "slogan" that has sexual connotation was very popular at one point. A local flooring company was advertising "We lay anything!"on radio ads. And then there was the "______________s do it better!" - insert any occupation in the blank.

You know, the more I think about this, the more strange I think it is. Obviously we now know who the source of the "there are 100,000 *advertiser censored* sites/files on TA's hard disc and I can't even believe that two forensic experts missed all of this" is.

It is strange that a qualified expert would choose to do his forensic examination in an open source app like Autopsy as opposed to the EnCase method, which is extremely widely used by LE agencies and accepted by courts.

I also notice, in re-reading the tweets from the hearing, that BN has managed to delay his turnover of the discs he used until this coming Wednesday. Because he is "so busy". Giving him more time to fiddle with the discs used or to try to produce a few bogus discs to cover his a$$?

I am absolutely convinced that whatever has gone down here will be discovered. By forensic comparison of the discs by a qualified expert. Which the state will obtain. As soon as they are provided the discs as ordered by the judge.

I know that most of us think this whole computer incident is a pain in the butt. But it is actually kind of fascinating because forensic examination of hard drives has become such a big part of so many criminal cases nowadays.

Could this actually be a case of the Prosecution altering a hard disc? I highly doubt it. Could this be a case of a "computer expert" who thinks he is smarter than everybody else altering a hard disc? Maybe.
I am wondering if JA used a keylogger on Travis' computer.

These are often full of viruses. Which could explain all the viruses found on his computer.

Once the keylogger is installed on a PC, it starts operating in the background (stealth mode) and captures every keystroke of the target computer.

Let’s take up a small example: The user on the target computer goes to and types his “username” and the “password” in the respective fields to login. The keylogger silently records these keystrokes and stores them in the logs. These logs when opened up shows the captured “username” and “password“. Along with this, you will also be shown that they were typed in the Yahoo login page. Thus, the keylogger loads upon every startup, runs in the background and captures each and every keystroke.

Anyone with a basic computer knowledge can install and use the keylogger. It requires no special skills. Some keyloggers will send all activity logs to the email of the person who is "monitoring" another user.

The target user will never come to know about the presence of the keylogger on their computer. This is because, once installed, the keylogger will run in total stealth mode. Unlike other programs, it will never show up in the start-menu, windows startup, program files, add/remove programs or the task manager. So, the victim can no way identify its presence on their PC.

This program can also be removed remotely once you no longer have a need for it. Not sure if the virus' would remain.

It was just a thought.
What?? Jodi had butt implants? Is there a link for this info? :thanks:

Bill told Detective Flores that Jodi had a boob job and work on her bottom. No one is sure if he meant (which we all take it to mean, unless he is talking about what can not be unseen) implants or a butt lift.
his hard disks, When my husband was an et and kept maintenance equipment up and running they said we get it up faster, and keep it it longer. It was a joke that you can take two ways, but the sexual innuendo was there. hmmm, him saying his disks are bigger make me think he thinks he's quite a catch. He sure does think he's above Juan in computer forensics, and talks down to him, but I'm wanting to see what Juan has that shows him damaging the hard drive.

I think his "glamour shot" on his tacky website tells us a bit about what a catch he thinks he is. I'll tell you what he's NOT~ a professional. :sick:
I just don't get it, why in the hell is any of this computer BS even being allowed? How is it a mitigating factor? This phase is to determine a convicted murderers' sentence... hopefully the DP. For me, none of this nonsense should be allowed! WTF does it matter if a 30 year old guy was/was not looking at *advertiser censored*? Travis was tortured, butchered, and left to decompose.... This crap is sickening.
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