Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/3/14 Hearing - Part 2

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The angriest I've seen JA was during Ryan Burns' testimony about their "grinding" and her "adjusting" him. And it all centered in Ryan's noticeable weight gain since 2008 imo. JA the narcissist couldn't stand being associated sexually with the new Ryan. Why else would she be fuming, as he didn't volunteer anything beyond what he was asked?

Ryan Burns 2013:

Ryan Burns 2008

I totally agree deb it's the angriest I'd seen her. Her face while he was testifying was just scary. Pure hatred and rage. I imagine it's something like the face the Hughes' described seeing that one night when she was eavesdropping. I don't think it had anything to do with the weight gain. Jodi had written a letter to Ryan once about him being a *advertiser censored* for the state. I think she was upset that her sexual wiles had not placed him in her corner like it had Brewer and McCartney, etc.

And wow! He was very handsome, I had no idea!
Does this include inmates like Jodi? If so, she will video chatting all the time.

From link above:

" "It's a win for everyone involved," Arpaio said.

Remote visitations can be scheduled seven days a week between 7 a.m. and 9:30 p.m at* Visits must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance.

Inmates can receive one free on-site visit per week, but they will be held through the video platform at either the Fourth Avenue or Lower Buckeye jails.

On-site visitation hours at those jails have expanded to seven days a week between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., up from a single visit on Sunday or Monday.

Sheriff's officials say on-site visits will no longer be conducted at the Durango, Estrella, Tent City or Towers jails, but inmates there have access to video chats."
I'm not so sure Arias will be happy with videophones. Do they sell cosmetics in the commissary?
The angriest I've seen JA was during Ryan Burns' testimony about their "grinding" and her "adjusting" him. And it all centered in Ryan's noticeable weight gain since 2008 imo. JA the narcissist couldn't stand being associated sexually with the new Ryan. Why else would she be fuming, as he didn't volunteer anything beyond what he was asked?

Ryan Burns 2013:

Ryan Burns 2008

ITA. She was also really angry with Ryan when she read the transcript of his interview with Det. Flores. So angry, she wrote him a letter - her usual clunky psuedo-intellectualism, heavy on the lies (naturally).


One of my favorite parts is where she tries to convince Ryan that she was suitably serious about being arrested for murder. I doubt Ryan believed her, and her mug shot and interrogation videos would have made it quite clear who the real liar was.

"...There were a few glaring inaccuracies I simply could not let rest. One being that the Detective said I was “giggling and smiling” after being “taken into custody.” Sooo not the case. I was somber, calm and resolute, though shaking on the inside, what good would it have done to freak out? Eventually I broke down and cried but the crying came and went as the hours rolled by. It was all on tape so I don’t know why Detective Flores would lie to you about that..."

Yes Arias, it was all on tape. Hair flips, headstands and all.
Given: JA was the obvious first and only choice as the perp of TA's murder to all of TA's friends; the camera was found; incriminating blood evidence was left; so there was an extremely slim chance JA would had gotten away with the murder. Thanks goodness for all of that!

But, stepping back in time to before the murder and to the time when JA was in the planning stages, I'd like to know how JA envisioned the aftermath, assuming she had not been caught.

How did she imagine she was going to get away with it?

What kind of reaction was she expecting from everyone?

How did she envision her life proceeding afterward?

What were her next plans?

Who did she have in her love-life cross-hairs?


The thing with a psychopath is they can take up to a year planning a murder.

JA agreed to purchase Travis' BMW because her Acura was being repossessed. Only, as Jodi was towing the BMW, she did it with the car in gear which, in turn, burned the motor, iirc. So now her Acura is repossessed and she owes Travis for a car with a busted motor. While she is on the way to Yreka and the BMW is broken down, she turns around and goes back to Travis' for two more days. This time when she leaves, Travis stands at the front of his home and gives her the *advertiser censored** you sign with both hands as she drives away in tears. It is at this time that, imoo, Jodi began planning his death. All the way to Yreka she needed or wanted him dead.

While she was back in Yreka, she worked out. She ran every day. She got her body in shape because she was going to murder Travis.

1) How did she imagine she was going to get away with it?
CMJA thought about the killing obsessively down to the tiniest detail. It consumed her thoughts. She assumed her beauty and charm would be enough to win over LEO. Most of all, I believe she considered herself smarter than LEO. I believe she stole money from TA; the rent money the roommate paid TA in cash. I also believe she meant to take the camera with her but it got mixed in with the washing machine so she could not find it anywhere when she looked. I think she liked the idea of taking TA's pictures while she was slowly killing him and slowly she photographed him.

One thing I wandered about during the crime was why so much of his blood was splattered at the BR sink area. Why did she allow TA to stand at the mirror for any amount of time? What was she doing? Again, I think she was really into the "art" of the crime and in a very sick way enjoyed watching him bleed and suffer and plead.

2) What kind of reaction was she expecting from everyone?
CMJA attended TA's service and sent Travis' Grandma flowers because she was acting a part. TA's friends were having their suspicions about her involvement early on. CMJA lived with Grandma so most likely she told her parents a lie about Travis.

Can you imagine the downgrade from a lovely two story home of a great looking, great hearted, young, professional gentleman who is taking trips to islands to being in Yreka, in her bedroom, with a twin size bed, at Grandma's? It hurt her pride. She was pizzed off. He would pay dearly for pushing her to the curb.

3) How did she envision her life proceeding afterward?
CMJA always seemed to land on her feet. She would live at her grannie's that she stole from and work at the family diner until....Well, she did buy a gun [w/the money she stole from TA]. What was she scared of enough to carry a gun? Killing came very easy for her. The slit throat was always a part of her plan and that action required physical strength.

4) What were her next plans?
Same as 3. That guy Matthew McCartney was still her friend. [Could he be the secret witness?] And the girl who came to court, sat with the aunt and mother, chewed gum and generally looked high was JAs friend. Gus Searcy was another friend.

5) Who did she have in her love-life cross-hairs?
It typically did not take CMJA long to find a one night stand. Gus may have been some help with sending her contacts. So there's that. I think she solely met with Ryan Burns that week in order to have the alibi. [Last I heard, RB married and all is well.]

Travis knew she was the worst thing to ever happen to him but it was too late. There is the one particular photo taken in the shower where Travis appears to maybe be crying. I believe he was.

JMO OMO MOO and all that jazz
These are random assumptions on my part. I have no real idea how the murder occurred.

Haven't had much time to follow the threads here but follow twitter and trial news. I am absolutely appalled by the events in the trial, now they have another week off? The trial has become a circus again, led by JSS For CMJA. Appalled! How dare Nurmi and the evil that is Jodi Arias think they have an exception to the Constitution of the United States. The murderess gets to manipulate the Law of Our Land? Abhorable. Judge Stevens needs to get this retrial moving, no more delays. It has been 6 yrs since she murdered Travis. Just the thought that KN & CMJA get whatever they want & the entire State of Arizona has to wait. Despicable. And now the proceedings are projected to end in January? This trial is a travesty of justice.
IMO the "secret witness" and this time off for Nurmi to file his appellate response to stepping on every tax paying Americans, specifically Arizonans
From the Ethicist, NY Times Magazine 11/8/14

"About a year ago, I moved into my boyfriend’s house in a new city. I’m renting out my old house for income as I look for work. I pay my partner $100 each month to cover my utility expenses. He pays his cleaning person $160 a month to clean the house twice a month. I am not convinced that the house gets cleaned well, and I have plenty of free time anyway. I offered to clean the house in lieu of the money I pay him, which would save him $60 and me $100. He refuses, claiming that it would be as if he were paying me to clean the house. Would that be so wrong? NAME WITHHELD, SANTA FE"

Ethicist: "It’s not wrong. It’s a shrewd request on your behalf. But I think you’re overlooking the real reason your boyfriend doesn’t want to do this: It would make him feel uncomfortable in his own home. It’s strange to pay someone you’re romantically involved with to do work for you, even if the compensation is somewhat indirect. Furthermore, giving you this responsibility would place him in an awkward position should you end up doing a subpar job — he can fire a cleaning person, but he can’t fire his girlfriend.

This is an ethics column, so — ethically — I’m on your side. But ethics can’t be the only consideration in a dispute that combines the personal with the professional. This really has nothing to do with morality. Your boyfriend simply doesn’t want to add an unnecessary power dynamic to your relationship."

I have always felt that TA's allowing JA to clean his house for $$ was a poor decision.
He may have considered it gracious and helpful, but I don't think JA interpreted it that way.
A mixed message drives a psychopath nuts.
IMO, there is no way in the World Jodi will see the light of day outside of official custody. I really like that Nurmi is pulling all this stuff out of his hat so there is absolutely NOTHING left for appeal. All this juggling by Nurmi is assuring a natural life sentence.

Jodi's very smart. She doesn't make good choices with her intelligence, but I suspect there will be an attempted escape.
Thank you, cindymac, for that new-to-me JA letter to Ryan Burns. Wow, it's rare to see/read the mind of a manipulative psychopath in action. Unfortunately for future victims in and out of prison, JA has the ability to read people very accurately, pinpointing their hopes, fears, and vulnerabilities. She also has exceptional expressive abilities, written and spoken, which she modifies to fit each unique situation. She's a mother's worst nightmare, her own and all others.
Thank you, cindymac, for that new-to-me JA letter to Ryan Burns. Wow, it's rare to see/read the mind of a manipulative psychopath in action. Unfortunately for future victims in and out of prison, JA has the ability to read people very accurately, pinpointing their hopes, fears, and vulnerabilities. She also has exceptional expressive abilities, written and spoken, which she modifies to fit each unique situation. She's a mother's worst nightmare, her own and all others.

I was just wondering, if she ever did get out, who would she expect to move in with while she found a new victim, oops I mean a new beau..., her mother, her grandmother, her sister, her brother, or maybe that aunt that likes to call everyone names.... I bet all of them just can't wait for her to get out and come live with them.
Thank you, cindymac, for that new-to-me JA letter to Ryan Burns. Wow, it's rare to see/read the mind of a manipulative psychopath in action. Unfortunately for future victims in and out of prison, JA has the ability to read people very accurately, pinpointing their hopes, fears, and vulnerabilities. She also has exceptional expressive abilities, written and spoken, which she modifies to fit each unique situation. She's a mother's worst nightmare, her own and all others.

Does anyone know if the R Burns interview with Flores has been released?
IMO, there is no way in the World Jodi will see the light of day outside of official custody. I really like that Nurmi is pulling all this stuff out of his hat so there is absolutely NOTHING left for appeal. All this juggling by Nurmi is assuring a natural life sentence.

Jodi's very smart. She doesn't make good choices with her intelligence, but I suspect there will be an attempted escape.

Nurmi should have left well enough alone. He'd worked all this time setting up an appeal issue based on the media's presence and he took it too far. The appeals court is going to side with the media and now any future appeals are shot to hell. It'll never work now. Future appeals judges will see this appeals court's reasoning for not banning the media and side with them, not the whiney DT.
OJ's trial was aired on almost all tv stations for months, gavel to gavel. Found innocent. CA's trial coverage is similar to JA's, she was also found innocent. Kind of makes Nurmi's 'the trial by media' complaint irrelevant.
I've been thinking about this, and I suspect it might have something to do with the theory I've heard "floated" that "absence of sufficient mitigation" should be included in the charging papers. I doubt, with this many cases involved, that there is an allegation of actual failure to file the notice of intent to seek the death penalty at the proper time.

Since mitigation factors seem so open ended, and the responsibility of the defense, and dependent on factors that could possibly not be known at the time of investigation/charges, I fail to see how such an objection could hold water.
OJ's trial was aired on almost all tv stations for months, gavel to gavel. Found innocent. CA's trial coverage is similar to JA's, she was also found innocent. Kind of makes Nurmi's 'the trial by media' complaint irrelevant.

Or relevant, but not in Nurmi's favor.
Nurmi should have left well enough alone. He'd worked all this time setting up an appeal issue based on the media's presence and he took it too far. The appeals court is going to side with the media and now any future appeals are shot to hell. It'll never work now. Future appeals judges will see this appeals court's reasoning for not banning the media and side with them, not the whiney DT.

Agree 100%
Very handsome and seems like a genuinely good guy with promise like Travis. Makes you wonder how CMJA just was that obsessed with marrying Travis even though she had many other suitors as well.

I think Ryan lived in a suite attached to his parents home, which probably eliminated him as a prospect. Even if he'd agreed to move, his parents would probably have maintained close touch - the kiss of death for JA. Bobby/Matt/Daryl all seemed to be lone wolves iirc, and TA qualified because all the women closest to him lived in CA. Women picked up bad vibes from JA almost immediately.
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